9 resultados para Polylactide Foams

em Aston University Research Archive


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Single phase solutions containing three components have been observed to exhibit foaminess near a single to two liquid phase boundary. It was seen, in a sintered plate column under mass transfer conditions, that distillation systems where the liquid appeared as one phase in one part of a column and two phases in another part, exhibited foaminess when the liquid concentration was near the one phase to two phase boundary. Various ternary systems have been studied in a 50 plate. 30mm i.d. Oldershaw column and it was observed that severe foaming occurred in the middle section of the column near the one liquid phase to two liquid phase boundary and no foaming occurred at the end of the column where liquid was either one phase or two phase. This is known as Ross type foam. Mass transfer experiments with Ross type ternary systems have been carried out in a perspex simulator with small and large hole diameter trays. It was observed that by removal of the more volatile component, Ross type foam did not build up on the tray. Severe entrainment of liquid was observed in all cases leading to a 'dry' tray, even with a low free area small diameter hole tray which was expected to produce a bubbly mixture. Entrainment was more severe for high gas superficial velocities and large hole diameters. This behaviour is quite different from the build up of foam observed when one liquid phase/two liquid phase Ross systems were contacted with air above a small sintered disc or with vapour in an Oldershaw distillation column. This observation explains why distillation columns processing mixtures which change from one liquid phase to two liquid phases (or vice versa) must be severely derated to avoid flooding. Single liquid phase holdups at the spray to bubbly transition were measured using a perspex simulator similar to that of Porter & Wong (17). i.e. with no liquid cross flow. A light transmission technique was used to measure the transition from spray regime to bubbly regime. The effect of tray thickness and the ratio of hole diameter to tray thickness on the transition was evaluated using trays of the same hole diameter and free area but having thickness of 2.38 mm, 4 mm, and 6.35 mm. The liquid holdup at the transition was less with the thin metal trays. This result may be interpreted by the theory of Lockett (101), which predicts the transition liquid holdup in terms of the angle of the gas iet leaving the holes in the sieve plate. All the existing correlations have been compared and none were found to be satisfactory and these correlations have been modified in view of the experimental results obtained. A new correlation has been proposed which takes into account the effect of the hole diameter to tray thickness ratio on the transition and good agreement was obtained between the experimental results and the correlated values of the liquid holdup at the transition. Results have been obtained for two immiscible liquids [kerosene and water] on trays to determine whether foaming can be eliminated by operating in the spray regime. Kerosene was added to a fixed volume of water or water was added to a fixed volume of kerosene. In both cases, there was a transition from spray to bubbly. In the water fixed system. the liquid holdup at the transition was slightly less than the pure kerosene system. Whilst for the kerosene fixed system, the transition occurred at much lower liquid holdups. Trends In the results were similar to those for single liquid phase. New correlations have been proposed for the two cases. It has been found that Ross type foams, observed in a sintered plate column and in the Oldershaw column can be eliminated by either carrying out the separation in a packed column or by the addition of defoaming additives.


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Antisense oligodeoxynucleotides can selectively inhibit individual gene expression provided they remain stable at the target site for a sufficient period of time. Thus, the efficacy of antisense oligodeoxynucleotides may be improved by employing a sustained release delivery system which would protect from degradation by nucleases whilst delivering the nucleic acid in a controlled manner to the site of action. Biodegradable polymer films and micro spheres were evaluated as delivery devices for the oligodeoxynucleotides and ribozymes. Polymers such as polylactide, polyglycolide, polyhydroxybutyrate and polyhydroxyvalerate were used due to their biocompatability and non toxic degradation products. Release profiles of antisense nucleic acids from films over 28 days was biphasic, characterised by an initial burst release during the first 48 hours followed by a more sustained release. Release from films of longer antisense nucleic acids was slower compared to shorter nucleic acids. Backbone type also affected release, although to a lesser extent than length. Total release of the nucleic acids is dependent upon polymer degradation, no degradation of the polymer films was evident over the 28 day period, due to the high molecular weight and crystallinity of the polymers required to make solvent cast films. Backbone length and type did not affect release from microspheres, release was generally faster than from films, due to the increased surface area, and low molecular weight polymers which showed signs of degradation over the release period, resulting in a triphasic release profile. An increase in release was observed when sphere size and polymer molecular weight were decreased. The polymer entrapped phosphodiester oligodeoxynucleotides and ribozymes had enhanced stability compared to free oligodeoxynucleotides and ribozymes when incubated in serum. The released nucleic acids were still capable of hybridising to their target sequence, indicating that the fabrication processes did not adversely effect the properties of the antisense nucleic acids. Oligodeoxynucleotides loaded in 2μm spheres had a 10 fold increase in macrophage association compared to free oligodeoxynucleotides. Fluorescent microscopy indicates that the polymer entrapped oligodeoxynucleotide is concentrated inside the cell, whereas free oligodeoxynucleotides are concentrated at the cell membrane. Biodegradable polymers can reduce the limitations of antisense therapy and thus offer a potential therapeutic advantage.


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Ribozymes are short strands of RNA that possess a huge potential as biological tools for studying gene expression and as therapeutic agents to down-regulate undesirable gene expression. Successful application of ribozymes requires delivery to the target site in sufficient amounts for an adequate duration. However, due to their large size and polyanionic character ribozymes are not amenable to transport across biological membranes. In this study a chemically modified ribozyme with enhanced biological stability, targeted against the EGFR mRNA has been evaluated for cellular delivery to cultured glial and neuronal cells with a view to developing treatments for brain tumours. Cellular delivery of free ribozyme was characterised in cultured glial and neuronal cells from the human and rat. Delivery was very limited and time dependent with no consistent difference observed between glial and neuronal cells in both species. Cellular association was largely temperature and energy-dependent with a small component of non-energy dependent association. Further studies showed that ribozyme cellular association was inhibited with self and cross competition with nucleic and non-nucleic acid polyanions indicating the presence of cell surface ribozyme-binding molecules. Trypsin washing experiments further implied that the ribozyme binding surface molecules were protein by nature. Dependence of cellular association on pH indicated that interaction of ribozyme with cell surface molecules was based on ionic interactions. Fluoresence studies indicated that, post cell association, ribozymes were sequestered in sub-cellular vesicles. South-Western blots identified several cell surface proteins which bind to ribozymes and could facilitate cellular association. The limited cellular association observed with free ribozyme required the development and evaluation of polylactide-co-glycolide microspheres incorporating ribozyme for enhanced cellular delivery. Characterisation of microsphere mediated delivery of ribozyme in cultured glial and neuronal cells showed that association increased by 18 to 27-fold in all cell types with no differences observed between cell lines and species. Microsphere mediated delivery was temperature and energy dependent and independent of pH. In order to assess the potential of PLGA micro spheres for the CNS delivery of ribozyme the distribution of ribozyme entrapping microspheres was investigated in rat CNS after intracerebroventricular injection. Distribution studies demonstrated that after 24 hours there was no free ribozyme present in the brain parenchyma, however microsphere entrapped ribozyme was found in the CNS. Microspheres remained in the ventricular system after deposition and passed from the lateral ventricles to the third and fourth ventricle and in the subarachnoid space. Investigation of the influence of microsphere size on the distribution in CNS demonstrated that particles up to 2.5 and O.5f.lm remained in the ventricles around the choroid plexus and ependymal lining.


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The use of immunological adjuvants has been established since 1924 and ever since many candidates have been extensively researched in vaccine development. The controlled release of vaccine is another area of biotechnology research, which is advancing rapidly with great potential and success. Encapsulation of peptide and protein drugs within biodegradable microspheres has been amongst the most successful of approaches within the past decade. The present studies have focused on combining the advantages of microsphere delivery systems composed of biodegradable polylactide (PLLA) and polylactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) polymers with that of safe and effective adjuvants. The research efforts were directed to the development of single-dose delivery vehicles which, can be manufactured easily, safely, under mild and favourable conditions to the encapsulated antigens. In pursuing this objective non ionic block copolymers (NIBCs) (Pluronics@ LI01 and L121) were incorporated within poly-dl-lactide (PDLA) micorospheres prepared with emulsification-diffusion method. LI0I and L121 served both as adjuvants and stabilising agents within these vaccine delivery vehicles. These formulations encapsulating the model antigens lysozyme, ovalbumin (OVA) and diphtheria toxoid (DT) resulted in high entrapment efficiency (99%), yield (96.7%) and elicited high and sustained immune response (IgG titres up to 9427) after one single administration over nine months. The structural integrity of the antigens was preserved within these formulations. In evaluating new approaches for the use of well-established adjuvants such as alum, these particles were incorporated within PLLA and PLGA microspheres at much lesser quantities (5-10 times lower) than those contained within conventional alum-adsorbed vaccines. These studies focused on the incorporation of the clinically relevant tetanus toxoid (TT) antigen within biodegradable microspheres. The encapsulation of both alum particles and TT antigen within these micropheres resulted in preparations with high encapsulation efficiency (95%) and yield (91.2%). The immune response to these particles was also investigated to evaluate the secretion of serum IgG, IgG1, IgG2a and IgG2b after a single administration of these vaccines. The Splenic cells proliferation was also investigated as an indication for the induction of cell mediated immunity. These particles resulted in high and sustained immune response over a period of 14 months. The stability of TT within particles was also investigated under dry storage over a period of several months. NIBC microspheres were also investigated as potential DNA vaccine delivery systems using hepatitis B plasmid. These particles resulted in micro spheres of 3-5 μm diameter and were shown to preserve the integrity of the encapsulated (27.7% entrapment efficiency) hepatitis B plasmid.


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Recent work has highlighted the potential of sol-gel-derived calcium silicate glasses for the regeneration or replacement of damaged bone tissue. The work presented herein provides new insight into the processing of bioactive calcia-silica sol-gel foams, and the reaction mechanisms associated with them when immersed in vitro in a simulated body fluid (SBF). Small-angle X-ray scattering and wide-angle X-ray scattering (diffraction) have been used to study the stabilization of these foams via heat treatment, with analogous in situ time-resolved data being gathered for a foam immersed in SBF. During thermal processing, pore sizes have been identified in the range of 16.5-62.0 nm and are only present once foams have been heated to 400 degrees C and above. Calcium nitrate crystallites were present until foams were heated to 600 degrees C; the crystallite size varied from 75 to 145 nm and increased in size with heat treatment up to 300 degrees C, then decreased in size down to 95 rim at 400 degrees C. The in situ time-resolved data show that the average pore diameter decreases as a function of immersion time in SBF, as calcium phosphates grow on the glass surfaces. Over the same time, Bragg peaks indicative of tricalcium phosphate were evident after only 1-h immersion time, and later, hydroxycarbonate apatite was also seen. The hydroxycarbonate apatite appears to have preferred orientation in the (h,k,0) direction.


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A new family of multifunctional scaffolds, incorporating selected biopolymer coatings on basic Bioglass® derived foams has been developed. The polymer coatings were investigated as carrier of vancomycin which is a suitable drug to impart antibiotic function to the scaffolds. It has been proved that coating with PLGA (poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)) with dispersed vancomycin-loaded microgels provides a rapid delivery of drug to give antibacterial effects at the wound site and a further sustained release to aid mid to long-term healing. Furthermore, the microgels also improved the bioactivity of the scaffolds by acting as nucleation sites for the formation of HA crystals in simulated body fluid. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Big advances are being achieved in the design of new implantable devices with enhanced properties. For example, synthetic porous three-dimensional structures can mimic the architecture of the tissues, and serve as templates for cell seeding. In addition, polymeric nanoparticles are able to provide a programmable and sustained local delivery of different types of biomolecules. In this study novel alternative scaffolds with controlled bioactive properties and architectures are presented. Two complementary approaches are described. Firstly, scaffolds with nanogels as active controlled release devices incorporated inside the three-dimensional structure are obtained using the thermally induced phase separation (TIPS) method. Secondly, a novel coating method using the spraying technique to load these nanometric crosslinked hydrogels on the surface of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) biodegradable scaffolds is described. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images show the distribution of the nanogels on the surface of different substrates and also inside the porous structure of poly-a-hydroxy ester derivative foams. Both of them are compared in terms of manufacturability, dispersion and other processing variables.


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Porous 3D polymer scaffolds prepared by TIPS from PLGA (53:47) and PS are intrinsically hydrophobic which prohibits the wetting of such porous media by water. This limits the application of these materials for the fabrication of scaffolds as supports for cell adhesion/spreading. Here we demonstrate that the interior surfaces of polymer scaffolds can be effectively modified using atmospheric air plasma (AP). Polymer films (2D) were also modified as control. The surface properties of wet 2D and 3D scaffolds were characterised using zeta-potential and wettability measurements. These techniques were used as the primary screening methods to assess surface chemistry and the wettability of wet polymer constructs prior and after the surface treatment. The surfaces of the original polymers are rather hydrophobic as highlighted but contain acidic functional groups. Increased exposure to AP improved the water wetting of the treated surfaces because of the formation of a variety of oxygen and nitrogen containing functions. The morphology and pore structure was assessed using SEM and a liquid displacement test. The PLGA and PS foam samples have central regions which are open porous interconnected networks with maximum pore diameters of 49 μm for PLGA and 73 μm for PS foams. (Figure Presented) © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.


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The sustained delivery of multiple agents to the lung offers potential benefits to patients. This study explores the preparation of highly respirable dual-loaded spray-dried double emulsions. Spray-dried powders were produced from water-in-oil-in-water (w/o/w) double emulsions, containing salbutamol sulphate and/or beclometasone dipropionate in varying phases. The double emulsions contained the drug release modifier polylactide co-glycolide (PLGA 50 : 50) in the intermediate organic phase of the original micro-emulsion and low molecular weight chitosan (Mw<190 kDa: emulsion stabilizer) and leucine (aerosolization enhancer) in the tertiary aqueous phase. Following spray-drying resultant powders were physically characterized: with in vitro aerosolization performance and drug release investigated using a Multi-Stage Liquid Impinger and modified USP II dissolution apparatus, respectively. Powders generated were of a respirable size exhibiting emitted doses of over 95% and fine particle fractions of up to 60% of the total loaded dose. Sustained drug release profiles were observed during dissolution for powders containing agents in the primary aqueous and secondary organic phases of the original micro-emulsion; the burst release of agents was witnessed from the tertiary aqueous phase. The novel spray-dried emulsions from this study would be expected to deposit and display sustained release character in the lung.