3 resultados para Permo-carbonífero

em Aston University Research Archive


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Continental red bed sequences are host, on a worldwide scale, to a characteristic style of mineralisation which is dominated by copper, lead, zinc, uranium and vanadium. This study examines the features of sediment-hosted ore deposits in the Permo-Triassic basins of Western Europe, with particular reference to the Cu-Pb-Zn-Ba mineralisation in the Cheshire Basin, northwest England, the Pb-Ba-F deposits of the Inner Moray Firth Basin, northeast Scotland, and the Pb-rich deposits of the Eifel and Oberpfalz regions, West Germany. The deposits occur primarily but not exclusively in fluvial and aeolian sandstones on the margins of deep, avolcanic sedimentary basins containing red beds, evaporites and occasionally hydrocarbons. The host sediments range in age from Permian to Rhaetian and often contain (or can be inferred to have originally contained) organic matter. Textural studies have shown that early diagenetic quartz overgrowths precede the main episode of sulphide deposition. Fluid inclusion and sulphur isotope data have significantly constrained the genetic hypotheses for the mineralisation and a model involving the expulsion of diagenetic fluids and basinal brines up the faulted margins of sedimentary basins is favoured. Consideration of the development of these sedimentary basins suggests that ore emplacement occurred during the tectonic stage of basin evolution or during basin inversion in the Tertiary. ð34S values for barite in the Cheshire Basin range from 13.8% to 19.3% and support the theory that the Upper Triassic evaporites were the principal sulphur source for the mineralisation and provided the means by which mineralising fluids became saline. In contrast, δ34S values for barite in the Inner Moray Firth Basin (mean δ34S = + 29%) are not consistent with simple derivation of sulphur from the evaporite horizons in the basin and it is likely that sulphur-rich Jurassic shales supplied the sulphur for the mineralisation at Elgin. Possible sources of sulphur for the mineralisation in West Germany include hydrothermal vein sulphides in the underlying Devonian sediments and evaporites in the overlying Muschelkalk. Textural studies of the deeply buried sandstones in the Cheshire Basin reveal widespread dissolution and replacement of detrital phases and support the theory that red bed diagenetic processes are responsible for the release of metals into pore fluids. The ore solutions are envisaged as being warm (60-150%C), saline (9-22 wt % equiv NaCl) fluids in which metals were transported as chloride complexes. The distribution of δ34S values for sulphides in the Cheshire Basin (-1.8% to + 16%), the Moray Firth Basin (-4.8% to + 27%) and the German Permo-Triassic Basins (-22.2% to -12.2%) preclude a magmatic source for the sulphides and support the contention that sulphide precipitation is thought to result principally from sulphate reduction processes, although a decrease in temperature of the ore fluid or reaction with carbonates may also be important. Methane is invoked as the principal reducing agent in the Cheshire Basin, whilst terrestrial organic debris and bacterial reduction processes are thought to have played a major part in the genesis of the German ore deposits.


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This paper presents the development of a modelling study for part of the Birmingham area. Restricted access and model resolutions have limited wide applications of some of the previously developed models. The study area covers approximately 221 km2, and is underlain geologically, by a multi-layer setup with varied hydraulic properties. The basal aquifer unit is the Kidderminster sandstone Formation, overlain by the Wildmoor and Bromsgrove sandstone Formations. The presence of the Birmingham fault which acts as low permeability barrier demarcates the eastern and southern boundaries. The western boundary is defined by the presence of crystallised rocks and coal measures, while a groundwater divide defines the northern boundary. The estimated recharge flux is 112 mm/yr. The ranges of calibrated values obtained for horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivities are 5.787x10-6 - 2.315x10-5  m/s and 5.787x10-8  - 1.157x10-7  m/s, respectively. Corresponding values obtained for the specific yield and specific storage are 0.10 - 0.12, and 1x10 -4 - 5x10 -4. The calculated numerical error is generally much less than 0.1 %. Hydraulic layering within the Permo-Triassic sandstone aquifer is thought to account for the large vertical anisotropy. Although, uncertainties are associated with the use of a simplistic delay approach to characterise the effects of the unsaturated zone, the modelled values are comparable with those obtained in the literature, and the flow pattern predictions appear to be realistic. © Research India Publications.