12 resultados para Peptide secondary structure

em Aston University Research Archive


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Receptor activity modifying proteins (RAMPs) are a family of single-pass transmembrane proteins that dimerize with G-protein-coupled receptors. They may alter the ligand recognition properties of the receptors (particularly for the calcitonin receptor-like receptor, CLR). Very little structural information is available about RAMPs. Here, an ab initio model has been generated for the extracellular domain of RAMP1. The disulfide bond arrangement (Cys 27-Cys82, Cys40-Cys72, and Cys 57-Cys104) was determined by site-directed mutagenesis. The secondary structure (a-helices from residues 29-51, 60-80, and 87-100) was established from a consensus of predictive routines. Using these constraints, an assemblage of 25,000 structures was constructed and these were ranked using an all-atom statistical potential. The best 1000 conformations were energy minimized. The lowest scoring model was refined by molecular dynamics simulation. To validate our strategy, the same methods were applied to three proteins of known structure; PDB:1HP8, PDB:1V54 chain H (residues 21-85), and PDB:1T0P. When compared to the crystal structures, the models had root mean-square deviations of 3.8 Å, 4.1 Å, and 4.0 Å, respectively. The model of RAMP1 suggested that Phe93, Tyr 100, and Phe101 form a binding interface for CLR, whereas Trp74 and Phe92 may interact with ligands that bind to the CLR/RAMP1 heterodimer. © 2006 by the Biophysical Society.


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Responsive hydrophobically associating polymers can in many ways be considered to be analogous to proteins in their ability to form compact molecules with a defined secondary structure, and hence, functionality. These molecules are characterized by the presence of alternating charged and hydrophobic groups. The balance between charge repulsion and hydrophobic interactions is sensitive to environmental pH and therefore changes in pH produce controllable conformational changes. The change from a charged extended chain to a collapsed uncharged coil structure is sometimes referred to as hypercoiling behaviour and enables the polymer to act as a simple switch between an 'on' and 'off' state. The purpose of this review is to illustrate the structure and behaviour of polymers that exhibit hypercoiling behaviour and to highlight their potential pharmaceutical applications, which in terms of drug delivery is likely to be related to their surface behaviour and solubilizing activity. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Human CD81 (hCD81) protein has been recombinantly produced in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. The purified protein, produced at a yield of 1.75 mg/L of culture, was shown to interact with Hepatitis C virus E2 glycoprotein. Immunofluorescent and flow cytometric staining of P. pastoris protoplasts with monoclonal antibodies specific for the second extracellular loop (EC2) of hCD81 confirmed the antigenicity of the recombinant molecule. Full-length hCD81 was solubilized with an array of detergents and subsequently characterized using circular dichroism (CD) and analytical ultracentrifugation. These biophysical techniques confirmed that the protein solution comprises a homogenous species possessing a highly-defined alpha-helical secondary structure. The predicted alpha-helical content of the protein from CD analysis (77.1%) fits remarkably well with what would be expected (75.2%) from knowledge of the protein sequence together with the data from the crystal structure of the second extracellular loop. This study represents the first biophysical characterization of a full-length recombinant tetraspanin, and opens the way for structure-activity analyses of this ubiquitous family of transmembrane proteins.


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The objective of the work described was to identify and synthesize a range of biodegradable hypercoiling or hydrophobically associating polymers to mimic natural apoproteins, such as those found in lung surfactant or plasma apolipoproteins. Stirred interfacial polymerization was used to synthesize potentially biodegradable aromatic polyamides (Mw of 12,000-26,000) based on L-Iysine, L-Iysine ethyl ester, L-ornithine and DL-diaminopropionic acid, by reaction with isophthaloyl chloride. A similar technique was used to synthesize aliphatic polyamides based on L-Iysine ethyl ester and either adipoyl chloride or glutaryl chloride resulting in the synthesis of poly(lysine ethyl ester adipamide) [PLETESA] or poly(lysine ethyl ester glutaramide) (Mw of 126,000 and 26,000, respectively). PLETESA was found to be soluble in both polar and non-polar solvents and the hydrophobic/hydrophilic balance could be modified by partial saponification (66-75%) of the ethyl ester side chains. Surface or interfacial tension/pH profiles were used to assess the conformation of both the poly(isophthalamides) and partially saponified PLETESA in aqueous solution. The results demonstrated that a loss of charge from the polymer was accompanied by an initial fall in surface activity, followed by a rise in activity, and ultimately, by polymer precipitation. These observations were explained by a collapse of the polymer chains into non-surface active intramolecular coils, followed by a transition to an amphipathic conformation, and finally to a collapsed hydrophobe. 2-Dimensional NMR analysis of polymer conformation in polar and non-polar solvents revealed intramolecular associations between the hydrophobic groups within partially saponified PLETESA. Unsaponified PLETESA appeared to form a coiled structure in polar solvents where the ethyl ester side chains were contained within the polymer coil. The implications of the secondary structure of PLETESA and potential biomedical applications are discussed.


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Background. The secondary structure of folded RNA sequences is a good model to map phenotype onto genotype, as represented by the RNA sequence. Computational studies of the evolution of ensembles of RNA molecules towards target secondary structures yield valuable clues to the mechanisms behind adaptation of complex populations. The relationship between the space of sequences and structures, the organization of RNA ensembles at mutation-selection equilibrium, the time of adaptation as a function of the population parameters, the presence of collective effects in quasispecies, or the optimal mutation rates to promote adaptation all are issues that can be explored within this framework. Results. We investigate the effect of microscopic mutations on the phenotype of RNA molecules during their in silico evolution and adaptation. We calculate the distribution of the effects of mutations on fitness, the relative fractions of beneficial and deleterious mutations and the corresponding selection coefficients for populations evolving under different mutation rates. Three different situations are explored: the mutation-selection equilibrium (optimized population) in three different fitness landscapes, the dynamics during adaptation towards a goal structure (adapting population), and the behavior under periodic population bottlenecks (perturbed population). Conclusions. The ratio between the number of beneficial and deleterious mutations experienced by a population of RNA sequences increases with the value of the mutation rate µ at which evolution proceeds. In contrast, the selective value of mutations remains almost constant, independent of µ, indicating that adaptation occurs through an increase in the amount of beneficial mutations, with little variations in the average effect they have on fitness. Statistical analyses of the distribution of fitness effects reveal that small effects, either beneficial or deleterious, are well described by a Pareto distribution. These results are robust under changes in the fitness landscape, remarkably when, in addition to selecting a target secondary structure, specific subsequences or low-energy folds are required. A population perturbed by bottlenecks behaves similarly to an adapting population, struggling to return to the optimized state. Whether it can survive in the long run or whether it goes extinct depends critically on the length of the time interval between bottlenecks. © 2010 Stich et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute the largest class of membrane proteins and are a major drug target. A serious obstacle to studying GPCR structure/function characteristics is the requirement to extract the receptors from their native environment in the plasma membrane, coupled with the inherent instability of GPCRs in the detergents required for their solubilization. In the present study, we report the first solubilization and purification of a functional GPCR [human adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR)], in the total absence of detergent at any stage, by exploiting spontaneous encapsulation by styrene maleic acid (SMA) co-polymer direct from the membrane into a nanoscale SMA lipid particle (SMALP). Furthermore, the A2AR-SMALP, generated from yeast (Pichia pastoris) or mammalian cells, exhibited increased thermostability (∼5°C) compared with detergent [DDM (n-dodecyl-β-D-maltopyranoside)]-solubilized A2AR controls. The A2AR-SMALP was also stable when stored for prolonged periods at 4°C and was resistant to multiple freeze-thaw cycles, in marked contrast with the detergent-solubilized receptor. These properties establish the potential for using GPCR-SMALP in receptor-based drug discovery assays. Moreover, in contrast with nanodiscs stabilized by scaffold proteins, the non-proteinaceous nature of the SMA polymer allowed unobscured biophysical characterization of the embedded receptor. Consequently, CD spectroscopy was used to relate changes in secondary structure to loss of ligand binding ([3H]ZM241385) capability. SMALP-solubilization of GPCRs, retaining the annular lipid environment, will enable a wide range of therapeutic targets to be prepared in native-like state to aid drug discovery and understanding of GPCR molecular mechanisms.


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The receptors for calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and adrenomedullin (AM) are complexes of the calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR) and receptor activity-modifying proteins (RAMP). The CGRP receptor is a CLR/RAMP1 pairing whereas CLR/RAMP2 and CLR/RAMP3 constitute two subtypes of AM receptor: AM(1) and AM(2), respectively. Previous studies identified Glu74 in RAMP3 to be important for AM binding and potency. To further understand the importance of this residue and its equivalent in RAMP1 (Trp74) we substituted the native amino acids with several others. In RAMP3, these were Trp, Phe, Tyr, Ala, Ser, Thr, Arg and Asn; in RAMP1, Glu, Phe, Tyr, Ala and Asn substitutions were made. The mutant RAMPs were co-expressed with CLR in Cos7 cells; receptor function in response to AM, AM(2)/intermedin and CGRP was measured in a cAMP assay and cell surface expression was determined by ELISA. Phe reduced AM potency in RAMP3 but had no effect in RAMP1. In contrast, Tyr had no effect in RAMP3 but enhanced AM potency in RAMP1. Most other substitutions had a small effect on AM potency in both receptors whereas there was little impact on CGRP or AM(2) potency. Overall, these data suggest that the geometry and charge of the residue at position 74 contribute to how AM interacts with the AM(2) and CGRP receptors and confirms the role of this position in dictating differential AM pharmacology at the AM(2) and CGRP receptors.


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Human adrenomedullin (AM) is a 52-amino acid peptide belonging to the calcitonin peptide family, which also includes calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and AM2. The two AM receptors, AM(1) and AM(2), are calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CL)/receptor activity-modifying protein (RAMP) (RAMP2 and RAMP3, respectively) heterodimers. CGRP receptors comprise CL/RAMP1. The only human AM receptor antagonist (AM(22-52)) is a truncated form of AM; it has low affinity and is only weakly selective for AM(1) over AM(2) receptors. To develop novel AM receptor antagonists, we explored the importance of different regions of AM in interactions with AM(1), AM(2), and CGRP receptors. AM(22-52) was the framework for generating further AM fragments (AM(26-52) and AM(30-52)), novel AM/alphaCGRP chimeras (C1-C5 and C9), and AM/AM(2) chimeras (C6-C8). cAMP assays were used to screen the antagonists at all receptors to determine their affinity and selectivity. Circular dichroism spectroscopy was used to investigate the secondary structures of AM and its related peptides. The data indicate that the structures of AM, AM2, and alphaCGRP differ from one another. Our chimeric approach enabled the identification of two nonselective high-affinity antagonists of AM(1), AM(2), and CGRP receptors (C2 and C6), one high-affinity antagonist of AM(2) receptors (C7), and a weak antagonist selective for the CGRP receptor (C5). By use of receptor mutagenesis, we also determined that the C-terminal nine amino acids of AM seem to be responsible for its interaction with Glu74 of RAMP3. We provide new information on the structure-activity relationship of AM, alphaCGRP, and AM2 and how AM interacts with CGRP and AM(2) receptors.


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Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is a member of the calcitonin (CT) family of peptides. It is a widely distributed neuropeptide implicated in conditions such as neurogenic inflammation. With other members of the CT family, it shares an N-terminal disulphide-bonded ring which is essential for biological activity, an area of potential α-helix, and a C-terminal amide. CGRP binds to the calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR) in complex with receptor activity-modifying protein 1 (RAMP1), a member of the family B (or secretin-like) GPCRs. It can also activate other CLR or calcitonin-receptor/RAMP complexes. This 37 amino acid peptide comprises the N-terminal ring that is required for receptor activation (residues 1-7); an α-helix (residues 8-18), a region incorporating a β-bend (residues 19-26) and the C-terminal portion (residues 27-37), that is characterized by bends between residues 28-30 and 33-34. A few residues have been identified that seem to make major contributions to receptor binding and activation, with a larger number contributing either to minor interactions (which collectively may be significant), or to maintaining the conformation of the bound peptide. It is not clear if CGRP follows the pattern of other family B GPCRs in binding largely as an α-helix. Linked Articles This article is part of a themed section on Neuropeptides. To view the other articles in this section visit http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/bph.2013.170.issue-7 © 2012 The Authors. British Journal of Pharmacology © 2012 The British Pharmacological Society.


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Background and purpose - The N-terminus of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is important for receptor activation, especially the disulphide-bonded ring (residues 1-7). However, the roles of individual amino acids within this region have not been examined and so the molecular determinants of agonism are unknown. This study has examined the role of residues 1, 3-6 and 8-9, excluding Cys-2 and Cys-7. Experimental approach - CGRP derivatives were substituted with either cysteine or alanine; further residues were introduced at position 6. Their affinity was measured by radioligand binding and their efficacy by measuring cAMP production in SK-N-MC cells and ß-arrestin 2 translocation in CHO-K1 cells at the CGRP receptor. Key results - Substitution of Ala-5 by cysteine reduced affinity 270-fold and reduced efficacy for production of cAMP in SK-N-MCs. Potency at ß-arrestin translocation was reduced by 9-fold. Substitution of Thr-6 by cysteine destroyed all measurable efficacy of both cAMP and ß-arrestin responses; substitution with either alanine or serine impaired potency. Substitutions at positions 1, 4, 8 and 9 resulted in approximately 10-fold reductions in potency at both responses. Similar observations were made at a second CGRP-activated receptor, the AMY1(a) receptor. Conclusions and implications - Ala-5 and Thr-6 are key determinants of agonist activity for CGRP. Ala-5 is also very important for receptor binding. Residues outside of the 1-7 ring also contribute to agonist activity.


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Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) analysis is a cornerstone of modern informatics. Predictive computational models of peptide-major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-binding affinity based on QSAR technology have now become important components of modern computational immunovaccinology. Historically, such approaches have been built around semiqualitative, classification methods, but these are now giving way to quantitative regression methods. We review three methods--a 2D-QSAR additive-partial least squares (PLS) and a 3D-QSAR comparative molecular similarity index analysis (CoMSIA) method--which can identify the sequence dependence of peptide-binding specificity for various class I MHC alleles from the reported binding affinities (IC50) of peptide sets. The third method is an iterative self-consistent (ISC) PLS-based additive method, which is a recently developed extension to the additive method for the affinity prediction of class II peptides. The QSAR methods presented here have established themselves as immunoinformatic techniques complementary to existing methodology, useful in the quantitative prediction of binding affinity: current methods for the in silico identification of T-cell epitopes (which form the basis of many vaccines, diagnostics, and reagents) rely on the accurate computational prediction of peptide-MHC affinity. We have reviewed various human and mouse class I and class II allele models. Studied alleles comprise HLA-A*0101, HLA-A*0201, HLA-A*0202, HLA-A*0203, HLA-A*0206, HLA-A*0301, HLA-A*1101, HLA-A*3101, HLA-A*6801, HLA-A*6802, HLA-B*3501, H2-K(k), H2-K(b), H2-D(b) HLA-DRB1*0101, HLA-DRB1*0401, HLA-DRB1*0701, I-A(b), I-A(d), I-A(k), I-A(S), I-E(d), and I-E(k). In this chapter we show a step-by-step guide into predicting the reliability and the resulting models to represent an advance on existing methods. The peptides used in this study are available from the AntiJen database (http://www.jenner.ac.uk/AntiJen). The PLS method is available commercially in the SYBYL molecular modeling software package. The resulting models, which can be used for accurate T-cell epitope prediction, will be made are freely available online at the URL http://www.jenner.ac.uk/MHCPred.