17 resultados para Passé

em Aston University Research Archive


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This article describes a 6-yr study of the radial growth rates (RGR, mm yr-1) of Rhizocarpon section Rhizocarpon thalli on a talus slope at Snoqualmie Pass in the Cascade Range, Washington State, United States (47°27'N; 121°26'W). At the end of the growth period, 32 of a total of 39 thalli had exhibited a positive RGR, and 7 of a total of 39 thalli showed no measurable growth. Mean RGR of all thalli was 0.07 mm yr-1 (range, 0-0.19 mm, SD = 0.06). Analysis of variance suggested no significant variation in RGR in successive growth periods, but significant differences were present both within and between thalli. The slope of a boulder facet did not influence RGR, but growth was affected by aspect, the least growth being observed on north-northwest facets. A plot of RGR against thallus diameter revealed a wide scatter of data points with little evidence for a significant change in growth with thallus size. Hence, the study showed that the RGR of Rhizocarpon thalli at Snoqualmie is extremely slow and highly variable and significantly less than estimates based on lichenometry. To determine the growth curve of a yellow-green Rhizocarpon by direct measurement at such a site would require a large sample of thalli and careful standardization of the species studied, the aspect conditions under which the thalli were measured, and the initial hypothallus width of the thalli. © 2005 Regents of the University of Colorado.


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Cellard (1979) avait avancé que le reportage sportif constituait un bastion du passé simple (PS). Cette affirmation, non étayée par une étude de corpus, semblait trouver un écho dans les études de la presse écrite des années 80-90 (Herzog 1981, Engel 1990). Toutefois, des études récentes consacrées exclusivement au reportage sportif remettent en cause cette prétendue suprématie dans les comptes rendus de la finale de la Coupe du Monde 2002 offerts par la presse francophone (Engel & Labeau 2003) même si des variations régionales (plus grande proportion de PS en périphérie qu’au centre parisien - Labeau 2002) et diachroniques (déclin du PS depuis 1950 – Labeau 2003) semblent se manifester. La présente étude se propose de poursuivre et de raffiner l’analyse de l’emploi du PS dans le compte rendu sportif en sollicitant de nouvelles variables. D’abord, le choix du corpus permettra d’approfondir des hypothèses évoquées dans les articles ci-dessous. Notre corpus sera constitué de la couverture du Tour d’Italie 2004 dans L’Equipe et La Dernière Heure / Les Sports. Le cyclisme se distingue du football par plusieurs aspects, parmi lesquels on peut noter sa linéarité : une course cycliste n’est pas un match joué dans un espace clos, délimité, mais consiste à effectuer un parcours linéaire aussi vite que possible. Cette linéarité pourrait s’avérer favorable au PS (Vetters 2003, Bres 2003). Contrairement aux événements sportifs étudiés précédemment, le Tour d’Italie ne bénéficie pas d’une couverture télévisuelle importante en France, un facteur susceptible d’influencer le compte rendu écrit (Labeau 2003) ; contrairement à ce qui se passe pour les finales de Coupe du Monde, le journaliste ne peut assumer que le lecteur connaît déjà les résultats de l’épreuve. Le corpus étudié ici se veut aussi plus complet : on travaillera sur l’ensemble des articles, en version papier, consacrés au Giro plutôt que sur une sélection d’articles en ligne. Cette prise en compte pourrait mettre en lumière des variations de genre. Un autre intérêt du présent corpus est qu’il illustre les pratiques de la presse sportive plutôt que celles des pages sportives des quotidiens « généralistes » : L’Equipe est l’hebdomadaire français de référence et la DH offre la couverture la plus complète en Belgique francophone. La comparaison des deux publications nous permettra donc de tester d’éventuelles variations régionales. Ainsi, par un corpus spécifiquement sportif et élargi, nous contribuerons à évaluer plus exactement la position réelle du PS dans la presse sportive contemporaine.


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Les formes du passé constituent un écueil pour l'apprentissage du français langue étrangère ; même les apprenants les plus avancés échouent à maîtriser leur emploi. Si le manque d'équivalence forme à forme entre les temps des langues constitue une difficulté évidente, la complexité sémantique et distributionnelle des tiroirs français ne doit pas être négligée. Grammairiens et linguistes se sont efforcés de fournir des descriptions des tiroirs du passé mais leur travail, comme celui des didacticiens, s'est révélé inégal. Les contributions retenues dans ce volume invitent à la réflexion critique en ce qui concerne les descriptions existantes des temps et les approches de leur enseignement. Sont envisagées la structuration du système ainsi que la constitution des tiroirs du point de vue synchronique, évolutif et contrastif, à partir de corpus de différentes variétés de français. La question de l'enseignement de ces notions à des apprenants du français langue étrangère et maternelle est aussi considérée dans les divers contextes de l'acquisition. C'est dans l'esprit d'un dialogue de plus en plus nécessaire entre application et modélisation qu'est proposé cet ouvrage, qui retiendra l'intérêt tant des praticiens que des théoriciens. The forms of the past constitute a stumbling block for learning foreign language French; even the most advanced learners fail to master their jobs. If the lack of shape to form equivalence between the time of languages is an obvious difficulty, complexity, semantics and distributional drawers French should not be neglected. Grammarians and linguists have tried to provide descriptions of the drawers of the past but their work, such as educationalists, has been uneven. The contributions included in this volume invite critical thinking regarding the existing descriptions of time and approaches to their teaching. Envisaged the structure of the system and the constitution of the drawers of synchronic point of view, evolutionary and contrasts, from corpora of different varieties of French. The issue of teaching these concepts to learners of French foreign language and tongue is also considered in various contexts of acquisition. In the spirit of dialogue increasingly required between application and modeling what this proposed structure, which will retain the interest of both practitioners and theorists.


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In previous sea-surface variability studies, researchers have failed to utilise the full ERS-1 mission due to the varying orbital characteristics in each mission phase, and most have simply ignored the Ice and Geodetic phases. This project aims to introduce a technique which will allow the straightforward use of all orbital phases, regardless of orbit type. This technique is based upon single satellite crossovers. Unfortunately the ERS-1 orbital height is still poorly resolved (due to higher air drag and stronger gravitational effects) when compared with that of TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P), so to make best use of the ERS-1 crossover data corrections to the ERS-1 orbital heights are calculated by fitting a cubic-spline to dual-crossover residuals with T/P. This correction is validated by comparison of dual satellite crossovers with tide gauge data. The crossover processing technique is validated by comparing the extracted sea-surface variability information with that from T/P repeat pass data. The two data sets are then combined into a single consistent data set for analysis of sea-surface variability patterns. These patterns are simplified by the use of an empirical orthogonal function decomposition which breaks the signals into spatial modes which are then discussed separately. Further studies carried out on these data include an analysis of the characteristics of the annual signal, discussion of evidence for Rossby wave propagation on a global basis, and finally analysis of the evidence for global mean sea level rise.


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In this chapter, the authors use an EGARCH-ECM to estimate the pass-through effects of Foreign Exchange (FX) rate changes and changes in producers' prices for 20 U.K. export sectors. The long-run adjustments of export prices to FX rate changes and changes in producers' prices are within the range of -1.02% (for the Textiles sector) and -17.22% (for the Meat sector). The contemporaneous Pricing-To-Market (PTM) coefficients are within the range of -72.84% (for the Fuels sector) and -8.05% (for the Textiles sector). Short-run FX rate pass-through is not complete even after several months. Rolling EGARCH-ECMs show that the short and long-run effects of changes in FX rate and producers' prices vary substantially, as do asymmetry and volatility estimates before equilibrium is achieved.


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We demonstrate a simple lossless method for the implementation of repetition-rate multiplication of a periodic pulse train. As it is showed, a single all-pass optical cavity (APOC) can increase the repetition rate of the output pulse train by factors of 2, 3, and 4. Two different APOC implementations, based on a Gires-Tournois interferometer and an all-pass ring resonator, are proposed and numerically demonstrated.


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Optical Engineering: New waveform generation provides the experimentalist with interesting new tools.


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We propose a systematic method for the synthesis of arbitrary group delay responses by using all-pass structures of coupled optical cavities. Optimum structure parameters design, in terms of filter order and accuracy, are obtained.


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We propose a simple lossless method for the generation of flat-topped intensity pulses bursts from a single utrashort pulse. We have found optimum solutions corresponding to different numbers of cavities and burst pulses, showing that the proposed all-pass structures of optical cavities, properly designed, can generate close to flat-topped pulse busts.


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We propose and analyze several simple all-pass spectrally-periodic optical structures, in terms of accuracy and robustness, for the implementation of repetition rate multipliers of periodic pulse train with uniform output train envelope, finding optimum solutions for multiplication factors of 3, 4, 6, and 12.


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We propose a systematic method for the synthesis of arbitrary group delay responses by using allpass structures of coupled optical cavities. Optimum structure parameters design, in terms of filter order and accuracy, are obtained. © 2012 OSA.


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We have developed the analytic expressions for the phase response and time delay of FBGSL of arbitrary grating structure and found that the results from the modelling are in excellent agreement with that of the experimentally measured real devices. The theoretical and experimental investigation clearly reveals that FBGSLs utilizing uniform and linearly chirped gratings exhibit a near-constant time delay in the passbands. Such multi-channel bandpass filters should be highly attractive to WDM applications as they are operating in transmission regime and offering near-zero dispersion.