27 resultados para PROGRAMMED CELL-DEATH

em Aston University Research Archive


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-In the Liliaceous species Alstroemeria, petal senescence is characterized by wilting and inrolling, terminating in abscission 8-10 d after flower opening. -In many species, flower development and senescence involves programmed cell death (PCD). PCD in Alstroemeria petals was investigated by light (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (to study nuclear degradation and cellular integrity), DNA laddering and the expression programme of the DAD-1 gene. -TEM showed nuclear and cellular degradation commenced before the flowers were fully open and that epidermal cells remained intact whilst the mesophyll cells degenerated completely. DNA laddering increased throughout petal development. Expression of the ALSDAD-1 partial cDNA was shown to be downregulated after flower opening. -We conclude that some PCD processes are started extremely early and proceed throughout flower opening and senescence, whereas others occur more rapidly between stages 4-6 (i.e. postanthesis). The spatial distribution of PCD across the petals is discussed. Several molecular and physiological markers of PCD are present during Alstroemeria petal senescence. © New Phytologist (2003).


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The application of mechanical insults to the spinal cord results in profound cellular and molecular changes, including the induction of neuronal cell death and altered gene expression profiles. Previous studies have described alterations in gene expression following spinal cord injury, but the specificity of this response to mechanical stimuli is difficult to investigate in vivo. Therefore, we have investigated the effect of cyclic tensile stresses on cultured spinal cord cells from E15 Sprague-Dawley rats, using the FX3000 Flexercell Strain Unit. We examined cell morphology and viability over a 72 hour time course. Microarray analysis of gene expression was performed using the Affymetrix GeneChip System, where categorization of identified genes was performed using the Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) systems. Changes in expression of 12 genes were validated with quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).


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Investigations were undertaken to study the role of the protein cross-linking enzyme tissue transglutaminase in changes associated with the extracellular matrix and in the cell death of human dermal fibroblasts following exposure to a solarium ultraviolet A source consisting of 98.8% ultraviolet A and 1.2% ultraviolet B. Exposure to nonlethal ultraviolet doses of 60 to 120 kJ per m2 resulted in increased tissue transglutaminase activity when measured either in cell homogenates, "in situ" by incorporation of fluorescein-cadaverine into the extracellular matrix or by changes in the epsilon(gamma-glutamyl) lysine cross-link. This increase in enzyme activity did not require de novo protein synthesis. Incorporation of fluorescein-cadaverine into matrix proteins was accompanied by the cross-linking of fibronectin and tissue transglutaminase into nonreducible high molecular weight polymers. Addition of exogenous tissue transglutaminase to cultured cells mimicking extensive cell leakage of the enzyme resulted in increased extracellular matrix deposition and a decreased rate of matrix turnover. Exposure of cells to 180 kJ per m2 resulted in 40% to 50% cell death with dying cells showing extensive tissue transglutaminase cross-linking of intracellular proteins and increased cross-linking of the surrounding extracellular matrix, the latter probably occurring as a result of cell leakage of tissue transglutaminase. These cells demonstrated negligible caspase activation and DNA fragmentation but maintained their cell morphology. In contrast, exposure of cells to 240 kJ per m2 resulted in increased cell death with caspase activation and some DNA fragmentation. These cells could be partially rescued from death by addition of caspase inhibitors. These data suggest that changes in cross-linking both in the intracellular and extracellular compartments elicited by tissue transglutaminase following exposure to ultraviolet provides a rapid tissue stabilization process following damage, but as such may be a contributory factor to the scarring process that results.


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Neurons in the developing brain die via apoptosis after DNA damage, while neurons in the adult brain are generally resistant to these insults. The basis for this resistance is a matter of conjecture. We report here that cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) in culture lose their competence to die in response to DNA damage as a function of time in culture. CGNs at either 1 day in vitro (DIV) or 7 DIV were treated with the DNA damaging agents camptothecin, UV or gamma-irradiation and neuronal survival measured. The younger neurons were effectively killed by these agents, while the older neurons displayed a significant resistance to killing. Neuronal survival did not change with time in culture when cells were treated with C2-ceramide or staurosporine, agents which do not target DNA. The resistance to UV irradiation developed over time in culture and was not due to changes in mitotic rate. Increases in DNA strand breakage, up-regulation of the levels of both p53 and its phosphorylated form and nuclear translocation of p53 were equivalent in both older and younger neurons, indicating a comparable p53 stress response. In addition, we show that treatment of older neurons with pharmacological inhibitors of distinct components of the DNA repair machinery promotes the accumulation of DNA damage and sensitizes these cells to the toxic effects of UV exposure. These data demonstrate that older neurons appear to be more proficient in DNA repair in comparison to their younger counterparts, and that this leads to increased survival after DNA damage.


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When HL60 cells were induced to differentiate to granulocyte-like cells with the agents N-methylformamide and tunicamycin an concentrations marginally below those which were cytotoxic, there was a decrease in the synthesis of the glucose- regulated proteins which preceded the expression of markers of a differentiated phenotype. There was a transient increase in the amount of hsp70 after 36 hours in NMF treated cells but in differentiated cells negligible amounts were detected. Inducers which were known to modulate hsp70 such as azetadine carboxylic acid did not induce differentiation suggesting early changes in the endoplasmic reticulum may be involved in the commitment to terminal differentiation of HL60 cells. These changes in group synthesis were not observed when K562 human chronic myelogenous leukemia cells were induced to differentiate to erythroid-like cells but there was a comparable increase in amounts of hsp70. When cells were treated with concentrations of drugs which brought about a loss in cell viability there was an early increase in the amount of hsp70 protein in the absence of any increase in synthesis. HL60 cells were treated with NMF (225mM), Adriamycin (1μM), or CB3717 (5μM) and there was an increase in the amounts of hsp70, in the absence of any new synthesis, which preceded any loss of membrane integrity and any significant changes in cell cycle but was concomitant with a later loss in viability of > 50% and a loss in proliferative potential. The amounts of hsp70 in the cell after treatment with any of the drugs was comparable to that obtained after a heat shock. Following a heat shock hsp70 was translocated from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, but treatment with toxic concentrations of drug caused hsp70 to remain localised in the cytoplasm. Changes in hsp70 turn-over was observed after a heat shock compared to NMF-treated cells. Morphological studies suggested that cells that had been treated with NMF and CB3717 were undergoing necrosis whereas the Adriamycin cells showed characteristics that were indicative of apoptosis. The data supports the hypothesis that an increase in amounts of hsp70 is an early marker of cell death.


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The incubation of murine leukaemic L1210 cells in vitro for 4 hours (hr) with 10uM nitrogen mustard (HN2), a bifunctional alkylating agent, inhibited the influx of the potassium congener, 88rubidium+ ( 86Rb+) by the selective inhibition of the Na+-K+-CI- cotransporter. The aim of this project was to investigate the importance of this lesion in HN2-induced cytotoxicity. 86Rb+ uptake in human erythrocytes was inhibited by high concentrations of HN2 (2mM) and occurred in two phases.In the first hour both the Na+/K+ ATPase pump and the Na+-K+-CI- cotransporter were equally inhibited but after 2 hrs exposure to 2mM HN2, the Na+ -K+ -CI- cotransporter was significantly more inhibited than the Na+/K+ ATPase pump. In contrast, both potassium transport systems were equally inhibited in L1210 cells incubated for 10 minutes with 1mM HN2. The selective inhibition of the Na+-K+-CI- cotransporter, after a 3 hrs exposure to 10uM HN2, was not absolved by coincubation with 5ug/ml cycloheximide (CHX), an inhibitor of protein synthesis. Incubation of L1210 cells with concentrations of diuretics which completely inhibited Na+-K+-CI- cotransport did not enhance the cytotoxicity of either HN2 or its monofunctional analogue 2-chloroethyldimethylamine (Me-HN1). The incubation of L1210 cells with a twice strength Rosewell Park Memorial Institute 1640 media did not enhance the toxicity of HN2. An L1210 cell line (L1210FR) was prepared which was able to grow in toxic concentrations of furosemide and exhibited a similiar sensitivity to HN2 as parental L1210 cells. Treatment of L1210 cells with 10uM HN2 resulted in a decrease in cell volume which was concurrent with the inhibition of the Na+-K+-CI- cotransporter. This was not observed in L1210 cells treated with either 1 or O.SuM HN2. Thus, possible differences in the cell death, in terms of necrosis and apoptosis, induced by the different concentrations of HN2 was investigated. The cell cycle of L1210 cells appeared to be blocked non-specifically by 10uM HN2 and in S and G2/M by either 1 or 0.5uM HN2. There were no significant changes in the cytosolic calcium concentrations of L1210 cells for up to 48 hrs after exposure to the three concentrations of HN2. No protection against th_ toxic effects of HN2 was observed in L1210 cells incubated with 5ug/ml CHX for up to 6 hrs. Incubation for 12 or 18 hrs with a non-toxic concentration (5mM) of L-Azetidine-2- carboxylic acid (ACA) enhanced the toxicity of low concentrations (<0.5uM) of HN2.


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The aged population have an increased susceptibility to infection, therefore function of the innate immune system may be impaired as we age. Macrophages, and their precursors monocytes, play an important role in host defence in the form of phagocytosis, and also link the innate and adaptive immune system via antigen presentation. Classically-activated ‘M1’ macrophages are pro-inflammatory, which can be induced by encountering pathogenic material or pro-inflammatory mediators. Alternatively activated ‘M2’ macrophages have a largely reparative role, including clearance of apoptotic bodies and debris from tissues. Despite some innate immune receptors being implicated in the clearance of apoptotic cells, the process has been observed to have a dominant anti-inflammatory phenotype with cytokines such as IL-10 and TGF-ß being implicated. The atherosclerotic plaque contains recruited monocytes and macrophages, and is a highly inflammatory environment despite high levels of apoptosis. At these sites, monocytes differentiate into macrophages and gorge on lipoproteins, resulting in formation of ‘foam cells’ which then undergo apoptosis, recruiting further monocytes. This project seeks to understand why, given high levels of apoptosis, the plaque is a pro-inflammatory environment. This phenomenon may be the result of the aged environment or an inability of foam cells to elicit an anti-inflammatory effect in response to dying cells. Here we demonstrate that lipoprotein treatment of macrophages in culture results in reduced capacity to clear apoptotic cells. The capability of lipoprotein treated macrophages to respond to inflammatory stimuli is also shown. Monocyte recruitment to the plaque is currently under study, as is apoptotic cell-mediated immune modulation of human monocyte-derived macrophages.


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Reactive oxygen species including H2O2 activate an array of intracellular signalling cascades that are closely associated with cell death and cell survival pathways. The human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell line is widely used as model cell system for studying neuronal cell death induced by oxidative stress. However, at present very little is known about the signalling pathways activated by H2O2 in SH-SY5Y cells. Therefore, in this study we have investigated the effect of H2(O2 on extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK) and protein kinase B (PKB) activation in undifferentiated and differentiated SH-SY5Y cells. H2O2 stimulated time and concentration increases in ERK1/2, JNK and PKB phosphorylation in undifferentiated and differentiated SH-SY5Y cells. No increases in p38 MAPK phosphorylation were observed following H2O2 treatment. The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI-3K) inhibitors wortmannin and LY 294002 ((2-(4-morpholinyl)-8-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one) inhibited H2O2-induced increases in ERK1/2 and PKB phosphorylation. Furthermore, H2O2-mediated increases in ERK1/2 activation were sensitive to the MAPK kinase 1 (MEK1) inhibitor PD 98059 (2'-amino-3'-methoxyflavone), whereas JNK responses were blocked by the JNK inhibitor SP 600125 (anthra[1-9-cd]pyrazol-6(2H)-one). Treatment of SH-SY5Y cells with H2O2 (1 mM; 16 h) significantly increased the release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) into the culture medium indicative of a decrease in cell viability. Pre-treatment with wortmannin, SP 600125 or SB 203580 (4-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-(4-methylsulfinylphenyl)-5-(4-pyridyl)1H-imidazole; p38 MAPK inhibitor) had no effect on H2O2-induced LDH release from undifferentiated or differentiated SH-SY5Y cells. In contrast, PD 98059 and LY 294002 significantly decreased H2O2-induced cell death in both undifferentiated and differentiated SH-SY5Y cells. In conclusion, we have shown that H2O2 stimulates robust increases in ERK1/2, JNK and PKB in undifferentiated and differentiated SH-SY5Y cells. Furthermore, the data presented clearly suggest that inhibition of the ERK1/2 pathway protects SH-SY5Y cells from H2O2-induced cell death.


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Tissue transglutaminase (tTG) is a Ca2+-dependent enzyme which cross-links proteins via e(g-glutamyl)lysine bridges. There is increasing evidence that tTG is involved in wound repair and tissue stabilization, as well as in physiological mechanisms leading to cell death. To investigate the role of this enzyme in tissue wounding leading to loss of Ca2+ homoeostasis, we initially used a model involving electroporation to reproduce cell wounding under controlled conditions. Two cell models were used whereby tTG expression is regulated either by antisense silencing in ECV 304 cells or by using transfected Swiss 3T3 cells in which tTG expression is under the control of the tet regulatory system. Using these cells, loss of Ca2+ homoeostasis following electroporation led to a tTG-dependent formation of highly cross-linked proteinaceous shells from intracellular proteins. Formation of these structures is dependent on elevated intracellular Ca2+, but it is independent of intracellular proteases and is near maximal after only 20min post-wounding. Using labelled primary amines as an indicator of tTG activity within these 'wounded cells', we demonstrate that tTG modifies a wide range of proteins that are present in both the perinuclear and intranuclear spaces. The demonstration of entrapped DNA within these shell structures, which showed limited fragmentation, provides evidence that the high degree of transglutaminase cross-linking results in the prevention of DNA release, which may serve to dampen any subsequent inflammatory response. Comparable observations were shown when monolayers of cells were mechanically wounded by scratching. In this second model of cell wounding, redistribution of tTG activity to the extracellular matrix was also demonstrated, an effect which may serve to stabilize tissues post-trauma, and thus contribute to the maintenance of tissue integrity.


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Previous studies have described alterations in gene expression following spinal cord injury, but this response to mechanical stimuli is difficult to investigate in vivo. Therefore, we have investigated the effect of cyclic tensile strain on cultured spinal cord cells from E15 Sprague-Dawley rats. Microarray analysis of gene expression and categorization of identified genes were performed using Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) systems. The application of cyclic tensile strain reduced the viability of cultured spinal cord cells significantly in a dose- and time-dependent manner. GO analysis identified candidate genes related to apoptosis (44) and to response to stimulus (17). KEGG analysis identified changes in the expression levels of 12 genes of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway, which were confirmed to be upregulated and validated by RT-PCR analysis. Spinal cord cells undergo cell death in response to cyclic tensile strain, which were dose- and time-dependent, with upregulation of various genes, in particular of the MAPK pathway.


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Programmed cell death, apoptosis, is a highly regulated process that removes damaged or unwanted cells in vivo and has significant immunological implications. Defective clearance of apoptotic cells by macrophages (professional phagocytes) is known to result in chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease. Tissue transglutaminase 2 (TG2) is a Ca2+-dependent protein cross linking enzyme known to play an important role in a number of cell functions. Up-regulation of TG2 is thought to be involved in monocyte to macrophage differentiation and defective clearance of apoptotic cells by TG2 null mice has been described though in this context the role of TG2 is yet to be fully elucidated. Cell surface-associated TG2 is now recognized as being important in regulating cell adhesion and migration, via its association with cell surface receptors such as syndecan-4, ß1 and ß3 integrin, but its extracellular role in the clearance of apoptotic cells is still not fully explored. Our work aims to characterize the role of TG2 and its partners (e.g. syndecan-4 and ß3 integrin) in macrophage function within the framework of apoptotic cell clearance. Both THP-1 cell-derived macrophage-like cells and primary human macrophages were analyzed for the expression and function of TG2. Macrophage-apoptotic cell interaction studies in the presence of TG2 inhibitors (both cell permeable and impermeable, irreversible and active site directed) resulted in significant inhibition of interaction indicating a possible role for TG2 in apoptotic cell clearance. Macrophage cell surface TG2 and, in particular, its cell surface crosslinking activity was found to be crucial in dictating apoptotic cell clearance. Our further studies demonstrate syndecan-4 association with TG2 and imply possible cooperation of these proteins in apoptotic cell clearance. Knockdown studies of syndecan-4 reveal its importance in apoptotic cell clearance. Our current findings suggest that TG2 has a crucial but yet to be fully defined role in apoptotic cell clearance which seems to involve protein cross linking and interaction with other cell surface receptors.


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Programmed cell death, apoptosis, is a highly regulated process that removes damaged or unwanted cells in vivo and has significant immunological implications. Defective clearance of apoptotic cells by macrophages (professional phagocytes) is known to result in chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease. Transglutaminase-2 (TG2) is a Ca2+-dependent protein crosslinking enzyme known to play an important role in apoptotic cell clearance by macrophages through an ill-defined mechanism. Several studies have implicated TG2 in the apoptosis programme e.g. raised TG2 levels in cells undergoing apoptosis; increased cell death with down-regulation of TG2; up-regulation of TG2 in monocytes upon differentiation into macrophages. Defective clearance of apoptotic cells by TG2 null mice has been described though in this context the role of TG2 is yet to be elucidated. Here we aim to characterise the role of TG2 in macrophage function with a focus on apoptotic cell clearance. THP-1 monocytes were induced to differentiate to macrophage-like cells by three different stimulants and were analysed for the presence of TG2. Macrophage-apoptotic cell interaction studies in the presence and absence of irreversible TG2 inhibitors resulted in significant inhibition of interaction indicating a possible role for TG2 in apoptotic cell clearance. TG2 was expressed at the macrophage cell surface and its association with ß3 integrin expression suggests the possible link between TG2 and ß3 integrins. Our current findings suggest that TG2 had got a crucial but yet to be defined role in apoptotic cell clearance.


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Apoptosis, programmed cell death, is used by multicellular organisms to remove cells that are in excess, damaged or diseased. Activation of the apoptosis programme generates "eat me" signals on the surface of the apoptotic cell that mediate recognition and clearance by the innate immune system. CD14, a pattern recognition receptor expressed on macrophages, is widely known for its ability to recognise the pathogen-associated molecular pattern lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and promote inflammation. However, CD14 has also been shown to mediate binding and removal of apoptotic cells in a process that is anti-inflammatory suggesting CD14 is capable of producing two distinct, ligand-dependent macrophage responses. Whilst the molecular basis for this dichotomy has yet to be defined it is clear that CD14 defines a point of interest on the macrophage surface where we may study ligand-specific responses of macrophages. Our work seeks to define the molecular mechanisms underlying the involvement of CD14 in the non-inflammatory clearance of apoptotic cells. Here we used three different differentiation strategies to generate macrophages from the monocytic cell line THP-1. The resultant macrophage models were characterised to assess the expression and function of CD14 within each model system. Whilst each macrophage model shows increased levels of surface CD14 expression, our results demonstrate significant differences in the various models’ abilities to respond to LPS and clear apoptotic cells in a CD14-dependent manner. TLR4 levels correlated positively with LPS responsiveness but not CD14-dependent apoptotic cell clearance or anti-inflammatory responses to apoptotic cells. These observations suggest CD14-dependent apoptotic cell clearance is not dependent on TLR4. Taken together our data support the notion that the CD14 ligand-dependent responses to LPS and apoptotic cells derive from changes at the macrophage surface. The nature and composition of the CD14-co-receptor complex for LPS and apoptotic cell binding and responses is the subject of further study.


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Rapid elimination of cells undergoing programmed cell death (apoptosis) is vital to maintain tissue homeostasis. The phagocytic removal of apoptotic cells (AC) is mediated by innate immune molecules, professional phagocytes and amateur phagocytes that recognise "eat me" signals on the surface of the AC. CD14, a pattern recognition receptor expressed on macrophages, is widely known for its ability to recognise the pathogen-associated molecular pattern lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and promote inflammation. CD14 also mediates the binding and removal of AC, a process that is considered to be anti-inflammatory therefore suggesting CD14 is capable of producing two distinct ligand-dependent responses. Our work seeks to define the molecular mechanisms underlying the involvement of CD14 in the non-inflammatory clearance of AC. Here we describe three different differentiation strategies used to generate macrophages from the monocytic cell line THP-1. Whilst CD14 expression was increased in each macrophage model we demonstrate significant differences in the various macrophage models' abilities to respond to LPS and clear AC. We show that CD14 expression correlates with CD14-dependent AC clearance and anti-inflammatory responses to AC. However LPS responsiveness correlates, as expected, with TLR4 but not CD14 expression. These observations suggest CD14-dependent AC clearance is not dependent on TLR4. Taken together our data support the notion that CD14 ligand-dependent responses to LPS and AC are derived from changes at the macrophage surface. The nature and composition of the CD14-co-receptor complex for LPS and AC binding and consequent responses is the subject of further study.


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Apoptotic cell clearance by phagocytes is a vital part of programmed cell death that prevents dying cells from undergoing necrosis which may lead to inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. Apoptotic cells (AC) are removed by phagocytes, in a process that involves 'find me' and 'eat me' signals that facilitate the synapsing and engulfment of cell corpses. Extracellular vesicles (EV) are shed during apoptosis and promote phagocyte recruitment. Binding of AC is achieved by multiple ligand-receptor interactions. One interesting AC associated ligand is ICAM-3, a highly glycosylated adhesion molecule of the IgSF family, expressed on human leukocytes. On viable cells ICAM-3 participates in initiating immune responses, whereas on AC we show it attracts phagocytes through EV and aids in the binding of AC to the phagocytes. This project aims to characterize the role of ICAM-3 and EV in the clearance of AC and to identify the mechanisms that underlie their function in apoptotic cell clearance. Human B cells induced to apoptosis by UV irradiation were observed during their progression from viable to apoptotic via flow cytometry. The involvement of ICAM-3 in mediating interaction between AC and MØ was assessed. The ability of ICAM3 on EV to mediate chemoattraction was observed using chemotaxis assays. Additionally the anti-inflammatory effect was assessed using LPS-induced TNF-α production that suggested it may have anti-inflammatory effects. Future work in this project will assess the role of ICAM3 on EV from different phases of apoptosis to exert functional effects both in vitro and in vivo.