em Aston University Research Archive


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We investigate the gradual changes of the microstructure of two blends of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polyamide 6 (PA6) at opposite composition filled with increasing amounts of an organomodified clay. The filler locates preferentially inside the polyamide phase, bringing about radical alterations in the micron-scale arrangement of the polymer phases. When the host polyamide represents the major constituent, a sudden reduction of the average sizes of the polyethylene droplets was observed upon addition of even low amounts of organoclay. A morphology refinement was also noticed at low filler contents when the particles distributes inside the minor phase. In this case, however, keep increasing the organoclay content eventually results in a high degree of PA6 phase continuity. Rheological analyses reveal that the filler loading at which the polyamide assembles in a continuous network corresponds to the critical threshold for its rheological transition from a liquid- to a gel-like behaviour, which is indicative of the structuring of the filler inside the host PA6. On the basis of this finding, a schematic mechanism is proposed in which the role of the filler in driving the space arrangement of the polymer phases is discussed. Finally, we show that the synergism between the reinforcing action of the filler and its ability to affect the blend microstructure can be exploited in order to enhance relevant technological properties of the materials, such as their high temperature structural integrity.


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The surface residual stresses in SiC particle-reinforced Al matrix composites are measured using a recently developed nanoindentation technique. The tensile biaxial residual stress in Al is found to increase with the particle concentration. The stress magnitudes are in reasonable agreement with those from numerical modeling.


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Interfaces in conventional monolithic alloys exert an important influence on fatigue and fracture behavior. In discontinuously reinforced metal matrix composites (MMCs), the role of interface is even more dominant. The interfacial is higher in MMCs and the interfaces are generally of high energy and chemically unstable. This paper reviews the factors which can affect interfacial strength in discontinuously reinforced MMCs, and the ways in which interfacial strength can be controlled. The effects of interfacial strength on fatigue crack propagation and fracture behavior are then illustrated.


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Poor water solubility leads to low dissolution rate and consequently, it can limit bioavailability. Solid dispersions, where the drug is dispersed into an inert, hydrophilic polymer matrix can enhance drug dissolution. Solid dispersions were prepared using phenacetin and phenylbutazone as model drugs with polyethylene glycol (PEG) 8000 (carrier), by melt fusion method. Phenacetin and phenylbutazone displayed an increase in the dissolution rate when formulated as solid dispersions as compared with their physical mixture and drug alone counterparts. Characterisation of the solid dispersions was performed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). DSC studies revealed that drugs were present in the amorphous form within the solid dispersions. FTIR spectra for the solid dispersions of drugs suggested that there was a lack of interaction between PEG 8000 and the drug. However, the physical mixture of phenacetin with PEG 8000 indicated the formation of hydrogen bond between phenacetin and the carrier. Permeability of phenacetin and phenylbutazone was higher for solid dispersions as compared with that of drug alone across Caco-2 cell monolayers. Permeability studies have shown that both phenacetin and phenylbutazone, and their solid dispersions can be categorised as well-absorbed compounds.


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The research described within this thesis is concerned with the investigation of transition metal ion complexation within hydrophilic copolymer membranes. The membranes are copolymers of 4-methyl-4'-vinyl-2,2'-bipyridine, the 2-hydroxyethyl ester of 4,4'- dicarboxy-2,2'-bipyridine & bis-(5-vinylsalicylidene)ethylenediamine with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate. The effect of the polymer matrix on the formation and properties of transition metal iron complexes has been studied, specifically Cr(III) & Fe(II) salts for the bipyridyl- based copolymer membranes and Co(II), Ni(II) & Cu(II) salts for the salenH2- based copolymer membranes. The concomitant effect of complex formation on the properties of the polymer matrix have also been studied, e.g. on mechanical strength. A detailed body of work into the kinetics and thermodynamics for the formation of Cu(II) complexes in the salenH2- based copolymer membranes has been performed. The rate of complex formation is found to be very slow while the value of K for the equilibrium of complex formation is found to be unexpectedly small and shows a slight anion dependence. These phenomena are explained in terms of the effects of the heterogeneous phase provided by the polymer matrix. The transport of Cr(III) ions across uncomplexed and Cr(III)-pre-complexed bipyridyl-based membranes has been studied. In both cases, no Cr(III) coordination occurs within the time-scale of an experiment. Pre-complexation of the membrane does not lead to a change in the rate of permeation of Cr(III) ions. The transport of Co(II), Ni(II) & Cu(II) ions across salenH2- based membranes shows that there is no detectable lag-time in transport of the ions, despite independent evidence that complex formation within the membranes does occur. Finally, the synthesis of a number of functionalised ligands is described. Although they were found to be non-polymerisable by the methods employed in this research, they remain interesting ligands which provide a startmg pomt for further functionalisation.


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This thesis is concerned with the investigation of transition metal (TM) ion complexation with hydrophilic membranes composed of copolymers of 4-vinyl pyridine & 4-methyl-4'vinyl- 2,2'-bipyridine with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate. The Cu(II), CoCII) & Fe(II) complexes with these coordinating membranes were characterised by a variety of techniques, in order to assess the effect of the polymer on the properties of the complex, and vice versa. A detailed programme of work was instigated into the kinetics of formation for the polymer-bound tris(bipyridyl) iron(II) complex; the rate and extent of complex formation was found to be anion-dependent. This is explained in terms of the influence of the anion on the transport properties and water content of the membrane, the controlling factor in the development of the tris-complex being the equilibrium concentration of Fe(II) in the gel matrix. A series of transport studies were performed with a view to the potential application of complexing hydrogel membranes for aqueous TM ion separations. A number of salts were studied individually and shown to possess a range of permeabilities; the degree of interaction between particular metal-ion:ligand combinations is given by the lag-time observed before steady-state permeation is achieved. However, when two TM salts that individually display different transport properties were studied in combination, they showed similar lag-times & permeabilities, characteristic of the more strongly coordinating metal ion. This 'anti-selective' nature thus renders the membrane systems unsuitable for TM ion separations. Finally, attempts were made to synthesise and immobilise a series of N ,0-donor macrocyclic ligands into hydrogel membranes. Although the functionalisation reactions failed, limited transport data was obtained from membranes in which the ligands were physically entrapped within the polymer matrix.


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The morphology, chemical composition, and mechanical properties in the surface region of α-irradiated polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) have been examined and compared to unirradiated specimens. Samples were irradiated with 5.5 MeV 4He2+ ions from a tandem accelerator to doses between 1 × 106 and 5 × 1010 Rad. Static time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), using a 20 keV C60+ source, was employed to probe chemical changes as a function of a dose. Chemical images and high resolution spectra were collected and analyzed to reveal the effects of a particle radiation on the chemical structure. Residual gas analysis (RGA) was utilized to monitor the evolution of volatile species during vacuum irradiation of the samples. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to observe the morphological variation of samples with increasing a particle dose, and nanoindentation was engaged to determine the hardness and elastic modulus as a function of a dose. The data show that PTFE nominally retains its innate chemical structure and morphology at a doses <109 Rad. At α doses ≥109 Rad the polymer matrix experiences increased chemical degradation and morphological roughening which are accompanied by increased hardness and declining elasticity. At  α doses >1010 Rad the polymer matrix suffers severe chemical degradation and material loss. Chemical degradation is observed in ToF-SIMS by detection of ions that are indicative of fragmentation, unsaturation, and functionalization of molecules in the PTFE matrix. The mass spectra also expose the subtle trends of crosslinking within the α-irradiated polymer matrix. ToF-SIMS images support the assertion that chemical degradation is the result of a particle irradiation and show morphological roughening of the sample with increased a dose. High resolution SEM images more clearly illustrate the morphological roughening and the mass loss that accompanies high doses of a particles. RGA confirms the supposition that the outcome of chemical degradation in the PTFE matrix with continuing irradiation is evolution of volatile species resulting in morphological roughening and mass loss. Finally, we reveal and discuss relationships between chemical structure and mechanical properties such as hardness and elastic modulus.


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The review is devoted to the cost effectiveness of composite materials applications as compared with their high performance characteristics. The use of reinforced plastics, ceramic matrix and metal matrix composites reinforced by carbon and graphite fibers in aerospace industry is considered. Until recently, the two major drivers for the application of composites in engines have been weight reduction and performance improvement. As shown, today a major challenge to be met by the industry is cost reduction.


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The fracture behaviour and plane strain fracture toughness, KIC, of four 8090-based metal-matrix composites containing 20 weight % SiC particles, 3, 6 and 23 μm in diameter, has been evaluated as a function of matrix ageing condition. Toughness values are found to be almost independent of reinforcement size. Ageing at 170°C results in a monotonic decrease in toughness with increasing strength up to the peak condition, with no subsequent recovery in toughness on overageing. However, unlike reinforced 8090, the composites are not found to be susceptible to intergranular embrittlement on overageing. The observed trends are found to be independent of reinforcement size. These findings are explained in terms of the strength, work hardening behaviour and nature and distribution of void-nucleating particles in the matrix. © 1993.


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The economic and efficient exploitation of composite materials in critical load bearing applications relies on the ability to predict safe operational lives without excessive conservatism. Developing life prediction and monitoring techniques in these complex, inhomogeneous materials requires an understanding of the various failure mechanisms which can take place. This article describes a range of damage mechanisms which are observed in polymer, metal and ceramic matrix composites.


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A semi-batch pyrolysis process was used to recover samples carbon fibre and glass fibre from their respective wastes. The mechanical properties of the recovered fibres were tested and compared to those of virgin fibres, showing good retention of the fibre properties. The recovered fibres were then used to prepare new LDPE composite materials with commercial and laboratory-synthesized compatibilizers. Mild oxidation of the post-pyrolysis recovered fibres and the use of different compatibilizers gave significant improvements in the mechanical properties of the LDPE composites; however some of the manufactured composites made from recovered fibres had properties similar to those made from virgin fibres.


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Two antioxidant modified layered double hydroxides (AO-LDHs) were successfully prepared by theintercalation of 3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid (IrganoxCOOH) and 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid (Trolox) in the layered structure of LDH. It was foundthat by anchoring the phenolic moieties to the LDH layers the antioxidant power is retained in the caseof Trolox, and even amplified in the case of IrganoxCOOH. A small amount of the two AO-LDHs wasincorporated into poly(lactic acid), PLA, by solution mixing and melt extrusion. The thermo-oxidativestability of the composites was compared with that of the neat PLA and PLA containing free AOs. SECanalysis indicates that, after a controlled period of ageing, both the AO-LDHs protect the PLA fromchain scission. The oxidation induction time (OIT, DSC) at 230 °C shows also the beneficial effects ofthe presence of the functional filler in the polymer matrix. Further, results from a preliminary migrationtest suggest that the AO species have a low tendency to migrate away from the AO-LDHs embedded inthe polymer matrix thus keeping the AO protected inside the nanofiller layers thereby remaining activefor a longer time.


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Common problems encountered in clinical sensing are those of non-biocompatibility, and slow response time of the device. The latter, also applying to chemical sensors, is possibly due to a lack of understanding of polymer support or membrane properties and hence failure to optimise membranes chosen for specific sensor applications. Hydrogels can be described as polymers which swell in water. In addition to this, the presence of water in the polymer matrix offers some control of biocompatibility. They thus provide a medium through which rapid transport of a sensed species to an incorporated reagent could occur. This work considers the feasibility of such a system, leading to the design and construction of an optical sensor test bed. The development of suitable membrane systems and of suitable coating techniques in order to apply them to the fibre optics is described. Initial results obtained from hydrogel coatings implied that the refractive index change in the polymer matrix, due to a change in water content with pH is the major factor contributing to the sensor response. However the presence of the colourimetric reagent was also altering the output signal obtained. An analysis of factors contributing to the overall response, such as colour change and membrane composition were made on both the test bed, via optical response, and on whole membranes via measurement of water content change. The investigation of coatings with low equilibrium water contents, of less than 10% was carried out and in fact a clearer signal response from the test bed was noted. Again these membranes were suprisingly responding via refractive index change, with the reagent playing a primary role in obtaining a sensible or non-random response, although not in a colourimetric fashion. A photographic study of these coatings revealed some clues as to the physical nature of these coatings and hence partially explained this phenomenon. A study of the transport properties of the most successful membrane, on a coated wire electrode and also on the fibre optic test bed, in a series of test environments, indicated that the reagent was possibly acting as an ion exchanger and hence having a major influence on transport and therefore sensor characteristics.


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In this thesis the factors surrounding the permeation of alkali and alkaline earth metal salts through hydrogel membranes are investigated. Although of relevance to aqueous separations in general, it was with their potential application in sensors that this work was particularly concerned. In order to study the effect that the nature of the solute has on the transport process, a single polymer matrix, poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate), was initially studied. The influence of cation variation in the presence of a fixed anion was looked at, followed by the effect of the anion in the presence of a fixed cation. The anion was found to possess the dominant influence and tended to subsume any influence by the cation. This is explained in terms of the structure-making and structure-breaking characteristics of the ions in their solute-water interactions. Analogies in the transport behaviour of the salts are made with the Hofmeister series. The effect of the chemical composition of the polymer backbone on the water structuring in the hydrogel and, consequently, transport through the membrane, was investigated by preparing a series of poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) copolymer membranes and determining the permeability coefficient of salts with a fixed anion. The results were discussed in terms of the `free-volume' model of permeation and the water structuring of the polymer backbone. The ability of ionophores to selectively modulate the permeation of salts through hydrogel membranes was also examined. The results indicated that a dualsorption model was in operation. Finally, hydrogels were used as membrane overlays on coated wire ion-selective electrodes that employed conventional plasticised-PVC-valinomycin based sensing membranes. The hydrogel overlays were found to affect the access of the analyte but not the underlying electrochemistry.


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Hydrogels are a unique class of polymer which swell, but do not dissolve in, water. A range of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate based copolymer hydrogels containing both cyclic and linear polyethers have been synthesised and are described in this thesis. Initially, cyclic polyethers were occluded within the polymer matrix and the transport properties investigated. The results indicated that the presence of an ionophore can be used to modulate ion transport and that ion transport is described by a dual-sorption mechanism. However, these studies were limited due to ionophore loss during hydration. Hence, the synthesis of a range of acrylate based crown ether monomers was considered. A pure sample of 4-acryolylaminobenzo-15-crown-5 was obtained and a terpolymer containing this monomer was prepared. Transport studies illustrated that the presence of a `bound' ionophore modulates ion transport in a similar way to the occluded systems. The transport properties of a series of terpolymers containing linear polyethers were then investigated. The results indicated that the dual-sorption mechanism is observed for these systems with group II metal cations while the transport of group I metal cations, with the exception of sodium, is enhanced. Finally, the equilibrium water contents (EWC) surface and mechanical properties of these terpolymers containing linear polyethers were examined. Although subtle variations in EWC are observed as the structure of the polyether side chain varies, generally EWC is enhanced due to the hydrophilicity of the polyether side chain. The macroscopic surface properties were investigated using a sessile drop technique and FTIR spectroscopy. At a molecular level surface properties were probed using an in vitro ocular spoilation model and preliminary cell adhesion studies. The results indicate that the polyethylene oxide side chains are expressed at the polymer surface thus reducing the adhesion of biological species.