em Aston University Research Archive


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We propose several all-pass spectrally-periodic optical structures composed of simple optical cavities for the implementation of repetition rate multipliers of periodic pulse train with uniform output train envelope by phase-only filtering, and analyze them in terms of robustness and accuracy.


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We propose and analyze several simple all-pass spectrally-periodic optical structures, in terms of accuracy and robustness, for the implementation of repetition rate multipliers of periodic pulse train with uniform output train envelope, finding optimum solutions for multiplication factors of 3, 4, 6, and 12.


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We introduce a novel transmission technique of periodic in-line all-optical format conversion between return-to-zero and non-return-to-zero-like aimed at delaying the accumulation of format-specific impairments. A particular realization of this approach using in-line normal dispersion fibre-enhanced nonlinear optical loop mirrors at 40Gbit/s data rate is presented. © 2004 Optical Society of America.


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We overview our recent developments in the theory of dispersion-managed (DM) solitons within the context of optical applications. First, we present a class of localized solutions with a period multiple to that of the standard DM soliton in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with periodic variations of the dispersion. In the framework of a reduced ordinary differential equation-based model, we discuss the key features of these structures, such as a smaller energy compared to traditional DM solitons with the same temporal width. Next, we present new results on dissipative DM solitons, which occur in the context of mode-locked lasers. By means of numerical simulations and a reduced variational model of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, we analyze the influence of the different dissipative processes that take place in a laser.


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We introduce a novel transmission technique of periodic in-line all-optical format conversion between return-to-zero and non-return-to-zero-like aimed at delaying the accumulation of format-specific impairments. A particular realization of this approach using in-line normal dispersion fibre-enhanced nonlinear optical loop mirrors at 40Gbit/s data rate is presented.


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The letter presents a technique for Nth-order differentiation of periodic pulse train, which can simultaneously multiply the input repetition rate. This approach uses a single linearly chirped apodized fiber Bragg grating, which grating profile is designed to map the spectral response of the Nth-order differentiator, and the chirp introduces a dispersion that, besides space-to-frequency mapping, it also causes a temporal Talbot effect.


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In this paper, we demonstrate the possibility of reaching a quasi-stable nonlinear transmission regime with carrier pulses of 12.5 ps width in multi-channel 40 Gbit/s systems. The quasi-stable pulses that are presented in this work for the first time are not dispersion-managed solitons, and are indeed supported by a large normal span average dispersion and misbalanced optical amplification, and representing a new type of nonlinear carrier.


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We overview our recent developments in the theory of dispersion-managed (DM) solitons within the context of optical applications. First, we present a class of localized solutions with a period multiple to that of the standard DM soliton in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with periodic variations of the dispersion. In the framework of a reduced ordinary differential equation-based model, we discuss the key features of these structures, such as a smaller energy compared to traditional DM solitons with the same temporal width. Next, we present new results on dissipative DM solitons, which occur in the context of mode-locked lasers. By means of numerical simulations and a reduced variational model of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, we analyze the influence of the different dissipative processes that take place in a laser.


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In this work we introduce the periodic nonlinear Fourier transform (PNFT) and propose a proof-of-concept communication system based on it by using a simple waveform with known nonlinear spectrum (NS). We study the performance (addressing the bit-error-rate (BER), as a function of the propagation distance) of the transmission system based on the use of the PNFT processing method and show the benefits of the latter approach. By analysing our simulation results for the system with lumped amplification, we demonstrate the decent potential of the new processing method.


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All-optical data processing is expected to play a major role in future optical communications. The fiber nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) is a valuable tool in optical signal processing applications. This paper presents an overview of our recent advances in developing NOLM-based all-optical processing techniques for application in fiber-optic communications. The use of in-line NOLMs as a general technique for all-optical passive 2R (reamplification, reshaping) regeneration of return-to-zero (RZ) on-off keyed signals in both high-speed, ultralong-distance transmission systems and terrestrial photonic networks is reviewed. In this context, a theoretical model enabling the description of the stable propagation of carrier pulses with periodic all-optical self-regeneration in fiber systems with in-line deployment of nonlinear optical devices is presented. A novel, simple pulse processing scheme using nonlinear broadening in normal dispersion fiber and loop mirror intensity filtering is described, and its employment is demonstrated as an optical decision element at a RZ receiver as well as an in-line device to realize a transmission technique of periodic all-optical RZ-nonreturn-to-zero-like format conversion. The important issue of phase-preserving regeneration of phase-encoded signals is also addressed by presenting a new design of NOLM based on distributed Raman amplification in the loop fiber. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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It is shown, through numerical simulations, that by using a combination of dispersion management and periodic saturable absorption it is possible to transmit solitonlike pulses with greatly increased energy near to the zero net dispersion wavelength. This system is shown to support the stable propagation of solitons over transoceanic distances for a wide range of input powers.


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Collision-induced power jitter is theoretically and numerically examined in dispersion-managed wavelength-division-multiplexed optical soliton transmission systems. The variational method is mainly used to develop a time efficient jitter calculation approach. The power jitter causes a serious problem for a singly periodic dispersion managed line having almost zero average dispersion, which can be reduced by applying doubly periodic dispersion management.


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We analytically and numerically analyze the occurrence of modulational instability in fibers with periodic changes in the group-velocity dispersion. For small variations, a set of resonances occurs in the gain spectrum. However, large dispersion variations eliminate these resonances and restrict the bandwidth of the fundamental gain spectrum. This research has been motivated by the adoption of dispersion management techniques in long-haul optical communications.