16 resultados para P-glycoprotein

em Aston University Research Archive


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The coordination of the functional activities of intestinal CYP3A4 and P-gp in limiting the absorption of xenobiotics in Caco-2 cells was investigated. Growing Caco-2 cells were exposed to increasing concentrations of doxorubicin (1-2 μM) in plastic flasks to encourage a subpopulation of cells, that displayed an intrinsically higher multidrug resistance (mdr) phenotype than the parent cells, to survive and grow. Doxorubicin-exposed (hereinafter referred to as type I cells) and nonexposed Caco-2 cells (parent cells) on collagen-coated inserts were also treated with either 0 (control) or 0.25 μM 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 to promote cellular CYP3A4 expression. Increased P-gp protein expression, as detected by Western blotting, was noted in type I cells (213±54.35%) compared to that of parent cells (100±6.05%). Furthermore, they retained significantly less [3H]vincristine sulphate (p<0.05), a P-gp substrate, after efflux (272.89±11.86 fmol/mg protein) than the parent cells (381.39±61.82 fmol/mg protein). The expression of CYP3A4 in parental cells after 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 treatment was quantified to be 76.2±7.6 pmol/mg protein and comparable with that found in human jejunal enterocytes (70.0±20.0 pmol/mg protein). Type I cells, however, expressed a very low quantity of CYP3A4 both before and after the treatment that was beyond the minimum detection limit of Western blotting. Functionally, the rates of 1-hydroxylation of midazolam by CYP3A for both cell types ranged from 257.0±20.0 to 1057.0±46.0 pmol/min/mg protein. Type I cells, although having a higher P-gp expression and activity comparatively, metabolized midazolam less extensively than the parent cells. The results suggested that there were noncoordinated functional activities of intestinal CYP3A4 and P-gp in Caco-2 cells, although they both functioned independently to minimize intestinal epithelial absorption of xenobiotics. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmaceutical Association.


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The passage number and origin of two populations of Caco-2 cells influence their enterocyte-like characteristics. Caco-2 cells of passage number >90 from Novartis pharmaceutical company possess higher levels of expression of alkaline phosphatase and P-glycoprotein and a greater cellular uptake of Gly-1.-Pro than those of passage number <40 from the American Type Tissue Culture collection. High P-gp expressing Caco-2 cells have been developed through stepwise selection of the cells with doxonibicin. This newly-developed cell line (hereafter referred to as Type I) possesses approximately twice as much P-gp protein than non-exposed cells, restricts the transepithelial transport of vincristine in the apical-to-basolateral direction whilst facilitating its transport in the reverse direction and accumulates less vincristine than non-exposed cells. There is no apparent evidence of the co-existence of the multidrug resistance protein (MIT) in Type I cells to account for the above-listed observations. Stopping the exposure for more than 28 days decreases the P-gp protein expression in previously doxorubicin-exposed Type I Caco-2 cells and reduces the magnitude of vincristine transepithelial fluxes in both directions to the levels that are almost similar to those of non-exposed cells. Exposing Caco-2 cells to 0.25 JAM la, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 induces their expression of cytochrome P450 3A4 protein to the level that is equivalent to that from isolated human jejunal cells. Under the same treatment, doxorubiein-exposed (Type I) cells metabolise naidazolam poorly and less extensively compared to non-exposed cells, suggesting that there is no such co-regulation of P-gp and CYP3A4 in Caco-2 cells. However, there is evidence which suggests CYP3A metabolises mida_zolam into 1- and 4-hydroxymidazolam, the latter may possibly be a P-gp substrate and is transported extracellularly by P-gp, supporting the hypothesis of P-gp-CYP3A4 synergistic roles in keeping xenobiotics out of the body. Doxoru.bicin-exposed (Type I) cells are less effective in translocating L-proline and glycyl-L-proline across the cell mono layers.


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The drug efflux pump P-glycoprotein (P-gp) (ABCB1) confers multidrug resistance, a major cause of failure in the chemotherapy of tumours, exacerbated by a shortage of potent and selective inhibitors. A high throughput assay using purified P-gp to screen and characterise potential inhibitors would greatly accelerate their development. However, long-term stability of purified reconstituted ABCB1 can only be reliably achieved with storage at -80 °C. For example, at 20 °C, the activity of ABCB1 was abrogated with a half-life of <1 day. The aim of this investigation was to stabilise purified, reconstituted ABCB1 to enable storage at higher temperatures and thereby enable design of a high throughput assay system. The ABCB1 purification procedure was optimised to allow successful freeze drying by substitution of glycerol with the disaccharides trehalose or maltose. Addition of disaccharides resulted in ATPase activity being retained immediately following lyophilisation with no significant difference between the two disaccharides. However, during storage trehalose preserved ATPase activity for several months regardless of the temperature (e.g. 60% retention at 150 days), whereas ATPase activity in maltose purified P-gp was affected by both storage time and temperature. The data provide an effective mechanism for the production of resilient purified, reconstituted ABCB1.


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The small intestine poses a major barrier to the efficient absorption of orally administered therapeutics. Intestinal epithelial cells are an extremely important site for extrahepatic clearance, primarily due to prominent P-glycoprotein-mediated active efflux and the presence of cytochrome P450s. We describe a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model which incorporates geometric variations, pH alterations and descriptions of the abundance and distribution of cytochrome 3A and P-glycoprotein along the length of the small intestine. Simulations using preclinical in vitro data for model drugs were performed to establish the influence of P-glycoprotein efflux, cytochrome 3A metabolism and passive permeability on drug available for absorption within the enterocytes. The fraction of drug escaping the enterocyte (F(G)) for 10 cytochrome 3A substrates with a range of intrinsic metabolic clearances were simulated. Following incorporation of P-glycoprotein in vitro efflux ratios all predicted F(G) values were within 20% of observed in vivo F(G). The presence of P-glycoprotein increased the level of cytochrome 3A drug metabolism by up to 12-fold in the distal intestine. F(G) was highly sensitive to changes in intrinsic metabolic clearance but less sensitive to changes in intestinal drug permeability. The model will be valuable for quantifying aspects of intestinal drug absorption and distribution.


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Solid tumours display a complex drug resistance phenotype that involves inherent and acquired mechanisms. Multicellular resistance is an inherent feature of solid tumours and is known to present significant barriers to drug permeation in tumours. Given this barrier, do acquired resistance mechanisms such as P-glycoprotein (P-gp) contribute significantly to resistance? To address this question, the multicellular tumour spheroid (MCTS) model was used to examine the influence of P-gp on drug distribution in solid tissue. Tumour spheroids (TS) were generated from either drug-sensitive MCF7WT cells or a drug-resistant, P-gp-expressing derivative MCF7Adr. Confocal microscopy was used to measure time courses and distribution patterns of three fluorescent compounds; calcein-AM, rhodamine123 and BODIPY-taxol. These compounds were chosen because they are all substrates for P-gp-mediated transport, exhibit high fluorescence and are chemically dissimilar. For example, BODIPY-taxol and rhodamine 123 showed high accumulation and distributed extensively throughout the TSWT, whereas calcein-AM accumulation was restricted to the outermost layers. The presence of P-gp in TSAdr resulted in negligible accumulation, regardless of the compound. Moreover, the inhibition of P-gp by nicardipine restored intracellular accumulation and distribution patterns to levels observed in TSWT. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of P-gp in modulating drug distribution in solid tumour models. However, the penetration of agents throughout the tissue is strongly determined by the physico-chemical properties of the individual compounds.


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A three-dimensional model of human ABCB1 nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) was developed by homology modelling using the high-resolution human TAP1 transporter structure as template. Interactions between NBD and flavonoids were investigated using in silico docking studies. Ring-A of unmodified flavonoid was located within the NBD P-loop with the 5-hydroxyl group involved in hydrogen bonding with Lys1076. Ring-B was stabilised by hydrophobic stacking interactions with Tyr1044. The 3-hydroxyl group and carbonyl oxygen were extensively involved in hydrogen bonding interactions with amino acids within the NBD. Addition of prenyl, benzyl or geranyl moieties to ring-A (position-6) and hydrocarbon substituents (O-n-butyl to O-n-decyl) to ring-B (position-4) resulted in a size-dependent decrease in predicted docking energy which reflected the increased binding affinities reported in vitro.


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The transmembrane (TM) domains in P-glycoprotein (P-gp) contain the drug binding sites and undergo conformational changes driven by nucleotide catalysis to effect translocation. However, our understanding of exactly which regions are involved in such events remains unclear. A site-directed labelling approach was used to attach thiol-reactive probes to cysteines introduced into transmembrane segment 6 (TM6) in order to perturb function and infer involvement of specific residues in drug binding and/or interdomain communication. Covalent attachment of coumarin-maleimide at residue 339C within TM6 resulted in impaired ATP hydrolysis by P-gp. The nature of the effect was to reduce the characteristic modulation of basal activity caused by transported substrates, modulators and the potent inhibitor XR9576. Photoaffinity labelling of P-gp with [(3)H]-azidopine indicated that residue 339C does not alter drug binding per se. However, covalent modification of this residue appears to prevent conformational changes that lead to drug stimulation of ATP hydrolysis.


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Structural evidence has demonstrated that P-glycoprotein (P-gp) undergoes considerable conformational changes during catalysis, and these alterations are important in drug interaction. Knowledge of which regions in P-gp undergo conformational alterations will provide vital information to elucidate the locations of drug binding sites and the mechanism of coupling. A number of investigations have implicated transmembrane segment six (TM6) in drug-P-gp interactions, and a cysteine-scanning mutagenesis approach was directed to this segment. Introduction of cysteine residues into TM6 did not disturb basal or drug-stimulated ATPase activity per se. Under basal conditions the hydrophobic probe coumarin maleimide readily labeled all introduced cysteine residues, whereas the hydrophilic fluorescein maleimide only labeled residue Cys-343. The amphiphilic BODIPY-maleimide displayed a more complex labeling profile. The extent of labeling with coumarin maleimide did not vary during the catalytic cycle, whereas fluorescein maleimide labeling of F343C was lost after nucleotide binding or hydrolysis. BODIPY-maleimide labeling was markedly altered during the catalytic cycle and indicated that the adenosine 5'-(beta,gamma-imino)triphosphate-bound and ADP/vanadate-trapped intermediates were conformationally distinct. Our data are reconciled with a recent atomic scale model of P-gp and are consistent with a tilting of TM6 in response to nucleotide binding and ATP hydrolysis.


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Our aim is to provide molecular understanding of the mechanisms underlying the (i) interaction between the two nucleotide binding domains (NBDs) and (ii) coupling between NBDs and transmembrane domains within P-glycoprotein (Pgp) during a transport cycle. To facilitate this, we have introduced a number of unique cysteine residues at surface exposed positions (E393C, S452C, I500C, N508C, and K578C) in the N-terminal NBD of Pgp, which had previously been engineered to remove endogenous cysteines. Positions of the mutations were designed using a model based on crystallographic features of prokaryotic NBDs. The single cysteine mutants were expressed in insect cells using recombinant baculovirus and the proteins purified by metal affinity chromatography by virtue of a polyhistidine tag. None of the introduced cysteine residues perturbed the function of Pgp as judged by the characteristics of drug stimulated ATP hydrolysis. The role of residues at each of the introduced sites in the catalytic cycle of Pgp was investigated by the effect of covalent conjugation with N-ethyl-maleimide (NEM). All but one mutation (K578C) was accessible to labeling with [3H]-NEM. However, perturbation of ATPase activity was only observed for the derivitized N508C isoform. The principle functional manifestation was a marked inhibition of the "basal" rate of ATP hydrolysis. Neither the extent nor potency to which a range of drugs could affect the ATPase activity were altered in the NEM conjugated N508C isoform. The results imply that the accessibility of residue 508, located in the alpha-helical subdomain of NBD1 in Pgp, is altered by the conformational changes that occur during ATP hydrolysis.


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Background - The P-glycoprotein (P-gp), an ATP binding cassette transmembrane transporter, is expressed by astrocytes in the adult brain, and is positively modulated during astrogliosis. In a search for factors involved in this modulation, P-gp overexpression was studied in long-term in vitro astroglial cultures. Results - Surprisingly, most factors that are known to induce astroglial activation in astroglial cultures failed to increase P-gp expression. The only effective proteins were IFNγ and those belonging to the IL-6 family of cytokines (IL-6, LIF, CT-1 and CNTF). As well as P-gp expression, the IL-6 type cytokines - but not IFNγ - stimulated the expression of endogenous CNTF in astrocytes. In order to see whether an increased intracellular level of CNTF was necessary for induction of P-gp overexpression by IL-6 type cytokines, by the same cytokines analysis was carried out on astrocytes obtained from CNTF knockout mice. In these conditions, IFNγ produced increased P-gp expression, but no overexpression of P-gp was observed with either IL-6, LIF or CT-1, pointing to a role of CNTF in the intracellular signalling pathway leading to P-gp overexpression. In agreement with this suggestion, application of exogenous CNTF -which is internalised with its receptor - produced an overexpression of P-gp in CNTF-deficient astrocytes. Conclusions - These results reveal two different pathways regulating P-gp expression and activity in reactive astrocytes, one of which depends upon the intracellular concentration of CNTF. This regulation of P-gp may be one of the long searched for physiological roles of CNTF.


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Dipeptides can be absorbed into cells via the dipeptide transporter (which also transported tripeptides and dipeptide derivatives). The optimum conditions for measuring the inhibition of Gly-Pro uptake in Caco-2 cells were identified. A number of structure-activity relationships were identified. These included the effects of increasing the amino-acid chain-length, and the presence of a thiol or hydroxyl group in the side-chain increased IC50 while the presence of a hydroxyl group did not. The benzyl esters had lower or equal IC50 values compared to the parent dipeptides while the methyl esters had higher values. These results indicated that while molecular properties did affect IC50, the size, charge and composition of three particular groups caused the most significant effects, supporting the structure-activity relationship identified. An assay was developed using calcein-AM to show the inhibition of p-glycoprotein activity. There was no significant change due to the presence of mannitol but there was in the presence of clyclosporin A (p<0.01). Incubating the cells with the test solution for 30 minutes before the addition of the ester resulted in a significant (p<0.001) difference. The assay was specific for p-glycoprotein, as the presence MRP inhibitors had no effect (p>0.05). The modified protocol allowed the identification of p-glycoprotein inhibitors quickly and simply using a cell suspension of unmodified cells. The clinically relevant buffering of grapefruit juice to pH 7 led to a four-fold increase in intracellular calcein and hence significant inhibition of p-glycoprotein. Buffered orange and lemon juices had no effect on the assay. Flavone derivatives had previously been found to be inhibitors of CYP3A4 yet neither naringin nor naringenin had any significant effect at concentrations found in grapefruit juice. Of the other (non-grapefruit) flavone derivatives tested, hesperidin, found in orange juice, had no significant effect, kaempferol and rutin also had no effect while genistein significantly inhibited p-glycoprotein (results that support previous studies). Hydroxycinnamic acids had no effect on p-glycoprotein. Studies on other compounds found that the balance between inhibiting p-glycoprotein and disrupting cell membranes depends on the compound containing an oxygen atom and the size of the negative charge on it, as well as three-dimensional arrangement of the atoms.


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The aim of this thesis is to investigate the physicochemical parameters which can influence drug loading within liposomes and to characterise the effect such formulations have on drug uptake and transport across in vitro epithelial barrier models. Liposomes composed of phosphatidylcholine (PC) or distearoyl phosphatidylcholine (DSPC) and cholesterol (0, 4, 8, 16 µM) were prepared and optimised in terms of drug loading using the hand-shaking method (Bangham et al., 1965). Subsequently, liposomes composed of 16 µM PC or DSPC and cholesterol (4 µM) were used to monitor hydroxybenzoate release and transport from Iiposomes. The MIT (3[4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) and crystal violet assays were employed to determine toxicity of the Iiposome. formulations towards the Caco-2 cell line, employed to model the epithelial barrier in vitro. Uptake and transport of mannitol, propranolol, glutamine and digoxin was measured in the presence and absence of Iiposome formulations to establish changes in absorption resulting from the presence of lipid formulations. Incorporation of the four hydroxybenzoates was shown to be influenced by a number of factors, including liposome composition and drug conformation. Methyl hydroxybenzo.ate (MP) was incorporated into the bilayer most effectively with percentage incorporation of 68% compared to 45% for butyl hydroxybenzoate (BP), despite its increased Iipophilicity. This was attributed to the decreased packing ability of BP within the hydrocarbon core of the lipid bilayer compared to MP. Release studies also suggested that the smaller MP was more strongly incorporated within the lipid bilayer with only 8% of the incorporated solute being released after 48-hours compared to 17% in the case of BP. Model transport studies were seen to reflect drug release profiles from the liposome bilayers with significantly (p < 0.01) higher amounts of BP partitioning from the liposome compared to MP, Caco-2 cell viability was maintained above 86% in the presence of all Iiposome formulations tested indicating the liposome formulations are non-toxic towards Caco-2 cells. Paracellular (apical-to-basolateral) transport of mannitol was significantly increased in the presence of DSPC, PC / DSPC:Cholesterol (16:4 µM; 1000 µg). Glutamine uptake and transport via the carrier-mediated route was Significantly (p < 0.01) increased in the presence of PC I DSPC:Cholesterol (16:0; 16:4 µM). Digoxin apical-to-basolateral transport was significantly increased (p < 0,01) in the presence of PC / DSPC:Cholesterol (16:0; 16:4 µM); thus reducing digoxin efflux via P-glycoprotein. In contrast, PC:ChoJesterol (16:0; 16:4 µM) significantly (p < 0.01) decreased propranolol uptake via the passive transcellular route. Bi-directional transport of propranolol was significantly (p < 0,01) decreased in the presence of PC/DSPC:Cholesterol (16:0; 16:4 µM). The structure of a solute is an important determinant for the incorporation and release of a solute from liposome formulations. PC, DSPC and cholesterol liposome formulations are nontoxic towards Caco-2 cell monolayers and improved uptake and transport of mannitol, glutamine. and digoxin across Caco-2 cell monolayers; thus providing a potential alternative delivery vehicle.


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WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ABOUT THIS SUBJECT • Currently tacrolimus is the mainstay of immunosuppression for most children undergoing liver transplantation (LT). • The clinical use of this agent, however, is complicated by its various adverse effects (mainly nephrotoxicity), its narrow therapeutic-index and considerable pharmacokinetic variability. • The low and variable oral bioavailability of tacrolimus is thought to result from the action of the multidrug efflux-pump P-glycoprotein, encoded by the ABCB1 gene. WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS • A significant association between ABCB1 genetic polymorphisms and tacrolimus-associated nephrotoxicity in paediatric patients following LT is reported for the first time. Genotyping such polymorphisms may have the potential to individualize better initial tacrolimus therapy and enhance drug safety. • The long-term effect of ABCB1 polymorphisms on tacrolimus trough concentrations were investigated up to 5 years post-transplantation. A significant effect of intestinal P-glycoprotein genotypes on tacrolimus pharmacokinetics was found at 3 and 4 years post-transplantation suggesting that the effect is maintained long term. AIMS - The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of genetic polymorphisms in ABCB1 on the incidence of nephrotoxicity and tacrolimus dosage-requirements in paediatric patients following liver transplantation. METHODS - Fifty-one paediatric liver transplant recipients receiving tacrolimus were genotyped for ABCB1 C1236>T, G2677>T and C3435>T polymorphisms. Dose-adjusted tacrolimus trough concentrations and estimated glomerular filtration rates (EGFR) indicative of renal toxicity were determined and correlated with the corresponding genotypes. RESULTS - The present study revealed a higher incidence of the ABCB1 variant-alleles examined among patients with renal dysfunction (≥30% reduction in EGFR) at 6 months post-transplantation (1236T allele: 63.3% vs 37.5% in controls, P= 0.019; 2677T allele: 63.3% vs. 35.9%, p = 0.012; 3435T allele: 60% vs. 39.1%, P= 0.057). Carriers of the G2677->T variant allele also had a significant reduction (%) in EGFR at 12 months post-transplant (mean difference = 22.6%; P= 0.031). Haplotype analysis showed a significant association between T-T-T haplotypes and an increased incidence of nephrotoxicity at 6 months post-transplantation (haplotype-frequency = 52.9% in nephrotoxic patients vs 29.4% in controls; P= 0.029). Furthermore, G2677->T and C3435->T polymorphisms and T-T-T haplotypes were significantly correlated with higher tacrolimus dose-adjusted pre-dose concentrations at various time points examined long after drug initiation. CONCLUSIONS - These findings suggest that ABCB1 polymorphisms in the native intestine significantly influence tacrolimus dosage-requirement in the stable phase after transplantation. In addition, ABCB1 polymorphisms in paediatric liver transplant recipients may predispose them to nephrotoxicity over the first year post-transplantation. Genotyping future transplant recipients for ABCB1 polymorphisms, therefore, could have the potential to individualize better tacrolimus immunosuppressive therapy and enhance drug safety.


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ABC (ATP-binding-cassette) transporters carry out many vital functions and are involved in numerous diseases, but study of the structure and function of these proteins is often hampered by their large size and membrane location. Membrane protein purification usually utilizes detergents to solubilize the protein from the membrane, effectively removing it from its native lipid environment. Subsequently, lipids have to be added back and detergent removed to reconstitute the protein into a lipid bilayer. In the present study, we present the application of a new methodology for the extraction and purification of ABC transporters without the use of detergent, instead, using a copolymer, SMA (polystyrene-co-maleic acid). SMA inserts into a bilayer and assembles into discrete particles, essentially solubilizing the membrane into small discs of bilayer encircled by a polymer, termed SMALPs (SMA lipid particles). We show that this polymer can extract several eukaryotic ABC transporters, P-glycoprotein (ABCB1), MRP1 (multidrug-resistance protein 1; ABCC1), MRP4 (ABCC4), ABCG2 and CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator; ABCC7), from a range of different expression systems. The SMALP-encapsulated ABC transporters can be purified by affinity chromatography, and are able to bind ligands comparably with those in native membranes or detergent micelles. A greater degree of purity and enhanced stability is seen compared with detergent solubilization. The present study demonstrates that eukaryotic ABC transporters can be extracted and purified without ever being removed from their lipid bilayer environment, opening up awide range of possibilities for the future study of their structure and function. © The Authors Journal compilation © 2014 Biochemical Society.


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Drug resistance was first identified in cancer cells that express proteins known as multidrug resistance proteins that extrude the therapeutic agents out of the cells resulting in alteration of pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution, and pharmacodynamics of drugs. To this end studies were carried out to investigate the role of pharmacological inhibitors and pharmaceutical excipients with a primary focus on P-glycoprotein (P-gp). The aim of this study was to investigate holistic changes in transporter gene expression during permeability upon formulation of indomethacin as solid dispersion. Initial characterization studies of solid dispersion of indomethacin showed that the drug was dispersed within the carrier in amorphous form. Analysis of permeability data across Caco-2 monolayers revealed that drug absorption increased by 4-fold when reformulated as solid dispersion. The last phase of the work involved investigation of gene expression changes of transporter genes during permeability. The results showed that there were significant differences in the expression of both ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter genes as well as solute carrier transporter (SLC) genes suggesting that the inclusion of polyethylene glycol as well as changes in molecular form of drug from crystalline to amorphous have a significant bearing on the expression of transporter network genes resulting in differences in drug permeability. © 2011 Informa UK, Ltd.