15 resultados para Optical Manipulation

em Aston University Research Archive


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We present a novel approach for the optical manipulation of neutral atoms in annular light structures produced by the phenomenon of conical refraction occurring in biaxial optical crystals. For a beam focused to a plane behind the crystal, the focal plane exhibits two concentric bright rings enclosing a ring of null intensity called the Poggendorff ring. We demonstrate both theoretically and experimentally that the Poggendorff dark ring of conical refraction is confined in three dimensions by regions of higher intensity. We derive the positions of the confining intensity maxima and minima and discuss the application of the Poggendorff ring for trapping ultra-cold atoms using the repulsive dipole force of blue-detuned light. We give analytical expressions for the trapping frequencies and potential depths along both the radial and the axial directions. Finally, we present realistic numerical simulations of the dynamics of a 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensate trapped inside the Poggendorff ring which are in good agreement with corresponding experimental results.


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Optical manipulation of microscopic objects (including living cells) using Bessel beams from semiconductor lasers has been demonstrated for the first time. In addition, it has been found in the experiments that a Bessel beam of sufficient power from a semiconductor laser makes it possible to manipulate simultaneously several microscopic objects captured into its central lobe and the first ring. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.


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We report on recent progress in the generation of non-diffracting (Bessel) beams from semiconductor light sources including both edge-emitting and surface-emitting semiconductor lasers as well as light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Bessel beams at the power level of Watts with central lobe diameters of a few to tens of micrometers were achieved from compact and highly efficient lasers. The practicality of reducing the central lobe size of the Bessel beam generated with high-power broad-stripe semiconductor lasers and LEDs to a level unachievable by means of traditional focusing has been demonstrated. We also discuss an approach to exceed the limit of power density for the focusing of radiation with high beam propagation parameter M2. Finally, we consider the potential of the semiconductor lasers for applications in optical trapping/tweezing and the perspectives to replace their gas and solid-state laser counterparts for a range of implementations in optical manipulation towards lab-on-chip configurations. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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Previous research has indicated that schematic eyes incorporating aspheric surfaces but lacking gradient index are unable to model ocular spherical aberration and peripheral astigmatism simultaneously. This limits their use as wide-angle schematic eyes. This thesis challenges this assumption by investigating the flexibility of schematic eyes comprising aspheric optical surfaces and homogeneous optical media. The full variation of ocular component dimensions found in human eyes was established from the literature. Schematic eye parameter variants were limited to these dimensions. The levels of spherical aberration and peripheral astigmatism modelled by these schematic eyes were compared to the range of measured levels. These were also established from the literature. To simplify comparison of modelled and measured data, single value parameters were introduced; the spherical aberration function (SAF), and peripheral astigmatism function (PAF). Some ocular components variations produced a wide range of aberrations without exceeding the limits of human ocular components. The effect of ocular component variations on coma was also investigated, but no comparison could be made as no empirical data exists. It was demonstrated that by combined manipulation of a number of parameters in the schematic eyes it was possible to model all levels of ocular spherical aberration and peripheral astigmatism. However, the unique parameters of a human eye could not be obtained in this way, as a number of models could be used to produce the same spherical aberration and peripheral astigmatism, while giving very different coma levels. It was concluded that these schematic eyes are flexible enough to model the monochromatic aberrations tested, the absence of gradient index being compensated for by altering the asphericity of one or more surfaces.


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The development of new all-optical technologies for data processing and signal manipulation is a field of growing importance with a strong potential for numerous applications in diverse areas of modern science. Nonlinear phenomena occurring in optical fibres have many attractive features and great, but not yet fully explored, potential in signal processing. Here, we review recent progress on the use of fibre nonlinearities for the generation and shaping of optical pulses and on the applications of advanced pulse shapes in all-optical signal processing. Amongst other topics, we will discuss ultrahigh repetition rate pulse sources, the generation of parabolic shaped pulses in active and passive fibres, the generation of pulses with triangular temporal profiles, and coherent supercontinuum sources. The signal processing applications will span optical regeneration, linear distortion compensation, optical decision at the receiver in optical communication systems, spectral and temporal signal doubling, and frequency conversion. © Copyright 2012 Sonia Boscolo and Christophe Finot.


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All-optical technologies for data processing and signal manipulation are expected to play a major role in future optical communications. Nonlinear phenomena occurring in optical fibre have many attractive features and great, but not yet fully exploited potential in optical signal processing. Here, we overview our recent results and advances in developing novel photonic techniques and approaches to all-optical processing based on fibre nonlinearities. Amongst other topics, we will discuss phase-preserving optical 2R regeneration, the possibility of using parabolic/flat-top pulses for optical signal processing and regeneration, and nonlinear optical pulse shaping. A method for passive nonlinear pulse shaping based on pulse pre-chirping and propagation in a normally dispersive fibre will be presented. The approach provides a simple way of generating various temporal waveforms of fundamental and practical interest. Particular emphasis will be given to the formation and characterization of pulses with a triangular intensity profile. A new technique of doubling/copying optical pulses in both the frequency and time domains using triangular-shaped pulses will be also introduced.


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All-optical technologies for data processing and signal manipulation are expected to play a major role in future optical communications. Nonlinear phenomena occurring in optical fibre have many attractive features and great, but not yet fully exploited potential in optical signal processing. Here, we overview our recent results and advances in developing novel photonic techniques and approaches to all-optical processing based on fibre nonlinearities. Amongst other topics, we will discuss phase-preserving optical 2R regeneration, the possibility of using parabolic/flat-top pulses for optical signal processing and regeneration, and nonlinear optical pulse shaping. A method for passive nonlinear pulse shaping based on pulse pre-chirping and propagation in a normally dispersive fibre will be presented. The approach provides a simple way of generating various temporal waveforms of fundamental and practical interest. Particular emphasis will be given to the formation and characterization of pulses with a triangular intensity profile. A new technique of doubling/copying optical pulses in both the frequency and time domains using triangular-shaped pulses will be also introduced.


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The development of new all-optical technologies for data processing and signal manipulation is a field of growing importance with a strong potential for numerous applications in diverse areas of modern science. Nonlinear phenomena occurring in optical fibres have many attractive features and great, but not yet fully explored, potential in signal processing. Here, we review recent progress on the use of fibre nonlinearities for the generation and shaping of optical pulses and on the applications of advanced pulse shapes in all-optical signal processing. Amongst other topics, we will discuss ultrahigh repetition rate pulse sources, the generation of parabolic shaped pulses in active and passive fibres, the generation of pulses with triangular temporal profiles, and coherent supercontinuum sources. The signal processing applications will span optical regeneration, linear distortion compensation, optical decision at the receiver in optical communication systems, spectral and temporal signal doubling, and frequency conversion. © Copyright 2012 Sonia Boscolo and Christophe Finot.


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Conical refraction occurs when a beam of light travels through an appropriately cut biaxial crystal. By focusing the conically refracted beam through a high numerical aperture microscope objective, conical refraction optical tweezers can be created, allowing for particle manipulation in both Raman spots, and in the Lloyd/Poggendorff rings. We present a thorough quantification of the trapping properties of such a beam, focusing on the trap stiffness, and how this varies with trap power and trapped particle location. We show that the lower Raman spot can be thought of as a single-beam optical gradient force trap, while radiation pressure dominates in the upper Raman spot, leading to optical levitation rather than trapping. Particles in the Lloyd/Poggendorff rings experience a lower trap stiffness than particles in the lower Raman spot, but benefit from rotational control.


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Many applications of high-power laser diodes demand tight focusing. This is often not possible due to the multimode nature of semiconductor laser radiation possessing beam propagation parameter M2 values in double-digits. We propose a method of 'interference' superfocusing of high-M2 diode laser beams with a technique developed for the generation of Bessel beams based on the employment of an axicon fabricated on the tip of a 100 μm diameter optical fiber with highprecision direct laser writing. Using axicons with apex angle 140º and rounded tip area as small as 10 μm diameter, we demonstrate 2-4 μm diameter focused laser 'needle' beams with approximately 20 μm propagation length generated from multimode diode laser with beam propagation parameter M2=18 and emission wavelength of 960 nm. This is a few-fold reduction compared to the minimal focal spot size of 11 μm that could be achieved if focused by an 'ideal' lens of unity numerical aperture. The same technique using a 160º axicon allowed us to demonstrate few-μm-wide laser 'needle' beams with nearly 100 μm propagation length with which to demonstrate optical trapping of 5-6 μm rat blood red cells in a water-heparin solution. Our results indicate the good potential of superfocused diode laser beams for applications relating to optical trapping and manipulation of microscopic objects including living biological objects with aspirations towards subsequent novel lab-on-chip configurations.


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In this paper, we study generation of Bessel beams from semiconductor lasers with high beam propagation parameter M2 and their utilization for optical trapping and manipulation of microscopic particles including living cells. The demonstrated optical tweezing with diodegenerated Bessel beams paves the way to replace their vibronic-generated counterparts for a range of applications towards novel lab-on-a-chip configurations.


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In this paper, we demonstrate, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, utilization of Bessel beams generated from a semiconductor laser for optical trapping and manipulation of microscopic particles including living cells. © 2014 OSA.