68 resultados para Optic Vesicle

em Aston University Research Archive


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As in other areas of the body, developmental anomalies of the eye arise as a result of the disturbance of events during embryology and in a proportion of cases these anomalies are genetically inherited. Developmental anomalies that occur early in embryonic life may be so severe that the embryo may not survive but others result in the birth of healthy babies but with developmental eye defects of varying severity. The most dramatic developmental defects of the eye include anophthalmos (complete absence of an eye), microphthalmos (a general failure of the eye to develop resulting in a small, undeveloped eye), coloboma (caused by failure of the optic vesicle to invaginate), and aniridia (complete or partial loss of the iris). The present article does not provide an exhaustive review of the topic but considers the major types of developmental anomaly to affect the eye and will discuss how recent progress in genetics has increased our understanding of these disorders. The major genes linked to the developmental anomalies are discussed as well as how defects in these genes might lead to specific problems.


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The formulation of plasmid DNA (pDNA) in cationic liposomes is a promising strategy to improve the potency of DNA vaccines. In this respect, physicochemical parameters such as liposome size may be important for their efficacy. The aim of the current study was to investigate the effect of vesicle size on the in vivo performance of liposomal pDNA vaccines after subcutaneous vaccination in mice. The tissue distribution of cationic liposomes of two sizes, 500 nm (PDI 0.6) and 140 nm (PDI 0.15), composed of egg PC, DOPE and DOTAP, with encapsulated OVA-encoding pDNA, was studied by using dual radiolabeled pDNA-liposomes. Their potency to elicit cellular and humoral immune responses was investigated upon application in a homologous and heterologous vaccination schedule with 3 week intervals. It was shown that encapsulation of pDNA into cationic lipsomes resulted in deposition at the site of injection, and strongest retention was observed at large vesicle size. The vaccination studies demonstrated a more robust induction of OVA-specific, functional CD8+ T-cells and higher antibody levels upon vaccination with small monodisperse pDNA-liposomes, as compared to large heterodisperse liposomes or naked pDNA. The introduction of a PEG-coating on the small cationic liposomes resulted in enhanced lymphatic drainage, but immune responses were not improved when compared to non-PEGylated liposomes. In conclusion, it was shown that the physicochemical properties of the liposomes are of crucial importance for their performance as pDNA vaccine carrier, and cationic charge and small size are favorable properties for subcutaneous DNA vaccination.


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The structural characteristics of liposomes have been widely investigated and there is certainly a strong understanding of their morphological characteristics. Imaging of these systems, using techniques such as freeze-fracturing methods, transmission electron microscopy, and cryo-electron imaging, has allowed us to appreciate their bilayer structures and factors that influence this. However, there are a few methods that study these systems in their natural hydrated state; commonly, the liposomes are visualized after drying, staining and/or fixation of the vesicles. Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) offers the ability to image a liposome in its hydrated state without the need for prior sample preparation. We were the first to use ESEM to study the liposomes and niosomes, and have been able to dynamically follow the hydration of lipid films and changes in liposome suspensions as water condenses onto, or evaporates from, the sample in real-time. This provides an insight into the resistance of liposomes to coalescence during dehydration, thereby providing an alternative assay for liposome formulation and stability.


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All-optical data processing is expected to play a major role in future optical communications. The fiber nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) is a valuable tool in optical signal processing applications. This paper presents an overview of our recent advances in developing NOLM-based all-optical processing techniques for application in fiber-optic communications. The use of in-line NOLMs as a general technique for all-optical passive 2R (reamplification, reshaping) regeneration of return-to-zero (RZ) on-off keyed signals in both high-speed, ultralong-distance transmission systems and terrestrial photonic networks is reviewed. In this context, a theoretical model enabling the description of the stable propagation of carrier pulses with periodic all-optical self-regeneration in fiber systems with in-line deployment of nonlinear optical devices is presented. A novel, simple pulse processing scheme using nonlinear broadening in normal dispersion fiber and loop mirror intensity filtering is described, and its employment is demonstrated as an optical decision element at a RZ receiver as well as an in-line device to realize a transmission technique of periodic all-optical RZ-nonreturn-to-zero-like format conversion. The important issue of phase-preserving regeneration of phase-encoded signals is also addressed by presenting a new design of NOLM based on distributed Raman amplification in the loop fiber. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A prototype fibre-optic system using interferometric wavelength-shift detection, capable of multiplexing up to 32 fibre-optic Bragg grating strain and temperature sensors with identical characteristics, has been demonstrated. This system is based on a spatially multiplexed scheme for use with fibre-based low-coherence interferometric sensors, reported previously. Four fibre-optic Bragg grating channels using the same fibre grating have been demonstrated for measuring quasi-static strain and temperature.


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This thesis examines options for high capacity all optical networks. Specifically optical time division multiplexed (OTDM) networks based on electro-optic modulators are investigated experimentally, whilst comparisons with alternative approaches are carried out. It is intended that the thesis will form the basis of comparison between optical time division multiplexed networks and the more mature approach of wavelength division multiplexed networks. Following an introduction to optical networking concepts, the required component technologies are discussed. In particular various optical pulse sources are described with the demanding restrictions of optical multiplexing in mind. This is followed by a discussion of the construction of multiplexers and demultiplexers, including favoured techniques for high speed clock recovery. Theoretical treatments of the performance of Mach Zehnder and electroabsorption modulators support the design criteria that are established for the construction of simple optical time division multiplexed systems. Having established appropriate end terminals for an optical network, the thesis examines transmission issues associated with high speed RZ data signals. Propagation of RZ signals over both installed (standard fibre) and newly commissioned fibre routes are considered in turn. In the case of standard fibre systems, the use of dispersion compensation is summarised, and the application of mid span spectral inversion experimentally investigated. For green field sites, soliton like propagation of high speed data signals is demonstrated. In this case the particular restrictions of high speed soliton systems are discussed and experimentally investigated, namely the increasing impact of timing jitter and the downward pressure on repeater spacings due to the constraint of the average soliton model. These issues are each addressed through investigations of active soliton control for OTDM systems and through investigations of novel fibre types respectively. Finally the particularly remarkable networking potential of optical time division multiplexed systems is established, and infinite node cascadability using soliton control is demonstrated. A final comparison of the various technologies for optical multiplexing is presented in the conclusions, where the relative merits of the technologies for optical networking emerges as the key differentiator between technologies.


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The aim of the research work described in this thesis was to investigate the interrogation of fibre optic sensors using "off the shelf optical components and equipment developed mainly for the telecommunications industry. This provides a cost effective way of bringing fibre optic sensor systems to within the price range of their electro-mechanical counterparts. The research work focuses on the use of an arrayed waveguide grating, an acousto-optic tuneable filter and low-coherence interferometry to measure dynamic strain and displacement using fibre Bragg grating and interferometric sensors. Based on the intrinsic properties of arrayed waveguide gratings and acousto-optic tuneable filters used in conjunction with interferometry, fibre Bragg gratings and interferometric sensors a number of novel fibre optic sensor interrogation systems have been realised. Special single mode fibre, namely, high-birefringence fibre has been employed to implement a dual-beam interrogating interferometer. The first interrogation scheme is based on an optical channel monitor, which is an arrayed waveguide grating with integral photo-detectors providing a number of amplified electrical outputs. It is used to interrogate fibre Bragg grating and interferometric sensors. Using the properties of polarisation maintainability in high-birefringent fibre an interrogating interferometer was realised by winding a length of the fibre around a piezoelectric modulator generating a low-frequency carrier signal. The system was used to interrogate both fibre Bragg grating and interferometric sensors. Finally, the use of an acousto-optic tuneable filter is employed to interrogate fibre Bragg gratings. The device is used to generate a very high frequency carrier signal at the output of an optical interferometer.


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We have systematically measured the differential stress-optic coefficient, ?C, in a number of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) fibers drawn with different stress, ranging from 2 up to 27 MPa. ?C was determined in transverse illumination by measuring the dependence of birefringence on additional axial stress applied to the fiber. Our results show that ?C in PMMA fibers has a negative sign and ranges from -4.5 to -4.5×10-12 Pa-1, depending on the drawing stress. Increase of the drawing stress results in greater initial fiber birefringence and lower ?C.


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Abstract We recorded MEG responses from 17 participants viewing random-dot patterns simulating global optic flow components (expansion, contraction, rotation, deformation, and translation) and a random motion control condition. Theta-band (3–7 Hz), MEG signal power was greater for expansion than the other optic flow components in a region concentrated along the calcarine sulcus, indicating an ecologically valid, foveo-fugal bias for unidirectional motion sensors in V1. When the responses to the optic flow components were combined, a decrease in MEG beta-band (17–23 Hz) power was found in regions extending beyond the calcarine sulcus to the posterior parietal lobe (inferior to IPS), indicating the importance of structured motion in this region. However, only one cortical area, within or near the V5/hMT+ complex, responded to all three spiral-space components (expansion, contraction, and rotation) and showed no selectivity for global translation or deformation: we term this area hMSTs. This is the first demonstration of an exclusive region for spiral space in the human brain and suggests a functional role better suited to preliminary analysis of ego-motion than surface pose, which would involve deformation. We also observed that the rotation condition activated the cerebellum, suggesting its involvement in visually mediated control of postural adjustment.


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This article considers the clinical symptoms associated with hereditary optic atrophy and reviews recent progress in our understanding the genetics of the disorder. The major genes linked to optic atrophy are identified and how defects in these genes could lead to the optic disc pathology is discussed.


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The use of cationic liposomes as experimental adjuvants for subunit peptide of protein vaccines is well documented. Recently the cationic liposome CAF01, composed of dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) and trehalose dibehenate (TDB), has entered Phase I clinical trials for use in a tuberculosis (TB) vaccine. CAF01 liposomes are a heterogeneous population with a mean vesicle size of 500 nm; a strong retention of antigen at the injection site and a Th1-biassed immune response are noted. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether CAF01 liposomes of significantly different vesicle sizes exhibited altered pharmacokinetics in vivo and cellular uptake with activation in vitro. Furthermore, the immune response against the TB antigen Ag85B-ESAT-6 was followed when various sized CAF01 liposomes were used as vaccine adjuvants. The results showed no differences in vaccine (liposome or antigen) draining from the injection site, however, significant differences in the movement of liposomes to the popliteal lymph node were noted. Liposome uptake by THP-1 vitamin D3 stimulated macrophage-like cells did not show a liposome size-dependent pattern of uptake. Finally, whilst there were no significant differences in the IgG1/2 regardless of the liposome size used as a delivery vehicle for Ag85B-ESAT-6, vesicle size has a size dependent effect on cell proliferation and IL-10 production with larger liposomes (in excess of 2 µm) promoting the highest proliferation and lowest IL-10 responses, yet vesicles of ~500 nm promoting higher IFN-? cytokine production from splenocytes and higher IL-1ß at the site of injection.


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A variety of visual symptoms have been associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD). These include delays in flash visual evoked potentials which indicate a disruption of the integrity of the visual pathway. Examination of the visual cortex has revealed the presence of both senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there were differences in the number and/or size of optic nerve axons between AD patients and non-demented age-matched controls. Five optic nerves from AD patients and five from age-matched controls were embedded in epon resin and 1 micron sections prepared on a Reichert ultramicrotome. The sections were then stained in toluidine blue and examined at x400 magnification. The numbers of axons were counted in photographs of three fields taken at random from each section. To evaluate the axon diameters, 70 axons were chosen at random from each patient and measured using a calibrated eyepiece graticule. The total axon counts revealed no significant differences between the AD optic nerves and the age-matched controls. However, the frequency distribution of axon diameters was significantly different in the two groups. In particular, there were fewer larger diameter axons in patients with AD as previously reported. Degeneration of the large diameter axons suggests involvement of the magnocellular as opposed to the parvocellular pathways. Hence, there could be differences in visual performance of AD patients compared with normals which could be important in clinical diagnosis.


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Corpora amylacea (CA) are spherical or ovoid bodies 50-50 microns in diameter. They have been described in normal elderly brain as well as in a number of neurodegenerative disorders. In this study, the incidence of CA in the optic nerves of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients was compared with normal elderly controls. Samples of optic nerves (MRC Brain Bank, Institute of Psychiatry) were taken from 12 AD patients (age range 69-94 years) and 18 controls (43-82 years). Optic nerves were fixed in 2% buffered glutaraldehyde, post-fixed in osmium tetroxide, embedded in epoxy resin and then sectioned to a thickness of 2 microns. Sections were stained with toluidine blue. CA were present in all of the optic nerves examined. In addition, a number of similarly stained but more irregularly shaped bodies were present. Fewer CA were found in the optic nerves of AD patients compared with controls. By contrast, the number or irregularly shaped bodies was increased in AD. In AD, there may be a preferential decline in the large diameter fibres which may mediate the M-cell pathway. Hence, the decline in the incidence of CA in AD may be associated with a reduction in these fibres. It is also possible that the irregualrly shaped bodies are a degeneration product of the CA.