19 resultados para Observational recording
em Aston University Research Archive
Purpose: To determine the critical fitting characteristics of modern soft contact lens fits and from this to devise a simplified recording scheme. Methods: Ten subjects (aged 28.1 ± 7.4 years) wore eight different modern soft contact lenses. Video was captured and analysed of blink (central and up-gaze), excursion lag (up, down, right and left gaze) and push-up movement, centration and coverage. Results: Lens centration was on average close to the corneal centre. Movement on blink was significantly smaller in up-gaze than in primary-gaze (p<0.001). Lag was greatest in down-gaze and least in up-gaze (p<0.001). Push-up test recovery speed was 1.32±0.73mm/s. Overall lens movement was determined best by assessing horizontal lag, movement on blink in up-gaze and push-up recovery speed. Steeper lens base-curves did not have a significant effect on lens fit characteristics. Contact lens material did influence lens fit characteristics, particularly silicone-hydrogels which generally had lower centration and a faster push-up speed of recovery than HEMA lenses (p<0.05). Conclusion: Lag on vertical gaze, and movement on blink in primary gaze generally provide little extra information on overall lens movement compared to horizontal lag, movement on blink in up gaze and push-up recovery speed. They can therefore be excluded from a simplified recording scheme. A simplified and comprehensive soft contact lens fit recording system could consist of a cross-hairs indicating the centre of the cornea; a circle to indicate the lens centration; a mark on the relevant position of the circle to indicate any limbal incursion; a grade (‘B’) below for movement with blink in up-gaze, a grade (‘L’) to the side for horizontal lag and a grade above (‘P’) for the assessed push-up recovery speed.
Purpose - To introduce the contents of the special issue, and provide an integrative overview of the development of observational methodologies in marketing research, as well as some directions for the future. Design/methodology/approach - A historical review of the development of observational methods, beginning with philosophical foundations, is provided. Key philosophical debates are summarized, and trends in observational methods are described and analyzed, with particular reference to the impact of technology. Following this, the contributions to the special issue are summarized and brought together. Findings - Observational research in marketing is more than the well-known method of "participant-observation." In fact, technology has the potential to revolutionize observational research, and move it beyond a solely "qualitative" method. The internet, video, scanner-tracking, and neuroimaging methods are all likely to have a big impact on the development of traditional and innovative observation methods in the future. The articles in the special issue provide a good overview of these developments. Research limitations/implications - The views of the authors may differ from those of others. Practical implications - Observation is a far more wide-ranging strategy than many perceive. There is a need for more expertise in all types of observational methodologies within marketing research schools and departments, in order to take account of the vast opportunities which are currently emerging. Originality/value - Provides an original perspective on observational methods, and serves as a useful overview of trends and developments in the field.
Mechanical, physical and chemical changes in the surface of commercial thin film metal evaporated magnetic recording media have been correlated to recording error and signal degradation measurements. Modified and adapted commercial Hi-8 video recorders have been used for sample generation whilst analytical techniques such as SXPS,IMS and SEM have been employed in the surface characterisation. The durability of the media was assessed through stop motion (still frame) and cycling tests, where error growth and signal degradation were measured as a function of running time. The tests were performed under ambient (22°C, 40% RH) and high humidity (22°C, 80% RH) conditions. Characterisation of the lubricant layer on each tape was performed through models based on XPS and angle resolved XPS. The lubricant thickness can significantly affect the durability and signal output level of a thin film tape and thus it is important that reliable quantification can be achieved. Various models were considered for determining the lubricant thickness although ultimately, the most suitable technique was deemed to be a model that assumed a uniform layer structure. In addition to thin film metal evaporated media, equivalent durability tests and surface analysis experiments were performed using a commercial metal particle tape in order that comparisons could be made between the two types of recording media. The signal performance of the thin film metal evaporated media was found to be quite different from that for the metal particle tape since dropout errors and signal degradation increased at a much earlier stage. Extensive surface analyses enabled the mechanisms responsible for media failure and error growth to be identified in the ME and MP tapes and these were found to result from cyclic stressing and fatigue on the immediate substrate of the media.
This thesis investigates the mechanisms that lead to pole tip recession (PTR) in laminated magnetic recording heads (also known as "sandwich heads"). These heads provide a platform for the utilisation of advanced soft magnetic thin films in practical recording heads suitable for high frequency helical scan tape recording systems. PTR results from a differential wear of the magnetic pole piece from the tape-bearing surface of the head. It results in a spacing loss of the playback or read signal of 54.6dB per recording wavelength separation of the poles from the tape. PTR depends on the material combination used in the head, on the tape type and the climate - temperature and relative humidity (r.h.). Five head materials were studied: two non-magnetic substrate materials- sintered multi granular CaTi03 and composite CaTi03/ZrTi04/Ti02 and three soft magnetic materials- amorphous CoNbZr, and nanocrystalline FeNbSiN and FeTaN. Single material dummy heads were constructed and their wear rates measured when cycling them in a Hi-8 camcorder against commercially available metal particulate (MP) and metal evaporated (ME) tapes in three different climates: 25°C/20%r.h., 25°C/80%r.h. and 40°C/80%r.h. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used to examine changes the head surface chemistry. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to examine changes in head and tape surface topography. PTR versus cycling time of laminated heads of CaTi03/ZrTiO4/Ti02 and FeTaN construction was measured using AFM. The principal wear mechanism observed for all head materials was microabrasion caused by the mating body - the tape surface. The variation in wear rate with climate and tape type was due to a variation in severity in this mechanism, except for tape cycling at 40°C in which gross damage was observed to be occurring to the head surface. Two subsidiary wear mechanisms were found: third body scratching (all materials) and grain pullout (both ceramics and FeNbSiN). No chemical wear was observed, though tribochemical reactions were observed on the metal head surfaces. PTR was found to be caused by two mechanisms - the first differential microabrasion of the metal and substrate materials and which was characterised by a low (~10nm) equilibrium value. The second was by deep ploughing by third body debris particles, thought mainly to be grain pullout particles. This level of PTR caused by this mechanism was often more severe, and of a non-equilibrium nature. It was observed more for ME tape, especially at 40°C/80%r.h. and 25°c/20%r.h. Two other phenomena on the laminated head pole piece were observed and commented upon: staining and ripple texturing.
This thesis is devoted to the tribology at the head~to~tape interface of linear tape recording systems, OnStream ADRTM system being used as an experimental platform, Combining experimental characterisation with computer modelling, a comprehensive picture of the mechanisms involved in a tape recording system is drawn. The work is designed to isolate the mechanisms responsible for the physical spacing between head and tape with the aim of minimising spacing losses and errors and optimising signal output. Standard heads-used in ADR current products-and prototype heads- DLC and SPL coated and dummy heads built from a AI203-TiC and alternative single-phase ceramics intended to constitute the head tape-bearing surface-are tested in controlled environment for up to 500 hours (exceptionally 1000 hours), Evidences of wear on the standard head are mainly observable as a preferential wear of the TiC phase of the AI203-TiC ceramic, The TiC grains are believed to delaminate due to a fatigue wear mechanism, a hypothesis further confirmed via modelling, locating the maximum von Mises equivalent stress at a depth equivalent to the TiC recession (20 to 30 nm). Debris of TiC delaminated residues is moreover found trapped within the pole-tip recession, assumed therefore to provide three~body abrasive particles, thus increasing the pole-tip recession. Iron rich stain is found over the cycled standard head surface (preferentially over the pole-tip and to a lesser extent over the TiC grains) at any environment condition except high temperature/humidity, where mainly organic stain was apparent, Temperature (locally or globally) affects staining rate and aspect; stain transfer is generally promoted at high temperature. Humidity affects transfer rate and quantity; low humidity produces, thinner stains at higher rate. Stain generally targets preferentially head materials with high electrical conductivity, i.e. Permalloy and TiC. Stains are found to decrease the friction at the head-to-tape interface, delay the TiC recession hollow-out and act as a protective soft coating reducing the pole-tip recession. This is obviously at the expense of an additional spacing at the head-to-tape interface of the order of 20 nm. Two kinds of wear resistant coating are tested: diamond like carbon (DLC) and superprotective layer (SPL), 10 nm and 20 to 40 nm thick, respectively. DLC coating disappears within 100 hours due possibly to abrasive and fatigue wear. SPL coatings are generally more resistant, particularly at high temperature and low humidity, possibly in relation with stain transfer. 20 nm coatings are found to rely on the substrate wear behaviour whereas 40 nm coatings are found to rely on the adhesive strength at the coating/substrate interface. These observations seem to locate the wear-driving forces 40 nm below the surface, hence indicate that for coatings in the 10 nm thickness range-· i,e. compatible with high-density recording-the substrate resistance must be taken into account. Single-phase ceramic as candidate for wear-resistant tape-bearing surface are tested in form of full-contour dummy-heads. The absence of a second phase eliminates the preferential wear observed at the AI203-TiC surface; very low wear rates and no evidence of brittle fracture are observed.
The increasing demand for high capacity data storage requires decreasing the head-to-tape gap and reducing the track width. A problem very often encountered is the development of adhesive debris on the heads at low humidity and high temperatures that can lead to an increase of space between the head and media, and thus a decrease in the playback signal. The influence of stains on the playback signal of reading heads is studied using RAW (Read After Write) tests and their influence on the wear of the heads by using indentation technique. The playback signal has been found to vary and the errors to increase as stains form a patchy pattern and grow in size to form a continuous layer. The indentation technique shows that stains reduce the wear rate of the heads. In addition, the wear tends to be more pronounced at the leading edge of the head compared to the trailing one. Chemical analysis of the stains using ferrite samples in conjunction with MP (metal particulate) tapes shows that stains contain iron particles and polymeric binder transferred from the MP tape. The chemical anchors in the binder used to grip the iron particles now react with the ferrite surface to create strong chemical bonds. At high humidity, a thin layer of iron oxyhydroxide forms on the surface of the ferrite. This soft material increases the wear rate and so reduces the amount of stain present on the heads. The stability of the binder under high humidity and under high temperature as well as the chemical reactions that might occur on the ferrite poles of the heads influences the dynamic behaviour of stains. A model of stain formation taking into account the channels of binder degradation and evolution upon different environmental conditions is proposed.
We observed an anomaly in the human electroencephalogram (EEG) associated with exposure to terrestrial trunked radio (TETRA) Radiofrequency Fields (RF). Here, we characterize the time and frequency components of the anomaly and demonstrate that it is an artefact caused by TETRA RF interfering with the EEG recording equipment and not by any direct or indirect effect on the brain.
Purpose: To develop a new schematic scheme for efficiently recording the key parameters of gas permeable contact lens (GP) fits based on current consensus. Methods: Over 100 established GP fitters and educators met to discuss the parameters proposed in educational material for evaluating GP fit and concluded on the key parameters that should be recorded. The accuracy and variability of evaluating the fluorescein pattern of GP fit was determined by having 35 experienced contact lens practitioners from across the world, grading 5 images of a range of fits and the topographer simulation of the same fits, in random, order using the proposed scheme. The accuracy of the grading was compared to objective image analysis of the fluorescein intensity of the same images. Results: The key information to record to adequately describe the fit of an GP was agreed as: the manufacturer, brand and lens parameters; settling time; comfort on a 5 point scale; centration; movement on blink on a ±2 scale; and the Primary Fluorescein Pattern in the central, mid-peripheral and edge regions of the lens averaged along the horizontal and vertical lens axes, on a ±2 scale. On average 50-60% of practitioners selected the median grade when subjectively rating fluorescein intensity and this was correlated to objective quantification (r= 0.602, p< 0.001). Objective grading suggesting horizontal median fluorescein intensity was generally symmetrical, as was the vertical meridian, but this was not the case for subjective grading. Simulated fluorescein patterns were subjectively and objectively graded as being less intense than real photographs (p< 0.01). Conclusion: GP fit recording can be standardised and simplified to enhance GP practice. © 2013 British Contact Lens Association.
The internal optics of the recent models of the Shin-Nippon SRW-5000 autorefractor (also marketed as the Grand Seiko WV-500) have been modified by the manufacturer so that the infrared measurement ring has been replaced by pairs of horizontal and vertical infrared bars, on either side of fixation. The binocular, open field-of-view, allowing the accommodative state to be objectively monitored while a natural environment is viewed, has made the SRW-5000 a valuable tool in further understanding the nature of the oculomotor response. It is shown that the root-mean-square of model eye measures was least (0.017 ± 0.002D) when the separation of the horizontal measurement bars were averaged twice. The separation of the horizontal bars changes by 3.59 pixels/dioptre (r2 = 0.99), allowing continuous on-line analysis of the refractive state at up to 60 Hz temporal resolution to an accuracy of <0.001D, with pupils >3 mm. The pupil edge is not obscured in the diagonal axis by the measurement bars, unlike the ring of the original optics, so in the newer model pupil size can be measured simultaneously at the same rate with a resolution of <0.001 mm. The measurements of accommodation and pupil size are relatively unaffected by eccentricity of viewing up to ±10° from the visual axis and instrument focusing inaccuracies over a range of 10 mm towards the eye and 5 mm away from the eye. The resolution and temporal properties of the analysis are therefore ideal for the simultaneous measurement of dynamic accommodation and pupil responses. © 2004 The College of Optometrists.
As a new medium for questionnaire delivery, the Internet has the potential to revolutionize the survey process. Online-questionnaires can provide many capabilities not found in traditional paper-based questionnaires. Despite this, and the introduction of a plethora of tools to support online-questionnaire creation, current electronic survey design typically replicates the look-and-feel of paper-based questionnaires, thus failing to harness the full power of the electronic delivery medium. A recent environmental scan of online-questionnaire design tools found that little, if any, support is incorporated within these tools to guide questionnaire designers according to best-practice [Lumsden & Morgan 2005]. This paper briefly introduces a comprehensive set of guidelines for the design of online-questionnaires. Drawn from relevant disparate sources, all the guidelines incorporated within the set are proven in their own right; as an initial assessment of the value of the set of guidelines as a practical reference guide, we undertook an informal study to observe the effect of introducing the guidelines into the design process for a complex online-questionnaire. The paper discusses the qualitative findings — which are encouraging for the role of the guidelines in the ‘bigger picture’ of online survey delivery across many domains such as e-government, e-business, and e-health — of this case study.
A newly released commercial autorefractor, the Shin-Nippon SRW-5000 (Japan), has been found to be valid compared to subjective refraction and repeatable over a wide prescription range. Its binocular open field-of-view allows the accommodative state to be monitored while a natural environment is viewed. In conventional static mode, the device can take up to 45 readings in 1min using digital image analysis of the reflected retinal image of a measurement ring. Continuous on-line analysis of the ring provides high (up to 60Hz) temporal resolution of the refractive state to an accuracy of <0.001D. Pupil size can also be analysed to a resolution of <0.001mm. The measurement of accommodation and pupil size was relatively unaffected by eccentricity of viewing up to ±10° and instrument focusing inaccuracies of ±5mm. The resolution properties of the analysis are shown to be ideal for measurement of dynamic accommodation and pupil responses. Copyright © 2001 The College of Optometrists.
Aims: To survey eye care practitioners from around the world regarding their current practice for anterior eye health recording to inform guidelines on best practice. Methods: The on-line survey examined the reported use of: word descriptions, sketching, grading scales or photographs; paper or computerised record cards and whether these were guided by proforma headings; grading scale choice, signs graded, level of precision, regional grading; and how much time eye care practitioners spent on average on anterior eye health recording. Results: Eight hundred and nine eye care practitioners from across the world completed the survey. Word description (p <. 0.001), sketches (p = 0.002) and grading scales (p <. 0.001) were used more for recording the anterior eye health of contact lens patients than other patients, but photography was used similarly (p = 0.132). Of the respondents, 84.5% used a grading scale, 13.5% using two, with the original Efron (51.6%) and CCLRU/Brien-Holden-Vision-Institute (48.5%) being the most popular. The median features graded was 11 (range 1-23), frequency from 91.6% (bulbar hyperaemia) to 19.6% (endothelial blebs), with most practitioners grading to the nearest unit (47.4%) and just 14.7% to one decimal place. The average time taken to report anterior eye health was reported to be 6.8. ±. 5.7. min, with the maximum time available 14.0. ±. 11. min. Conclusions: Developed practice and research evidence allows best practice guidelines for anterior eye health recording to be recommended. It is recommended to: record which grading scale is used; always grade to one decimal place, record what you see live rather than based on how you intend to manage a condition; grade bulbar and limbal hyperaemia, limbal neovascularisation, conjunctival papillary redness and roughness (in white light to assess colouration with fluorescein instilled to aid visualisation of papillae/follicles), blepharitis, meibomian gland dysfunction and sketch staining (both corneal and conjunctival) at every visit. Record other anterior eye features only if they are remarkable, but indicate that the key tissue which have been examined.
Objectives - In line with a national policy to move care ‘closer to home’, a specialist children's hospital in the National Health Service in England introduced consultant-led ‘satellite’ clinics to two community settings for general paediatric outpatient services. Objectives were to reduce non-attendance at appointments by providing care in more accessible locations and to create new physical clinic capacity. This study evaluated these satellite clinics to inform further development and identify lessons for stakeholders. Methods - Impact of the satellite clinics was assessed by comparing community versus hospital-based clinics across the following measures: (1) non-attendance rates and associated factors (including patient characteristics and travel distance) using a logistic regression model; (2) percentage of appointments booked within local catchment area; (3) contribution to total clinic capacity; (4) time allocated to clinics and appointments; and (5) clinic efficiency, defined as the ratio of income to staff-related costs. Results - Satellite clinics did not increase attendance beyond their contribution to shorter travel distance, which was associated with higher attendance. Children living in the most-deprived areas were 1.8 times more likely to miss appointments compared with those from least-deprived areas. The satellite clinics’ contribution to activity in catchment areas and to total capacity was small. However, one of the two satellite clinics was efficient compared with most hospital-based clinics. Conclusions - Outpatient clinics were relocated in pragmatically chosen community settings using a ‘drag and drop’ service model. Such clinics have potential to improve access to specialist paediatric healthcare, but do not provide a panacea. Work is required to improve attendance as part of wider efforts to support vulnerable families. Satellite clinics highlight how improved management could contribute to better use of existing capacity.
Long term recording of biomedical signals such as ECG, EMG, respiration and other information (e.g. body motion) can improve diagnosis and potentially monitor the evolution of many widespread diseases. However, long term monitoring requires specific solutions, portable and wearable equipment that should be particularly comfortable for patients. The key-issues of portable biomedical instrumentation are: power consumption, long-term sensor stability, comfortable wearing and wireless connectivity. In this scenario, it would be valuable to realize prototypes using available technologies to assess long-term personal monitoring and foster new ways to provide healthcare services. The aim of this work is to discuss the advantages and the drawbacks in long term monitoring of biopotentials and body movements using textile electrodes embedded in clothes. The textile electrodes were embedded into garments; tiny shirt and short were used to acquire electrocardiographic and electromyographic signals. The garment was equipped with low power electronics for signal acquisition and data wireless transmission via Bluetooth. A small, battery powered, biopotential amplifier and three-axes acceleration body monitor was realized. Patient monitor incorporates a microcontroller, analog-to-digital signal conversion at programmable sampling frequencies. The system was able to acquire and to transmit real-time signals, within 10 m range, to any Bluetooth device (including PDA or cellular phone). The electronics were embedded in the shirt resulting comfortable to wear for patients. Small size MEMS 3-axes accelerometers were also integrated. © 2011 IEEE.