46 resultados para OUTER SURFACE-CHARGE

em Aston University Research Archive


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The aim of this thesis was to investigate antibacterial agents for use in disinfectant formulation in conjunction with benzalkonium chloride (BKC), and if possible, to synthesise novel agents based upon successful structures. Development of resistance to antibacterial agents following long-term exposure of P. aeruginosa to BKC was also investigated, examining cross-resistance to clinically relevant antibiotics and determining mechanisms of resistance. In this study over 50 compounds were examined for antibacterial action against P. aeruginosa, both alone and in conjunction with BKC. Successful compounds were used to design novel agents, based upon the acridine ring structure, some of which showed synergy with BKC. In 15 of the 16 strains exposed to increasing concentrations of BKC, resistance to the disinfectant arose. Strains PAO1 and OO14 were examined further, each showing stable BKC resistance and a slightly varying profile of cross-resistance. In strain PAO1 alterations in the fatty acids of the cytoplasmic membrane, increase in expression of OprG, decrease in susceptibility to EDTA as an outer membrane permeabilising agent and an increase in negativity of the cell surface charge were observed as cells became more resistant to BKC. In strain OO14 a decrease in whole cell phosphatidylcholine content, a decrease in binding/uptake of BKC and an increase in cell surface hydrophobicity were observed as cells became more resistant to BKC. Resistance to tobramycin in strain OO14 was initially high, but fell as cells were adapted to BKC, this coincided with a quantitative reduction of plasmid DNA in the cells.


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A fluid mechanical and electrostatic model for the transport of solute molecules across the vascular endothelial surface glycocalyx layer (EGL) was developed to study the charge effect on the diffusive and convective transport of the solutes. The solute was assumed to be a spherical particle with a constant surface charge density, and the EGL was represented as an array of periodically arranged circular cylinders of like charge, with a constant surface charge density. By combining the fluid mechanical analyses for the flow around a solute suspended in an electrolyte solution and the electrostatic analyses for the free energy of the interaction between the solute and cylinders based on a mean field theory, we estimated the transport coefficients of the solute across the EGL. Both of diffusive and convective transports are reduced compared to those for an uncharged system, due to the stronger exclusion of the solute that results from the repulsive electrostatic interaction. The model prediction for the reflection coefficient for serum albumin agreed well with experimental observations if the charge density in the EGL is ranged from approximately -10 to -30 mEq/l.


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With respect to liposomes as delivery vehicles and adjuvants for vaccine antigens, the role of vesicle surface charge remains disputed. In the present study we investigate the influence of liposome surface charge and antigen-liposome interaction on the antigen depot effect at the site of injection (SOI). The presence of liposome and antigen in tissue at the SOI as well as the draining lymphatic tissue was quantified to analyse the lymphatic draining of the vaccine components. Furthermore investigations detailing cytokine production and T-cell antigen specificity were undertaken to investigate the relationship between depot effect and the ability of the vaccine to induce an immune response. Our results suggest that cationic charge is an important factor for the retention of the liposomal component at the SOI, and a moderate to high (>50%) level of antigen adsorption to the cationic vesicle surface was required for efficient antigen retention in the same tissue. Furthermore, neutral liposomes expressing poor levels of antigen retention were limited in their ability to mediate long term (14 days) antigen presentation to circulating antigen specific T-cells and to induce the Th1 and Th17 arms of the immune system, as compared to antigen adsorbing cationic liposomes. The neutral liposomes did however induce the production of IL-5 at levels comparable to those induced by cationic liposomes, indicating that neutral liposomes can induce a weak Th2 response.


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The surface nature of Acanthamoeba trophozoites and cysts was investigated with respect to cell surface charge, hydrophobicity and surface carbohydrate composition. Particulate microelectrophoresis revealed a marked negative charge for both morphological forms, though less for cyst surfaces. Hydrophobicity was determined by adhesion to n-hexadecane and indicated a relatively low hydrophobic nature of both forms, though less so for cysts. Surface carbohydrate composition was studied by the use of fluorescent lectins and flow cytometry, using a ligand-receptor approach for further in depth analysis of binding of particular lectins. These studies showed trophozoite and cyst surfaces to be rich in N-acetylglucosamine, N-acteylneuraminic acid, mannose and glucose, with the addition of N-acetylgalactosamine on cysts. The importance of such surface properties was investigated with respect to phagocytosis of polystyrene latex microspheres, of different surface types and size. Investigations into the optimum conditions of uptake of beads indicated a preference for a medium devoid of nutrients, such as saline, though temperature was not a factor. An amoebal predilection for beads of lower charge and greater hydrophobicity was demonstrated. Furthermore, a preference for the largest bead size used (2.0 m) was observed. The influence of either Con A or mannose or glucose on bead association was apparently limited. The fate of foreign DNA ingested by Acanthamoeba appeared to indicate that such DNA was destroyed, as it could not be detected following extraction procedures and PCR amplification.


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Bacterial resistance to antibiotics and biocides is a prevalent problem, which may be exacerbated by the commonplace and often unnecessary inclusion of biocides into domestic products. Addition of antimicrobials, to domestic disinfectants has raised concern about promoting microbial resistance and potential cross-resistance to therapeutic antibiotics. This study investigated the potential for resistance in Salmonella enterica serovars Enteritidis, Typhimurium, Virchow and Escherichia call 0157 to commonly used biocides, to identify mechanisms underlying resistance and whether these provided cross-resistance to antibiotics. Salmonella enterica and E. coli 0157 strains were serially exposed to sub-inhibitory. concentrations of erythromycin (ERY), benzalkonium chloride (BKC), chlorhexidine hydrochloride (CHX)and triclosan (TLN). Once resistance was achieved permeability changes in the outer membrane, including LPS, cell surface charge and hydrophobicityand the presence of,an active efflux were investigated as possible resistance candidates. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) and Gas chromatography (GC) were carried out to examine fatty acid and lipid changes in E. coli 0157 isolates with reduced susceptibility to TLN. Cross-resistance was studied by the Stoke's method and standard microdilution assays. Examination of the outer membrane proteins and LPS did not reveal any significant changes between parent and resistant strains. The hydrophobicity of the cells increased as the cells were passaged and became less. susceptible. An active efflux system was the most likely mechanism of resistance in all strains tested and a fab1 mutation was associated with E. coli 0157 resistant to TLN isolates. In all isolates investigated the resistance was stable for over 30 passages in biocide-free media. A high degree of cross-resistance was obtained in TLN-resjstant Escherichia coli 0157 strains, which repeatedly exerted decreased susceptibility to various antimicrobials, including chloramphenicol, erythromycin, imipenem, tetracycline and trimethoprirn:, as well as to various biocides. The results of this laboratory-based investigation suggest that it is possible for microorganisms to become resistant to biocides when repeatedly exposed to sublethal concentrations. This may be especially the case in the domestic environment where administration of biocides is poorly controlled. Eventually it could lead to the undesirable situation of resident strains becoming resistant to disinfection and cross resistant to other antimicrobials.


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The electrostatic model for osmotic flow across a porous membrane in our previous study (Akinaga et al. 2008)" was extended to include the streaming potential, for solutes and pores of like charge and fixed surface charge densities. The magnitude of the streaming potential was determined to satisfy zero current condition along the pore axis. It was found that the streaming potential affects the velocity profiles of the pressure driven flow as well as the osmotic flow through the pore, and decreases their flow rates, particularly in the case of large Debye length relative to the pore radius, whereas it has little effect on the reflection coefficients of spherical solutes through cylindrical pores.


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The transport of a spherical solute through a long circular cylindrical pore filled with an electrolyte solution is studied numerically, in the presence of constant surface charge on the solute and the pore wall. Fluid dynamic analyses were carried out to calculate the flow field around the solute in the pore to evaluate the drag coefficients exerted on the solute. Electrical potentials around the solute in the electrolyte solution were computed based on a mean-field theory to provide the interaction energy between the charged solute and the pore wall. Combining the results of the fluid dynamic and electrostatic analyses, we estimated the rate of the diffusive and convective transport of the solute across the pore. Although the present estimates of the drag coefficients on the solute suggest more than 10% difference from existing studies, depending on the radius ratio of the solute relative to the pore and the radial position of the solute center in the pore, this difference leads to a minor effect on the hindrance factors. It was found that even at rather large ion concentrations, the repulsive electrostatic interaction between the charged solute and the pore wall of like charge could significantly reduce the transport rate of the solute.


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An electrostatic model is developed for osmotic flow across a layer consisting of identical circular cylinders with a fixed surface charge, aligned parallel to each other so as to form an ordered hexagonal arrangement. The expression of the osmotic reflection coefficient is derived for spherical solutes with a fixed surface charge suspended in an electrolyte, based on low-Reynolds-number hydrodynamics and a continuum, point-charge description of the electric double layers. The repulsive electrostatic interaction between the surface charges with the same sign on the solute and the cylinders is shown to increase the exclusion region of solute from the cylinder surface, which enhances the osmotic flow. Applying the present model to the study of osmotic flow across the endothelial surface glycocalyx of capillary walls has revealed that this electrostatic model could account well for the reflection coefficients measured for charged macromolecules, such as albumin, in the physiological range of charge density and ion concentration.


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The interlayer pores of swelling 2:1 clays provide an ideal 2-dimensional environment in which to study confined fluids. In this paper we discuss our understanding of the structure and dynamics of interlayer fluid species in expanded clays, based primarily on the outcome of recent molecular modelling and neutron scattering studies. Counterion solvation is compared with that measured in bulk solutions, and at a local level the cation-oxygen coordination is found to be remarkably similar in these two environments. However, for the monovalent ions the contribution to the first coordination shell from the clay surfaces increases with counterion radius. This gives rise to inner-sphere (surface) complexes in the case of potassium and caesium. In this context, the location of the negative clay surface charge (i.e. arising from octahedral or tetrahedral substitution) is also found to be of major importance. Divalent cations, such as calcium, eagerly solvate to form outer-sphere complexes. These complexes are able to pin adjacent clay layers together, and thereby prevent colloidal swelling. Confined water molecules form hydrogen bonds to each other and to the clays' surfaces. In this way their local environment relaxes to close to the bulk water structure within two molecular layers of the clay surface. Finally, we discuss the way in which the simple organic molecules methane, methanol and ethylene glycol behave in the interlayer region of hydrated clays. Quasi-elastic neutron scattering of isotopically labelled interlayer CH 3OD and (CH2OD)2 in deuterated clay allows us to measure the diffusion of the CH3- and CH2-groups in both clay and liquid environments. We find that in both the one-layer methanol solvates and the two-layer glycol solvates the diffusion of the most mobile organic molecules is close to that in the bulk solution.


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We report the effect of a range of monovalent sodium salts on the molecular equilibrium swelling of a simple synthetic microphase separated poly(methyl methacrylate)-block-poly(2-(diethylamino)ethyl methacrylate)-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA88-b-PDEA223-b-PMMA88) pH-responsive hydrogel. Sodium acetate, sodium chloride, sodium bromide, sodium iodide, sodium nitrate and sodium thiocyanate were selected for study at controlled ionic strength and pH; all salts are taken from the Hofmeister series (HS). The influence of the anions on the expansion of the hydrogel was found to follow the reverse order of the classical HS. The expansion ratio of the gel measured in solutions containing the simple sodium halide salts (NaCl, NaBr, and NaI) was found to be strongly related to parameters which describe the interaction of the ion with water; surface charge density, viscosity coefficient, and entropy of hydration. A global study which also included nonspherical ions (NaAce, NaNO3 and NaSCN) showed the strongest correlation with the viscosity coefficient. Our results are interpreted in terms of the Collins model,(1) where larger ions have more mobile water in the first hydration cage immediately surrounding the gel, therefore making them more adhesive to the surface of the stationary phase of the gel and ultimately reducing the level of expansion.


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The aim of this study was to systematically investigate the factors considered to be responsible for anchorage-dependent cell behaviour to determine which, if any, of these factors exerts greater influence. An efficient means of doing so is the in vitro fibroblast cell culture model. The interaction of fibroblasts with novel substrata gives information about how a biological system reacts to a foreign material. The may ultimately lead to the development of improved biomaterials. This interdisciplinary study combines the elements of surface characterisation and biological testing to determine the nature of the biomaterial/host interface. Polarity and surface charge were found to have an important influence on fibroblast adhesion to hydrogel polymers, by virtue of their water-structuring effects. The same factors were found to affect cell adhesion on undegraded PHB-HV copolymers and their blends with polysaccharides. On degraded PHB-HV copolymers, the degradation process itself played the greatest role in influencing cell response. Increasing surface charge and mechanical instability in these polymers inhibited cell adhesion. Based on the observations of hydrogels and PHB-copolymers a novel material, gel-spun PHB was designed for use as a wound scaffold. In vitro tests using human and mammalian fibroblasts accentuated the importance of polarity and surface charge in determining cellular response. The overall view of cellular behaviour on a broad spectrum of materials highlighted the effects that polarity and surface charge have on water-structuring, and how this affects interfacial conversion. In degradable systems, mechanical stability also plays an inportant role in determining anchorage-dependent cell behaviour.


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Introduction: The requirement of adjuvants in subunit protein vaccination is well known yet their mechanisms of action remain elusive. Of the numerous mechanisms suggested, cationic liposomes appear to fulfil at least three: the antigen depot effect, the delivery of antigen to antigen presenting cells (APCs) and finally the danger signal. We have investigated the role of antigen depot effect with the use of dual radiolabelling whereby adjuvant and antigen presence in tissues can be quantified. In our studies a range of cationic liposomes and different antigens were studied to determine the importance of physical properties such as liposome surface charge, antigen association and inherent lipid immunogenicity. More recently we have investigated the role of liposome size with the cationic liposome formulation DDA:TDB, composed of the cationic lipid dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) and the synthetic mycobacterial glycolipid trehalose 6,6’-dibehenate (TDB). Vesicle size is a frequently investigated parameter which is known to result in different routes of endocytosis. It has been postulated that targeting different routes leads to different intracellular signaling pathway activation and it is certainly true that numerous studies have shown vesicle size to have an effect on the resulting immune responses (e.g. Th1 vs. Th2). Aim: To determine the effect of cationic liposome size on the biodistribution of adjuvant and antigen, the ensuing humoral and cell-mediated immune responses and the uptake and activation of antigen by APCs including macrophages and dendritic cells. Methods: DDA:TDB liposomes were made to three different sizes (~ 0.2, 0.5 and 2 µm) followed by the addition of tuberculosis antigen Ag85B-ESAT-6 therefore resulting in surface adsorption. Liposome formulations were injected into Balb/c or C57Bl/6 mice via the intramuscular route. The biodistribution of the liposome formulations was followed using dual radiolabelling. Tissues including muscle from the site of injection and local draining lymph nodes were removed and liposome and antigen presence quantified. Mice were also immunized with the different vaccine formulations and cytokine production (from Ag85B-ESAT-6 restimulated splenocytes) and antibody presence in blood assayed. Furthermore, splenocyte proliferation after restimulating with Ag85B-ESAT-6 was measured. Finally, APCs were compared for their ability to endocytose vaccine formulations and the effect this had on the maturation status of the cell populations was compared. Flow cytometry and fluorescence labelling was used to investigate maturation marker up-regulation and efficacy of phagocytosis. Results: Our results show that for an efficient Ag85B-ESAT-6 antigen depot at the injection site, liposomes composed of DDA and TDB are required. There is no significant change in the presence of liposome or antigen at 6hrs or 24hrs p.i, nor does liposome size have an effect. Approximately 0.05% of the injected liposome dose is detected in the local draining lymph node 24hrs p.i however protein presence is low (<0.005% dose). Preliminary in vitro data shows liposome and antigen endocytosis by macrophages; further studies on this will be presented in addition to the results of the immunisation study.


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The advent of DNA vaccines has heralded a new technology allowing the design and elicitation of immune responses more adequate for a wider range of pathogens. The formulation of these vaccines into the desired dosage forms extends their capability in terms of stability, routes of administration and efficacy. This thesis describes an investigation into the fabrication of plasmid DNA, the active principle of DNA vaccines, into microspheres, based on the tenet of an increased cellular uptake of microparticulate matter by phagocytic cells. The formulation of plasmid DNA into microspheres using two methods, is presented. Formulation of microspheric plasmid DNA using the double emulsion solvent evaporation method and a spray-drying method was explored. The former approach involves formation of a double emulsion, by homogenisation. This method produced microspheres of uniform size and smooth morphology, but had a detrimental effect on the formulated DNA. The spray-drying method resulted in microspheres with an improved preservation of DNA stability. The use of polyethylenimine (PEI) and stearylamine (SA) as agents in the microspheric formulation of plasmid DNA is a novel approach to DNA vaccine design. Using these molecules as model positively-charged agents, their influence on the characteristics of the microspheric formulations was investigated. PEI improved the entrapment efficiency of the plasmid DNA in microspheres, and has minimal effect on either the surface charge, morphology or size distribution of the formulations. Stearylamine effected an increase in the entrapment efficiency and stability of the plasmid DNA and its effect on the micropshere morphology was dependent on the method of preparation. The differences in the effects of the two molecules on microsphere formulations may be attributable to their dissimilar physico-chemical properties. PEI is water-soluble and highly-branched, while SA is hydrophobic and amphipathic. The positive charge of both molecules is imparted by amine functional groups. Preliminary data on the in vivo application of formulated DNA vaccine, using hepatitis B plasmid, showed superior humoral responses to the formulated antigen, compared with free (unformulated) antigen.


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Modern engineering requirements are frequently near the limits of application of conventional materials. For many purposes, particularly tribological, the most satisfactory solution is frequently the application of a resistant coating to the surface of a common metal. Electrodeposited cermet coatings have proved very satisfactory: some of the factors underlying the cernet electrodeposition process have been investigated. A ceramic particle in contact with an electrolyte solution will carry a charge which may affect the kinetics of the suspended particle under electroplating conditions. Measurerment has been made of this charge on particles of silicon carbide, chrornium diboride and quartz, in contiact with solutions of copper sulphate/ sulphuric acid in terms of the electrokinetic (zeta) potential and also as surface charge density. The methocl used was that of streaming potential and streaming current measurement


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In this work we have established the efficient mucosal delivery of vaccines using absorption enhancers and chitosan. In addition, the use of chitosan was shown to enhance the action of other known adjuvants, such as CTB or Quil-A. Collectively, the results presented herein indicate that chitosan has excellent potential as a mucosal adjuvant. We have evaluated a number of absorption enhancers for their adjuvant activity in vivo. Polyornithine was shown to engender high scrum immune reasons to nasally delivered antigens, with higher molecular weight polyornithine facilitating the best results. We have demonstrated for the first time that vitamin E TPGS can act as mucosal adjuvant. Deoxycholic acid, cyclodextrins and acylcarnitines were also identified as effective mucosal adjuvants and showed enhanced immune responses to nasally delivered TT, DT and Yersinia pestis V and F1 antigens. Previously, none of these agents, common in their action as absorption enhancing agents, have been shown to have immunopotentiating activity for mucosal immunisation. We have successfully developed novel surface modified microspheres using chitosan as an emulsion stabiliser during the preparation of PLA microspheres. It was found that immune responses could be substantially increased, effectively exploiting the immunopenetrating characteristics of both chitosan and PLA microspheres in the same delivery vehicle. In the same study, comparison of intranasal and intramuscular routes of administration showed that with these formulations, the nasal route could be as effective as intramuscular delivery, highlighting the potential of mucosal administration for these particulate delivery systems. Chitosan was co-administered with polymer microspheres. It was demonstrated that this strategy facilitates markedly enhanced immune responses in both magnitude and duration following intramuscular administration. We conclude that this combination shows potential for single dose administration of vaccines. In another study, we have shown that the addition of chitosan to alum adsorbed TT was able to enhance immune responses. PLA micro/nanospheres were prepared and characterised with discreet particle size ranges. A smaller particle size was shown to facilitate higher scrum IgG responses following nasal administration. A lower antigen loading was additionally identified as being preferential for the induction of immune responses in combination with the smaller particle size. This may be due to the fact that the number of particles will be increased when antigen loading is low, which may in turn facilitate a more widespread uptake of particles. PLA lamellar particles were prepared and characterised. Adsorbed TT was evaluated for the potential to engender immune responses in vivo. These formulations were shown to generate effective immune responses following intramuscular administration. Positively charged polyethylcyanoacrylate and PLA nanoparticies were designed and characterised and their potential as delivery vehicles for DNA vaccines was investigated. Successful preparation of particles with narrow size distribution and positive surface charge (imparted by the inclusion of chitosan) was achieved. In the evaluation of antibody responses to DNA encoded antigen in the presence of alum administered intranasally, discrimination between the groups was only seen following intramuscular boosting with the corresponding protein. Our study showed that DNA vaccines in the presence of either alum or Quil-A may advantageously influence priming of the immune system by a mucosal route. The potential for the combination of adjuvants, Quil-A and chitosan, to enhance antibody responses to plasmid encoded antigen co-administered with the corresponding protein antigen was shown and this is worthy of further investigation. The findings here have identified novel adjuvants and approaches to vaccine delivery. In particular, chitosan or vitamin E TPGS are shown here to have considerable promise as non-toxic, safe mucosal adjuvants. In addition, biodegradable mucoadhesive delivery systems, surface modified with chitosan in a single step process, may have application for other uses such as drug and gene delivery.