em Aston University Research Archive


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BACKGROUND: Recombinant protein production is universally employed as a solution to obtain the milligram to gram quantities of a given protein required for applications as diverse as structural genomics and biopharmaceutical manufacture. Yeast is a well-established recombinant host cell for these purposes. In this study we wanted to investigate whether our respiratory Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain, TM6*, could be used to enhance the productivity of recombinant proteins over that obtained from corresponding wild type, respiro-fermentative strains when cultured under the same laboratory conditions. RESULTS: Here we demonstrate at least a doubling in productivity over wild-type strains for three recombinant membrane proteins and one recombinant soluble protein produced in TM6* cells. In all cases, this was attributed to the improved biomass properties of the strain. The yield profile across the growth curve was also more stable than in a wild-type strain, and was not further improved by lowering culture temperatures. This has the added benefit that improved yields can be attained rapidly at the yeast's optimal growth conditions. Importantly, improved productivity could not be reproduced in wild-type strains by culturing them under glucose fed-batch conditions: despite having achieved very similar biomass yields to those achieved by TM6* cultures, the total volumetric yields were not concomitantly increased. Furthermore, the productivity of TM6* was unaffected by growing cultures in the presence of ethanol. These findings support the unique properties of TM6* as a microbial cell factory. CONCLUSIONS: The accumulation of biomass in yeast cell factories is not necessarily correlated with a proportional increase in the functional yield of the recombinant protein being produced. The respiratory S. cerevisiae strain reported here is therefore a useful addition to the matrix of production hosts currently available as its improved biomass properties do lead to increased volumetric yields without the need to resort to complex control or cultivation schemes. This is anticipated to be of particular value in the production of challenging targets such as membrane proteins.


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The following investigation characterises the interaction between temperature and growth in psychrophilic, mesophilic and thermophilic fungi in order to gain further insight into the physiological mechanisms underlying fungal growth at extreme temperatures. In the first part of the investigation, the effect of environmental temperature on the growth of vegetative mycelium and sporangiospore production and germination was considered in order to determine the cardinal temperatures of these activities in different thermal groups. Subsequent investigations of plasma membrane permeability suggested that plasma membrane structure and function may be significant in establishing both the upper and lower growth temperature limits characteristic of psychrophiles, mesophiles and thermophiles. Analysis of the plasma membrane fractions revealed significant differences in membrane phospholipid composition between these thermal groups and it is suggested that the differing cardinal growth temperatures characteristic of psychrophilic, mesophilic and thermophilic fungi reflect the temperature ranges over which these organisms exhibit levels of plasma membrane fluidity sufficient to maintain membrane-associated growth processes. In contrast, the membrane protein components appear uniform in both character and thermostability and are therefore unlikely to contribute to this phenomenon.


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This paper studies the relationship between leverage and growth, focusing on a large sample of firms in emerging economies of central and eastern Europe (CEE). Contrary to the general wisdom, we find that deviation from optimal leverage, especially, excess leverage is common among firms in many CEE countries. Using firm-level panel data from a group of transition countries, the paper provides support to the hypothesis that leverage positively affects productivity growth but only below an endogenously determined threshold level.


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The design and construction of a sputtering system for the deposition of barium titanate thin films is described. The growth and structure of barium titanate films deposited on a variety of substrates including amorphous carbon fi1ms, potassium bromide single crystals, and polycrystalline gold films has been studied. Films deposited on all substrates at room temperature were amorphous. Polycrystalline titanate films were formed on polycrystalline and amorphous substrates at temperatures above 450°C while films with a pronounced texture could be expitaxially deposited on single crystal potassium bromide above a temperature of only 200°C. Results of dielectric measurements made on the films are reported. Amorphous films were highly insulating (resistivities ~1014 ohm.cm with dielectric constants of between 10 and 20.


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The nutritional requirements for the vegetative growth of B. stearothermophilus strains NCIB 8919, NCTC lO,OO3 (wild) were found to be DL-methionine, biotin, nicotinic acid, thiamin, glucose and mineral salts. Strains NCIB 8920 required in addition L-tryptophan. B. stearothermophilus NCTC lO,OO3 (mutant) grew in a medium containing only glucose and mineral salts. Separate chemically defined media for the growth of Bacillus stearothermophilus strains NCIB 8919, 8920, NCTC lO,OO3 (wild) and NCTC lO,OO3 (mutant) were developed. Optimally aerated culture of B. stearothermonhilus NCTC lO,OO3(mutant) required 1.0 x 10-4 M. Mn2+ and 2.4 x 10-3 M. glutamic acid for optimal sporulation. Specific nutrient depletion of growth affected percentage sporulation. Spore suspensions of B. stearothermophilus NCTC 10,003 (mutant) were prepared from media in which sulphate (SO4-), nitrogen (N-),phosphate (Po4-), carbon (C-), magnesium-carbon simultaneously (Ng-C-) depleted growth. The heat resistance, dormancy and chemistry of these spores varied considerably. B. stearothermophilus NCTC 10,003 10,00310,00(mutant) spores prepared from carbon depleted cultures containing high and low concentrations of calcium, iron or manganese showed variations in heat resistance,dormancy and chemical composition. Progressive increase in the concentration of medium calciumfrom 1.0 X 10-5  M to 1.4 X 10-4 M. progressively increased theheat resistance of B. stearothermophilus NCTC 10,003 (mutant) spores prepared from nitrogen depleted cultures (N-). The thermodynamic functions for germination rate, magnesium and manganese release of N- and SO4- spores were within the range expected of enzymic reactions. The thermodynamic functions for the breaking of dormancy in SO4- spores and that for the release of D.P.A. were identical. Sublethal heating of SO4- spores (96.5°C and below) induced dormancy in these spores, whereas heating above 96.5°C gave rise to heat activation. Pooled results of the chemical analyses of all spore types studied showed that the concentration of D.P.A. and calcium were positively related to heat resistance whereas magnesium concentration and Mg/Ca molar ratio were inversely proportional to heat resistance.


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The work reported in this thesis was carried out to contribute to the knowledge of the effects of substrate water availability or water activity (a ) on fungal growth parameters and its implications in the preparationw of materials susceptible to biodeterioration. Fungi were isolated from soils of different ecological sites at a range of substrate aw levels controlled by sodium chloride (NaCl). Three groups of fungi were isolated : firstly, those isolated only at high a (aw about 0.997).secondly, those isolated at high and decreasing aw (aw 0.997 to 0.85) and finally, those isolated at only decreased aw (aw O.95 to 0.80). From these isolations, test fungi were selected to study the effects of pH, temperature, exo-enzyme production and biocide efficacy at decreased aw levels, with glycerol and NaCl as a controlling solutes. The linear extension rates of the fungi increased at all test pH values near optimum a of growth. Test fungi of the Aspergillus glaucus group were found to be most resistant to low aw. Growth and survival of vegetative and fruiting bodies at elevated temperatures were enhanced with the addition of a controlling solutes. A. flavus, A. fumigatus displayed high heat resistance and A. amstelodami, A. versicolor and Penicillium citrinum displayed low heat resistance at high aw levels and vice versa at low aw levels. Amylase, lipase and protease activities were studied at lowered aw , using modifications of the test tube method of Raute11a and Cowling. Amylase and protease production in most xerophilic fungi ceased around 0.80 aw , but lipase production in some xerophilic fungi, including A. glatlcus fungi, was up to and including 0.70 aw with g1ycero1.


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In the wake of the global financial crisis, several macroeconomic contributions have highlighted the risks of excessive credit expansion. In particular, too much finance can have a negative impact on growth. We examine the microeconomic foundations of this argument, positing a non-monotonic relationship between leverage and firm-level productivity growth in the spirit of the trade-off theory of capital structure. A threshold regression model estimated on a sample of Central and Eastern European countries confirms that TFP growth increases with leverage until the latter reaches a critical threshold beyond which leverage lowers TFP growth. This estimate can provide guidance to firms and policy makers on identifying "excessive" leverage. We find similar non-monotonic relationships between leverage and proxies for firm value. Our results are a first step in bridging the gap between the literature on optimal capital structure and the wider macro literature on the finance-growth nexus. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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The fatigue crack propagation behaviour of a low alloy, boron-containing steel has been examined after austenitizing at 900°C or 1250°C and tempering at a range of temperatures up to 400°C. Fatigue threshold values were found to vary with austenitizing and tempering treatment in a range between 3.3 to 6 MPa √m when tested at a stress ratio (R) of 0.2. Crack propagation rates in the Paris regime were insensitive to heat treatment variations. The crack propagation path was essentially transgranular in all conditions with small regions of intergranular facets appearing at growth rates around the knee of the da/dN vs ΔK curve. The crack front shape showed marked retardation in the centre of the specimen at low tempering temperatures. Experimental determinations and computer predictions of residual stress levels in the specimens indicated that this was due to a central residual compressive stress resulting from differential cooling rates and the volume change associated with the martensite transformation. The results are discussed in terms of microstructural and residual stress effects on fatigue behaviour. © 1987.


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With the cell therapy industry continuing to grow, the ability to preserve clinical grade cells, including mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), whilst retaining cell viability and function remains critical for the generation of off-the-shelf therapies. Cryopreservation of MSCs, using slow freezing, is an established process at lab scale. However, the cytotoxicity of cryoprotectants, like Me2SO, raises questions about the impact of prolonged cell exposure to cryoprotectant at temperatures >0 °C during processing of large cell batches for allogenic therapies prior to rapid cooling in a controlled rate freezer or in the clinic prior to administration. Here we show that exposure of human bone marrow derived MSCs to Me2SO for ≥1 h before freezing, or after thawing, degrades membrane integrity, short-term cell attachment efficiency and alters cell immunophenotype. After 2 h's exposure to Me2SO at 37 °C post-thaw, membrane integrity dropped to ∼70% and only ∼50% of cells retained the ability to adhere to tissue culture plastic. Furthermore, only 70% of the recovered MSCs retained an immunophenotype consistent with the ISCT minimal criteria after exposure. We also saw a similar loss of membrane integrity and attachment efficiency after exposing osteoblast (HOS TE85) cells to Me2SO before, and after, cryopreservation. Overall, these results show that freezing medium exposure is a critical determinant of product quality as process scale increases. Defining and reporting cell sensitivity to freezing medium exposure, both before and after cryopreservation, enables a fair judgement of how scalable a particular cryopreservation process can be, and consequently whether the therapy has commercial feasibility.