12 resultados para OLEIC-ACID

em Aston University Research Archive


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1. The effects of arachidonic acid upon the volume-sensitive Cl- current present in cultured osteoblastic cells (ROS 17/2.8) was studied using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. 2. Arachidonate produced two distinct phases of inhibition, a rapid phase occurring within 10-15 s of application preceding a slower phase that occurred 2 min after onset of arachidonate superfusion. Accompanying the slower inhibitory phase was an acceleration of the time-dependent inactivation exhibited by the current at strongly depolarized potentials (> + 50 mV). The half-maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC50) were 177 +/- 31 and 10 +/- 4 microM for the two phases respectively. 3. Arachidonate was still effective in the presence of inhibitors of cyclo-oxygenase (indomethacin, 10 microM), lipoxygenase (nordihydroguaretic acid, 10-100 microM) and cytochrome P450 (SKF525A, 100 microM; ethoxyresorufin, 10 microM; metyrapone, 500 microM; piperonyl butoxide, 500 microM; cimetidine, 1 mM). The effects of arachidonate could not be produced by another cis unsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid. 4. Measurements of cell volume showed that arachidonate effectively inhibited the regulatory volume decrease elicited by ROS 17/2.8 cells in response to a reduction in extracellular osmolarity. 5. It is concluded that the volume-sensitive Cl- conductance in ROS 17/2.8 cells is directly modulated by arachidonate and may represent a physiological mechanism by which volume regulation can be controlled in these cells.


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The properties of Caco-2 monolayers were compared on aluminium oxide and nitrocellulose permeable-supports. On nitrocellulose, Caco-2 cells displayed a higher rate of taurocholic acid transport than those cultured on aluminium oxide inserts. In addition, Caco-2 cells grown on these two inserts were not comparable with respect to cell morphology, cell numbers and transepithelial electrical resistance. The low adsorption potential of the aluminium oxide inserts, particularly for high molecular weight or lipophilic ligands, offers a distinct advantage over nitrocellulose inserts for drug transport studies. The carrier-mediated uptake and transport of the imino acid (L-proline) and the acidic amino acids (L-aspartate and L-glutamate) have been studied. At pH7.4, L-proline uptake is mediated via an A-system carrier. Elevated uptake and transport under acidic conditions occurs by activation of a distinct carrier population. Acidic amino acid transport is mediated via a X-AG system. The flux of baclofen, CGP40116 andCGP40117 across Caco-2 monolayers was described by passive transport. The transport of three peptides, thyrotrophin-releasing hormone, SQ29852 and cyclosporin were investigated. Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone transport acrossCaco-2 monolayers was characterised by a minor saturable (carrier-mediated,approximately 25%) pathway, superimposed onto a major non-saturable (diffusional)pathway. SQ29852 uptake into Caco-2 monolayers is described by a major saturable mechanism (Km = 0.91 mM) superimposed onto a minor passive component.However, the initial-rate of SQ29852 transport is consistent with a passive transepithelial transport mechanism. These data highlight the possibility that itsbasolateral efflux is severely retarded such that the passive paracellular transportdictates the overall transepithelial transport characteristics. In addition, modelsuitable for investigating the transepithelial transport of cyclosporin A has been developed. A modification of the conventional Caco-2 model has been developed which has a calcium-free Ap donor-solution and a Bl receiver-solution containing the minimumcalcium concentration required to maintain monolayer integrity (100 μM). The influence of calcium and magnesium on the absorption of [14C]pamidronate was evaluated by comparing its transport across the conventional and minimum calciumCaco-2 models. Ap calcium and magnesium ions retard the Ap-to-Bl flux of pamidronate across Caco-2 monolayers. The effect of self-emulsifying oleic acid-Tween 80 formulations on Caco-2monolayer integrity has been investigated. Oleic acid-Tween 80 (1 0:1) formulations produced a dose-dependent disruption of Caco-2 monolayer integrity. This disruption was related to the oleic acid content of the formulation.


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A prodrug, temozolomide acid hexyl ester (TMZA-HE), was identified as a skin-deliverable congener for temozolomide (TMZ) to treat skin cancers. Poor solubility and instability of TMZA-HE rendered a serious challenge for formulation of a topical preparation. Microemulsions (ME) were chosen as a potential vehicle for TMZA-HE topical preparations. ME systems were constructed with either oleic acid (OA) or isopropyl myristate (IPM) as the oil phase and tocopheryl (vitamin E) polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate (VE-TPGS) as a surfactant. Topical formulations of OA and IPM ME systems demonstrated beneficial solubilising ability and provided a stable environment for the prodrug, TMZA-HE. Significant differences between the microstructures of OA and IPM ME systems were revealed by freeze fracture electron microscopy (FFEM) and different loading abilities and permeation potencies between the two systems were also identified. In permeation studies, IPM ME systems, with inclusion of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) as a co-surfactant, significantly increased TMZA-HE permeation through silicon membranes and rat skin resulting in less drug retention within the skin, while OA ME systems demonstrated higher solubilising ability and a higher concentration of TMZA-HE retained within the skin. Therefore IPM ME systems are promising for transdermal delivery of TMZA-HE and OA ME systems may be a suitable choice for a topical formulation of TMZA-HE. © 2007 The Authors.


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The underlying theme of this thesis is one of exploring the processes involved in the enhancement of percutaneous absorption. The development of an attenuated total reflectance Fourier-Transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopic method to analyse diffusion of suitable topically applied compounds in membrane is described. Diffusion coefficients (D/h2) and membrane solubility (AO) for topically applied compounds were determined using a solution to Fick's second law of diffusion. This method was employed to determine the diffusional characteristics of a model permeant, 4-cyanophenol (CP), across silicone membrane as a function of formulation applied and permeant physicochemical properties. The formulations applied were able to either affect CP diffusivity and/or its membrane solubility in the membrane; such parameters partially correlated with permeant physicochemical properties in each formulation. The interplay during the diffusion process between drug, enhancer and vehicle in stratum corneum (SC) was examined. When enhancers were added to the applied formulations, CP diffusivity and solubility were significantly enhanced when compared to the neat propylene glycol (PG) application. Enhancers did not affect PG diffusivity in SC but enhancers did affect PG solubility in SC. PG diffusion closely resembled that of CP, implying that the respective transport processes were inter-related. Additionally, a synergistic effect, which increases CP diffusivity and membrane solubility in SC, was found to occur between PG and water. Using 12-azidooleic acid (AOA) as an IR active probe for oleic acid, the simultaneous penetration of CP, AOA and PG into human stratum corneum was determined. It was found that the diffusion profiles for all three permeants were similar. This indicated that the diffusion of each species through SC was closely related and most likely occurred via the same route or SC microenvironment.


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The effects of ionisation on transdermal drug delivery using excised human epidermis (HS) and silastic rubber (SR) as model permeation barriers were investigated in vitro using Franz-type absorption cells. Suspensions and solutions of salicylic acid (SA), the model ionogenic permeant, were used as donors and the variables studied were vehicle pH and trans-membrane pH-gradients. For solutions, the pH effect was related to the level of ionisation of the drug and the degree of saturation of the solution. With suspensions, the observed permeation rate was unaffected by pH. The penetration profiles through HS and SR were similar, although the overall flux through HS was about 70% of that observed through SR. Pretreatment of the membranes with various enhancer regimens, including oleic acid, Azone and N, N-dimethylamides in propylene glycol (PG) and isopropyl myristate (IPM) promoted the penetration of SA. SR was not a suitable model for enhancer pretreatment using IPM as a vehicle as the membrane was significantly disrupted by this vehicle. The results from comparable experiments with and without a trans-membrane pH-gradient did not have a significant effect upon flux or flux enhancement after pretreatment with the above enhancers. A theoretical model for the extraction coefficients of weak acids was derived using the partition coefficients of the ionised and unionised species, pH and pKa. This model was shown to account for the variation in overall partition of salicylic acid dependent upon pH and pKa. This model was shown to account for the variation in overall partition of salicylic acid dependent upon pH and pKa. The distribution of this solute between aqueous and oily phases, with and without added enhancer, was measured as a function of pH. The extraction coefficients determined were consistent with the model and showed that the behaviour of the system can be explained without referral to ion-pair mechanisms. Phosphonoacetate is an effective antiviral agent. However, as it is charged at physiological pH, its permeation across cell membranes is limited. To assess the improvement of the transport properties of this molecule, mono-, di- and tri-ester prodrugs were examined. These were assessed for stability and subsequent breakdown with respect to pH by HPLC. In vitro percutaneous absorption was observed using the triester, but not the ionic mono- or di-esters. The triester absorption could be potentiated using a range of enhancers with oleic acid being the most effective. Cyclodextrins (CD) have a role as absorption enhancers for peptide compounds across nasal epithelium. One potential mode of action is that CDs include these compounds, protect them from enzymic attack and thereby increase their residence time in the nasal epithelium. This study investigated the potential of CDs to protect ester prodrugs from enzymatic breakdown and prevent production of poorly transportable ionic species. Using a range of CD to ester molar ratios (10:1 to 2500:1) a small, but measurable, protection for the model esters (parabens) against esterase attack was observed. Possible mechanisms for this phenomenon are that CDs include the ester, making it unavailable for hydrolysis, the CDs may also affect the esterase in some way preventing access for the ester into the active site.


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Azidoprofen {2-(4-azidophenyl)propionic acid; AZP}, an azido-substituted arylalkanoic acid, was investigated as a model soft drug candidate for a potential topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent (NSAIA). Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods were developed for the assay of AZP, a series of ester analogues and their· degradation products. 1H-NMR spectroscopy was also employed as an analytical method in selected cases. Reduction of the azido-group to the corresponding amine has been proposed as a potential detoxification mechanism for compounds bearing this substituent. An in vitro assay to measure the susceptibility of azides towards reduction was developed using dithiothreitol as a model reducing agent. The rate of reduction of AZP was found to be base-dependent, hence supporting the postulated mechanism of thiol-mediated reduction via nucleophilic attack by the thiolate anion. Prodrugs may enhance topical bioavailability through the manipulation of physico-chemical properties of the parent drug. A series of ester derivatives of AZP were investigated for their susceptibility to chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis, which regenerates the parent acid. Use of alcoholic cosolvents with differing alkyl functions to that of the ester resulted in transesterification reactions, which were found to be enzyme-mediated. The skin penetration of AZP was assessed using an in vitro hairless mouse skin model, and silastic membrane in some cases. The rate of permeation of AZP was found to be a similar magnitude to that of the well established NSAIA ibuprofen. Penetration rates were dependent on the vehicle pH and drug concentration when solutions were employed. In contrast, flux was independent of pH when suspension formulations were used. Pretreatment of the skin with various enhancer regimes, including oleic acid and azone in propylene glycol, promoted the penetration of AZP. An intense IR absorption due to the azide group serves as a highly diagnostic marker, enabling azido compounds to be detected in the outer layers of the· stratum corneum following their application to skin, using attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). This novel application enabled a non-invasive examination of the percutaneous penetration enhancement of a model azido compound in vivo in man, in the presence of the enhancer oleic acid.


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The aim of this work was to gain a better understanding of the physiochemical factors which affect the formulation of suspension inhalation aerosols. This has been attempted by applying the principles of colloid science to aerosol formulation. Both a drug system and a model colloid system have been used. The adsorption of six nonionic and cationic surfactants onto Spherisorb has been investigated. The results were analysed by calculating the area occupied by one adsorbed molecule at the surface and by comparing these values for each surfactant. The amount of each surfactant adsorbed was correlated with the number of sites on that surfactant molecule which could interact with the surface. The stability of suspensions, produced by both the model colloid Spherisorb, and by the drug isoprenaline sulphate, after adsorption of the surfactants, has been assessed by measuring settling times and rising times. The most stable suspensions were found to be those which had the greatest amounts of long chain fatty acid surfactant adsorbed on their surface. A comparison was made between the effective stabilising properties of Span 85 and oleic acid on various drug suspensions. It was found that Span 85 gave the most stable suspensions. Inhalation aerosol suspensions of isoprenaline sulphate were manufactured using the same surfactants used in the adsorption and suspension stability studies and were analysed by measuring the particle size distributions of the suspension and the emitted doses. The results were found to correlate with the adsorption and suspension stability studies and it was concluded that a deflocculated suspension was preferable to a flocculated suspension in inhalation aerosols provided that the drug density was less than the propellant density. The application of this work to preformulation studies was also discussed.


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The lipophilic dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) inhibitor m-azidopyrimethamine (MZP) was investigated for suitability for development as a topical antipsoriatic agent. The clinical features and treatments for psoriasis were reviewed. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was employed as the main analytical method, with UV spectroscopy being used in some cases. Reduction of the azido-group was proposed as a potential detoxification mechanism for MZP. The rates of reduction of a series of substituted phenyl azide compounds by dithiothreitol were investigated and found to depend on the substitution pattern of the aryl azide molecular, with electron deficient azides exhibiting faster rates of reduction in the system studied. The rates of reduction of MZP and analogous compounds were also studied using this model. The skin penetration of MZP was assessed using an in vitro hairless mouse skin model. The rate of permeation (flux) of MZP across hairless mouse skin was found to be dependent on the quantity of propylene glycol used as cosolvent in the vehicle and the pH. The use of a pretreatment regime of oleic acid in propylene glycol was shown to greatly increase the penetration of MZP through the hairless mouse skin as compared to application without pretreatment, or pretreatment with other penetration enhancers. The metabolism of MZP was studied in in vitro models comprising skin homogenates, SV-K14 human keratinocyte cell cultures and skin commensal bacterial cultures. No conversion of MZP to the corresponding amine was detected in any of the models. The growth inhibitory properties of MZP were investigated in an in vitro SV-K14 human keratinocyte cell culture model and compared with those of other DHFR inhibitors. [14C]-pyrimethamine was shown to be taken up by the SV-K14 keratinocytes.


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A transplantable murine colon adenocarcinoma (MAC16) was utilised as a model of human cancer cachexia. This tumour has been found to produce extensive weight loss, characterised by depletion of host body protein and lipid stores at a small tumour burden. This weight loss has been found to be associated with production by the tumour of a lipolytic factor, activity of which was inhibited in vitro by the polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). EPA has also been shown to possess anti-tumour and anti-cachectic activity in vivo, leading to the hypothesis that fatty acids mobilised by the lipolytic factor supply a growth requirement of the MAC16 tumour. In this study mobilisation and sequestration of fatty acids by the tumour was found to be non-specific, although a relationship between weight loss and arachidonic acid (AA) concentration was found in both tumour-bearing mice, and human cancer patients. The anti-tumour effect of EPA, which was found to be associated with an increase in cell loss, but not its anti-cachectic activity, was reversed by the administration of the PUFAs oleic acid (OA) and linoleic acid (LA). LA was also found to be capable of stimulating tumour growth. Inhibition of either the cyclooxygenase or lipoxygenase pathways was found to result in reduction of tumour growth, leading to the implication of one of the metabolites of LA or AA in tumour growth and cachexia. The ethyl ester of EPA was found to be inactive against the growth and cachexia of the MAC16 tumour, due to its retarded uptake compared with the free acid. The anti-proliferative agent 5-fluorouracil was found to cause tumour growth inhibition, and when given in combination with EPA, reduced the phase of tumour regrowth observed after 4 to 5 days of treatment with EPA.


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The past decade has seen an influx of speciality plant seed oils arriving into the market place. The need to characterise these oils has become an important aspect of the oil industry. The characterisation of the oils allows for the physical and chemical properties of the oil to be determined. Speciality oils were characterised based on their lipid and fatty acid profiles and categorised as monounsaturated rich (oleic acid as the major acyl components e.g. Moringa and Marula oil), linoleic acid rich (Grape seed and Evening Primrose oil) or linolenic acid rich (Flaxseed and Kiwi oil). The quality of the oils was evaluated by determining the free fatty acid content, the peroxide value (that measures initial oxidation) and p-anisidine values (that determines secondary oxidation products containing the carbonyl function). A reference database was constructed for the oils in order to compare batches of oils for their overall quality including oxidative stability. For some of the speciality oils, the stereochemistry of the triacylglycerols was determined. Calophyllum, Coffee, Poppy and Sea Buckthorn oils stereochemistry was determined. The oils were enriched with saturated and/or a monounsaturated fatty acids at position sn-1 and sn-3. The sn-2 position of the four oils was esterified with a polyunsaturated and/or a monounsaturated fatty acid indicating that they follow a typical acylation pathway and no novel acylation activity was evident from these studies (e.g enrichment of saturates at the sn-2 position). The oxidative stability of the oils was evaluated at 18oC and 60oC and the effect of adding a-tocopherol at commercially used level i.e 750ppm was assessed. The addition of 750ppm of a-tocopherol at 18oC increased the oxidative stability of Brown flax, Moringa, Wheat germ and Yangu oils. At 60oC Brown Flax, Manketti and Pomegranate oil polymerised after 48 hours. The addition of 750ppm a-tocopherol delayed the onset of polymerisation by up to 48 hours in Brown Flax seed oil. Pomegranate oil showed a high resistance to oxidation, and was blended into other speciality oils at 1%. Pomegranate oil increased the oxidative stability of Yangu oil at 18oC. The addition of Pomegranate oil to Wheat germ oil at 60oC, decreased the peroxide content by 10%. In Manketti and Brown Flaxseed oil at elevated temperatures, Pomegranate oil delayed the onset of polymerisation. Preliminary studies of Pomegranate oil blending to Moringa and Borage oil showed it to be more effective than a-tocopherol for certain oils. The antioxidant effects observed following the addition of Pomegranate oil may be due to its conjugated linolenic acid fatty acid, punicic acid.


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Hierarchical nanowires (HNWs) exhibit unique properties and have wide applications, while often suffering from imperfect structure. Herein, we report a facile strategy toward ultrathin CdS HNWs with monocrystal structure, where a continuous-wave (CW) Nd:YAG laser is employed to irradiate an oleic acid (OA) solution containing precursors and a light absorber. The high heating rate and large temperature gradient generated by the CW laser lead to the rapid formation of tiny zinc-blende CdS nanocrystals which then line up into nanowires with the help of OA molecules. Next, the nanowires experience a phase transformation from zinc-blende to wurtzite structure, and the transformation-induced stress creates terraces on their surface, which promotes the growth of side branches and eventually results in monocrystal HNWs with an ultrathin diameter of 24 nm. The one-step synthesis of HNWs is conducted in air and completes in just 40 s, thus being very simple and rapid. The prepared CdS HNWs display photocatalytic performance superior to their nanoparticle counterparts, thus showing promise for catalytic applications in the future.


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The oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is thought to contribute to atherogenesis, which is an inflammatory disease involving activation of phagocytic cells. Myeloperoxidase, an enzyme which is able to produce hypochlorous acid (HOCl), is released from these phagocytic cells, and has been found in an active form in atherosclerotic plaques. HOCl can oxidize both the lipid and protein moiety of LDL, and HOCl-modified LDL has been found to be pro-inflammatory, although it is not known which component is responsible for this effect. As HOCl can oxidize lipids to give chlorohydrins, we hypothesized that phospholipid chlorohydrins might have toxic and pro-inflammatory effects. We have formed chlorohydrins from fatty acids (oleic, linoleic and arachidonic acids) and from phospholipids (stearoyl-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine, stearoyl-linoleoyl phosphatidylcholine and stearoyl-arachidonoyl phosphatidylcholine), and investigated various biological effects of these oxidation products. Fatty acid and phospholipid chlorohydrins were found to deplete ATP levels in U937 cells in a concentration-dependent manner, with significant effects observed at concentrations of 25 µM and above. Low concentrations (25 µM) of stearoyl-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine and stearoyl-arachidonoyl phosphatidylcholine chlorohydrins were also found to increase caspase-3 activity. Finally, stearoyl-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine chlorohydrin increased leukocyte adhesion to artery segments isolated from C57Bl/6 mice. These results demonstrate potentially harmful effects of lipid chlorohydrins, and suggest that they may contribute to some of the pro-inflammatory effects that HOCl-modified low density lipoprotein has been found to induce.