23 resultados para Nucleophilic addition to carbonyl

em Aston University Research Archive


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Pichia pastoris is a widely-used host for recombinant protein production. Initial screening for both suitable clones and optimum culture conditions is typically carried out in multi-well plates. This is followed by up-scaling either to shake-flasks or continuously stirred tank bioreactors. A particular problem in these formats is foaming, which is commonly prevented by the addition of chemical antifoaming agents. Intriguingly, antifoams are often added without prior consideration of their effect on the yeast cells, the protein product or the influence on downstream processes such as protein purification. In this study we characterised, for the first time, the effects of five commonly-used antifoaming agents on the total amount of recombinant green fluorescent protein (GFP) secreted from shake-flask cultures of this industrially-relevant yeast.


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In this work, the liquid-liquid and solid-liquid phase behaviour of ten aqueous pseudo-binary and three binary systems containing polyethylene glycol (PEG) 2050, polyethylene glycol 35000, aniline, N,N-dimethylaniline and water, in the temperature range 298.15-350.15 K and at ambient pressure of 0.1 MPa, was studied. The obtained temperature-composition phase diagrams showed that the only functional co-solvent was PEG2050 for aniline in water, while PEG35000 even showed a clear anti-solvent effect in the N,N-dimethylaniline aqueous system. The experimental solid-liquid equilibria (SLE) data have been correlated by the non-random two-liquid (NRTL) model, and the correlation results are in accordance with the experimental results.


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Loss of coolant accidents (LOCA) in the primary cooling circuit of a nuclear reactor may result in damage to insulation materials that are located near to the leak. The insulation materials released may compromise the operation of the emergency core cooling system (ECCS). Insulation material in the form of mineral wool fibre agglomerates (MWFA) maybe transported to the containment sump strainers mounted at the inlet of the emergency cooling pumps, where the insulation fibres may block or penetrate the strainers. In addition to the impact of MWFA on the pressure drop across the strainers, corrosion products formed over time may also accumulate in the fibre cakes on the strainers, which can lead to a significant increase in the strainer pressure drop and result in cavitation in the ECCS. Thus, knowledge of transport characteristics of the damaged insulation materials in various scenarios is required to help plan for the long-term operability of nuclear reactors, which undergo LOCA. An experimental and theoretical study performed by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and the Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz1 is investigating the phenomena that maybe observed in the containment vessel during a LOCA. The study entails the generation of fibre agglomerates, the determination of their transport properties in single and multi-effect experiments and the long-term effect that corrosion of the containment internals by the coolant has on the strainer pressure drop. The focus of this presentation is on the experiments performed that characterize the horizontal transport of MWFA, whereas the corresponding CFD simulations are described in an accompanying contribution (see abstract of Cartland Glover et al.). The experiments were performed a racetrack type channel that provided a near uniform horizontal flow. The channel is 0.1 wide by 1.2 m high with a straight length of 5 m and two bends of 0.5 m. The measurement techniques include particle imaging (both wide-angle and macro lens), concurrent particle image velocimetry, ultravelocimetry, laser detection sensors to sense the presence of absence of MWFA and pertinent measurements of the MWFA concentration and quiescent settling characteristics. The transport of the MWFA was observed at velocities of 0.1 and 0.25 m s-1 to verify numerical model behaviour in and just beyond expected velocities in the containment sump of a nuclear reactor.


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This note presents a contingent-claims approach to strategic capacity planning. We develop models for capacity choice and expansion decisions in a single firm environment where investment is irreversible and demand is uncertain. These models illustrate specifically the relevance of path-dependent options analysis to planning capacity investments when the firm adopts demand tracking or average capacity strategies. It is argued that Asian/average type real options can explain hysteresis phenomena in addition to providing superior control of assets in place.


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In the IS literature, commitment is typically considered to involve organizational or managerial support for a system and not that of its users. This paper however reports on a field study involving 16 organizations that attempted to build user involvement in developing a knowledge management strategy by having them design it. Twenty-two IT-supported group workshops (involving 183 users) were run to develop action plans for better knowledge management that users would like to see implemented. Each workshop adopted the same problem structuring technique to assist group members develop a politically feasible action plan to which they were psychologically and emotionally dedicated. In addition to reviewing the problem structuring method, this paper provides qualitative insight into the factors a knowledge management strategy should have to encourage user commitment. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper will present details and findings to date collected as part of a research project currently being undertaken at Aston University, Birmingham, UK. The research focuses on the adjustment and experience of first year students and the role and influence of their parents and family during this time. In addition to Educational research literature, the research draws on “Emerging Adulthood” to assist in understanding the experience of students upon enrolling on a Higher Education degree. It is anticipated that the findings will contribute to the UK student retention debate as well as the adjustment literature.


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An implementation of a Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) natural language front-end to a database is presented, and its capabilities demonstrated by reference to a set of queries used in the Chat-80 system. The potential of LFG for such applications is explored. Other grammars previously used for this purpose are briefly reviewed and contrasted with LFG. The basic LFG formalism is fully described, both as to its syntax and semantics, and the deficiencies of the latter for database access application shown. Other current LFG implementations are reviewed and contrasted with the LFG implementation developed here specifically for database access. The implementation described here allows a natural language interface to a specific Prolog database to be produced from a set of grammar rule and lexical specifications in an LFG-like notation. In addition to this the interface system uses a simple database description to compile metadata about the database for later use in planning the execution of queries. Extensions to LFG's semantic component are shown to be necessary to produce a satisfactory functional analysis and semantic output for querying a database. A diverse set of natural language constructs are analysed using LFG and the derivation of Prolog queries from the F-structure output of LFG is illustrated. The functional description produced from LFG is proposed as sufficient for resolving many problems of quantification and attachment.


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A study of conveying practice demonstrates that belt conveyors provide a versatile and. much-used method of transporting bulk materials, but a review of belting manufacturers' design procedures shows that belt design and selection rules are often based on experience with all-cotton belts no longer in common use, and are net completely relevant to modern synthetic constructions. In particular, provision of the property "load support", which was not critical with cotton belts, is shown to determine the outcome of most belt selection exercises and lead to gross over specification of other design properties in many cases. The results of an original experimental investigation into this property, carried out to determine the belt and conveyor parameters that affect it, how the major role that belt stiffness plays in its provision; the basis for a belt stiffness test relevant to service conditions is given. A proposal for a more rational method of specifying load support data results from the work, but correlation of the test results with service performance is necessary before the absolute toad support capability required from a belt for given working conditions can be quantified. A study to attain this correlation is the major proposal for future work resulting from the present investigation, but a full review of the literature on conveyor design and a study of present practice within the belting industry demonstrate other, less critical, factors that could profitably be investigated. It is suggested that the most suitable method of studying these would be a rational data collection system to provide information on various facets of belt service behaviour; a basis for such a system is proposed. In addition to the work above, proposals for simplifying the present belt selection methods are made and a strain transducer suitable for use in future experimental investigations is developed.


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The aim of this study was to determine whether an ophthalmophakometric technique could offer a feasible means of investigating ocular component contributions to residual astigmatism in human eyes. Current opinion was gathered on the prevalence, magnitude and source of residual astigmatism. It emerged that a comprehensive evaluation of the astigmatic contributions of the eye's internal ocular surfaces and their respective axial separations (effectivity) had not been carried out to date. An ophthalmophakometric technique was developed to measure astigmatism arising from the internal ocular components. Procedures included the measurement of refractive error (infra-red autorefractometry), anterior corneal surface power (computerised video keratography), axial distances (A-scan ultrasonography) and the powers of the posterior corneal surface in addition to both surfaces of the crystalline lens (multi-meridional still flash ophthalmophakometry). Computing schemes were developed to yield the required biometric data. These included (1) calculation of crystalline lens surface powers in the absence of Purkinje images arising from its anterior surface, (2) application of meridional analysis to derive spherocylindrical surface powers from notional powers calculated along four pre-selected meridians, (3) application of astigmatic decomposition and vergence analysis to calculate contributions to residual astigmatism of ocular components with obliquely related cylinder axes, (4) calculation of the effect of random experimental errors on the calculated ocular component data. A complete set of biometric measurements were taken from both eyes of 66 undergraduate students. Effectivity due to corneal thickness made the smallest cylinder power contribution (up to 0.25DC) to residual astigmatism followed by contributions of the anterior chamber depth (up to 0.50DC) and crystalline lens thickness (up to 1.00DC). In each case astigmatic contributions were predominantly direct. More astigmatism arose from the posterior corneal surface (up to 1.00DC) and both crystalline lens surfaces (up to 2.50DC). The astigmatic contributions of the posterior corneal and lens surfaces were found to be predominantly inverse whilst direct astigmatism arose from the anterior lens surface. Very similar results were found for right versus left eyes and males versus females. Repeatability was assessed on 20 individuals. The ophthalmophakometric method was found to be prone to considerable accumulated experimental errors. However, these errors are random in nature so that group averaged data were found to be reasonably repeatable. A further confirmatory study was carried out on 10 individuals which demonstrated that biometric measurements made with and without cycloplegia did not differ significantly.


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The work utilising a new material for contact lenses has fallen into three parts: Physioloeical considerations: Since the cornea is devoid of blood vessels, its oxygen is derived from the atmosphere. Early hydrophilic gel contact lenses interrupted the flow of oxygen and corneal insult resulted. Three techniques of fenestration were tried to overcome this problem. High speed drilling with 0.1 mm diameter twist drills. was found to be mechanically successful, but under clinical conditions mucous blockage of the fenestrations occurred. An investigation was made into the amount of oxygen arriving at the corneal interface; related to gel lens thickness. The results indicated an improvement in corneal oxygen as lens thickness was reduced. The mechanism is thought to be a form of mechanical pump. A series of clinical studies con:firmed the experimental work; the use of thin lenses removing the symptoms of corneal hypoxia. Design: The parameters of lens back curvature. lens thickness and lens diameter have been isolated and related to three criteria of vision (a) Visual acuity. (b) Visual stability and (c) Induced astigmatism. From the results achieved a revised and basically successful design of lens has been developed. Comparative study: The developed form of lens was compared with traditional lenses in a controlled survey. Twelve factors were assessed over a twenty week period of wear using a total of eighty four patients. The results of this study indicate that whilst the expected changes were noted with the traditional lens wearers, gel lens wearers showed no discernible change in any of the factors measured. ldth the exception of' one parameter. In addition to a description of' the completed l'iork. further investigations are ·sug~ested l'lhich. it is hoped. l'iould further improve the optical performance of gel lenses.


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This thesis has sought to investigate disinfection agents and procedures which may provide sanitisation against bacterial spores. A hard-surface disinfection test method was designed to ascertain which combinations of biocide and application method were most effective against bacterial spores. A combination of spraying and wiping was the most effective method of disinfection against Bacillus spores, with wiping found to play a key role in spore removal. The most efficacious of the biocides investigated was the 6% hydrogen peroxide. Vaporised Hydrogen Peroxide (VHP) gassing was more effective than traditional disinfection. In addition to efficacy, the toxic potential of the biocides to human airway epithelial cells in vitro was evaluated. Toxicity against human bronchial and nasal epithelial cells was assessed by determining cell viability, inflammatory status, protein oxidation and epithelial cell layer integrity. In addition the cell death mechanism following biocide exposure was investigated. There was a decrease in viable cells following exposure to all biocides when applied at practical concentrations. Almost all of the biocides tested elicited a pro-inflammatory response from the cells as measured by IL-8 production. All biocides increased protein oxidation as measured by thiol and carbonyl levels. Measurement of transepithelial electrical resistance and paracellular permeability indicated biocide-dependent decrease in epithelial cell barrier function. The cellular response was biased towards necrotic rather than apoptotic death. The use of biocides, although efficacious to some effects against Bacillus spores, will require careful monitoring for adverse health effects on personnel.


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Pichia pastoris is a widely used host for recombinant protein production. The foaming associated with culturing it on a large scale is commonly prevented by the addition of chemical antifoaming agents or "antifoams." Unexpectedly, the addition of a range of antifoams to both shake flask and bioreactor cultures of P. pastoris has been shown to alter the total yield of the recombinant protein being produced. Possible explanations for this are that the presence of the antifoam increases the total amount of protein being produced and secreted per cell or that it increases the density of the culture. Antifoaming agents may therefore have specific effects on the growth and yield characteristics of recombinant cultures, in addition to their primary action as de-foamers.


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A systematic review was conducted to explicitly identify interventions that alone, or in combination, were effective in improving antibiotic prescribing. The citation search strategy used in the present review provided a database of 365077 studies, of which only twenty-five were included in the final review (“review studies”). Analysis of the interventions used within the review studies indicated that a combination of “guidelines” and “pharmacy” interventions have the greatest potential to improve antibiotic prescribing. Two types of qualitative research were conducted, semi-structured interviews and the collection of naturally occurring data. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to determine NHS managers? perceptions of current policies used to improve antibiotic prescribing within selected Primary Care Trusts and highlighted the importance of pharmacy intervention, formularies or guidelines and improved prescribing analysis (IT based intervention) on improving antibiotic prescribing. This was supported by the collection of naturally occurring data, which was used to provide further insight into interventions used to improve antibiotic prescribing. The Specialist Antibiotic Pharmacist (HD) produced and implemented an innovative electronic antibiotic prescribing analysis tool (the Antibiotic Database) to analyse and improve antibiotic prescribing in a consistent manner. The key advantage of the Antibiotic Database was the time and money saved on producing visual electronic outputs containing an inaccurate outcome measure or time period for analysis. The results concluded that an IT based intervention, such as the Antibiotic Database should be used, in addition to the use of antibiotic guidelines and pharmacy intervention, within all sectors of the NHS in order to improve antibiotic prescribing and its analysis.


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In many firms, the marketing department plays a minor role in new product development (NPD). However, recent research demonstrates that marketing capabilities more strongly influence firm performance than other areas such as research and development. This finding underscores the importance of identifying relevant capabilities that can improve the position of marketing within the NPD process as part of the quest to improve innovation performance. However, thus far, it has remained unclear precisely how the marketing department can increase its influence on NPD to enhance a firm's innovation performance. The results of this study demonstrate that the relationship between marketing capabilities and innovation performance is generally mediated by the decision influence of marketing on NPD. In particular, both marketing research quality and the ability to translate customer needs into product characteristics serve to increase marketing's influence on NPD. This increased influence, in turn, positively contributes to overall firm innovation performance. Hence, these results show that in addition to having the appropriate marketing capabilities, the marketing department must achieve a status in which these capabilities can translate into performance implications.


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Individuals within the aged population show an increased susceptibility to infection, implying a decline in immune function, a phenomenon known as immunosenescence. Paradoxically, an increase in autoimmune disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis, is also associated with ageing, therefore some aspects of the immune system appear to be inappropriately active in the elderly. The above evidence suggests inappropriate control of the immune system as we age. Macrophages, and their precursors monocytes, play a key role in control of the immune system. They play an important role in host defence in the form of phagocytosis, and also link the innate and adaptive immune system via antigen presentation. Macrophages also have a reparative role, as professional phagocytes of dead and dying cells. Clearance of apoptotic cells by macrophages has also been shown to directly influence immune responses in an anti-inflammatory manner. Inappropriate control of macrophage function with regards to dead cell clearance may contribute to pathology as we age. The aims of this study were to assess the impact of lipid treatment, as a model of the aged environment, on the ability of macrophages to interact with, and respond to, apoptotic cells. Using a series of in vitro cell models, responses of macrophages (normal and lipid-loaded) to apoptotic macrophages (normal and lipid-loaded) were investigated. Monocyte recruitment to apoptotic cells, a key process in resolving inflammation, was assessed in addition to cytokine responses. Data here shows, for the first time, that apoptotic macrophages (normal and lipid-loaded) induce inflammation in human monocyte-derived macrophages, a response that could drive inflammation in age-associated pathology e.g. atherosclerosis. Monoclonal antibody inhibition studies suggest the classical chemokine CX3CL1 may be involved in monocyte recruitment to apoptotic macrophages, but not apoptotic foam cells, therefore differential clearance strategies may be employed following lipid-loading. CD14, an important apoptotic cell tethering receptor, was not found to have a prominent role in this process, whilst the role for ICAM-3 remains unclear. Additionally, a small pilot study using macrophages from young (<25) and mid-life (>40) donors was undertaken. Preliminary data was gathered to assess the ability of primary human monocyte-derived macrophages, from young and mid-life donors, to interact with, and respond to, apoptotic cells. MØ from mid-life individuals showed no significant differences in their ability to respond to immune modulation by apoptotic cells compared to MØ from young donors. Larger cohorts would be required to investigate whether immune modulation of MØ by apoptotic cells contribute to inflammatory pathology throughout ageing.