6 resultados para Nondata-aided waveform estimation
em Aston University Research Archive
In this letter, a novel phase noise estimation scheme has been proposed for coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems, the quasi-pilot-aided method. In this method, the phases of transmitted pilot subcarriers are deliberately correlated to the phases of data subcarriers. Accounting for this correlation in the receiver allows the required number of pilots needed for a sufficient estimation and compensation of phase noise to be reduced by a factor of 2 in comparison with the traditional pilot-aided phase noise estimation method. We carried out numerical simulation of a 40 Gb/s single polarization transmission system, and the outcome of the investigation indicates that by applying quasi-pilot-aided phase estimation, only four pilot subcarriers are needed for effective phase noise compensation. © 2014 IEEE.
Coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) is an attractive transmission technique to virtually eliminate intersymbol interference caused by chromatic dispersion and polarization-mode dispersion. Design, development, and operation of CO-OFDM systems require simple, efficient, and reliable methods of their performance evaluation. In this paper, we demonstrate an accurate bit error rate estimation method for QPSK CO-OFDM transmission based on the probability density function of the received QPSK symbols. By comparing with other known approaches, including data-aided and nondata-aided error vector magnitude, we show that the proposed method offers the most accurate estimate of the system performance for both single channel and wavelength division multiplexing QPSK CO-OFDM transmission systems. © 2014 IEEE.
We demonstrate a novel phase noise estimation scheme for CO-OFDM, in which pilot subcarriers are deliberately correlated to the data subcarriers. This technique reduces the overhead by a factor of 2. © OSA 2014.
Congenital nystagmus is an ocular-motor disorder characterised by involuntary, conjugated and bilateral to and fro ocular oscillations. In this study a method to recognise automatically jerk waveform inside a congenital nystagmus recording and to compute foveation time and foveation position variability is presented. The recordings were performed with subjects looking at visual targets, presented in nine eye gaze positions; data were segmented into blocks corresponding to each gaze position. The nystagmus cycles were identified searching for local minima and maxima (SpEp sequence) in intervals centred on each slope change of the eye position signal (position criterion). The SpEp sequence was then refined using an adaptive threshold applied to the eye velocity signal; the outcome is a robust detection of each slow phase start point, fundamental to accurately compute some nystagmus parameters. A total of 1206 slow phases was used to compute the specificity in waveform recognition applying only the position criterion or adding the adaptive threshold; results showed an increase in negative predictive value of 25.1% using both features. The duration of each foveation window was measured on raw data or using an interpolating function of the congenital nystagmus slow phases; foveation time estimation less sensitive to noise was obtained in the second case. © 2010.
Congenital nystagmus (CN) is an ocular-motor disorder characterised by involuntary, conjugated ocular oscillations and its pathogenesis is still under investigation. This kind of nystagmus is termed congenital (or infantile) since it could be present at birth or it can arise in the first months of life. Most of CN patients show a considerable decrease of their visual acuity: image fixation on the retina is disturbed by nystagmus continuous oscillations, mainly horizontal. However, the image of a given target can still be stable during short periods in which eye velocity slows down while the target image is placed onto the fovea (called foveation intervals). To quantify the extent of nystagmus, eye movement recording are routinely employed, allowing physicians to extract and analyse nystagmus main features such as waveform shape, amplitude and frequency. Using eye movement recording, it is also possible to compute estimated visual acuity predictors: analytical functions which estimates expected visual acuity using signal features such as foveation time and foveation position variability. Use of those functions extend the information from typical visual acuity measurement (e.g. Landolt C test) and could be a support for therapy planning or monitoring. This study focuses on detection of CN patients' waveform type and on foveation time measure. Specifically, it proposes a robust method to recognize cycles corresponding to the specific CN waveform in the eye movement pattern and, for those cycles, evaluate the exact signal tracts in which a subject foveates. About 40 eyemovement recordings, either infrared-oculographic or electrooculographic, were acquired from 16 CN subjects. Results suggest that the use of an adaptive threshold applied to the eye velocity signal could improve the estimation of slow phase start point. This can enhance foveation time computing and reduce influence of repositioning saccades and data noise on the waveform type identification.
Along with other diseases that can affect binocular vision, reducing the visual quality of a subject, Congenital Nystagmus (CN) is of peculiar interest. CN is an ocular-motor disorder characterized by involuntary, conjugated ocular oscillations and, while identified more than forty years ago, its pathogenesis is still under investigation. This kind of nystagmus is termed congenital (or infantile) since it could be present at birth or it can arise in the first months of life. The majority of CN patients show a considerable decrease of their visual acuity: image fixation on the retina is disturbed by nystagmus continuous oscillations, mainly horizontal. However, the image of a given target can still be stable during short periods in which eye velocity slows down while the target image is placed onto the fovea (called foveation intervals). To quantify the extent of nystagmus, eye movement recordings are routinely employed, allowing physicians to extract and analyze nystagmus main features such as waveform shape, amplitude and frequency. Use of eye movement recording, opportunely processed, allows computing "estimated visual acuity" predictors, which are analytical functions that estimate expected visual acuity using signal features such as foveation time and foveation position variability. Hence, it is fundamental to develop robust and accurate methods to measure both those parameters in order to obtain reliable values from the predictors. In this chapter the current methods to record eye movements in subjects with congenital nystagmus will be discussed and the present techniques to accurately compute foveation time and eye position will be presented. This study aims to disclose new methodologies in congenital nystagmus eye movements analysis, in order to identify nystagmus cycles and to evaluate foveation time, reducing the influence of repositioning saccades and data noise on the critical parameters of the estimation functions. Use of those functions extends the information acquired with typical visual acuity measurement (e.g., Landolt C test) and could be a support for treatment planning or therapy monitoring. © 2010 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.