18 resultados para Noncatalytic Fluid Solid Reactions

em Aston University Research Archive


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Investigations into the modelling techniques that depict the transport of discrete phases (gas bubbles or solid particles) and model biochemical reactions in a bubble column reactor are discussed here. The mixture model was used to calculate gas-liquid, solid-liquid and gasliquid-solid interactions. Multiphase flow is a difficult phenomenon to capture, particularly in bubble columns where the major driving force is caused by the injection of gas bubbles. The gas bubbles cause a large density difference to occur that results in transient multi-dimensional fluid motion. Standard design procedures do not account for the transient motion, due to the simplifying assumptions of steady plug flow. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can assist in expanding the understanding of complex flows in bubble columns by characterising the flow phenomena for many geometrical configurations. Therefore, CFD has a role in the education of chemical and biochemical engineers, providing the examples of flow phenomena that many engineers may not experience, even through experimentation. The performance of the mixture model was investigated for three domains (plane, rectangular and cylindrical) and three flow models (laminar, k-e turbulence and the Reynolds stresses). mThis investigation raised many questions about how gas-liquid interactions are captured numerically. To answer some of these questions the analogy between thermal convection in a cavity and gas-liquid flow in bubble columns was invoked. This involved modelling the buoyant motion of air in a narrow cavity for a number of turbulence schemes. The difference in density was caused by a temperature gradient that acted across the width of the cavity. Multiple vortices were obtained when the Reynolds stresses were utilised with the addition of a basic flow profile after each time step. To implement the three-phase models an alternative mixture model was developed and compared against a commercially available mixture model for three turbulence schemes. The scheme where just the Reynolds stresses model was employed, predicted the transient motion of the fluids quite well for both mixture models. Solid-liquid and then alternative formulations of gas-liquid-solid model were compared against one another. The alternative form of the mixture model was found to perform particularly well for both gas and solid phase transport when calculating two and three-phase flow. The improvement in the solutions obtained was a result of the inclusion of the Reynolds stresses model and differences in the mixture models employed. The differences between the alternative mixture models were found in the volume fraction equation (flux and deviatoric stress tensor terms) and the viscosity formulation for the mixture phase.


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A scintillation proximity assay (SPA) has been used successfully to detect and quantify, in real-time, the kinetic progress of hydrolysis of [ H]acetate esters from scintillant-containing styrenic and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-based polymer supports in both organic and aqueous media.


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A robust vaginal immune response is considered essential for an effective prophylactic vaccine that prevents transmission of HIV and other sexually acquired diseases. Considerable attention has recently focused on the potential of vaginally administered vaccines as a means to induce such local immunity. However, the potential for vaccination at this site remains in doubt as the vaginal mucosa is generally considered to have low immune inductive potential. In the current study, we explored for the first time the use of a quick release, freeze-dried, solid dosage system for practical vaginal administration of a protein antigen. These solid dosage forms overcome the common problem associated with leakage and poor retention of vaginally administered antigen solutions. Mice were immunized vaginally with H4A, an HIV gp41 envelope based recombinant protein, using quick release, freeze-dried solid rods, and the immune responses compared to a control group immunized via subcutaneous H4A injection. Vaginally immunized mice failed to elicit robust immune responses. Our detailed investigations, involving cytokine analysis, the stability of H4A in mouse cervicovaginal lavage, and elucidation of the state of H4A protein in the immediate-release dosage form, revealed that antigen instability in vaginal fluid, the state of the antigen in the dosage form, and the cytokine profile induced are all likely to have contributed to the observed lack of immunogenicity. These are important factors affecting vaginal immunization and provide a rational basis for explaining the typically poor and variable elicitation of immunity at this site, despite the presence of immune responsive cells within the vaginal mucosae. In future mucosal vaccine studies, a more explicit focus on antigen stability in the dosage form and the immune potential of available antigen-responsive cells is recommended.


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The work is a logical continuation of research started at Aston some years ago when studies were conducted on fermentations in bubble columns. The present work highlights typical design and operating problems that could arise in such systems as waste water, chemical, biochemical and petroleum operations involving three-phase, gas-liquid-solid fluidisation; such systems are in increasing use. It is believed that this is one of few studies concerned with `true' three-phase, gas-liquid-solid fluidised systems, and that this work will contribute significantly to closing some of the gaps in knowledge in this area. The research work was mainly experimentally based and involved studies of the hydrodynamic parameters, phase holdups (gas and solid), particle mixing and segregation, and phase flow dynamics (flow regime and circulation patterns). The studies have focused particularly on the solid behaviour and the influence of properties of solids present on the above parameters in three-phase, gas-liquid-solid fluidised systems containing single particle components and those containing binary and ternary mixtures of particles. All particles were near spherical in shape and two particle sizes and total concentration levels were used. Experiments were carried out in two- and three-dimensional bubble columns. Quantitative results are presented in graphical form and are supported by qualitative results from visual studies which are also shown as schematic diagrams and in photographic form. Gas and solid holdup results are compared for air-water containing single, binary and ternary component particle mixtures. It should be noted that the criteria for selection of the materials used are very important if true three-phase fluidisation is to be achieved: this is very evident when comparing the results with those in the literature. The fluid flow and circulation patterns observed were assessed for validation of the generally accepted patterns, and the author believes that the present work provides more accurate insight into the modelling of liquid circulation in bubble columns. The characteristic bubbly flow at low gas velocity in a two-phase system is suppressed in the three-phase system. The degree of mixing within the system is found to be dependent on flow regime, liquid circulation and the ratio of solid phase physical properties. Evidence of strong `trade-off' of properties is shown; the overall solid holdup is believed to be a major parameter influencing the gas holdup structure.


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Aluminium - lithium alloys are specialist alloys used exclusively by the aerospace industry. They have properties that are favourable to the production of modern military aircraft. The addition of approximately 2.5 percent lithium to aluminium increases the strength characteristics of the new alloys by 10 percent. The same addition has the added advantage of decreasing the density of the resulting alloy by a similar percentage. The disadvantages associated with this alloy are primarily price and castability. The addition of 2.5 weight percent lithium to aluminium results in a price increase of 100% explaining the aerospace exclusivity. The processability of the alloys is restricted to ingot casting and wrought treatment but for complex components precision casting is required. Casting the alloys into sand and investment moulds creates a metal - mould reaction, the consequences of which are intolerable in the production of military hardware. The primary object of this project was to investigate and characterise the reactions occurring between the newly poured metal and surface of the mould and to propose a method of counteracting the metal - mould reaction. The constituents of standard sand and investment moulds were pyrolised with lithium metal in order to simplify the complex in-mould reaction and the products were studied by the solid state techniques of powder X-Ray diffraction and magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The results of this study showed that the order of reaction was: Organic reagents> > Silicate reagents> Non silicate reagents Alphaset and Betaset were the two organic binders used to prepare the sand moulds throughout this project. Studies were carried out to characterise these resins in order to determine the factors involved in their reaction with lithium. Analysis revealed that during the curing process the phenolic hydroxide groups are not reacted out and that a redox reaction takes place between these hydroxides and the lithium in the molten alloys. Casting experiments carried out to assess the protection afforded by various hydroxide protecting agents showed that modern effective, protecting chemicals such as bis-trimethyl silyl acetamide and hexamethyldisilazane did not inhibit the metal - mould reaction to a sufficiently high standard and that tri-methylchlorosilane was consistently the best performer. Tri-methyl chlorosilane has a simple functionalizing mechanism compared to other hydroxide protecting reagents and this factor is responsible for its superior inhibiting qualities. Comparative studies of 6Li and 7Li N.M.R. spectra (M.A.S. and `off angle') establish that, for solid state (and even solution) analytical purposes 6Li is the preferred nucleus. 6Li M.A.S.N.M.R. spectra were obtained for thermally treated laponite clay. At temperatures below 800oC both dehydrated and rehydrated samples were considered. The data are consistent with mobility of lithium ions from the trioctahedral clay sites at 600oC. The superior resolution achievable in 6Li M.A.S.N.M.R. is demonstrated in the analysis of a microwave prepared lithium exchanged clay where 6Li spectroscopy revelaed two lithium sites in comparison to 7Li M.A.S.N.M.R. which gave only a single lithium resonance.


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The fluids used in hydraulic systems inevitably contain large numbers of small, solid particles, a phenomenon known as 'fluid contamination'. Particles enter a hydraulic system from the environment, and are generated within it by processes of wear. At the same time, particles are removed from the system fluid by sedimentation and in hydraulic filters. This thesis considers the problems caused by fluid contamination, as they affect a manufacturer of axial piston pumps. The specific project aim was to investigate methods of predicting or determining the effects of fluid contamination on this type of pump. The thesis starts with a theoretical analysis of the contaminated lubrication of a slipper-pad bearing. Statistical methods are used to develop a model of the blocking, by particles, of the control capillaries used in such bearings. The results obtained are compared to published, experimental data. Poor correlation between theory and practice suggests that more research is required in this area before such theoretical analysis can be used in industry. Accelerated wear tests have been developed in the U.S.A. in an attempt to predict pump life when operating on contaminated fluids. An analysis of such tests shows that reliability data can only be obtained from extensive test programmes. The value of contamination testing is suggested to be in determining failure modes, and in identifying those pump components which are susceptible to the effects of contamination. A suitable test is described, and the results of a series of tests on axial piston pumps are presented and discussed. The thesis concludes that pump reliability data can only be obtained from field experience. The level of confidence which can be placed in results from normal laboratory testing is shown to be too low for the data to be of real value. Recommendations are therefore given for the ways in which service data should be collected and analysed.


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This study presents a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) study of Dimethyl Ether (DME) gas adsorptive separation and steam reforming (DME-SR) in a large scale Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) reactor. The CFD model is based on Eulerian-Eulerian dispersed flow and solved using commercial software (ANSYS FLUENT). Hydrogen is currently receiving increasing interest as an alternative source of clean energy and has high potential applications, including the transportation sector and power generation. Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modelling has attracted considerable recognition in the engineering sector consequently leading to using it as a tool for process design and optimisation in many industrial processes. In most cases, these processes are difficult or expensive to conduct in lab scale experiments. The CFD provides a cost effective methodology to gain detailed information up to the microscopic level. The main objectives in this project are to: (i) develop a predictive model using ANSYS FLUENT (CFD) commercial code to simulate the flow hydrodynamics, mass transfer, reactions and heat transfer in a large scale dual fluidized bed system for combined gas separation and steam reforming processes (ii) implement a suitable adsorption models in the CFD code, through a user defined function, to predict selective separation of a gas from a mixture (iii) develop a model for dimethyl ether steam reforming (DME-SR) to predict hydrogen production (iv) carry out detailed parametric analysis in order to establish ideal operating conditions for future industrial application. The project has originated from a real industrial case problem in collaboration with the industrial partner Dow Corning (UK) and jointly funded by the Engineering and Physical Research Council (UK) and Dow Corning. The research examined gas separation by adsorption in a bubbling bed, as part of a dual fluidized bed system. The adsorption process was simulated based on the kinetics derived from the experimental data produced as part of a separate PhD project completed under the same fund. The kinetic model was incorporated in FLUENT CFD tool as a pseudo-first order rate equation; some of the parameters for the pseudo-first order kinetics were obtained using MATLAB. The modelling of the DME adsorption in the designed bubbling bed was performed for the first time in this project and highlights the novelty in the investigations. The simulation results were analysed to provide understanding of the flow hydrodynamic, reactor design and optimum operating condition for efficient separation. Bubbling bed validation by estimation of bed expansion and the solid and gas distribution from simulation agreed well with trends seen in the literatures. Parametric analysis on the adsorption process demonstrated that increasing fluidizing velocity reduced adsorption of DME. This is as a result of reduction in the gas residence time which appears to have much effect compared to the solid residence time. The removal efficiency of DME from the bed was found to be more than 88%. Simulation of the DME-SR in FLUENT CFD was conducted using selected kinetics from literature and implemented in the model using an in-house developed user defined function. The validation of the kinetics was achieved by simulating a case to replicate an experimental study of a laboratory scale bubbling bed by Vicente et al [1]. Good agreement was achieved for the validation of the models, which was then applied in the DME-SR in the large scale riser section of the dual fluidized bed system. This is the first study to use the selected DME-SR kinetics in a circulating fluidized bed (CFB) system and for the geometry size proposed for the project. As a result, the simulation produced the first detailed data on the spatial variation and final gas product in such an industrial scale fluidized bed system. The simulation results provided insight in the flow hydrodynamic, reactor design and optimum operating condition. The solid and gas distribution in the CFB was observed to show good agreement with literatures. The parametric analysis showed that the increase in temperature and steam to DME molar ratio increased the production of hydrogen due to the increased DME conversions, whereas the increase in the space velocity has been found to have an adverse effect. Increasing temperature between 200 oC to 350 oC increased DME conversion from 47% to 99% while hydrogen yield increased substantially from 11% to 100%. The CO2 selectivity decreased from 100% to 91% due to the water gas shift reaction favouring CO at higher temperatures. The higher conversions observed as the temperature increased was reflected on the quantity of unreacted DME and methanol concentrations in the product gas, where both decreased to very low values of 0.27 mol% and 0.46 mol% respectively at 350 °C. Increasing the steam to DME molar ratio from 4 to 7.68 increased the DME conversion from 69% to 87%, while the hydrogen yield increased from 40% to 59%. The CO2 selectivity decreased from 100% to 97%. The decrease in the space velocity from 37104 ml/g/h to 15394 ml/g/h increased the DME conversion from 87% to 100% while increasing the hydrogen yield from 59% to 87%. The parametric analysis suggests an operating condition for maximum hydrogen yield is in the region of 300 oC temperatures and Steam/DME molar ratio of 5. The analysis of the industrial sponsor’s case for the given flow and composition of the gas to be treated suggests that 88% of DME can be adsorbed from the bubbling and consequently producing 224.4t/y of hydrogen in the riser section of the dual fluidized bed system. The process also produces 1458.4t/y of CO2 and 127.9t/y of CO as part of the product gas. The developed models and parametric analysis carried out in this study provided essential guideline for future design of DME-SR at industrial level and in particular this work has been of tremendous importance for the industrial collaborator in order to draw conclusions and plan for future potential implementation of the process at an industrial scale.


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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has found great acceptance among the engineering community as a tool for research and design of processes that are practically difficult or expensive to study experimentally. One of these processes is the biomass gasification in a Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB). Biomass gasification is the thermo-chemical conversion of biomass at a high temperature and a controlled oxygen amount into fuel gas, also sometime referred to as syngas. Circulating fluidized bed is a type of reactor in which it is possible to maintain a stable and continuous circulation of solids in a gas-solid system. The main objectives of this thesis are four folds: (i) Develop a three-dimensional predictive model of biomass gasification in a CFB riser using advanced Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) (ii) Experimentally validate the developed hydrodynamic model using conventional and advanced measuring techniques (iii) Study the complex hydrodynamics, heat transfer and reaction kinetics through modelling and simulation (iv) Study the CFB gasifier performance through parametric analysis and identify the optimum operating condition to maximize the product gas quality. Two different and complimentary experimental techniques were used to validate the hydrodynamic model, namely pressure measurement and particle tracking. The pressure measurement is a very common and widely used technique in fluidized bed studies, while, particle tracking using PEPT, which was originally developed for medical imaging, is a relatively new technique in the engineering field. It is relatively expensive and only available at few research centres around the world. This study started with a simple poly-dispersed single solid phase then moved to binary solid phases. The single solid phase was used for primary validations and eliminating unnecessary options and steps in building the hydrodynamic model. Then the outcomes from the primary validations were applied to the secondary validations of the binary mixture to avoid time consuming computations. Studies on binary solid mixture hydrodynamics is rarely reported in the literature. In this study the binary solid mixture was modelled and validated using experimental data from the both techniques mentioned above. Good agreement was achieved with the both techniques. According to the general gasification steps the developed model has been separated into three main gasification stages; drying, devolatilization and tar cracking, and partial combustion and gasification. The drying was modelled as a mass transfer from the solid phase to the gas phase. The devolatilization and tar cracking model consist of two steps; the devolatilization of the biomass which is used as a single reaction to generate the biomass gases from the volatile materials and tar cracking. The latter is also modelled as one reaction to generate gases with fixed mass fractions. The first reaction was classified as a heterogeneous reaction while the second reaction was classified as homogenous reaction. The partial combustion and gasification model consisted of carbon combustion reactions and carbon and gas phase reactions. The partial combustion considered was for C, CO, H2 and CH4. The carbon gasification reactions used in this study is the Boudouard reaction with CO2, the reaction with H2O and Methanation (Methane forming reaction) reaction to generate methane. The other gas phase reactions considered in this study are the water gas shift reaction, which is modelled as a reversible reaction and the methane steam reforming reaction. The developed gasification model was validated using different experimental data from the literature and for a wide range of operating conditions. Good agreement was observed, thus confirming the capability of the model in predicting biomass gasification in a CFB to a great accuracy. The developed model has been successfully used to carry out sensitivity and parametric analysis. The sensitivity analysis included: study of the effect of inclusion of various combustion reaction; and the effect of radiation in the gasification reaction. The developed model was also used to carry out parametric analysis by changing the following gasifier operating conditions: fuel/air ratio; biomass flow rates; sand (heat carrier) temperatures; sand flow rates; sand and biomass particle sizes; gasifying agent (pure air or pure steam); pyrolysis models used; steam/biomass ratio. Finally, based on these parametric and sensitivity analysis a final model was recommended for the simulation of biomass gasification in a CFB riser.


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Earlier investigations (Cartland Glover et al., 2004) into the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for the modelling of gas-liquid and gas-liquid-solid flow allowed a simple biochemical reaction model to be implemented. A single plane mesh was used to represent the transport and reaction of molasses, the mould Aspergillus niger and citric acid in a bubble column with a height to diameter aspect ratio of 20:1. Two specific growth rates were used to examine the impact that biomass growth had on the local solids concentration and the effect this had on the local hydrodynamics of the bubble column.


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This study presents the first part of a CFD study on the performance of a downer reactor for biomass pyrolysis. The reactor was equipped with a novel gas-solid separation method, developed by the co-authors from the ICFAR (Canada). The separator, which was designed to allow for fast separation of clean pyrolysis gas, consisted of a cone deflector and a gas exit pipe installed inside the downer reactor. A multi-fluid model (Eulerian-Eulerian) with constitutive relations adopted from the kinetic theory of granular flow was used to simulate the multiphase flow. The effects of the various parameters including operation conditions, separator geometry and particle properties on the overall hydrodynamics and separation efficiency were investigated. The model prediction of the separator efficiency was compared with experimental measurements. The results revealed distinct hydrodynamic features around the cone separator, allowing for up to 100% separation efficiency. The developed model provided a platform for the second part of the study, where the biomass pyrolysis is simulated and the product quality as a function of operating conditions is analyzed. Crown Copyright © 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dwindling oil reserves and growing concerns over CO2 emissions and associated climate change are driving the utilisation of renewable feedstocks as alternative, sustainable fuel sources. While rising oil prices are improving the commercial feasibility of biodiesel production, many current processes still employ homogeneous acid and/or base catalysts to transform plant or algae oil into the fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) components of biodiesel. Fuel purification requires energy intensive aqueous quench and neutralization steps, thus the rational design of new high activity catalysts is required to deliver biodiesel as a major player in the 21st century sustainable energy portfolio. Advances in the development of heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel synthesis require catalysts with pore architectures designed to improve the accessibility of bulky viscous reactants typical of plant oils. Here we discuss how improvements to active site accessibility and catalyst activity in transesterification or esterification reactions can be achieved either by designing hierarchical pore networks or by pore expansion and use of interconnected pore architectures.


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Highly dispersed H3PW12O40/SiO2 catalysts with loadings between 3.6 and 62.5 wt% have been synthesised and characterised. The formation of a chemically distinct interfacial HPW species is identified by XPS, attributed to pertubation of W atoms within the Keggin cage in direct contact with the SiO2 surface. EXAFS confirms the Keggin unit remains intact for all loadings, while NH3 adsorption calorimetery reveals the acid strength >0.14 monolayers of HPW is loading invariant with initial ΔHads = −164 kJ mol−1. Lower loading catalysts exhibit weaker acidity which is attributed to an inability of highly dispersed clusters to form crystalline water. For reactions involving non-polar hydrocarbons the interfacial species where the accessible tungstate is highest confer the greatest reactivity, while polar chemistry is favoured by higher loadings which can take advantage of the H3PW12O40 pseudo-liquid phase available within supported multilayers. © the Owner Societies 2006.


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Secondary pyrolysis in fluidized bed fast pyrolysis of biomass is the focus of this work. A novel computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model coupled with a comprehensive chemistry scheme (134 species and 4169 reactions, in CHEMKIN format) has been developed to investigate this complex phenomenon. Previous results from a transient three-dimensional model of primary pyrolysis were used for the source terms of primary products in this model. A parametric study of reaction atmospheres (H2O, N2, H2, CO2, CO) has been performed. For the N2 and H2O atmosphere, results of the model compared favorably to experimentally obtained yields after the temperature was adjusted to a value higher than that used in experiments. One notable deviation versus experiments is pyrolytic water yield and yield of higher hydrocarbons. The model suggests a not overly strong impact of the reaction atmosphere. However, both chemical and physical effects were observed. Most notably, effects could be seen on the yield of various compounds, temperature profile throughout the reactor system, residence time, radical concentration, and turbulent intensity. At the investigated temperature (873 K), turbulent intensity appeared to have the strongest influence on liquid yield. With the aid of acceleration techniques, most importantly dimension reduction, chemistry agglomeration, and in-situ tabulation, a converged solution could be obtained within a reasonable time (∼30 h). As such, a new potentially useful method has been suggested for numerical analysis of fast pyrolysis.


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Homogenous secondary pyrolysis is category of reactions following the primary pyrolysis and presumed important for fast pyrolysis. For the comprehensive chemistry and fluid dynamics, a probability density functional (PDF) approach is used; with a kinetic scheme comprising 134 species and 4169 reactions being implemented. With aid of acceleration techniques, most importantly Dimension Reduction, Chemistry Agglomeration and In-situ Tabulation (ISAT), a solution within reasonable time was obtained. More work is required; however, a solution for levoglucosan (C6H10O5) being fed through the inlet with fluidizing gas at 500 °C, has been obtained. 88.6% of the levoglucosan remained non-decomposed, and 19 different decomposition product species were found above 0.01% by weight. A homogenous secondary pyrolysis scheme proposed can thus be implemented in a CFD environment and acceleration techniques can speed-up the calculation for application in engineering settings.