15 resultados para Non-ideal systems

em Aston University Research Archive


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The main theme of research of this project concerns the study of neutral networks to control uncertain and non-linear control systems. This involves the control of continuous time, discrete time, hybrid and stochastic systems with input, state or output constraints by ensuring good performances. A great part of this project is devoted to the opening of frontiers between several mathematical and engineering approaches in order to tackle complex but very common non-linear control problems. The objectives are: 1. Design and develop procedures for neutral network enhanced self-tuning adaptive non-linear control systems; 2. To design, as a general procedure, neural network generalised minimum variance self-tuning controller for non-linear dynamic plants (Integration of neural network mapping with generalised minimum variance self-tuning controller strategies); 3. To develop a software package to evaluate control system performances using Matlab, Simulink and Neural Network toolbox. An adaptive control algorithm utilising a recurrent network as a model of a partial unknown non-linear plant with unmeasurable state is proposed. Appropriately, it appears that structured recurrent neural networks can provide conveniently parameterised dynamic models for many non-linear systems for use in adaptive control. Properties of static neural networks, which enabled successful design of stable adaptive control in the state feedback case, are also identified. A survey of the existing results is presented which puts them in a systematic framework showing their relation to classical self-tuning adaptive control application of neural control to a SISO/MIMO control. Simulation results demonstrate that the self-tuning design methods may be practically applicable to a reasonably large class of unknown linear and non-linear dynamic control systems.


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Alginate is widely used as a viscosity enhancer in many different pharmaceutical formulations. The aim of this thesis is to quantitatively describe the functions of this polyelectrolyte in pharmaceutical systems. To do this the techniques used were Viscometry, Light Scattering, Continuous and Oscillatory Shear Rheometry, Numerical Analysis and Diffusion. Molecular characterization of the Alginate was carried out using Viscometry and Light Scattering to determine the molecular weight, the radius of gyration, the second virial coefficient and the Kuhn statistical segment length. The results showed good agreement with similar parameters obtained in previous studies. By blending Alginate with other polyelectrolytes, Xanthan Gum and 'Carbopol', in various proportions and with various methods of low and high shear preparation, a very wide range of dynamic rheological properties was found. Using oscillatory testing, the parameters often varied over several decades of magnitude. It was shown that the determination of the viscous and elastic components is particularly useful in describing the rheological 'profiles' of suspending agent blends and provides a step towards the non-empirical formulation of pharmaceutical disperse systems. Using numerical analysis of equations describing planar diffusion, it was shown that the analysis of drug release profiles alone does not provide unambiguous information about the mechanism of rate control. These principles were applied to the diffusion of Ibuprofen in Calcium Alginate gels. For diffusion in such non-Newtonian systems, emphasis was placed on the use of the elastic as well as the viscous component of viscoelasticity. It was found that the diffusion coefficients were relatively unaffected by increases in polymer concentration up to 5 per cent, yet the elasticities measured by oscillatory shear rheometry were increased. This was interpreted in the light of several theories of diffusion in gels.


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Horizontal Subsurface Flow Treatment Wetlands (HSSF TWs) are used by Severn Trent Water as a low-cost tertiary wastewater treatment for rural locations. Experience has shown that clogging is a major operational problem that reduces HSSF TW lifetime. Clogging is caused by an accumulation of secondary wastewater solids from upstream processes and decomposing leaf litter. Clogging occurs as a sludge layer where wastewater is loaded on the surface of the bed at the inlet. Severn Trent systems receive relatively high hydraulic loading rates, which causes overland flow and reduces the ability to mineralise surface sludge accumulations. A novel apparatus and method, the Aston Permeameter, was created to measure hydraulic conductivity in situ. Accuracy is ±30 %, which was considered adequate given that conductivity in clogged systems varies by several orders of magnitude. The Aston Permeameter was used to perform 20 separate tests on 13 different HSSF TWs in the UK and the US. The minimum conductivity measured was 0.03 m/d at Fenny Compton (compared with 5,000 m/d clean conductivity), which was caused by an accumulation of construction fines in one part of the bed. Most systems displayed a 2 to 3 order of magnitude variation in conductivity in each dimension. Statistically significant transverse variations in conductivity were found in 70% of the systems. Clogging at the inlet and outlet was generally highest where flow enters the influent distribution and exits the effluent collection system, respectively. Surface conductivity was lower in systems with dense vegetation because plant canopies reduce surface evapotranspiration and decelerate sludge mineralisation. An equation was derived to describe how the water table profile is influenced by overland flow, spatial variations in conductivity and clogging. The equation is calibrated using a single parameter, the Clog Factor (CF), which represents the equivalent loss of porosity that would reproduce measured conductivity according to the Kozeny-Carman Equation. The CF varies from 0 for ideal conditions to 1 for completely clogged conditions. Minimum CF was 0.54 for a system that had recently been refurbished, which represents the deviation from ideal conditions due to characteristics of non-ideal media such as particle size distribution and morphology. Maximum CF was 0.90 for a 15 year old system that exhibited sludge accumulation and overland flow across the majority of the bed. A Finite Element Model of a 15 m long HSSF TW was used to indicate how hydraulics and hydrodynamics vary as CF increases. It was found that as CF increases from 0.55 to 0.65 the subsurface wetted area increases, which causes mean hydraulic residence time to increase from 0.16 days to 0.18 days. As CF increases from 0.65 to 0.90, the extent of overland flow increases from 1.8 m to 13.1 m, which reduces hydraulic efficiency from 37 % to 12 % and reduces mean residence time to 0.08 days.


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A multistage distillation column in which mass transfer and a reversible chemical reaction occurred simultaneously, has been investigated to formulate a technique by which this process can be analysed or predicted. A transesterification reaction between ethyl alcohol and butyl acetate, catalysed by concentrated sulphuric acid, was selected for the investigation and all the components were analysed on a gas liquid chromatograph. The transesterification reaction kinetics have been studied in a batch reactor for catalyst concentrations of 0.1 - 1.0 weight percent and temperatures between 21.4 and 85.0 °C. The reaction was found to be second order and dependent on the catalyst concentration at a given temperature. The vapour liquid equilibrium data for six binary, four ternary and one quaternary systems are measured at atmospheric pressure using a modified Cathala dynamic equilibrium still. The systems with the exception of ethyl alcohol - butyl alcohol mixtures, were found to be non-ideal. Multicomponent vapour liquid equilibrium compositions were predicted by a computer programme which utilised the Van Laar constants obtained from the binary data sets. Good agreement was obtained between the predicted and experimental quaternary equilibrium vapour compositions. Continuous transesterification experiments were carried out in a six stage sieve plate distillation column. The column was 3" in internal diameter and of unit construction in glass. The plates were 8" apart and had a free area of 7.7%. Both the liquid and vapour streams were analysed. The component conversion was dependent on the boilup rate and the reflux ratio. Because of the presence of the reaction, the concentration of one of the lighter components increased below the feed plate. In the same region a highly developed foam was formed due to the presence of the catalyst. The experimental results were analysed by the solution of a series of simultaneous enthalpy and mass equations. Good agreement was obtained between the experimental and calculated results.


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In this paper we explore the practical use of neural networks for controlling complex non-linear systems. The system used to demonstrate this approach is a simulation of a gas turbine engine typical of those used to power commercial aircraft. The novelty of the work lies in the requirement for multiple controllers which are used to maintain system variables in safe operating regions as well as governing the engine thrust.


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A study was made of the effect of blending practice upon selected physical properties of crude oils, and of various base oils and petroleum products, using a range of binary mixtures. The crudes comprised light, medium and heavy Kuwait crude oils. The properties included kinematic viscosity, pour point, boiling point and Reid vapour pressure. The literature related to the prediction of these properties, and the changes reported to occur on blending, was critically reviewed as a preliminary to the study. The kinematic viscosity of petroleum oils in general exhibited non-ideal behaviour upon blending. A mechanism was proposed for this behaviour which took into account the effect of asphaltenes content. A correlation was developed, as a modification of Grunberg's equation, to predict the viscosities of binary mixtures of petroleum oils. A correlation was also developed to predict the viscosities of ternary mixtures. This correlation showed better agreement with experimental data (< 6% deviation for crude oils and 2.0% for base oils) than currently-used methods, i.e. ASTM and Refutas methods. An investigation was made of the effect of temperature on the viscosities of crude oils and petroleum products at atmospheric pressure. The effect of pressure on the viscosity of crude oil was also studied. A correlation was developed to predict the viscosity at high pressures (up to 8000 psi), which gave significantly better agreement with the experimental data than the current method due to Kouzel (5.2% and 6.0% deviation for the binary and ternary mixtures respectively). Eyring's theory of viscous flow was critically investigated, and a modification was proposed which extends its application to petroleum oils. The effect of blending on the pour points of selected petroleum oils was studied together with the effect of wax formation and asphaltenes content. Depression of the pour point was always obtained with crude oil binary mixtures. A mechanism was proposed to explain the pour point behaviour of the different binary mixtures. The effects of blending on the boiling point ranges and Reid vapour pressures of binary mixtures of petroleum oils were investigated. The boiling point range exhibited ideal behaviour but the R.V.P. showed negative deviations from it in all cases. Molecular weights of these mixtures were ideal, but the densities and molar volumes were not. The stability of the various crude oil binary mixtures, in terms of viscosity, was studied over a temperature range of 1oC - 30oC for up to 12 weeks. Good stability was found in most cases.


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The theory of vapour-liquid equilibria is reviewed, as is the present status or prediction methods in this field. After discussion of the experimental methods available, development of a recirculating equilibrium still based on a previously successful design (the modified Raal, Code and Best still of O'Donnell and Jenkins) is described. This novel still is designed to work at pressures up to 35 bar and for the measurement of both isothermal and isobaric vapour-liquid equilibrium data. The equilibrium still was first commissioned by measuring the saturated vapour pressures of pure ethanol and cyclohexane in the temperature range 77-124°C and 80-142°C respectively. The data obtained were compared with available literature experimental values and with values derived from an extended form of the Antoine equation for which parameters were given in the literature. Commissioning continued with the study of the phase behaviour of mixtures of the two pure components as such mixtures are strongly non-ideal, showing azeotopic behaviour. Existing data did not exist above one atmosphere pressure. Isothermal measurements were made at 83.29°C and 106.54°C, whilst isobaric measurements were made at pressures of 1 bar, 3 bar and 5 bar respectively. The experimental vapour-liquid equilibrium data obtained are assessed by a standard literature method incorporating a themodynamic consistency test that minimises the errors in all the measured variables. This assessment showed that reasonable x-P-T data-sets had been measured, from which y-values could be deduced, but that the experimental y-values indicated the need for improvements in the design of the still. The final discussion sets out the improvements required and outlines how they might be attained.


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We have simulated the performance of various apertures used in Coded Aperture Imaging - optically. Coded pictures of extended and continuous-tone planar objects from the Annulus, Twin Annulus, Fresnel Zone Plate and the Uniformly Redundant Array have been decoded using a noncoherent correlation process. We have compared the tomographic capabilities of the Twin Annulus with the Uniformly Redundant Arrays based on quadratic residues and m-sequences. We discuss the ways of reducing the 'd. c.' background of the various apertures used. The non-ideal System-Point-Spread-Function inherent in a noncoherent optical correlation process produces artifacts in the reconstruction. Artifacts are also introduced as a result of unwanted cross-correlation terms from out-of-focus planes. We find that the URN based on m-sequences exhibits good spatial resolution and out-of-focus behaviour when imaging extended objects.


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This thesis demonstrates that the use of finite elements need not be confined to space alone, but that they may also be used in the time domain, It is shown that finite element methods may be used successfully to obtain the response of systems to applied forces, including, for example, the accelerations in a tall structure subjected to an earthquake shock. It is further demonstrated that at least one of these methods may be considered to be a practical alternative to more usual methods of solution. A detailed investigation of the accuracy and stability of finite element solutions is included, and methods of applications to both single- and multi-degree of freedom systems are described. Solutions using two different temporal finite elements are compared with those obtained by conventional methods, and a comparison of computation times for the different methods is given. The application of finite element methods to distributed systems is described, using both separate discretizations in space and time, and a combined space-time discretization. The inclusion of both viscous and hysteretic damping is shown to add little to the difficulty of the solution. Temporal finite elements are also seen to be of considerable interest when applied to non-linear systems, both when the system parameters are time-dependent and also when they are functions of displacement. Solutions are given for many different examples, and the computer programs used for the finite element methods are included in an Appendix.


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The design and synthesis of safe efficient non-viral vectors for gene delivery has attracted significant attention in recent years due primarily to the severe side-effect profile reported with the use of their viral counterparts. Previous experiments have revealed that the strong interaction between the carriers and nucleic acid may well hinder the release of the gene from the complex in the cytosol adversely affecting transfection efficiency. However, incorporating reducible disulfide bonds within the delivery systems themselves which are then cleaved in the glutathione-rich intracellular environment may help in solving this puzzle. This review focuses on recent development of these reducible carriers. The biological rationale and approaches to the synthesis of reducible vectors are discussed in detail. The in vitro and in vivo evaluations of reducible carriers are also summarized and it is evident that they offer a promising approach in non-viral gene delivery system design.


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The effects of haem limitation and iron restriction on cells of non typable Haemophilus influenzae were investigated. Haem limitation was achieved by adding concentrations of haem to growth media which resulted in substantial decreases in final cell yields. Iron restriction was achieved by substituting protoporphyrin IX (PPIX) for haem in the growth medium and adding an iron chelator to the system. The effect of these nutrient limitations on a) outer membrane composition, and b) respiratory systems of non typable H.influenzae was investigated. Several of the strains examined produced new PPIX-specific outer membrane proteins when cultured utilising PPIX as a porphyrin source. The immune response of patients with bronchiectasis to outer membrane antigens of H.influenzae cultured under iron-restricted conditions was analysed by ELISA and immunoblotting techniques. ELISA analysis revealed that individuals with severe bronchiectasis had high titres of antibodies directed against H.influenzae OMs in both serum and sputum. Immunoblotting with homologous serum showed that where PPIX-specific OMPs were produced they were antigenic and were recognised by patients' serum. This suggested that these H.influenzae OMPs may be expressed in vivo. Additionally, the development of the immune responses to non typable H.influenzae outer membrane antigens was investigated using a rat lung model. Bacteria encased in agar beads were inoculated intratracheally into rat lungs, infection was established, and the immune response monitored for 6 weeks. The animals developed antibodies to PPIX-specific OMPs during the course of infection, providing further evidence that H.influenzae express these novel OMP antigens when growing in vivo. Studies in vitro on respiratory systems of phenotypically altered H.influenzae showed that bacteria grown utilising PPIX as a porphyrin source, or under conditions of iron-restriction produced ten fold fewer cytochromes than cells grown in nutrient excess, while haem limited H.influenzae produced no detectable cytochromes. Respiration of various substrates was depressed in haem limited and in PPIX-grown cultures as compared with cells grown in nutrient excess.


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Considering the rapid growth of call centres (CCs) in India, its implications for businesses in the UK and a scarcity of research on human resource management (HRM) related issues in Indian CCs, this research has two main aims. First, to highlight the nature of HRM systems relevant to Indian call centres. Second, to understand the significance of internal marketing (IM) in influencing the frontline employees’ job-related attitudes and performance. Rewards being an important component of IM, the relationships between different types of rewards as part of an IM strategy, attitudes and performance of employees in Indian CCs will also be examined. Further, the research will investigate which type of commitment mediates the link between rewards and performance and why. The data collection will be via two phases. The first phase would involve a series of in-depth interviews with both the managers and employees to understand the functioning of CCs, and development of suitable HRM systems for the Indian context. The second phase would involve data collection through questionnaires distributed to the frontline employees and supervisors to examine the relationships among IM, employee attitudes and performance. Such an investigation is expected to contribute to development of better theory and practice.


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Applying direct error counting, we assess the performance of 20 Gbit/s wavelength-division multiplexing return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying (RZ-DPSK) transmission at 0.4 bit/(s Hz) spectral efficiency for application on installed non-zero dispersion-shifted fibre based transoceanic submarine systems. The impact of the pulse duty cycle on the system performance is investigated and the reliability of the existing theoretical approaches to the BER estimation for the RZ-DPSK format is discussed.


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Applying direct error counting, we assess the performance of 20 Gbit/s wavelength-division multiplexing return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying (RZ-DPSK) transmission at 0.4 bit/(s Hz) spectral efficiency for application on installed non-zero dispersion-shifted fibre based transoceanic submarine systems. The impact of the pulse duty cycle on the system performance is investigated and the reliability of the existing theoretical approaches to the BER estimation for the RZ-DPSK format is discussed.