23 resultados para Naturally occurring

em Aston University Research Archive


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The naturally occurring reactive electrophilic species 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (12-oxo-PDA) is a potent antifungal agent, whereas the plant growth regulator jasmonic acid, which is synthesized from 12-oxo-PDA, is ineffective. To address what structural features of the molecule endow it with antifungal activity, we synthesized a series of molecular mimics of 12-oxo-PDA varying in the length of the alkyl chain at its C-4 ring position. The octyl analogue (4-octyl cyclopentenone) was the most effective at suppressing spore germination and subsequent mycelial growth of a range of fungal pathogens and was particularly effective against Cladosporium herbarum and Botrytis cinerea, with minimum fungicidal concentrations in the range 100-200 µM. Introduction of a carboxyl group to the end of the chain, mimicking natural fatty acids, markedly reduced antifungal efficacy. Electrolyte leakage, indicative of membrane perturbation, was evident in both C. herbarum and B. cinerea exposed to 4-octyl cyclopentenone. Lipid composition analysis of the fungal spores revealed that those species with a high oil content, namely Fusarium oxysporum and Alternaria brassicicola, were less sensitive to 4-octyl cyclopentenone. The comparable hydrophobicity of 4-octyl cyclopentenone and 12-oxo-PDA accounts for the similar spore suppression activity of these two compounds. The relative ease of synthesis of 4-octyl cyclopentenone makes it an attractive compound for potential use as an antifungal agent. © 2011 SGM.


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The aim was to establish if the memory bias for sad faces, reported in clinically depressed patients (Gilboa-Schechtman, Erhard Weiss, & Jeczemien, 2002; Ridout, Astell, Reid, Glen, & O'Carroll, 2003) generalises to sub-clinical depression (dysphoria) and experimentally induced sadness. Study 1: dysphoric (n = 24) and non-dysphoric (n = 20) participants were presented with facial stimuli, asked to identify the emotion portrayed and then given a recognition memory test for these faces. At encoding, dysphoric participants (DP) exhibited impaired identification of sadness and neutral affect relative to the non-dysphoric group (ND). At memory testing, DP exhibited superior memory for sad faces relative to happy and neutral. They also exhibited enhanced memory for sad faces and impaired memory for happy relative to the ND. Study 2: non-depressed participants underwent a positive (n = 24) or negative (n = 24) mood induction (MI) and were assessed on the same tests as Study 1. At encoding, negative MI participants showed superior identification of sadness, relative to neutral affect and compared to the positive MI group. At memory testing, the negative MI group exhibited enhanced memory for the sad faces relative to happy or neutral and compared to the positive MI group. Conclusion: MCM bias for sad faces generalises from clinical depression to these sub-clinical affective states.


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Two experiments were conducted to determine if natural and induced dysphoria is associated with impaired forgetting and, whether a thought-substitution strategy would ameliorate any observed deficits. Study 1: 36 dysphoric & 36 non-dysphoric participants learnt a series of emotional word pairs. Participants were subsequently presented with some of the cues and were asked to recall the targets or prevent the targets from coming to mind. Half of the participants were provided with substitute words to recall instead of the original targets (aided suppression). At final memory testing, participants were asked to recall the targets to all cues. Dysphoric participants exhibited impaired forgetting, even when using a thought substitution strategy. Non-dysphoric participants, however, were able to use substitutes to suppress words. Study 2: 50 healthy participants initially completed the aided condition of the forgetting task. Participants were then given a positive or negative mood-induction, followed by another version of the forgetting task. Although all participants showed a forgetting effect prior to the mood-induction, only the positive group was successful at forgetting after the mood induction. Taken together, these findings do not support the utility of thought-substitution as an aid to forgetting in individuals in a naturally or induced dysphoric mood.


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In New Zealand and Australia, the BRACElet project has been investigating students' acquisition of programming skills in introductory programming courses. The project has explored students' skills in basic syntax, tracing code, understanding code, and writing code, seeking to establish the relationships between these skills. This ITiCSE working group report presents the most recent step in the BRACElet project, which includes replication of earlier analysis using a far broader pool of naturally occurring data, refinement of the SOLO taxonomy in code-explaining questions, extension of the taxonomy to code-writing questions, extension of some earlier studies on students' 'doodling' while answering exam questions, and exploration of a further theoretical basis for work that until now has been primarily empirical.


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This work follows a feasibility study (187) which suggested that a process for purifying wet-process phosphoric acid by solvent extraction should be economically viable. The work was divided into two main areas, (i) chemical and physical measurements on the three-phase system, with or without impurities; (ii) process simulation and optimization. The object was to test the process technically and economically and to optimise the type of solvent. The chemical equilibria and distribution curves for the system water - phosphoric acid - solvent for the solvents n-amyl alcohol, tri-n-butyl phosphate, di-isopropyl ether and methyl isobutyl ketone have been determined. Both pure phosphoric acid and acid containing known amounts of naturally occurring impurities (Fe P0 4 , A1P0 4 , Ca3(P04)Z and Mg 3(P0 4 )Z) were examined. The hydrodynamic characteristics of the systems were also studied. The experimental results obtained for drop size distribution were compared with those obtainable from Hinze's equation (32) and it was found that they deviated by an amount related to the turbulence. A comprehensive literature survey on the purification of wet-process phosphoric acid by organic solvents has been made. The literature regarding solvent extraction fundamentals and equipment and optimization methods for the envisaged process was also reviewed. A modified form of the Kremser-Brown and Souders equation to calculate the number of contact stages was derived. The modification takes into account the special nature of phosphoric acid distribution curves in the studied systems. The process flow-sheet was developed and simulated. Powell's direct search optimization method was selected in conjunction with the linear search algorithm of Davies, Swann and Campey. The objective function was defined as the total annual manufacturing cost and the program was employed to find the optimum operating conditions for anyone of the chosen solvents. The final results demonstrated the following order of feasibility to purify wet-process acid: di-isopropyl ether, methylisobutyl ketone, n-amyl alcohol and tri-n-butyl phosphate.


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Adherence of pathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. to host cells is in part mediated by curli fimbriae which, along with other virulence determinants, are positively regulated by RpoS. Interested in the role and regulation of curli (SEF17) fimbriae of Salmonella enteritidis in poultry infection, we tested the virulence of naturally occurring S. enteritidis PT4 strains 27655R and 27655S which displayed constitutive and null expression of curli (SEF17) fimbriae, respectively, in a chick invasion assay and analysed their rpoS alleles. Both strains were shown to be equally invasive and as invasive as a wild-type phage type 4 strain and an isogenic derivative defective for the elaboration of curli. We showed that the rpoS allele of 27655S was intact even though this strain was non-curliated and we confirmed that a S. enteritidis rpoS::strr null mutant was unable to express curli, as anticipated. Strain 27655R, constitutively curliated, possessed a frameshift mutation at position 697 of the rpoS coding sequence which resulted in a truncated product and remained curliated even when transduced to rpoS::strr. Additionally, rpoS mutants are known to be cold-sensitive, a phenotype confirmed for strain 27655R. Collectively, these data indicated that curliation was not a significant factor for pathogenesis of S. enteritidis in this model and that curliation of strains 27655R and 27655S was independent of RpoS. Significantly, strain 27655R possessed a defective rpoS allele and remained virulent. Here was evidence that supported the concept that different naturally occurring rpoS alleles may generate varying virulence phenotypic traits.


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Aromatic and aliphatic diacid chlorides were used to condense naturally occurring diamino acids and their esterified derivatives. It was anticipated the resulting functional polyamides would biodegrade to physiologically acceptable compounds and show pH dependant solubility could be used for biomedical applications ranging from enteric coatings to hydrosoluble drug delivery vehicles capable of targeting areas of low physiological pH. With these applications in mind the polymers were characterised by infra red spectroscopy, gel permeation chromatography and in the case of aqueous soluble polymers by potentiometric titration. Thin films of poly (lysine ethyl ester isophthalamide) plasticised with poly (caprolactone) were cast from DMSO/chloroform solutions and their mechanical properties measured on a Hounsfield Hti tensiometer. Interfacial synthesis was investigated as a synthetic route for the production of linear functional polyamides. High molecular weight polymer was obtained only when esterified diamino acids were condensed with aromatic diacid chlorides. The method was unsuitable for the production of copolymers of free and esterified amino acids with a diacid chloride. A novel miscible mixed solvent single phase reaction was investigated for production of copolymers of esterified and non-esterified amino acids with diacid chlorides. Aliphatic diacid chlorides were unsuitable for condensing diamino acids using this technique because of high rates of hydrolysis. The technique gave high molecular weight homopolymers from esterified diamino acids and aromatic diacid chlorides.


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Bilateral corneal blindness represents a quarter of the total blind, world-wide. The artificial cornea in assorted forms, was developed to replace opaque non-functional corneas and to return sight in otherwise hopeless cases that were not amenable to corneal grafts; believed to be 2% of corneal blind. Despite technological advances in materials design and tissue engineering no artificial cornea has provided absolute, long-term success. Formidable problems exist, due to a combination of unpredictable wound healing and unmanageable pathology. To have a solid guarantee of reliable success an artificial cornea must possess three attributes: an optical window to replace the opaque cornea; a strong, long term union to surrounding ocular tissue; and the ability to induce desired host responses. A unique artificial cornea possesses all three functional attributes- the Osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP). The OOKP has a high success rate and can survive for up to twenty years, but it is complicated both in structure and in surgical procedure; it is expensive and not universally available. The aim of this project was to develop a synthetic substitute for the OOKP, based upon key features of the tooth and bone structure. In doing so, surgical complexity and biological complications would be reduced. Analysis of the biological effectiveness of the OOKP showed that the structure of bone was the most crucial component for implant retention. An experimental semi-rigid hydroxyapatite framework was fabricated with a complex bone-like architecture, which could be fused to the optical window. The first method for making such a framework, was pressing and sintering of hydroxyapatite powders; however, it was not possible to fabricate a void architecture with the correct sizes and uniformity of pores. Ceramers were synthesised using alternative pore forming methods, providing for improved mechanical properties and stronger attachment to the plastic optical window. Naturally occurring skeletal structures closely match the structural features of all forms of natural bone. Synthetic casts were fabricated using the replamineform process, of desirable natural artifacts, such as coral and sponges. The final method of construction by-passed ceramic fabrication in favour of pre-formed coral derivatives and focused on methods for polymer infiltration, adhesion and fabrication. Prototypes were constructed and evaluated; a fully penetrative synthetic OOKP analogue was fabricated according to the dimensions of the OOKP. Fabrication of the cornea shaped OOKP synthetic analogue was also attempted.


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Previous research has shown that the naturally occurring reactive electrophilic species (RES), 12-oxophytodienoic acid (OPDA), not only serves as a precursor for jasmonic acid but is also a potent antifungal compound. However, both the low amount present in plants and the multistep synthesis required to produce this compound on a scale viable for agrochemical use currently limits its practical value. The aim of this research was to generate a range of molecular mimics of OPDA with a minimum number of synthetic steps and screen for antifungal activity. Synthetic 4-octyl-cyclopentenone containing the cyclopentenone ring and an eight carbon alkyl chain was found to show the highest in vitro antifungal activity against C. herbarum and B. cinerea with minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) of 100-200µM. This indicates that structurally simplified 4-octyl-cyclopentenone can be successfully synthesised to mimic the antifungal activity of OPDA against specific fungal strains. Application of 4-octyl-cyclopentenone could act as surfactant by disrupting and disorganising the lipid membrane non-specifically, resulting in the leakage of potassium ions, which was the proposed mode of action of this compound. However, the sensitivity of fungi to this compound is not correlated to the lipid composition of fungal spores. (E)-2-alkenals were also studied for their antimicrobial activity and (E)-2-undecenal was found to have the highest antimicrobial activity against a range of pathogens. The hydrophilic moiety (the a,ß-unsaturated carbonyl group), common to both (E)-2-undecenal and 4-octyl-cyclentenone is essential to their bioactivity, and the hydrophobic moiety plays an important role in their antimicrobial activities. 4-Octyl-cyclopentenone showed no visible toxicity to the test plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, suggesting that its high antifungal activity against Botrytis and Cladosporium could be exploited for commercialisation as a new generation of agrochemical.


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A systematic review was conducted to explicitly identify interventions that alone, or in combination, were effective in improving antibiotic prescribing. The citation search strategy used in the present review provided a database of 365077 studies, of which only twenty-five were included in the final review (“review studies”). Analysis of the interventions used within the review studies indicated that a combination of “guidelines” and “pharmacy” interventions have the greatest potential to improve antibiotic prescribing. Two types of qualitative research were conducted, semi-structured interviews and the collection of naturally occurring data. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to determine NHS managers? perceptions of current policies used to improve antibiotic prescribing within selected Primary Care Trusts and highlighted the importance of pharmacy intervention, formularies or guidelines and improved prescribing analysis (IT based intervention) on improving antibiotic prescribing. This was supported by the collection of naturally occurring data, which was used to provide further insight into interventions used to improve antibiotic prescribing. The Specialist Antibiotic Pharmacist (HD) produced and implemented an innovative electronic antibiotic prescribing analysis tool (the Antibiotic Database) to analyse and improve antibiotic prescribing in a consistent manner. The key advantage of the Antibiotic Database was the time and money saved on producing visual electronic outputs containing an inaccurate outcome measure or time period for analysis. The results concluded that an IT based intervention, such as the Antibiotic Database should be used, in addition to the use of antibiotic guidelines and pharmacy intervention, within all sectors of the NHS in order to improve antibiotic prescribing and its analysis.


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Polyolefins, which normally undergo high temperature manufacturing and fabrication operations, are susceptible to oxidation during each stage of their lifecycle. Stabilisers and antioxidants are used to inhibit the oxidative damage that is ultimately responsible for loss of physical properties, embrittlement and premature failure. Environmental awareness and health and safety considerations have spurred intense searches for new approaches to procure improved, safe, and more efficient antioxidants and stabiliser systems for polymers. Current activities have concentrated on two approaches: the first advocates the use of biological (naturally occurring) antioxidants, and the second relies on the use of reactive antioxidants that are chemically attached onto the polymer backbone for greater permanence and safety. Stabilisation of polyolefins through the use of vitamin E and some reactive, non-migratory antioxidants is the subject matter of this chapter.


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The quest for energy security and widespread acceptance of the anthropogenic origin of rising CO2 emissions and associated climate change from combusting fossil derived carbon sources, is driving academic and commercial research into new routes to sustainable fuels to meet the demands of a rapidly rising global population. Biodiesel is one of the most readily implemented and low cost, alternative source of transportation fuels to meet future societal demands. However, current practises to produce biodiesel via transesterification employing homogeneous acids and bases result in costly fuel purification processes and undesired pollution. Life-cycle calculations on biodiesel synthesis from soybean feedstock show that the single most energy intensive step is the catalytic conversion of TAGs into biodiesel, accounting for 87% of the total primary energy input, which largely arises from the quench and separation steps. The development of solid acid and base catalysts that respectively remove undesired free fatty acid (FFA) impurities, and transform naturally occurring triglycerides found within plant oils into clean biodiesel would be desirable to improve process efficiency. However, the microporous nature of many conventional catalysts limits their ability to convert bulky and viscous feeds typical of plant or algal oils. Here we describe how improved catalyst performance, and overall process efficiency can result from a combination of new synthetic materials based upon templated solid acids and bases with hierarchical structures, tailored surface properties and use of intensified process allowing continuous operation.


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Quercetin is a naturally occurring polyphenol compound present in grapes, red wine, tea, apples and some vegetables. Like other flavonoids, it has been found to have antioxidant activity in studies in vitro, although there is still much debate about the bioavailability of flavonoids in the diet and their in vivo antioxidant activity. In general, it is thought that the antioxidant efficiency of polyphenols increases with increasing hydroxylation of the rings, but there have been few studies of other substitutions. We have prepared several derivatives of quercetin, to test the effect of modification on their antioxidant potential. Sodium salts of quercetin-5-sulfonate and quercetin-5,8-sulfonate, and transition metal complexes of quercetin-5-sulfonate were analysed for their total antioxidant potential using the FRAP assay, and compared to unmodified quercetin. It was found that quercetin-5-sulfonate complexes with Zn, Cu(II), Fe(II) and Mg were all significantly better antioxidants than quercetin, quercetin-5-sulfonate was comparable to quercetin, whereas the sodium salt of quercetin-5,8-sulfonate had a decreased total antioxidant potential. Kinetic studies of the FRAP reaction showed no significant differences between quercitin and any of the derivatives. The reaction of all the quercetins in the FRAP assay was found to be slower to reach completion than ascorbate, and appeared to have biphasic characteristics. These results suggest that transition metal ions may facilitate the transfer of electrons from the polyphenol ring system to the oxidant, while substitution with S03 is electron-withdrawing and destabilizes the ring system. This is important both for understanding the antioxidant ability of flavonoids, and for the design of novel antioxidant compounds. Further work is being carried out to assess the ability of the quercetin complexes to protect cultured cells from oxidative stress.


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Naturally-occurring, endogenous electric fields (EFs) have been detected at skin wounds, damaged tissue sites and vasculature. Applied EFs guide migration of many types of cells, including endothelial cells to migrate directionally. Homing of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) to an injury site is important for repair of vasculature and also for angiogenesis. However, it has not been reported whether EPCs respond to applied EFs. Aiming to explore the possibility to use electric stimulation to regulate the progenitor cells and angiogenesis, we tested the effects of direct-current (DC) EFs on EPCs. We first used immunofluorescence to confirm the expression of endothelial progenitor markers in three lines of EPCs. We then cultured the progenitor cells in EFs. Using time-lapse video microscopy, we demonstrated that an applied DC EF directs migration of the EPCs toward the cathode. The progenitor cells also align and elongate in an EF. Inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor signaling completely abolished the EF-induced directional migration of the progenitor cells. We conclude that EFs are an effective signal that guides EPC migration through VEGF receptor signaling in vitro. Applied EFs may be used to control behaviors of EPCs in tissue engineering, in homing of EPCs to wounds and to an injury site in the vasculature.


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Cell exclusion is the phenomenon whereby the hematocrit and viscosity of blood decrease in areas of high stress. While this is well known in naturally occurring Poiseuille flow in the human body, it has never previously been shown in Couette flow, which occurs in implantable devices including blood pumps. The high-shear stresses that occur in the gap between the boundaries in Couette flow are known to cause hemolysis in erythrocytes. We propose to mitigate this damage by initiating cell exclusion through the use of a spiral-groove bearing (SGB) that will provide escape routes by which the cells may separate themselves from the plasma and the high stresses in the gap. The force between two bearings (one being the SGB) in Couette flow was measured. Stained erythrocytes, along with silver spheres of similar diameter to erythrocytes, were visualized across a transparent SGB at various gap heights. A reduction in the force across the bearing for human blood, compared with fluids of comparable viscosity, was found. This indicates a reduction in the viscosity of the fluid across the bearing due to a lowered hematocrit because of cell exclusion. The corresponding images clearly show both cells and spheres being excluded from the gap by entering the grooves. This is the first time the phenomenon of cell exclusion has been shown in Couette flow. It not only furthers our understanding of how blood responds to different flows but could also lead to improvements in the future design of medical devices.