em Aston University Research Archive
The susceptibility of tetrahydropterins to oxidation was investigated in vitro and related to in vivo metabolism. At physiological pH, tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) was oxidized, with considerable loss of the biopterin skeleton, by molecular oxygen. The hydroxyl radical (.OH) was found to increase this oxidation and degradation, whilst physiological concentrations of glutathione (GSH) retarded both the dioxygen and .OH mediated oxidation. Nitrite, at acid pH, oxidized BH4 to biopterin and tetrahydrofolates to products devoid of folate structure. Loss of dietary folates, from the stomach, due to nitrite mediated catabolism is suggested. The in vivo response of BH4 metabolism to oxidising conditions was examined in the rat brain and liver. Acute starvation depressed brain biopterins and transiently BH4 biosynthetic and salvage (dihydropteridine reductase, DHPR) pathways. Loss of biopterins, in starvation, is suggested to arise primarily from catabolism, due to oxygen radical formation and GSH depletion. L-cysteine administration to starving rats was found to elevate tissue biopterins, whilst depletion of GSH in feeding rats, by L-buthionine sulfoximine, decreased biopterins. An in vivo role for GSH to protect tetrahydropterins from oxidation is suggested. The in vivo effect of phenelzine dosing was investigated. Administration lowered brain biopterins, in the presence of dietary tyrosine. This loss is considered to arise from p-tyramine generation and subsequent DHPR inhibition. Observed elevations in plasma biopterins were in line with this mechanism. In conditions other than gross inhibition of DHPR or BH4 biosynthesis, plasma total biopterins were seen to be poor indicators of tissue BH4 metabolism. Evidence is presented indicating that the pterin formed in tissue samples by acid iodine oxidation originates from the tetrahydrofolate pool and 7,8-dihydropterin derived from BH4 oxidation. The observed reduction in this pterin by prior in vivo nitrous oxide exposure and elevation by starvation and phenelzine administration is discussed in this light. The biochemical importance of the changes in tetrahydropterin metabolism observed in this thesis are discussed with extrapolation to the situation in man, where appropriate. An additional role for BH4 as a tissue antioxidant and reductant is also considered.
Automotive catalysts are the most effective short-term answer to air pollution from automobiles. Since strict control of exhaust emissions is, or will be,covered by legislation in most developed countries in the world, catalytic devices will be increasingly fitted to cars. There is consequently an urgent need for the development of catalysts that will not compete for scarce precious metal resources. A number of problems have already been identified in connection with base metal catalysts but quantitative investigations are lacking. The base metal reduction catalysts developed by Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, catalysts and Chemical Group, in collaboration with the Air Pollution Control Laboratory, B L Cars Limited for automotive emission control, are susceptible to de-activation by three major mechanisms. These are: physical loss of the wash-coat (a high surface area coating which supports the active species), aggregation of the active species and poisoning by fuel and engine oil additives. This thesis is especially concerned with the first two of these and attempts to indicate the relative magnitude .of their effect on the activity of. the catalysts. Aggregation of the active species or sintering, as it is loosely called, was studied by using impregnated granules to overcome effects due to the loss of the wash-coat. Samples were aged in a synthetic exhaust gas, free from poisons, and metal crystallite sizes were measured by scanning-electron microscopy. The increase in particle size was correlated with the loss in catalytic activity. In order to maintain a link with the real conditions of service a number of monolithic catalysts were tested in an engine-dynamometer and several previously tested endurance catalysts were examined. A mechanism is proposed for the break-up and subsequent 10s.5 of the wash-coat and suggestions for improved resistance to loss of the' coating and active species are proposed.