18 resultados para Monotone Iterations

em Aston University Research Archive


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In recent years there has been an increased interest in applying non-parametric methods to real-world problems. Significant research has been devoted to Gaussian processes (GPs) due to their increased flexibility when compared with parametric models. These methods use Bayesian learning, which generally leads to analytically intractable posteriors. This thesis proposes a two-step solution to construct a probabilistic approximation to the posterior. In the first step we adapt the Bayesian online learning to GPs: the final approximation to the posterior is the result of propagating the first and second moments of intermediate posteriors obtained by combining a new example with the previous approximation. The propagation of em functional forms is solved by showing the existence of a parametrisation to posterior moments that uses combinations of the kernel function at the training points, transforming the Bayesian online learning of functions into a parametric formulation. The drawback is the prohibitive quadratic scaling of the number of parameters with the size of the data, making the method inapplicable to large datasets. The second step solves the problem of the exploding parameter size and makes GPs applicable to arbitrarily large datasets. The approximation is based on a measure of distance between two GPs, the KL-divergence between GPs. This second approximation is with a constrained GP in which only a small subset of the whole training dataset is used to represent the GP. This subset is called the em Basis Vector, or BV set and the resulting GP is a sparse approximation to the true posterior. As this sparsity is based on the KL-minimisation, it is probabilistic and independent of the way the posterior approximation from the first step is obtained. We combine the sparse approximation with an extension to the Bayesian online algorithm that allows multiple iterations for each input and thus approximating a batch solution. The resulting sparse learning algorithm is a generic one: for different problems we only change the likelihood. The algorithm is applied to a variety of problems and we examine its performance both on more classical regression and classification tasks and to the data-assimilation and a simple density estimation problems.


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We present an implementation of the domain-theoretic Picard method for solving initial value problems (IVPs) introduced by Edalat and Pattinson [1]. Compared to Edalat and Pattinson's implementation, our algorithm uses a more efficient arithmetic based on an arbitrary precision floating-point library. Despite the additional overestimations due to floating-point rounding, we obtain a similar bound on the convergence rate of the produced approximations. Moreover, our convergence analysis is detailed enough to allow a static optimisation in the growth of the precision used in successive Picard iterations. Such optimisation greatly improves the efficiency of the solving process. Although a similar optimisation could be performed dynamically without our analysis, a static one gives us a significant advantage: we are able to predict the time it will take the solver to obtain an approximation of a certain (arbitrarily high) quality.


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The stability of internally heated inclined plane parallel shear flows is examined numerically for the case of finite value of the Prandtl number, Pr. The transition in a vertical channel has already been studied for 0≤Pr≤100 with or without the application of an external pressure gradient, where the secondary flow takes the form of travelling waves (TWs) that are spanwise-independent (see works of Nagata and Generalis). In this work, in contrast to work already reported (J. Heat Trans. T. ASME 124 (2002) 635-642), we examine transition where the secondary flow takes the form of longitudinal rolls (LRs), which are independent of the steamwise direction, for Pr=7 and for a specific value of the angle of inclination of the fluid layer without the application of an external pressure gradient. We find possible bifurcation points of the secondary flow by performing a linear stability analysis that determines the neutral curve, where the basic flow, which can have two inflection points, loses stability. The linear stability of the secondary flow against three-dimensional perturbations is also examined numerically for the same value of the angle of inclination by employing Floquet theory. We identify possible bifurcation points for the tertiary flow and show that the bifurcation can be either monotone or oscillatory. © 2003 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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With the reformation of spectrum policy and the development of cognitive radio, secondary users will be allowed to access spectrums licensed to primary users. Spectrum auctions can facilitate this secondary spectrum access in a market-driven way. To design an efficient auction framework, we first study the supply and demand pressures and the competitive equilibrium of the secondary spectrum market, considering the spectrum reusability. In well-designed auctions, competition among participants should lead to the competitive equilibrium according to the traditional economic point of view. Then, a discriminatory price spectrum double auction framework is proposed for this market. In this framework, rational participants compete with each other by using bidding prices, and their profits are guaranteed to be non-negative. A near-optimal heuristic algorithm is also proposed to solve the auction clearing problem of the proposed framework efficiently. Experimental results verify the efficiency of the proposed auction clearing algorithm and demonstrate that competition among secondary users and primary users can lead to the competitive equilibrium during auction iterations using the proposed auction framework. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We consider the problem of stable determination of a harmonic function from knowledge of the solution and its normal derivative on a part of the boundary of the (bounded) solution domain. The alternating method is a procedure to generate an approximation to the harmonic function from such Cauchy data and we investigate a numerical implementation of this procedure based on Fredholm integral equations and Nyström discretization schemes, which makes it possible to perform a large number of iterations (millions) with minor computational cost (seconds) and high accuracy. Moreover, the original problem is rewritten as a fixed point equation on the boundary, and various other direct regularization techniques are discussed to solve that equation. We also discuss how knowledge of the smoothness of the data can be used to further improve the accuracy. Numerical examples are presented showing that accurate approximations of both the solution and its normal derivative can be obtained with much less computational time than in previous works.


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The inverse problem of determining a spacewise dependent heat source, together with the initial temperature for the parabolic heat equation, using the usual conditions of the direct problem and information from two supplementary temperature measurements at different instants of time is studied. These spacewise dependent temperature measurements ensure that this inverse problem has a unique solution, despite the solution being unstable, hence the problem is ill-posed. We propose an iterative algorithm for the stable reconstruction of both the initial data and the source based on a sequence of well-posed direct problems for the parabolic heat equation, which are solved at each iteration step using the boundary element method. The instability is overcome by stopping the iterations at the first iteration for which the discrepancy principle is satisfied. Numerical results are presented for a typical benchmark test example, which has the input measured data perturbed by increasing amounts of random noise. The numerical results show that the proposed procedure gives accurate numerical approximations in relatively few iterations.


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An iterative procedure is proposed for the reconstruction of a stationary temperature field from Cauchy data given on a part of the boundary of a bounded plane domain where the boundary is smooth except for a finite number of corner points. In each step, a series of mixed well-posed boundary value problems are solved for the heat operator and its adjoint. Convergence is proved in a weighted L2-space. Numerical results are included which show that the procedure gives accurate and stable approximations in relatively few iterations.


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The inverse problem of determining a spacewise-dependent heat source for the parabolic heat equation using the usual conditions of the direct problem and information from one supplementary temperature measurement at a given instant of time is studied. This spacewise-dependent temperature measurement ensures that this inverse problem has a unique solution, but the solution is unstable and hence the problem is ill-posed. We propose a variational conjugate gradient-type iterative algorithm for the stable reconstruction of the heat source based on a sequence of well-posed direct problems for the parabolic heat equation which are solved at each iteration step using the boundary element method. The instability is overcome by stopping the iterative procedure at the first iteration for which the discrepancy principle is satisfied. Numerical results are presented which have the input measured data perturbed by increasing amounts of random noise. The numerical results show that the proposed procedure yields stable and accurate numerical approximations after only a few iterations.


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This paper investigates the inverse problem of determining a spacewise dependent heat source in the parabolic heat equation using the usual conditions of the direct problem and information from a supplementary temperature measurement at a given single instant of time. The spacewise dependent temperature measurement ensures that the inverse problem has a unique solution, but this solution is unstable, hence the problem is ill-posed. For this inverse problem, we propose an iterative algorithm based on a sequence of well-posed direct problems which are solved at each iteration step using the boundary element method (BEM). The instability is overcome by stopping the iterations at the first iteration for which the discrepancy principle is satisfied. Numerical results are presented for various typical benchmark test examples which have the input measured data perturbed by increasing amounts of random noise.


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The problem considered is that of determining the shape of a planar acoustically sound-soft obstacle from knowledge of the far-field pattern for one time-harmonic incident field. Two methods, which are based on the solution of a pair of integral equations representing the incoming wave and the far-field pattern, respectively, are proposed and investigated for finding the unknown boundary. Numerical resultsare included which show that the methods give accurate numerical approximations in relatively few iterations.


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The problem considered is that of determining the shape of a plane acoustically sound-soft obstacle from the knowledge of the far-field pattern for one time-harmonic incident field. An iterative procedure is proposed based on two boundary integrals representing the incident field and the far-field pattern, respectively. Numerical examples are included which show that the procedure gives accurate numerical approximations in relatively few iterations.


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The problem considered is that of determining the fluid velocity for linear hydrostatics Stokes flow of slow viscous fluids from measured velocity and fluid stress force on a part of the boundary of a bounded domain. A variational conjugate gradient iterative procedure is proposed based on solving a series of mixed well-posed boundary value problems for the Stokes operator and its adjoint. In order to stabilize the Cauchy problem, the iterations are ceased according to an optimal order discrepancy principle stopping criterion. Numerical results obtained using the boundary element method confirm that the procedure produces a convergent and stable numerical solution.


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The accurate identification of T-cell epitopes remains a principal goal of bioinformatics within immunology. As the immunogenicity of peptide epitopes is dependent on their binding to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules, the prediction of binding affinity is a prerequisite to the reliable prediction of epitopes. The iterative self-consistent (ISC) partial-least-squares (PLS)-based additive method is a recently developed bioinformatic approach for predicting class II peptide−MHC binding affinity. The ISC−PLS method overcomes many of the conceptual difficulties inherent in the prediction of class II peptide−MHC affinity, such as the binding of a mixed population of peptide lengths due to the open-ended class II binding site. The method has applications in both the accurate prediction of class II epitopes and the manipulation of affinity for heteroclitic and competitor peptides. The method is applied here to six class II mouse alleles (I-Ab, I-Ad, I-Ak, I-As, I-Ed, and I-Ek) and included peptides up to 25 amino acids in length. A series of regression equations highlighting the quantitative contributions of individual amino acids at each peptide position was established. The initial model for each allele exhibited only moderate predictivity. Once the set of selected peptide subsequences had converged, the final models exhibited a satisfactory predictive power. Convergence was reached between the 4th and 17th iterations, and the leave-one-out cross-validation statistical terms - q2, SEP, and NC - ranged between 0.732 and 0.925, 0.418 and 0.816, and 1 and 6, respectively. The non-cross-validated statistical terms r2 and SEE ranged between 0.98 and 0.995 and 0.089 and 0.180, respectively. The peptides used in this study are available from the AntiJen database (http://www.jenner.ac.uk/AntiJen). The PLS method is available commercially in the SYBYL molecular modeling software package. The resulting models, which can be used for accurate T-cell epitope prediction, will be made freely available online (http://www.jenner.ac.uk/MHCPred).


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This article outlines the possibilities of autobiographical stories to criticize status quo iterations of International Relations (IR). The article draws on the personal experiences of the author’s deportation order issued by the United Kingdom’s Home Office and its associated Border Agency (UKBA) to challenge the accepted assumptions of a cosmopolitan worldview as it relates to orderly international institutional design. It highlights the possibilities of trauma when border management and personal mobility collide. It suggests that mobility trauma ensues when the expectations of human mobility, outlined in Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, infringe the state’s role as security provider. It begins in part one with a challenge to the traditional role and understanding of international borders that sustain order within the international. It examines the unacknowledged role that human vulnerability plays within IR and institutional design while frankly engaging with human vulnerability and trauma in the second section. This section details the experiences of the author when her mobility rights were curtailed and the ensuing identity crisis prompted by such events. The final section investigates the ideas of critical cosmopolitan scholarship demanding that such discourses acknowledge and work through the possibility of failed agency when the demands of state security supersede individual mobility rights. It turns to the possibility of traumatic iterations of IR in order to probe such possibilities. The article suggests, in its conclusion, the possibility of storytelling and psychoanalysis to endorse unorthodox agency, and the possibility of a dynamic international institutional design, that challenges the status quo iterations of IR.


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Real world search problems, characterised by nonlinearity, noise and multidimensionality, are often best solved by hybrid algorithms. Techniques embodying different necessary features are triggered at specific iterations, in response to the current state of the problem space. In the existing literature, this alternation is managed either statically (through pre-programmed policies) or dynamically, at the cost of high coupling with algorithm inner representation. We extract two design patterns for hybrid metaheuristic search algorithms, the All-Seeing Eye and the Commentator patterns, which we argue should be replaced by the more flexible and loosely coupled Simple Black Box (Two-B) and Utility-based Black Box (Three-B) patterns that we propose here. We recommend the Two-B pattern for purely fitness based hybridisations and the Three-B pattern for more generic search quality evaluation based hybridisations.