24 resultados para Monocytes -- physiology

em Aston University Research Archive


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Oxidised LDL accumulates in macrophages following scavenger receptor (SR) uptake. The expression of the SR, CD36, is increased by oxidised LDL. The signalling molecule, ceramide, can modulate intracellular peroxides and increase lipid peroxidation. Ceramide also accumulates in atherosclerotic plaques. Thus, we have examined whether ceramide can modulate CD36 expression and function in human monocyte/macrophages. Addition of synthetic short chain ceramides or the action of sphingomyelinase to generate physiological long chain ceramides in situ caused significant reductions in CD36 expression by monocytes/macrophages which was not due to inhibition of mRNA expression. Inhibition of proteasomal degradation using lactacystin had no effect on CD36 expression, however, flow cytometric analysis of permeabilised cells suggested an intracellular trafficking blockade. Ceramide treated monocytes/macrophages showed dose dependent reduction in oxidised LDL uptake. Taken together, it is suggested that ceramide blocks the transport of CD36 to the membrane of monocytes/macrophages, thereby preventing uptake of oxidised LDL. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Since the sequencing of the human genome was completed, attention has turned to examining the functionality of the molecular machinery, in particular of protein expression. Differential proteome analysis by two-dimensional electrophoresis has been adopted to study changes in T cell proteomes during T cell activation, and this work is increasing our understanding of the complexity of signals elicited across multiple pathways. The purpose of this review is to summarize the available evidence in the application of proteomic techniques and methodologies to understand T cell receptor activation from lipid raft and cytoskeletal rearrangements, through to signalling cascades, transcription factor modulation and changes in protein expression patterns. These include post-translational modifications, which are not encoded by the genome. © 2007 British Society for Immunology.


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Obesity and insulin resistance are important risk factors for atherosclerosis, and elevated level of plasma NEFA is a common feature in individuals with obesity and insulin resistance. Palmitate, one of the most abundant non-esterified SFA in plasma, has been reported to induce insulin resistance in adipose tissues and skeletal muscles and to cause an increased inflammatory response in monocytes. The present study investigated whether palmitate can induce insulin resistance in monocytes and its effect on monocyte adhesion molecular expression (CD11b). Insulin resistance was measured by in vitro uptake of insulin-stimulated 3H-labelled 2-deoxy-D-glucose into THP-1 cells, cell surface CD11b expression was measured by flow cytometry. The data showed that palmitate-induced insulin resistance in THP-1 monocytes was concentration and time dependent (Figure 1). The insulin-stimulated glucose uptake was significantly decreased in cells treated with 300 mM-palmitate compared with control cells (P<0.001) and was observed within 6 h, but was not a result of palmitate toxicity. There was no significant increase in caspase 3 activation (P>0.05). Treatment with 300 mM-palmitate for 24 h also caused a significant increase in surface CD11b expression in both U937 and THP-1 monocytic cell lines and human primary monocytes compared with the control (P<0.001). Both these effects were inhibited by co-incubation with Fumonisin B1, an inhibitor of de novo ceramide synthesis. In conclusion, these data show that palmitate, at physiological concentrations, can cause insulin resistance in monocytes and increase monocyte surface integrin CD11b expression, which is in part the result of the synthesis of ceramide.


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Objective: C-Reactive protein (CRP) can modulate integrin surface expression on monocytes following Fcγ receptor engagement. We have investigated the signal transduction events causing this phenotypic alteration. Methods: CRP-induced signalling events were examined in THP-1 and primary monocytes, measuring Syk phosphorylation by Western blotting, intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) by Indo-1 fluorescence and surface expression of CD11b by flow cytometry. Cytosolic peroxides were determined by DCF fluorescence. Results: CRP induced phosphorylation of Syk and an increase in [Ca2+]i both of which were inhibitable by the Syk specific antagonist, piceatannol. Piceatannol also inhibited the CRP-induced increase in surface CD11b. In addition, pre-treatment of primary monoytes with the Ca2+ mobiliser, thapsigargin, increased CD11b expression; this effect was accentuated in the presence of CRP but was abolished in the presence of the [Ca2+]i chelator, BAPTA. CRP also increased cytosolic peroxide levels; this effect was attenuated by antioxidants (ascorbate, α-tocopherol), expression of surface CD11b not being inhibited by antioxidants alone. Conclusion: CRP induces CD11b expression in monocytes through a peroxide independent pathway involving both Syk phosphorylation and [Ca2+]i release. © Birkhäuser Verlag, 2005.


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Generation of neoepitopes on apolipoprotein B within oxidised low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is important in the unregulated uptake of LDL by monocytic scavenger receptors (CD36, SR-AI, LOX-1). Freshly isolated LDL was oxidised by peroxyl radicals generated from the thermal decomposition of an aqueous azo-compound. We describe that formation of carbonyl groups on the protein component is early as protein oxidation was seen after 90min. This is associated with an increased propensity for LDL uptake by U937 monocytes. Three classes of antioxidants (quercetin, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and ascorbic acid) have been examined for their capacity to inhibit AAPH-induced protein oxidation, (protein carbonyls, Δ electrophoretic mobility and LDL uptake by U937 monocytes). CD36 expression was assessed by flow cytometry and was seen to be unaltered by oxidised LDL uptake. All three classes were effective antioxidants, quercetin (P<0.01), ascorbic acid (P<0.01), DHEA (P<0.05). As LDL protein is the control point for LDL metabolism, the degree of oxidation and protection by antioxidants is likely to be of great importance for (patho)-physiological uptake of LDL by monocytes. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Monocytes play a central role in inflammatory responses through systemic antigen presentation and cytokine secretion. Regulation of monocyte adhesion molecule and inflammatory gene expression is via redox sensitive transcription factors. Therefore we have investigated the hypothesis that dietary antioxidant supplementation with vitamins C (250mg/d) or E (400iU/d) for six weeks can modulate monocyte ICAM-1 expression in healthy male subjects with low plasma vitamin C at baseline. In a randomised, double-blind, crossover study, ICAM-1 mRNA and protein was analysed using quantitative RTPCR with ELISA measurement of PCR products and by flow cytometry and ELISA respectively. Monocyte numbers were unaltered by supplementation. Subjects with low plasma vitamin C (<50uM) prior to supplementation expressed higher levels of monocyte ICAM-1 mRNA, and showed a significant (50%) reduction in ICAM-1 mRNA expression after 6 weeks of 250mg/d vitamin C supplementation compared to subjects with normal plasma vitamin C. This was paralleled by a reduction in plasma sICAM-1. Vitamin E supplementation had no effect on ICAM-1 expression. For the first time, these results show that dietary vitamin C can modulate monocyte ICAM-1 gene expression in vivo, where regulation of gene expression represents a novel mechanism for benefit from dietary antioxidants.


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Hyperglycaemia has a deferred detrimental effect on glucose metabolism, termed "metabolic memory". Elevated saturated fatty acids promote insulin resistance, hyperglycaemia and associated atherosclerotic complications, but their effect on "metabolic memory" is unknown. Therefore we investigated whether basal and insulin-stimulated (10(-6)M for 12h) glucose (2-deoxy-D-[(3)H]-glucose) uptake was affected by palmitate pre-treatment human THP-1 monocytes. Palmitate-induced a time-dependent and concentration-dependent inhibition of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, showing almost complete abolition of the insulin-stimulatory effect with 300 microM palmitate. Basal glucose uptake was unaffected by palmitate. When palmitate was washed out, the inhibitory effect on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake persisted for at least 60 h.


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Inflammation plays a key role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. The more we discover about the molecular pathways involved in atherosclerosis, the more we perceive the importance of monocytes in this process. Circulating monocytes are components of innate immunity, and many pro-inflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules facilitate their adhesion and migration to the vascular endothelial wall. In addition to the accumulation of lipids and formation of atherogenic 'foam' cells, monocytes may promote atherosclerotic plaque growth by production of inflammatory cytokines, matrix metalloproteinases, and reactive oxidative species. However, the contribution of monocytes to atherogenesis is not only limited to tissue destruction. Monocyte subsets are also involved in intraplaque angiogenesis and tissue reparative processes. The aim of this overview is to discuss the mechanisms of monocyte activation, the pivotal role and importance of activated monocytes in atherosclerotic coronary artery disease, their implication in the development of acute coronary events, and their potential in cardiovascular reparative processes such angiogenesis.


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The present study investigated the effect of the two most abundant FFA in plasma – palmitate and oleate – on insulin sensitivity and vascular function (monocyte phenotype and adhesion to endothelium) using in vitro cell culture models and Wistar rats. Palmitate at 300µM for 6h induced insulin resistance in THP-1 monocytes and L6 monocytes. The ceramide synthesis pathway partly accounted for the palmitate-induced insulin resistance in THP-1 monocytes but not for L6 myotubes. Oleate treatment did not induce insulin resistance in either cell type and co-incubation with oleate protected cells from palmitate-induced insulin resistance. Palmitate at 300µN for 24h significantly increased cell surface CD11b and CD36 expression in U937 monocytes. The increase in CD11b and CD36 expression was effectively inhibited by Fumonisin B1, an inhibitor of ceramide synthesis. Oleate treatment did not show any effect on CD11b and CD36 expression and co-incubation with oleate antagonised the effect of palmitate on CD11b and CD36 expression in U937 monocytes. The increase in CD11b expression did not affect U937 monocyte adhesion to ICAM-1. Treating Wistar rats with palmitate for 6h caused a transient delay in glucose disposal and an increase in adhesion of U937 monocytes to the aortic endothelium, particularly at bifurcations. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that the saturated free fatty acid palmitate induces insulin resistance and a pro-atherogenic phenotype for monocytes, whereas the unsaturated free fatty acid oleate does not. In vivo studies also confirmed that palmitate induces insulin resistance and an increase in monocyte adhesion to aorta.


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Despite improvements in interventional and pharmacological therapy of atherosclerotic disease, it is still the leading cause of death in the developed world. Hence, there is a need for further development of effective therapeutic approaches. This requires better understanding of the molecular mechanisms and pathophysiology of the disease. Atherosclerosis has long been identified as having an inflammatory component contributing to its pathogenesis, whereas the available therapy primarily targets hyperlipidemia and prevention of thrombosis. Notwithstanding a pleotropic anti-inflammatory effect to some therapies, such as acetyl salicylic acid and the statins, none of the currently approved medicines for management of either stable or complicated atherosclerosis has inflammation as a primary target. Monocytes, as representatives of the innate immune system, play a major role in the initiation, propagation, and progression of atherosclerosis from a stable to an unstable state. Experimental data support a role of monocytes in acute coronary syndromes and in outcome post-infarction; however, limited research has been done in humans. Analysis of expression of various cell surface receptors allows characterization of the different monocyte subsets phenotypically, whereas downstream assessment of inflammatory pathways provides an insight into their activity. In this review we discuss the functional role of monocytes and their different subpopulations in atherosclerosis, acute coronary syndromes, cardiac healing, and recovery with an aim of critical evaluation of potential future therapeutic targets in atherosclerosis and its complications. We will also discuss technical difficulties of delineating different monocyte subpopulations, understanding their differentiation potential and function.