5 resultados para Mitochondrial dysfunction

em Aston University Research Archive


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Cellular thiols are critical moieties in signal transduction, regulation of gene expression, and ultimately are determinants of specific protein activity. Whilst protein bound thiols are the critical effector molecules, low molecular weight thiols, such as glutathione, play a central role in cytoprotection through (1) direct consumption of oxidants, (2) regeneration of protein thiols and (3) export of glutathione containing mixed disulphides. The brain is particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress, as it consumes 20% of oxygen load, contains high concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids and iron in certain regions, and expresses low concentrations of enzymic antioxidants. There is substantial evidence for a role for oxidative stress in neurodegenerative disease, where excitotoxic, redox cycling and mitochondrial dysfunction have been postulated to contribute to the enhanced oxidative load. Others have suggested that loss of important trophic factors may underlie neurodegeneration. However, the two are not mutually exclusive; using cell based model systems, low molecular weight antioxidants have been shown to play an important neuroprotective role in vitro, where neurotrophic factors have been suggested to modulate glutathione levels. Glutathione levels are regulated by substrate availability, synthetic enzyme and metabolic enzyme activity, and by the presence of other antioxidants, which according to the redox potential, consume or regenerate GSH from its oxidised partner. Therefore we have investigated the hypothesis that amyloid beta neurotoxicity is mediated by reactive oxygen species, where trophic factor cytoprotection against oxidative stress is achieved through regulation of glutathione levels. Using PC12 cells as a model system, amyloid beta 25-35 caused a shift in DCF fluorescence after four hours in culture. This fluorescence shift was attenuated by both desferioxamine and NGF. After four hours, cellular glutathione levels were depleted by as much as 75%, however, 24 hours following oxidant exposure, glutathione concentration was restored to twice the concentration seen in controls. NGF prevented both the loss of viability seen after 24 hours amyloid beta treatment and also protected glutathione levels. NGF decreased the total cellular glutathione concentration but did not affect expression of GCS. In conclusion, loss of glutathione precedes cell death in PC12 cells. However, at sublethal doses the surviving fraction respond to oxidative stress by increasing glutathione levels, where this is achieved, at least in part, at the gene level through upregulation of GCS. Whilst NGF does protect against oxidative toxicity, this is not achieved through upregulation of GCS or glutathione.


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Autophagy is a highly conserved cellular process responsible for the degradation of long-lived proteins and organelles. Autophagy occurs at low levels under normal conditions, but it is enhanced in response to stress, e.g. nutrient deprivation, hypoxia, mitochondrial dysfunction and infection. "Tissue" transglutaminase (TG2) accumulates, both in vivo and in vitro, to high levels in cells under stressful conditions. Therefore, in this study, we investigated whether TG2 could also play a role in the autophagic process. To this end, we used TG2 knockout mice and cell lines in which the enzyme was either absent or overexpressed. The ablation of TG2 protein both in vivo and in vitro, resulted in an evident accumulation of microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 cleaved isoform II (LC3 II) on pre-autophagic vesicles, suggesting a marked induction of autophagy. By contrast, the formation of the acidic vesicular organelles in the same cells was very limited, indicating an impairment of the final maturation of autophagolysosomes. In fact, the treatment of TG2 proficient cells with NH4Cl, to inhibit lysosomal activity, led to a marked accumulation of LC3 II and damaged mitochondria similar to what we observed in TG2-deficient cells. These data indicate a role for TG2-mediated post-translational modifications of proteins in the maturation of autophagosomes accompanied by the accumulation of many damaged mitochondria.


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Since the earliest descriptions of Alzheimer's disease (AD), many theories have been advanced as to its cause. These include: (1) exacerbation of aging, (2) degeneration of anatomical pathways, including the cholinergic and cortico-cortical pathways, (3) an environmental factor such as exposure to aluminium, head injury, or malnutrition, (4) genetic factors including mutations of amyloid precursor protein (APP) and presenilin (PSEN) genes and allelic variation in apolipoprotein E (Apo E), (5) mitochondrial dysfunction, (6) a compromised blood brain barrier, (7) immune system dysfunction, and (8) infectious agents. This review discusses the evidence for and against each of these theories and concludes that AD is a multifactorial disorder in which genetic and environmental risk factors interact to increase the rate of normal aging ('allostatic load'). The consequent degeneration of neurons and blood vessels results in the formation of abnormally aggregated 'reactive' proteins such as ß-amyloid (Aß) and tau. Gene mutations influence the outcome of age-related neuronal degeneration to cause early onset familial AD (EO-FAD). Where gene mutations are absent and a combination of risk factors present, Aß and tau only slowly accumulate not overwhelming cellular protection systems until later in life causing late-onset sporadic AD (LO-SAD). Aß and tau spread through the brain via cell to cell transfer along anatomical pathways, variation in the pathways of spread leading to the disease heterogeneity characteristic of AD.


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A large number of risk factors have been associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This article discusses the validity of the major risk factors that have been identified including age, genetics, exposure to aluminium, head injury, malnutrition and diet, mitochondrial dysfunction, vascular disease, immune system dysfunction, and infection. Rare forms of early-onset familial AD (FAD) are strongly linked to the presence of specific gene mutations, viz. mutations in amyloid precursor protein (APP) and presenilin (PSEN1/2) genes. By contrast, late-onset sporadic AD (SAD) is a multifactorial disorder in which age-related changes, genetic risk factors, such as allelic variation in apolipoprotein E (Apo E) gene, vascular disease, head injury and risk factors associated with diet, the immune system, mitochondrial function, and infection may all be involved. Life-style changes that may reduce the effect of these risk factors and therefore, the risk of AD are discussed.


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A large number of possible risk factors have been associated with Alzheimer'sdisease (AD).This chapter discusses the validity of the major risk factors that have been identifiedincluding age, genetics, exposure to aluminum, head injury, malnutrition and diet,mitochondrial dysfunction, vascular disease, immune system dysfunction, and infectionand proposes a hypothesis to explain how these various risk factors may cause ADpathology.Rare forms of early-onset familial AD (FAD) are strongly linked to the presence ofspecific gene mutations, viz. mutations in amyloid precursor protein (APP) andpresenilin (PSEN1/2) genes. By contrast, late-onset sporadic AD (SAD) is amultifactorial disorder in which age-related changes, genetic risk factors, such as allelicvariation in apolipoprotein E (Apo E) gene, vascular disease, head injury and risk factorsassociated with diet, immune system, mitochondrial function, and infection may all beinvolved.These risk factors interact to increase the rate of normal aging (=allostatic load')which over a lifetime results in degeneration of neurons and blood vessels and as aconsequence, the formation of abnormally aggregated =reactive' proteins such as ß-amyloid (Aß) and tau leading to the development of senile plaques (SP) andneurofibrillary tangles (NFT) respectively. Life-style changes that may reduce theallostatic load and therefore, the risk of dementia are discussed.