12 resultados para Methylation.

em Aston University Research Archive


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The methylation of cytosinc residues in DNA is thought to play an important role in the regulation of gene expression, with active genes generally being hypomethylated. With this in mind peptides were synthcsised to mimic the cytosine-5 methylation activity carried out by DNA mcthylase, which however, showed no ability to carry out this function. The imidazotetrazinoncs are a novel group of antitumour agents which have demonstrated good activity against a range of murinc tumours and human tumour xenografts, and hypomethylation of DNA has been implicated in the mechanism of action. Studies have been conducted on the mechanism by which such agents cause hypomethylation, using DNA methylase partially purified from murine L1210 leukaemia cells. Unmodified calf thymus DNA does not inhibit the transfer of methyl groups from SAM to M.lysodeikticus DNA by partially purified DNA methylase. However, if the calf thymus DNA is modified by alkylating agents such as imida-zotetrazinones or nitrosoureas, the treated DNA becomes an inhibitor of the methylation reaction. This has been correlated with the induction of DNA damage, such as single strand breaks, since X-ray treated DNA and deoxyribonuclease treatment produces a similar effect. The mechanism of inhibition by the drug treated or damaged DNA is thought to occur by binding of the enzyme to an increased concentration of non-substrate DNA, presumably by the occurrence of single strand breaks, since neither sonication nor treatment with the restriction enzyme Mspl caused an inhibition. Attempts were made to elucidate the strict structure activity relationship for antitumour activity observed amongst the imidazotctrazinones. The transfection of a murine colon adcnocarcinoma cell line (MAC 13) with DNA extracted from GM892 or Raji cells previously treated with either the methyl (temozolomide) or ethyl (ethazolastone) imidazotetrazinone was performed. X-irradiated DNA did not cause any suppression of cell growth, suggesting that it was not due to physical damage. Transfection of MAC 13 cells with DNA extracted from GM892 cells, was more effective at inhibiting growth than DNA from Raji cells. Temozolomide treated cellular DNA was a more potent growth inhibitor than that from ethazolastone treated cells. For both agents the growth inhibitory effect was most marked with DNA extracted 6h after drug addition, and after 24h no growth suppression was observed. This suggested that the growth inhibitory effect is due to a repairable lesion. .The methylation of M.lysodeikticus DNA by DNA methylase is inhibited potently and specifically by both hereto and homoribo and dcoxyri-bopolynucleotides containing guanine residues. The inhibitory effect is unaffected by chain length or sugar residue, but is abolished when the O-6 residue of guanine is substituted as in poly d(OGG)2o. Potent inhibition is also shown by polyinosinic and polyxanthylic acids but not by polyadenylic acid or by heteropolymers containing adcnine and thymine. These results suggest that the 6 position of the purine nucleus is important in binding of the DNA methylase to particular regions of the DNA and that the hydrogen bonding properties of this group are important in enzyme recognition. This was confirmed using synthetic oligonucleotides as substrates for DNA methylase. Enzymatic methylation of cytosine is completely suppressed, when O6 methylguanine replaces guanine in CG sites.


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DNA methylation appears to be involved in the regulation of gene expression. Transcriptionally inactive (silenced) genes normally contain a high proportion of 5-methyl-2'-deoxycytosine residues whereas transcriptionally active genes show much reduced levels. There appears good reason to believe that chemical agents capable of methylating 2'-deoxycytosine might affect gene expression and as a result of hypermethylating promoter regions of cytosine-guanine rich oncogenic sequences, cancer related genes may be silenced. This thesis describes the synthesis of a number of `electrophilic' S-methylsulphonium compounds and assesses their ability to act as molecules capable of methylating cytosine at position 5 and also considers their potential as cytotoxic agents. DNA is methylated in vivo by DNA methyltransferase utilising S-adenoxylmethionine as the methyl donor. This thesis addresses the theory that S-adenoxylmethionine may be replaced as the methyl donor for DNA methytransferase by other sulphonium compounds. S-[3H-methyl]methionine sulphonium iodide was synthesised and experiments to assess the ability of this compounds to transfer methyl groups to cytosine in the presence of DNA methyltransferase were unsuccessful. A proline residue adjacent to a cysteine residue has been identified to a highly conserved feature of the active site region of a large number of prokaryotic DNA methyltransferases. The thesis examines the possibility that short peptides containing the Pro-Cys fragment may be able to facilitate the alkylation of cytosine position 5 by sulphonium compounds. Peptides were synthesised up to 9 amino acids in length but none were shown to exhibit significant activity. Molecular modelling techniques, including Chem-X, Quanta, BIPED and protein structure prediction programs were used to assess any structural similarities that may exist between short peptides containing a Pro-Cys fragment and similar sequences present in proteins. A number of similar structural features were observed.


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A series of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles have been prepared via co-precipitation and controlled thermal sintering, with tunable diameters spanning 7–50 nm. XRD confirms that the inverse spinel structure is adopted by all samples, while XPS shows their surface compositions depend on calcination temperature and associated particle size. Small (<20 nm) particles expose Fe3+ enriched surfaces, whereas larger (∼50 nm) particles formed at higher temperatures possess Co:Fe surface compositions close to the expected 1:2 bulk ratio. A model is proposed in which smaller crystallites expose predominately (1 1 1) facets, preferentially terminated in tetrahedral Fe3+ surface sites, while sintering favours (1 1 0) and (1 0 0) facets and Co:Fe surface compositions closer to the bulk inverse spinel phase. All materials were active towards the gas-phase methylation of phenol to o-cresol at temperatures as low as 300 °C. Under these conditions, materials calcined at 450 and 750 °C exhibit o-cresol selectivities of ∼90% and 80%, respectively. Increasing either particle size or reaction temperature promotes methanol decomposition and the evolution of gaseous reductants (principally CO and H2), which may play a role in CoFe2O4 reduction and the concomitant respective dehydroxylation of phenol to benzene. The degree of methanol decomposition, and consequent H2 or CO evolution, appears to correlate with surface Co2+ content: larger CoFe2O4 nanoparticles have more Co rich surfaces and are more active towards methanol decomposition than their smaller counterparts. Reduction of the inverse spinel surface thus switches catalysis from the regio- and chemo-selective methylation of phenol to o-cresol, towards methanol decomposition and phenol dehydroxylation to benzene. At 300 °C sub-20 nm CoFe2O4 nanoparticles are less active for methanol decomposition and become less susceptible to reduction than their 50 nm counterparts, favouring a high selectivity towards methylation.


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DNA methylation is a major control program that modulates gene expression in a plethora of organisms. Gene silencing through methylation occurs through the activity of DNA methyltransferases, enzymes that transfer a methyl group from S-adenosyl-l-methionine to the carbon 5 position of cytosine. DNA methylation patterns are established by the de novo DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) DNMT3A and DNMT3B and are subsequently maintained by DNMT1. Aging and age-related diseases include defined changes in 5-methylcytosine content and are generally characterized by genome-wide hypomethylation and promoter-specific hypermethylation. These changes in the epigenetic landscape represent potential disease biomarkers and are thought to contribute to age-related pathologies, such as cancer, osteoarthritis, and neurodegeneration. Some diseases, such as a hereditary form of sensory neuropathy accompanied by dementia, are directly caused by methylomic changes. Epigenetic modifications, however, are reversible and are therefore a prime target for therapeutic intervention. Numerous drugs that specifically target DNMTs are being tested in ongoing clinical trials for a variety of cancers, and data from finished trials demonstrate that some, such as 5-azacytidine, may even be superior to standard care. DNMTs, demethylases, and associated partners are dynamically shaping the methylome and demonstrate great promise with regard to rejuvenation. © Copyright 2012, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 2012.


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Most of the new processes involving the utilisation of coal are based on hydroliquefaction, and in order to assess the suitability of the various coals for this purpose and to characterise coals in general, it is desirable to have a detailed and accurate knowledge of their chemical constitution and reactivity. Also, in the consumption of coals as chemical feed stocks, as in hydroliquefaction, it is advantageous to classify the coals in terms of chemical parameters as opposed to, or in addition to, carbonisation parameters. In view of this it is important to realise the functional groups on the coal hydrocarbon skeleton. In this research it was attempted to characterise coals of various rank (and subsequently their macerals) via methods involving both microwave-driven and bench top derivatisation of the hydroxyl functionalities present in coal. These hydroxyl groups are predominantly in the form of hindered phenolic groups, with other alcoholic groupings being less important, in the coals studied here. Four different techniques were employed, three of which - stannylation, silylation and methylation - were based on in situ analysis. The fourth technique - acetylation - involved derivatisation followed by analysis of a leaving group. The four different techniques were critically compared and it is concluded that silylation is the most promising technique for the evaluation of the hydroxyl content of middle rank coals and coal macerals. Derivatisation via stannylation using TBTO was impeded due to the large steric demand of the reagent and acetylation did not successfully derivatise the more hindered phenolic groups. Three novel methylation techniques were investigated and two of these show great potential. The information obtained from the techniques was correlated together to give a comprehensive insight into the coals and coal macerals studied.


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The organic matter in five oil shales (three from the Kimmeridge Clay sequence, one from the Oxford Clay sequence and one from the Julia Creek deposits in Australia) has been isolated by acid demineralisation, separated into kerogens and bitumens by solvent extraction and then characterised in some detail by chromatographic, spectroscopic and degradative techniques. Kerogens cannot be characterised as easily as bitumens because of their insolubility, and hence before any detailed molecular information can be obtained from them they must be degraded into lower molecular weight, more soluble components. Unfortunately, the determination of kerogen structures has all too often involved degradations that were far too harsh and which lead to destruction of much of the structural information. For this reason a number of milder more selective degradative procedures have been tested and used to probe the structure of kerogens. These are: 1. Lithium aluminium hydride reduction. - This procedure is commonly used to remove pyrite from kerogens and it may also increase their solubility by reduction of labile functional groups. Although reduction of the kerogens was confirmed, increases in solubility were correlated with pyrite content and not kerogen reduction. 2. O-methylation in the presence of a phase transfer catalyst. - By the removal of hydrogen bond interactions via O-methylation, it was possible to determine the contribution of such secondary interactions to the insolubility of the kerogens. Problems were encountered with the use of the phase transfer catalyst. 3. Stepwise alkaline potassium permanganate oxidation. - Significant kerogen dissolution was achieved using this procedure but uncontrolled oxidation of initial oxidation products proved to be a problem. A comparison with the peroxytrifluoroaceticacid oxidation of these kerogens was made. 4. Peroxytrifluoroacetic acid oxidation. - This was used because it preferentially degrades aromatic rings whilst leaving any benzylic positions intact. Considerable conversion of the kerogens into soluble products was achieved with this procedure. At all stages of degradation the products were fully characterised where possible using a variety of techniques including elemental analysis, solution state 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance, solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance, gel-permeationchromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy, fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy and some ultra violet-visible spectroscopy.


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Three British bituminous coals, (Gedling, Cresswell, and Cortonwood Silkstone) were selected for study. Procedures were developed, using phase transfer catalysts (PTC's), to degrade the solvent insoluble fractions of the coals. PTC's are of interest because they have the potential to bring about selective high conversion reactions, under mild conditions, (often in the past, severe reaction conditions have had to be used to degrade the coals, this in turn resulted in the loss of much of the structural information). We have applied a variety of physical and chemical techniques to maximise the amount of structural information, these include, elemental analysis, 1H-NMR, 13C-CPMAS-NMR, GPC, GC-MS, FTIR spectroscopy, DRIFT spectroscopy, and gas adsorption measurements. The main conclusions from the work are listed below:- ( 1 ) PTC O-methylation; This reaction removes hydrogen bonds within the coal matrix by 'capping' the phenolic groups. It was found that the polymer-like matrix could be made more flexible, but not significantly more soluble, by O-methylation. I.E. the trapped or 'mobile' phase of the coals could be removed at a faster rate after this reaction had been carried out. ( 2 ) PTC Reductive and Acidic Ether Cleavage; The three coals were found to contain insignificant amounts of dialkyl and alkyl aryl ethers. The number of diaryl ethers could not be estimated, by reductive ether cleavage, (even though a high proportion of all three coals was solublised). The majority of the ethers present in the coals were inert to both cleavage methods, and are therefore assumed to be heterocyclic ethers. ( 3 ) Trif!uoroperacetic Acid Oxidation; This oxidant was used to study the aliphatic portions of the polymer-like macromolecular matrix of the coals. Normally this reagent will only solublise low rank coals, we however have developed a method whereby trifluoroperacetic acid can be used to degrade high rank bituminous coals. ( 4 ) PTC/Permanganate Oxidation; This reagent has been found to be much more selective than the traditional alkaline permanganate oxidation, with a lot more structural information being retained within the various fractions. This degradative method therefore has the potential of yielding new information about the molecular structure of coals.


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The hepatotoxicity of the industrial solvent and investigational anti-tumour agent N-methylformamide (NMF, HOCNHCH3) and several structural analogues was assessed in mice. NMF and its ethyl analogue (NEF) were equipotent hepatotoxins causing extensive centrilobular necrosis and damage to the gall bladder. Pretreatment of mice with SKF525A did not influence the toxicity of these N-alkylformamides. Replacement of the formyl hydrogen of NMF with deuterium or methyl significantly reduced its hepatotoxicity. An in vitro model for the study of the toxicity and metabolism of N-alkylformamides was developed using isolated mouse hepatocytes. The cytotoxicity of NMF in vitro was concentration-dependent with maximal toxicity being achieved at concentrations of 5mM or above. The cytotoxic potential of related amides correlated well with their in vivo hepatotoxic potential. Pretreatment of mice with buthionine sulphoximine (BSO), which depleted hepatocytic levels of glutathione to 15% of control values, exacerbated the cytotoxicity of NMF towards the hepatocytes. NMF (1mM or above), incubated with isolated mouse hepatocytes, depleted intracellular glutathione levels to 26% of control values within 4h. Depletion of glutathione was quantitatively matched by the formation of a carbamoylating metabolite. Metabolism was dependent on the concentration of NMF and was drastically reduced in incubations of hepatocytes isolated from mice pretreated with BSO. The carbamoylating metabolite, S-(N-methylcarbamoyl)-glutathione (SMG), was identified in vitro using FAB-MS. The generation of SMG was subject to a large primary H/D kinetic isotope effect when the formyl hydrogen was replaced with deuterium. Likewise, glutathione depletion and metabolite formation were reduced or abolished by the deuteration or methylation of the formyl moiety of NMF. NEF, like NMF, depleted hepatocytic glutathione levels and was metabolised to a carbamoylating metabolite. Radioactivity derived from 14C-NMF and 14C-NEF, labelled in the alkyl moieties, was found to be irreversibly associated with microsomal protein on incubation in vitro. Binding was dependent on the presence of NADPH and was mostly abolished in the presence of reduced glutathione. SKF525A failed to influence the binding.


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Purine and pyrimidine triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs), as potential antibacterial agents, were designed to bind by Hoogsteen and reverse Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds in a sequence specific manner in the major groove of genomic DNA at specific polypurine sites within the gyrA gene of E. coli and S. pneumoniae. Sequences were prepared by automated synthesis, with purification and characterisation determined by high performance liquid chromatograpy, capillary electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. Triplex stability was assessed using melting curves where the binding of the third strand to the duplex target, was assessed over a temperature range of 0-80°C, and at pH 6.4 and 7.2. The most successful of the unmodified TFOs (6) showed a Tm value of 26 °C at both pH values with binding via reverse Hoogsteen bonds. Binding to genomic DNA was also demonstrated by spectrofluorimetry, using fluorescein-labelled TFOs, from which dissociation constants were determined. Modifications in the form of 5mC, 5' acridine attachment, phosphorothioation, 2'-0-methylation and phosphoramidation, were made in order to. increase Tm values. Phosphoramidate modification was the most with increased Tm values of 42°C. However, the final purity of these sequences was poor due to their difficult syntheses. FACS (fluorescent activated cell sorting) analysis was used to determine the potential uptake of a fluorescently labelled analogue of 6 via passive, coJd shock mediated, and anionic liposome aided, uptake. This was established at 20°C and 37°C. At both temperatures anionic lipid-mediated uptake produced unrivalled fluorescence, equivalent to 20 and 43% at 20 and 37°C respectively. Antibacterial activity of each oligonucleotide was assessed by viable count anaJysis relying on passive uptake, cold shocking techniques, chlorpromazine-mediated uptake, and, cationic and anionic lipid-aided uptake. All oligonucleotides were assessed for their ability to enhance uptake, which is a major barrier to the effectiveness of these agents. Compound 6 under cold shocking conditions produced the greatest consistent decline in colony forming units per ml. Results for this compound were sometimes variable indicating inconsistent uptake by this particular assay method.


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Gastric absorption of feruloylquinic acid and di-O-caffeoylquinic acid analogs has never been investigated despite their potential contribution to the proposed beneficial health effects leading to reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. Using a cultured gastric epithelial model, with an acidic apical pH, the relative permeability coefficients (P(app)) and metabolic fate of a series of chlorogenic acids (CGAs) were investigated. Mechanistic studies were performed in the apical to basal direction and demonstrated differential rates of absorption for different CGA subgroups. For the first time, we show intact absorption of feruloylquinic acids and caffeoylquinic acid lactones across the gastric epithelium (P(app) ~ 0.2 cm/s). Transport seemed to be mainly by passive diffusion, because good linearity was observed over the incubation period and test concentrations, and we speculate that a potential carrier-mediated component may be involved in uptake of certain 4-acyl CGA isomers. In contrast, absorption of intact di-O-caffeoylquinic acids was rapid (P(app) ~ 2-10 cm/s) but nonlinear with respect to time and concentration dependence, which was potentially limited by interaction with an efflux transporter and/or pH gradient dependence. For the first time, methylation is shown in gastric mucosa. Furthermore, isoferulic acid, dimethoxycinnamic acid, and ferulic acid were identified as novel gastric metabolites of CGA biotransformation. We propose that the stomach is the first location for the release of hydroxycinnamic acids, which could explain their early detection after coffee consumption.


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Full text: The idea of producing proteins from recombinant DNA hatched almost half a century ago. In his PhD thesis, Peter Lobban foresaw the prospect of inserting foreign DNA (from any source, including mammalian cells) into the genome of a λ phage in order to detect and recover protein products from Escherichia coli [ 1 and 2]. Only a few years later, in 1977, Herbert Boyer and his colleagues succeeded in the first ever expression of a peptide-coding gene in E. coli — they produced recombinant somatostatin [ 3] followed shortly after by human insulin. The field has advanced enormously since those early days and today recombinant proteins have become indispensable in advancing research and development in all fields of the life sciences. Structural biology, in particular, has benefitted tremendously from recombinant protein biotechnology, and an overwhelming proportion of the entries in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) are based on heterologously expressed proteins. Nonetheless, synthesizing, purifying and stabilizing recombinant proteins can still be thoroughly challenging. For example, the soluble proteome is organized to a large part into multicomponent complexes (in humans often comprising ten or more subunits), posing critical challenges for recombinant production. A third of all proteins in cells are located in the membrane, and pose special challenges that require a more bespoke approach. Recent advances may now mean that even these most recalcitrant of proteins could become tenable structural biology targets on a more routine basis. In this special issue, we examine progress in key areas that suggests this is indeed the case. Our first contribution examines the importance of understanding quality control in the host cell during recombinant protein production, and pays particular attention to the synthesis of recombinant membrane proteins. A major challenge faced by any host cell factory is the balance it must strike between its own requirements for growth and the fact that its cellular machinery has essentially been hijacked by an expression construct. In this context, Bill and von der Haar examine emerging insights into the role of the dependent pathways of translation and protein folding in defining high-yielding recombinant membrane protein production experiments for the common prokaryotic and eukaryotic expression hosts. Rather than acting as isolated entities, many membrane proteins form complexes to carry out their functions. To understand their biological mechanisms, it is essential to study the molecular structure of the intact membrane protein assemblies. Recombinant production of membrane protein complexes is still a formidable, at times insurmountable, challenge. In these cases, extraction from natural sources is the only option to prepare samples for structural and functional studies. Zorman and co-workers, in our second contribution, provide an overview of recent advances in the production of multi-subunit membrane protein complexes and highlight recent achievements in membrane protein structural research brought about by state-of-the-art near-atomic resolution cryo-electron microscopy techniques. E. coli has been the dominant host cell for recombinant protein production. Nonetheless, eukaryotic expression systems, including yeasts, insect cells and mammalian cells, are increasingly gaining prominence in the field. The yeast species Pichia pastoris, is a well-established recombinant expression system for a number of applications, including the production of a range of different membrane proteins. Byrne reviews high-resolution structures that have been determined using this methylotroph as an expression host. Although it is not yet clear why P. pastoris is suited to producing such a wide range of membrane proteins, its ease of use and the availability of diverse tools that can be readily implemented in standard bioscience laboratories mean that it is likely to become an increasingly popular option in structural biology pipelines. The contribution by Columbus concludes the membrane protein section of this volume. In her overview of post-expression strategies, Columbus surveys the four most common biochemical approaches for the structural investigation of membrane proteins. Limited proteolysis has successfully aided structure determination of membrane proteins in many cases. Deglycosylation of membrane proteins following production and purification analysis has also facilitated membrane protein structure analysis. Moreover, chemical modifications, such as lysine methylation and cysteine alkylation, have proven their worth to facilitate crystallization of membrane proteins, as well as NMR investigations of membrane protein conformational sampling. Together these approaches have greatly facilitated the structure determination of more than 40 membrane proteins to date. It may be an advantage to produce a target protein in mammalian cells, especially if authentic post-translational modifications such as glycosylation are required for proper activity. Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells and Human Embryonic Kidney (HEK) 293 cell lines have emerged as excellent hosts for heterologous production. The generation of stable cell-lines is often an aspiration for synthesizing proteins expressed in mammalian cells, in particular if high volumetric yields are to be achieved. In his report, Buessow surveys recent structures of proteins produced using stable mammalian cells and summarizes both well-established and novel approaches to facilitate stable cell-line generation for structural biology applications. The ambition of many biologists is to observe a protein's structure in the native environment of the cell itself. Until recently, this seemed to be more of a dream than a reality. Advances in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy techniques, however, have now made possible the observation of mechanistic events at the molecular level of protein structure. Smith and colleagues, in an exciting contribution, review emerging ‘in-cell NMR’ techniques that demonstrate the potential to monitor biological activities by NMR in real time in native physiological environments. A current drawback of NMR as a structure determination tool derives from size limitations of the molecule under investigation and the structures of large proteins and their complexes are therefore typically intractable by NMR. A solution to this challenge is the use of selective isotope labeling of the target protein, which results in a marked reduction of the complexity of NMR spectra and allows dynamic processes even in very large proteins and even ribosomes to be investigated. Kerfah and co-workers introduce methyl-specific isotopic labeling as a molecular tool-box, and review its applications to the solution NMR analysis of large proteins. Tyagi and Lemke next examine single-molecule FRET and crosslinking following the co-translational incorporation of non-canonical amino acids (ncAAs); the goal here is to move beyond static snap-shots of proteins and their complexes and to observe them as dynamic entities. The encoding of ncAAs through codon-suppression technology allows biomolecules to be investigated with diverse structural biology methods. In their article, Tyagi and Lemke discuss these approaches and speculate on the design of improved host organisms for ‘integrative structural biology research’. Our volume concludes with two contributions that resolve particular bottlenecks in the protein structure determination pipeline. The contribution by Crepin and co-workers introduces the concept of polyproteins in contemporary structural biology. Polyproteins are widespread in nature. They represent long polypeptide chains in which individual smaller proteins with different biological function are covalently linked together. Highly specific proteases then tailor the polyprotein into its constituent proteins. Many viruses use polyproteins as a means of organizing their proteome. The concept of polyproteins has now been exploited successfully to produce hitherto inaccessible recombinant protein complexes. For instance, by means of a self-processing synthetic polyprotein, the influenza polymerase, a high-value drug target that had remained elusive for decades, has been produced, and its high-resolution structure determined. In the contribution by Desmyter and co-workers, a further, often imposing, bottleneck in high-resolution protein structure determination is addressed: The requirement to form stable three-dimensional crystal lattices that diffract incident X-ray radiation to high resolution. Nanobodies have proven to be uniquely useful as crystallization chaperones, to coax challenging targets into suitable crystal lattices. Desmyter and co-workers review the generation of nanobodies by immunization, and highlight the application of this powerful technology to the crystallography of important protein specimens including G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Recombinant protein production has come a long way since Peter Lobban's hypothesis in the late 1960s, with recombinant proteins now a dominant force in structural biology. The contributions in this volume showcase an impressive array of inventive approaches that are being developed and implemented, ever increasing the scope of recombinant technology to facilitate the determination of elusive protein structures. Powerful new methods from synthetic biology are further accelerating progress. Structure determination is now reaching into the living cell with the ultimate goal of observing functional molecular architectures in action in their native physiological environment. We anticipate that even the most challenging protein assemblies will be tackled by recombinant technology in the near future.


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Cells and organisms respond to nutrient deprivation by decreasing global rates of transcription, translation and DNA replication. To what extent such changes can be reversed is largely unknown. We examined the effect of maternal dietary restriction on RNA synthesis in the offspring. Low protein diet fed either throughout gestation or for the preimplantation period alone reduced cellular RNA content across fetal somatic tissues during challenge and increased it beyond controls in fetal and adult tissues after challenge release. Changes in transcription of ribosomal RNA, the major component of cellular RNA, were responsible for this phenotype as evidenced by matching alterations in RNA polymerase I density and DNA methylation at ribosomal DNA loci. Cellular levels of the ribosomal transcription factor Rrn3 mirrored the rRNA expression pattern. In cell culture experiments, Rrn3 overexpression reduced rDNA methylation and increased rRNA expression; the converse occurred after inhibition of Rrn3 activity. These observations define novel mechanism where poor nutrition before implantation irreversibly alters basal rates of rRNA transcription thereafter in a process mediated by rDNA methylation and Rrn3 factor.