10 resultados para Meta heuristic algorithm
em Aston University Research Archive
With the reformation of spectrum policy and the development of cognitive radio, secondary users will be allowed to access spectrums licensed to primary users. Spectrum auctions can facilitate this secondary spectrum access in a market-driven way. To design an efficient auction framework, we first study the supply and demand pressures and the competitive equilibrium of the secondary spectrum market, considering the spectrum reusability. In well-designed auctions, competition among participants should lead to the competitive equilibrium according to the traditional economic point of view. Then, a discriminatory price spectrum double auction framework is proposed for this market. In this framework, rational participants compete with each other by using bidding prices, and their profits are guaranteed to be non-negative. A near-optimal heuristic algorithm is also proposed to solve the auction clearing problem of the proposed framework efficiently. Experimental results verify the efficiency of the proposed auction clearing algorithm and demonstrate that competition among secondary users and primary users can lead to the competitive equilibrium during auction iterations using the proposed auction framework. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This paper discusses the potentiality of reconfiguring distribution networks into islanded Microgrids to reduce the network infrastructure reinforcement requirement and incorporate various dispersed energy resources. The major challenge would be properly breaking down the network and its resultant protection and automation system changes. A reconfiguration method is proposed based on allocation of distributed generation resources to fulfil this purpose, with a heuristic algorithm. Cost/reliability data is required for the next stage tasks to realise a case study of a particular network.
The distribution of finished products from depots to customers is a practical and challenging problem in logistics management. Better routing and scheduling decisions can result in higher level of customer satisfaction because more customers can be served in a shorter time. The distribution problem is generally formulated as the vehicle routing problem (VRP). Nevertheless, there is a rigid assumption that there is only one depot. In cases, for instance, where a logistics company has more than one depot, the VRP is not suitable. To resolve this limitation, this paper focuses on the VRP with multiple depots, or multi-depot VRP (MDVRP). The MDVRP is NP-hard, which means that an efficient algorithm for solving the problem to optimality is unavailable. To deal with the problem efficiently, two hybrid genetic algorithms (HGAs) are developed in this paper. The major difference between the HGAs is that the initial solutions are generated randomly in HGA1. The Clarke and Wright saving method and the nearest neighbor heuristic are incorporated into HGA2 for the initialization procedure. A computational study is carried out to compare the algorithms with different problem sizes. It is proved that the performance of HGA2 is superior to that of HGA1 in terms of the total delivery time.
This paper formulates several mathematical models for determining the optimal sequence of component placements and assignment of component types to feeders simultaneously or the integrated scheduling problem for a type of surface mount technology placement machines, called the sequential pick-andplace (PAP) machine. A PAP machine has multiple stationary feeders storing components, a stationary working table holding a printed circuit board (PCB), and a movable placement head to pick up components from feeders and place them to a board. The objective of integrated problem is to minimize the total distance traveled by the placement head. Two integer nonlinear programming models are formulated first. Then, each of them is equivalently converted into an integer linear type. The models for the integrated problem are verified by two commercial packages. In addition, a hybrid genetic algorithm previously developed by the authors is adopted to solve the models. The algorithm not only generates the optimal solutions quickly for small-sized problems, but also outperforms the genetic algorithms developed by other researchers in terms of total traveling distance.
The collect-and-place machine is one of the most widely used placement machines for assembling electronic components on the printed circuit boards (PCBs). Nevertheless, the number of researches concerning the optimisation of the machine performance is very few. This motivates us to study the component scheduling problem for this type of machine with the objective of minimising the total assembly time. The component scheduling problem is an integration of the component sequencing problem, that is, the sequencing of component placements; and the feeder arrangement problem, that is, the assignment of component types to feeders. To solve the component scheduling problem efficiently, a hybrid genetic algorithm is developed in this paper. A numerical example is used to compare the performance of the algorithm with different component grouping approaches and different population sizes.
A chip shooter machine for electronic component assembly has a movable feeder carrier, a movable X–Y table carrying a printed circuit board (PCB), and a rotary turret with multiple assembly heads. This paper presents a hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) to optimize the sequence of component placements and the arrangement of component types to feeders simultaneously for a chip shooter machine, that is, the component scheduling problem. The objective of the problem is to minimize the total assembly time. The GA developed in the paper hybridizes different search heuristics including the nearest-neighbor heuristic, the 2-opt heuristic, and an iterated swap procedure, which is a new improved heuristic. Compared with the results obtained by other researchers, the performance of the HGA is superior in terms of the assembly time. Scope and purpose When assembling the surface mount components on a PCB, it is necessary to obtain the optimal sequence of component placements and the best arrangement of component types to feeders simultaneously in order to minimize the total assembly time. Since it is very difficult to obtain the optimality, a GA hybridized with several search heuristics is developed. The type of machines being studied is the chip shooter machine. This paper compares the algorithm with a simple GA. It shows that the performance of the algorithm is superior to that of the simple GA in terms of the total assembly time.
A chip shooter machine for electronic components assembly has a movable feeder carrier holding components, a movable X-Y table carrying a printed circuit board (PCB), and a rotary turret having multiple assembly heads. This paper presents a hybrid genetic algorithm to optimize the sequence of component placements for a chip shooter machine. The objective of the problem is to minimize the total traveling distance of the X-Y table or the board. The genetic algorithm developed in the paper hybridizes the nearest neighbor heuristic, and an iterated swap procedure, which is a new improved heuristic. We have compared the performance of the hybrid genetic algorithm with that of the approach proposed by other researchers and have demonstrated our algorithm is superior in terms of the distance traveled by the X-Y table or the board.
This paper presents a hybrid genetic algorithm to optimize the sequence of component placements on a printed circuit board and the arrangement of component types to feeders simultaneously for a pick-and-place machine with multiple stationary feeders, a fixed board table and a movable placement head. The objective of the problem is to minimize the total travelling distance, or the travelling time, of the placement head. The genetic algorithm developed in the paper hybrisizes different search heuristics including the nearest neighbor heuristic, the 2-opt heuristic, and an iterated swap procedure, which is a new improving heuristic. Compared with the results obtained by other researchers, the performance of the hybrid genetic algorithm is superior to others in terms of the distance travelled by the placement head.
Many practical routing algorithms are heuristic, adhoc and centralized, rendering generic and optimal path configurations difficult to obtain. Here we study a scenario whereby selected nodes in a given network communicate with fixed routers and employ statistical physics methods to obtain optimal routing solutions subject to a generic cost. A distributive message-passing algorithm capable of optimizing the path configuration in real instances is devised, based on the analytical derivation, and is greatly simplified by expanding the cost function around the optimized flow. Good algorithmic convergence is observed in most of the parameter regimes. By applying the algorithm, we study and compare the pros and cons of balanced traffic configurations to that of consolidated traffic, which provides important implications to practical communication and transportation networks. Interesting macroscopic phenomena are observed from the optimized states as an interplay between the communication density and the cost functions used. © 2013 IEEE.
We analyze a business model for e-supermarkets to enable multi-product sourcing capacity through co-opetition (collaborative competition). The logistics aspect of our approach is to design and execute a network system where “premium” goods are acquired from vendors at multiple locations in the supply network and delivered to customers. Our specific goals are to: (i) investigate the role of premium product offerings in creating critical mass and profit; (ii) develop a model for the multiple-pickup single-delivery vehicle routing problem in the presence of multiple vendors; and (iii) propose a hybrid solution approach. To solve the problem introduced in this paper, we develop a hybrid metaheuristic approach that uses a Genetic Algorithm for vendor selection and allocation, and a modified savings algorithm for the capacitated VRP with multiple pickup, single delivery and time windows (CVRPMPDTW). The proposed Genetic Algorithm guides the search for optimal vendor pickup location decisions, and for each generated solution in the genetic population, a corresponding CVRPMPDTW is solved using the savings algorithm. We validate our solution approach against published VRPTW solutions and also test our algorithm with Solomon instances modified for CVRPMPDTW.