33 resultados para Measurement Techniques, Fibreoptic

em Aston University Research Archive


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Off-highway motive plant equipment is costly in capital outlay and maintenance. To reduce these overheads and increase site safety and workrate, a technique of assessing and limiting the velocity of such equipment is required. Due to the extreme environmental conditions met on such sites, conventional velocity measurement techniques are inappropriate. Ogden Electronics Limited were formed specifically to manufacture a motive plant safety system incorporating a speed sensor and sanction unit; to date, the only such commercial unit available. However, problems plague the reliability, accuracy and mass production of this unit. This project assesses the company's exisiting product, and in conjunction with an appreciation of the company history and structure, concludes that this unit is unsuited to its intended application. Means of improving the measurement accuracy and longevity of this unit, commensurate with the company's limited resources and experience, are proposed, both for immediate retrofit and for longer term use. This information is presented in the form of a number of internal reports for the company. The off-highway environment is examined; and in conjunction with an evaluation of means of obtaining a returned signal, comparisons of processing techniques, and on-site gathering of previously unavailable data, preliminary designs for an alternative product are drafted. Theoretical aspects are covered by a literature review of ground-pointing radar, vehicular radar, and velocity measuring systems. This review establishes and collates the body of knowledge in areas previously considered unrelated. Based upon this work, a new design is proposed which is suitable for incorporation into the existing company product range. Following production engineering of the design, five units were constructed, tested and evaluated on-site. After extended field trials, this design has shown itself to possess greater accuracy, reliability and versatility than the existing sensor, at a lower unit cost.


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In dimensional metrology, often the largest source of uncertainty of measurement is thermal variation. Dimensional measurements are currently scaled linearly, using ambient temperature measurements and coefficients of thermal expansion, to ideal metrology conditions at 20˚C. This scaling is particularly difficult to implement with confidence in large volumes as the temperature is unlikely to be uniform, resulting in thermal gradients. A number of well-established computational methods are used in the design phase of product development for the prediction of thermal and gravitational effects, which could be used to a greater extent in metrology. This paper outlines the theory of how physical measurements of dimension and temperature can be combined more comprehensively throughout the product lifecycle, from design through to the manufacturing phase. The Hybrid Metrology concept is also introduced: an approach to metrology, which promises to improve product and equipment integrity in future manufacturing environments. The Hybrid Metrology System combines various state of the art physical dimensional and temperature measurement techniques with established computational methods to better predict thermal and gravitational effects.


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Premium Intraocular Lenses (IOLs) such as toric IOLs, multifocal IOLs (MIOLs) and accommodating IOLs (AIOLs) can provide better refractive and visual outcomes compared to standard monofocal designs, leading to greater levels of post-operative spectacle independence. The principal theme of this thesis relates to the development of new assessment techniques that can help to improve future premium IOL design. IOLs designed to correct astigmatism form the focus of the first part of the thesis. A novel toric IOL design was devised to decrease the effect of toric rotation on patient visual acuity, but found to have neither a beneficial or detrimental impact on visual acuity retention. IOL tilt, like rotation, may curtail visual performance; however current IOL tilt measurement techniques require the use of specialist equipment not readily available in most ophthalmological clinics. Thus a new idea that applied Pythagoras’s theory to digital images of IOL optic symmetricality in order to calculate tilt was proposed, and shown to be both accurate and highly repeatable. A literature review revealed little information on the relationship between IOL tilt, decentration and rotation and so this was examined. A poor correlation between these factors was found, indicating they occur independently of each other. Next, presbyopia correcting IOLs were investigated. The light distribution of different MIOLs and an AIOL was assessed using perimetry, to establish whether this could be used to inform optimal IOL design. Anticipated differences in threshold sensitivity between IOLs were not however found, thus perimetry was concluded to be ineffective in mapping retinal projection of blur. The observed difference between subjective and objective measures of accommodation, arising from the influence of pseudoaccommodative factors, was explored next to establish how much additional objective power would be required to restore the eye’s focus with AIOLs. Blur tolerance was found to be the key contributor to the ocular depth of focus, with an approximate dioptric influence of 0.60D. Our understanding of MIOLs may be limited by the need for subjective defocus curves, which are lengthy and do not permit important additional measures to be undertaken. The use of aberrometry to provide faster objective defocus curves was examined. Although subjective and objective measures related well, the peaks of the MIOL defocus curve profile were not evident with objective prediction of acuity, indicating a need for further refinement of visual quality metrics based on ocular aberrations. The experiments detailed in the thesis evaluate methods to improve visual performance with toric IOLs. They also investigate new techniques to allow more rapid post-operative assessment of premium IOLs, which could allow greater insights to be obtained into several aspects of visual quality, in order to optimise future IOL design and ultimately enhance patient satisfaction.


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Loss of coolant accidents (LOCA) in the primary cooling circuit of a nuclear reactor may result in damage to insulation materials that are located near to the leak. The insulation materials released may compromise the operation of the emergency core cooling system (ECCS). Insulation material in the form of mineral wool fibre agglomerates (MWFA) maybe transported to the containment sump strainers mounted at the inlet of the emergency cooling pumps, where the insulation fibres may block or penetrate the strainers. In addition to the impact of MWFA on the pressure drop across the strainers, corrosion products formed over time may also accumulate in the fibre cakes on the strainers, which can lead to a significant increase in the strainer pressure drop and result in cavitation in the ECCS. Thus, knowledge of transport characteristics of the damaged insulation materials in various scenarios is required to help plan for the long-term operability of nuclear reactors, which undergo LOCA. An experimental and theoretical study performed by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and the Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz1 is investigating the phenomena that maybe observed in the containment vessel during a LOCA. The study entails the generation of fibre agglomerates, the determination of their transport properties in single and multi-effect experiments and the long-term effect that corrosion of the containment internals by the coolant has on the strainer pressure drop. The focus of this presentation is on the experiments performed that characterize the horizontal transport of MWFA, whereas the corresponding CFD simulations are described in an accompanying contribution (see abstract of Cartland Glover et al.). The experiments were performed a racetrack type channel that provided a near uniform horizontal flow. The channel is 0.1 wide by 1.2 m high with a straight length of 5 m and two bends of 0.5 m. The measurement techniques include particle imaging (both wide-angle and macro lens), concurrent particle image velocimetry, ultravelocimetry, laser detection sensors to sense the presence of absence of MWFA and pertinent measurements of the MWFA concentration and quiescent settling characteristics. The transport of the MWFA was observed at velocities of 0.1 and 0.25 m s-1 to verify numerical model behaviour in and just beyond expected velocities in the containment sump of a nuclear reactor.


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This review compares the results of studies that have investigated the impact of lutein and zeaxanthin supplementation on macular pigment optical density (MPOD) with those that have investigated the reliability of techniques used to measure macular pigment optical density. The review will focus on studies that have used heterochromatic flicker photometry for measurement of macular pigment optical density, as this is the only technique that is currently available commercially to clinicians. We identified articles that reported on supplementation with lutein and/or zeaxanthin and/or meso-zeaxanthin on macular pigment optical density measurement techniques published in peer-reviewed journals, through a multi-staged, systematic approach. Twenty-four studies have investigated the repeatability of MPOD measurements using heterochromatic flicker photometry. Of these, 10 studies provided a coefficient of repeatability or data from which the coefficient could be calculated, with a range in values of 0.06 to 0.58. The lowest coefficient of repeatability assessed on naïve subjects alone was 0.08. These values tell us that, at best, changes greater than 0.08 can be considered clinically significant and at worst, only changes greater than 0.58 can be considered clinically significant. Six studies assessed the effect of supplementation with up to 20 mg/day lutein on macular pigment optical density measured using heterochromatic flicker photometry and the mean increase in macular pigment optical density ranged from 0.025 to 0.09. It seems reasonable to conclude that the chance of eliciting an increase in macular pigment optical density during six months of daily supplementation with between 10 and 20 mg lutein that is of sufficient magnitude to be detected by using heterochromatic flicker photometry on an individual basis is small. Commercially available heterochromatic flicker photometers for macular pigment optical density assessment in the clinical environment appear to demonstrate particularly poor coefficient of repeatability values. Clinicians should exercise caution when considering the purchase of these instruments for potential monitoring of macular pigment optical density in response to supplementation in individual patients.


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This thesis was concerned with investigating methods of improving the IOP pulse’s potential as a measure of clinical utility. There were three principal sections to the work. 1. Optimisation of measurement and analysis of the IOP pulse. A literature review, covering the years 1960 – 2002 and other relevant scientific publications, provided a knowledge base on the IOP pulse. Initial studies investigated suitable instrumentation and measurement techniques. Fourier transformation was identified as a promising method of analysing the IOP pulse and this technique was developed. 2. Investigation of ocular and systemic variables that affect IOP pulse measurements In order to recognise clinically important changes in IOP pulse measurement, studies were performed to identify influencing factors. Fourier analysis was tested against traditional parameters in order to assess its ability to detect differences in IOP pulse. In addition, it had been speculated that the waveform components of the IOP pulse contained vascular characteristic analogous to those components found in arterial pulse waves. Validation studies to test this hypothesis were attempted. 3. The nature of the intraocular pressure pulse in health and disease and its relation to systemic cardiovascular variables. Fourier analysis and traditional parameters were applied to the IOP pulse measurements taken on diseased and healthy eyes. Only the derived parameter, pulsatile ocular blood flow (POBF) detected differences in diseased groups. The use of an ocular pressure-volume relationship may have improved the POBF measure’s variance in comparison to the measurement of the pulse’s amplitude or Fourier components. Finally, the importance of the driving force of pulsatile blood flow, the arterial pressure pulse, is highlighted. A method of combining the measurements of pulsatile blood flow and pulsatile blood pressure to create a measure of ocular vascular impedance is described along with its advantages for future studies.


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Intraocular light scatter is high in certain subject groups eg the elderly, due to increased optical media turbidity, which scatters and attenuates light travelling towards the retina. This causes reduced retinal contrast especially in the presence of glare light. Such subjects have depressed Contrast Sensitivity Functions (CSF). Currently available clinical tests do not effectively reflect this visual disability. Intraocular light scatter may be quantified by measuring the CSF with and without glare light and calculating Light Scatter Factors (LSF). To record the CSF on clinically available equipment (Nicolet CS2000), several psychophysical measurement techniques were investigated, and the 60 sec Method of Increasing Contrast was selected as the most appropriate. It was hypothesised that intraocular light scatter due to particles of different dimensions could be identified by glare sources at wide (30°) and narrow (3.5°) angles. CSFs andLSFs were determined for: (i) Subjects in young, intermediate and old age groups. (ii) Subjects during recovery from large amounts of induced corneal oedema. (iii) A clinical sample of contact lens (CL) wearers with a group of matched controls. The CSF was attenuated at all measured spatial frequencies with the intermediate and old group compared to the young group. High LSF values were found only in the old group (over 60 years). It was concluded that CSF attenuation in the intermediate group was due to reduced pupil size, media absorption and/or neural factors. In the old group, the additional factor was high intraocular light scatter levels of lenticular origin. The rate of reduction of the LSF for the 3.5° glare angle was steeper than that for the 30° angle, following induced corneal oedema. This supported the hypothesis, as it was anticipated that epithelial oedema would recover more rapidly than stromal oedema. CSFs and LSFs were markedly abnormal in the CL wearers. The analytical details and the value of these investigative techniques in contact lens research are discussed.


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The development of an advanced outdoor valve requires coordinated research in the areas of light-triggered self-protecting thyristors, light triggering systems, insulation, cooling and mechanical design aspects. This thesis addresses the first two areas primarily, with a conceptual discussion of the remainder. Using the experience gained from evaluation of a prototype thyristor and computer IKdelling of turn-on behaviour, a light-triggered thyristor with immunity to damage from weak optical triggering and dv/dt triggering was designed, manufactured and evaluated. The optical turn-on process was investigated by measuring currents and voltages in the gate structure during turn-on, and this yielded insights not obtained through conventional measurement techniques. The mechanism by which the thyristor was immune to weak triggering damage is explained, and techniques for optimising the design of the gate structure are proposed. The most significant achievement, however, was the first demonstration of the feasibility of self-protection against forward recovery failure onditions. Furthermore, this was achieved without the need for complex structures or high levels of irradiation. The perfomance of the devices was limited by the inrush capability of the Zones, but it is believed that this can be improved by conventional means. A light triggering system was developed using sem~conductor lasers, and this incorporated several improvements over prior art In terms of optical performance and flexibility.


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The scope of this paper is to present the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) based method for Active Power (AP) and Reactive Power (RP) measurements as can be applied in Power Meters. Necessarily, the main aim of the material presented is a twofold, first to present a realization methodology of the proposed algorithm, and second to verify the algorithm’s robustness and validity. The method takes advantage of the fact that frequencies present in a power line are of a specific fundamental frequency range (a range centred on the 50 Hz or 60 Hz) and that in case of the presence of harmonics the frequencies of those dominating in the power line spectrum can be specified on the basis of the fundamental. In contrast to a number of existing methods a time delay or shifting of the input signal is not required by the method presented and the time delay by n/2 of the Current signal with respect to the Voltage signal required by many of the existing measurement techniques, does not apply in the case of the PWM method as well.


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Congenital Nystagmus (CN) is an ocular-motor disorder characterised by involuntary, conjugated ocular oscillations, and its pathogenesis is still unknown. The pathology is de fined as "congenital" from the onset time of its arise which could be at birth or in the first months of life. Visual acuity in CN subjects is often diminished due to nystagmus continuous oscillations, mainly on the horizontal plane, which disturb image fixation on the retina. However, during short periods in which eye velocity slows down while the target image is placed onto the fovea (called foveation intervals) the image of a given target can still be stable, allowing a subject to reach a higher visual acuity. In CN subjects, visual acuity is usually assessed both using typical measurement techniques (e.g. Landolt C test) and with eye movement recording in different gaze positions. The offline study of eye movement recordings allows physicians to analyse nystagmus main features such as waveform shape, amplitude and frequency and to compute estimated visual acuity predictors. This analytical functions estimates the best corrected visual acuity using foveation time and foveation position variability, hence a reliable estimation of this two parameters is a fundamental factor in assessing visual acuity. This work aims to enhance the foveation time estimation in CN eye movement recording, computing a second order approximation of the slow phase components of nystag-mus oscillations. About 19 infraredoculographic eye-movement recordings from 10 CN subjects were acquired and the visual acuity assessed with an acuity predictor was compared to the one measured in primary position. Results suggest that visual acuity measurements based on foveation time estimation obtained from interpolated data are closer to value obtained during Landolt C tests. © 2010 IEEE.


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With ever-more demanding requirements for the accurate manufacture of large components, dimensional measuring techniques are becoming progressively more sophisticated. This review describes some of the more recently developed techniques and the state-of-the-art in the more well-known large-scale dimensional metrology methods. In some cases, the techniques are described in detail, or, where relevant specialist review papers exist, these are cited as further reading. The traceability of the measurement data collected is discussed with reference to new international standards that are emerging. In some cases, hybrid measurement techniques are finding specialized applications and these are referred to where appropriate. © IMechE 2009.


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In this talk we investigate the usage of spectrally shaped amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) in order to emulate highly dispersed wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) signals in an optical transmission system. Such a technique offers various simplifications to large scale WDM experiments. Not only does it offer a reduction in transmitter complexity, removing the need for multiple source lasers, it potentially reduces the test and measurement complexity by requiring only the centre channel of a WDM system to be measured in order to estimate WDM worst case performance. The use of ASE as a test and measurement tool is well established in optical communication systems and several measurement techniques will be discussed [1, 2]. One of the most prevalent uses of ASE is in the measurement of receiver sensitivity where ASE is introduced in order to degrade the optical signal to noise ratio (OSNR) and measure the resulting bit error rate (BER) at the receiver. From an analytical point of view noise has been used to emulate system performance, the Gaussian Noise model is used as an estimate of highly dispersed signals and has had consider- able interest [3]. The work to be presented here extends the use of ASE by using it as a metric to emulate highly dispersed WDM signals and in the process reduce WDM transmitter complexity and receiver measurement time in a lab environment. Results thus far have indicated [2] that such a transmitter configuration is consistent with an AWGN model for transmission, with modulation format complexity and nonlinearities playing a key role in estimating the performance of systems utilising the ASE channel emulation technique. We conclude this work by investigating techniques capable of characterising the nonlinear and damage limits of optical fibres and the resultant information capacity limits. REFERENCES McCarthy, M. E., N. Mac Suibhne, S. T. Le, P. Harper, and A. D. Ellis, “High spectral efficiency transmission emulation for non-linear transmission performance estimation for high order modulation formats," 2014 European Conference on IEEE Optical Communication (ECOC), 2014. 2. Ellis, A., N. Mac Suibhne, F. Gunning, and S. Sygletos, “Expressions for the nonlinear trans- mission performance of multi-mode optical fiber," Opt. Express, Vol. 21, 22834{22846, 2013. Vacondio, F., O. Rival, C. Simonneau, E. Grellier, A. Bononi, L. Lorcy, J. Antona, and S. Bigo, “On nonlinear distortions of highly dispersive optical coherent systems," Opt. Express, Vol. 20, 1022-1032, 2012.


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This paper explores the use of the optimisation procedures in SAS/OR software with application to the measurement of efficiency and productivity of decision-making units (DMUs) using data envelopment analysis (DEA) techniques. DEA was originally introduced by Charnes et al. [J. Oper. Res. 2 (1978) 429] is a linear programming method for assessing the efficiency and productivity of DMUs. Over the last two decades, DEA has gained considerable attention as a managerial tool for measuring performance of organisations and it has widely been used for assessing the efficiency of public and private sectors such as banks, airlines, hospitals, universities and manufactures. As a result, new applications with more variables and more complicated models are being introduced. Further to successive development of DEA a non-parametric productivity measure, Malmquist index, has been introduced by Fare et al. [J. Prod. Anal. 3 (1992) 85]. Employing Malmquist index, productivity growth can be decomposed into technical change and efficiency change. On the other hand, the SAS is a powerful software and it is capable of running various optimisation problems such as linear programming with all types of constraints. To facilitate the use of DEA and Malmquist index by SAS users, a SAS/MALM code was implemented in the SAS programming language. The SAS macro developed in this paper selects the chosen variables from a SAS data file and constructs sets of linear-programming models based on the selected DEA. An example is given to illustrate how one could use the code to measure the efficiency and productivity of organisations.


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This article presents some evidence on an aspect of the design of a strategic control system, at the microlevel, within a single organization. The research we report used an ethnographic approach to provide an understanding of strategy formulation. Our aim is to contribute to an area of literature which is of increasing significance, but relatively underdeveloped in terms of the application of in-depth, field-research techniques. We take an intensive look at the manner in which performance measures are formulated, at the microlevel, within a single organization. The article presents, as an in-depth case analysis, the experience of a fisheries holding company in New Zealand. The article recounts the experiences of managers within the organization of the process of identification of such things as critical success factors and key performance indicators (KPIs) and, more broadly, the formulation of a strategic performance measurement system.


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In 1957, Farrell proposed to measure technical (in)efficiency as the realised deviation from a frontier isoquant. Since then, the research has developed several methods to derive the production frontier and it has also extended its scope in applying frontier techniques to the measurement of total factor productivity. In this paper, I present the core techniques for the measurement of technical efficiency and productivity based on the notion of frontier and introduce the more recent technological advances in the field.