4 resultados para Materials surface modifications

em Aston University Research Archive


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Purpose: Dynamic contact angle (DCA) methods have advantages over other contact angle methodologies, not least that they can provide more than single contact angle values. Here we illustrate the use of DCA analysis to provide “fingerprint” characterisation of contact lens surfaces, and the way that different materials change in the early stages of wear. Method: The DCA method involves attaching to a microbalance weighted strips cut from a lens. The strips are then cyclically inserted into and removed from an aqueous solution. Conventionally, readings of force taken from linear portions of the resultant dipping curves are translated into advancing (CAa) and receding contact (CAr) angles. Additionally, analysis of the force versus immersion profile provides a “fingerprint” characterisation of the state of the lens surface. Results: CAa and CAr values from DCA traces provide a useful means of differentiating gross differences in hydrophilicity and molecular mobility of surfaces under particular immersion and emersion conditions, such as dipping rate and dwell times. Typical values for etafilcon A (CAa:63.1; CAr:37) and balafilcon B (CAa:118.4; CAr:36.4) illustrate this. Surface modifications induced in lens manufacture are observed to produce not only changes in these value, which may be small, but also changes in the DCA “fingerprint” (slope, undulations, length of plateau). Interestingly, similar changes are induced in the first few hours of lens wear with some lens-patient combinations. Conclusions: Although single parameter contact angles are useful for material characterisation, information of potential clinical interest can be obtained from more detailed analysis of DCA traces.


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A wire drive pulse echo method of measuring the spectrum of solid bodies described. Using an 's' plane representation, a general analysis of the transient response of such solids has been carried out. This was used for the study of the stepped amplitude transient of high order modes of disks and for the case where there are two adjacent resonant frequencies. The techniques developed have been applied to the measurenent of the elasticities of refractory materials at high temperatures. In the experimental study of the high order in-plane resonances of thin disks it was found that the energy travelled at the edge of the disk and this initiated the work on one dimensional Rayleigh waves.Their properties were established for the straight edge condition by following an analysis similar to that of the two dimensional case. Experiments were then carried out on the velocity dispersion of various circuits including the disk and a hole in a large plate - the negative curvature condition.Theoretical analysis established the phase and group velocities for these cases and experimental tests on aluminium and glass gave good agreement with theory. At high frequencies all velocities approach that of the one dimensional Rayleigh waves. When applied to crack detection it was observed that a signal burst travelling round a disk showed an anomalous amplitude effect. In certain cases the signal which travelled the greater distance had the greater amplitude.An experiment was designed to investigate the phenanenon and it was established that the energy travelled in two nodes with different velocities.It was found by analysis that as well as the Rayleigh surface wave on the edge, a seoond node travelling at about the shear velocity was excited and the calculated results gave reasonable agreement with the experiments.


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A new surface analysis technique has been developed which has a number of benefits compared to conventional Low Energy Ion Scattering Spectrometry (LEISS). A major potential advantage arising from the absence of charge exchange complications is the possibility of quantification. The instrumentation that has been developed also offers the possibility of unique studies concerning the interaction between low energy ions and atoms and solid surfaces. From these studies it may also be possible, in principle, to generate sensitivity factors to quantify LEISS data. The instrumentation, which is referred to as a Time-of-Flight Fast Atom Scattering Spectrometer has been developed to investigate these conjecture in practice. The development, involved a number of modifications to an existing instrument, and allowed samples to be bombarded with a monoenergetic pulsed beam of either atoms or ions, and provided the capability to analyse the spectra of scattered atoms and ions separately. Further to this a system was designed and constructed to allow incident, exit and azimuthal angles of the particle beam to be varied independently. The key development was that of a pulsed, and mass filtered atom source; which was developed by a cyclic process of design, modelling and experimentation. Although it was possible to demonstrate the unique capabilities of the instrument, problems relating to surface contamination prevented the measurement of the neutralisation probabilities. However, these problems appear to be technical rather than scientific in nature, and could be readily resolved given the appropriate resources. Experimental spectra obtained from a number of samples demonstrate some fundamental differences between the scattered ion and neutral spectra. For practical non-ordered surfaces the ToF spectra are more complex than their LEISS counterparts. This is particularly true for helium scattering where it appears, in the absence of detailed computer simulation, that quantitative analysis is limited to ordered surfaces. Despite this limitation the ToFFASS instrument opens the way for quantitative analysis of the 'true' surface region to a wider range of surface materials.