8 resultados para Macrophage Activation

em Aston University Research Archive


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Background Recent in vivo and in vitro studies in non-neuronal and neuronal tissues have shown that different pathways of macrophage activation result in cells with different properties. Interleukin (IL)-6 triggers the classically activated inflammatory macrophages (M1 phenotype), whereas the alternatively activated macrophages (M2 phenotype) are anti-inflammatory. The objective of this study was to clarify the effects of a temporal blockade of IL-6/IL-6 receptor (IL-6R) engagement, using an anti-mouse IL-6R monoclonal antibody (MR16-1), on macrophage activation and the inflammatory response in the acute phase after spinal cord injury (SCI) in mice. Methods MR16-1 antibodies versus isotype control antibodies or saline alone were administered immediately after thoracic SCI in mice. SC tissue repair was compared between the two groups by Luxol fast blue (LFB) staining for myelination and immunoreactivity for the neuronal markers growth-associated protein (GAP)-43 and neurofilament heavy 200 kDa (NF-H) and for locomotor function. The expression of T helper (Th)1 cytokines (interferon (IFN)-? and tumor necrosis factor-a) and Th2 cytokines (IL-4, IL-13) was determined by immunoblot analysis. The presence of M1 (inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)-positive, CD16/32-positive) and M2 (arginase 1-positive, CD206-positive) macrophages was determined by immunohistology. Using flow cytometry, we also quantified IFN-? and IL-4 levels in neutrophils, microglia, and macrophages, and Mac-2 (macrophage antigen-2) and Mac-3 in M2 macrophages and microglia. Results LFB-positive spared myelin was increased in the MR16-1-treated group compared with the controls, and this increase correlated with enhanced positivity for GAP-43 or NF-H, and improved locomotor Basso Mouse Scale scores. Immunoblot analysis of the MR16-1-treated samples identified downregulation of Th1 and upregulation of Th2 cytokines. Whereas iNOS-positive, CD16/32-positive M1 macrophages were the predominant phenotype in the injured SC of non-treated control mice, MR16-1 treatment promoted arginase 1-positive, CD206-positive M2 macrophages, with preferential localization of these cells at the injury site. MR16-1 treatment suppressed the number of IFN-?-positive neutrophils, and increased the number of microglia present and their positivity for IL-4. Among the arginase 1-positive M2 macrophages, MR16-1 treatment increased positivity for Mac-2 and Mac-3, suggestive of increased phagocytic behavior. Conclusion The results suggest that temporal blockade of IL-6 signaling after SCI abrogates damaging inflammatory activity and promotes functional recovery by promoting the formation of alternatively activated M2 macrophages.


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Abstract Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) derived from bone marrow can potentially reduce the acute inflammatory response in spinal cord injury (SCI) and thus promote functional recovery. However, the precise mechanisms through which transplanted MSC attenuate inflammation after SCI are still unclear. The present study was designed to investigate the effects of MSC transplantation with a special focus on their effect on macrophage activation after SCI. Rats were subjected to T9-T10 SCI by contusion, then treated 3 days later with transplantation of 1.0×10(6) PKH26-labeled MSC into the contusion epicenter. The transplanted MSC migrated within the injured spinal cord without differentiating into glial or neuronal elements. MSC transplantation was associated with marked changes in the SCI environment, with significant increases in IL-4 and IL-13 levels, and reductions in TNF-a and IL-6 levels. This was associated simultaneously with increased numbers of alternatively activated macrophages (M2 phenotype: arginase-1- or CD206-positive), and decreased numbers of classically activated macrophages (M1 phenotype: iNOS- or CD16/32-positive). These changes were associated with functional locomotion recovery in the MSC-transplanted group, which correlated with preserved axons, less scar tissue formation, and increased myelin sparing. Our results suggested that acute transplantation of MSC after SCI modified the inflammatory environment by shifting the macrophage phenotype from M1 to M2, and that this may reduce the effects of the inhibitory scar tissue in the subacute/chronic phase after injury to provide a permissive environment for axonal extension and functional recovery.


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The objective of this study was to clarify the effects of a temporal blockade of IL-6/IL-6 receptor (IL-6R) engagement, using an anti-mouse IL-6R monoclonal antibody (MR16-1), on macrophage activation and the inflammatory response in the acute phase after spinal cord injury (SCI) in mice. MR16-1 antibodies versus isotype control antibodies or saline alone was administered immediately after thoracic SCI in mice. MR16-1-treated group samples showed increased neuronal regeneration and locomotor recovery compared with controls. Immunoblot analysis of the MR16-1-treated samples identified downregulation of Th1 and upregulation of Th2 cytokines. MR16-1 treatment promoted arginase-1-positive, CD206-positive M2 macrophages, with preferential localization of these cells at the injury site and enhanced positivity for Mac-2 and Mac-3, suggestive of increased phagocytic behavior. The results suggest that temporal blockade of IL-6 signaling after SCI abrogates damaging inflammatory activity and promotes functional recovery by promoting the formation of alternatively activated M2 macrophages.


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Minocycline possesses anti-inflammatory properties independently of its antibiotic activity although the underlying molecular mechanisms are unclear. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced cytokines and pro-inflammatory protein expression are reduced by minocycline in cultured macrophages. Here, we tested a range of clinically important tetracycline compounds (oxytetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline and tigecycline) and showed that they all inhibited LPS-induced nitric oxide production. We made the novel finding that tigecycline inhibited LPS-induced nitric oxide production to a greater extent than the other tetracycline compounds tested. To identify potential targets for minocycline, we assessed alterations in the macrophage proteome induced by LPS in the presence or absence of a minocycline pre-treatment using 2-DE and nanoLC-MS. We found a number of proteins, mainly involved in cellular metabolism (ATP synthase ß-subunit and aldose reductase) or stress response (heat shock proteins), which were altered in expression in response to LPS, some of which were restored, at least in part, by minocycline. This is the first study to document proteomic changes induced by minocycline. The observation that minocycline inhibits some, but not all, of the LPS-induced proteomic changes shows that minocycline specifically affects some signalling pathways and does not completely inhibit macrophage activation.


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For six decades tetracyclines have been successfully used for their broad spectrum antibiotic effects. However, non-antibiotic effects of tetracyclines have been reported. The anti-inflammatory effects of tetracycline drugs have been investigated in the context of a range of inflammatory diseases including sepsis and a number of neurodegenerative diseases. This thesis investigates the effects of a range of clinically important tetracyclines (oxytetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline and tigecycline) on the ability of the J774.2 cell line to produce nitric oxide when stimulated with the bacterial cell wall component, LPS. The proteome of J774.2 cells was analysed in response to LPS stimulation (1 µg/ml) with and without prior treatment with minocycline (50µg/ml), this allows the unbiased analysis of the cellular proteome in response to minocycline and LPS, protein spots of interest were excised and identified by nano-electrospray ionisation-linear ion trap mass spectroscopy. All of the tetracyclines that were investigated inhibited LPS-induced nitric oxide production in a dose dependent manner and this was due to the inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression. This is the first report to show that tigecycline inhibits inducible nitric oxide expression and nitric oxide production. Using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and total protein staining eleven proteins were identified as being modulated by LPS. Of these eleven proteins; expression of some, but not all was modulated when the cells received a prior treatment with minocycline suggesting that minocycline does not completely block LPS-induced macrophage activation but probably specifically acts on particular inflammatory signaling pathways in macrophages. Three protein spots with a similar molecular weight but different pI values identified in this proteomic study were identified as ATP synthase ß chain. These different protein spots probably correspond to different phosphorylation states of the protein, suggesting that minocycline affects the balance of protein kinase and protein phosphatase activity in the immune response.


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Initial work focused on the preparation, optimisation and characterisation of poly (D,L-lactide) (PLA) microspheres with the aim of optimising their formulation based on minimizing the particle size into the range suitable for pulmonary delivery to alveoli. In order to produce dry powders and to enhance their long-term physico-chemical stability, microspheres were prepared as a dry powder via freeze-drying. Optimisation studies showed that using appropriate concentrations of polymer 3% (w/v) in organic phase and emulsifier 10% (w/v) in external aqueous phase, the double solvent evaporation method produced high protein loading microspheres (72 ± 0.5%) with an appropriate particle size for pulmonary drug delivery. Combined use of trehalose and leucine as cyroprotectants (6% and 1% respectively, w/v) produced freeze-dried powders with the best aerosolisation profile among those tested. Although the freeze-dried PLA microsphere powders were not particularly respirable in dry powder inhalation, nebulisation of the rehydrated powders using an ultrasonic nebuliser resulted in improved aerosilisation performance compared to the air-jet nebuliser. When tested in vitro using a macrophage cell line, the PLA microspheres system exhibited a low cytotoxicity and the microspheres induced phagocytic activity in macrophages. However, interestingly, the addition of an immunomodulator to the microsphere formulations (4%, w/w of polymer) reduced this phagocytic activity and macrophage activation compared to microspheres formulated using PLA alone. This suggested that the addition of trehalose dibehenate may not enhance the ability of these microspheres to be used as vaccine delivery systems.


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Cationic liposomes of dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide (DDA) incorporating the glycolipid trehalose 6,6-dibehenate (TDB) forms a promising liposomal vaccine adjuvant. To be exploited as effective subunit vaccine delivery systems, the physicochemical characteristics of liposomes were studied in detail and correlated with their effectiveness in vivo, in an attempt to elucidate key aspects controlling their efficacy. This research took the previously optimised DDA-TDB system as a foundation for a range of formulations incorporating additional lipids of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) or 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC), by incrementally replacing the cationic content within DDA-TDB or reducing the total DDA-TDB dose upon its substitution, to ascertain the role of DDA and the effect of DDA-TDB concentration in influencing the resultant immunological performance upon delivery of the novel subunit TB vaccine, Ag85B–ESAT-6-Rv2660c (H56 vaccine). With the aim of using the DPPC based systems for pulmonary vaccine delivery and the DSPC systems for application via the intramuscular route, initial work focused on physicochemical characterisation of the systems with incorporation of DPPC or DSPC displaying comparable physical stability, morphological structure and levels of antigen retention to that of DDA-TDB. Thermodynamic analysis was also conducted to detect main phase transition temperatures and subsequent in vitro cell culture studies demonstrated a favourable reduction in cytotoxicity, stimulation of phagocytic activity and macrophage activation in response to the proposed liposomal immunoadjuvants. Immunisation of mice with H56 vaccine via the proposed liposomal adjuvants showed that DDA was an important factor in mediating resultant immune responses, with partial replacement or substitution of DDA-TDB stimulating Th1 type cellular immunity characterised by elevated levels of IgG2b antibodies and IFN-? and IL-2 cytokines, essential for providing protective efficacy against TB. Upon increased DSPC content within the formulation, either by DDA replacement or reduction of DDA and TDB, responses were skewed towards Th2 type immunity with reduced IgG2b antibody levels and elevated IL-5 and IL-10 cytokine production, as resultant immunological responses were independent of liposomal zeta potential. The role of the cationic DDA lipid and the effect of DDA-TDB concentration were appreciated as the proposed liposomal formulations elicited antigen specific antibody and cellular immune responses, demonstrating the potential of cationic liposomes to be utilised as adjuvants for subunit vaccine delivery. Furthermore, the promising capability of the novel H56 vaccine candidate in eliciting protection against TB was apparent in a mouse model.


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The cellular changes during ageing are incompletely understood yet immune system dysfunction is implicated in the age-related decline in health. The acquired immune system shows a functional decline in ability to respond to new pathogens whereas serum levels of cytokines are elevated with age. Despite these age-associated increases in circulating cytokines, the function of aged macrophages is decreased. Pathogen-associated molecular pattern receptors such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are vital in the response of macrophages to pathological stimuli. Here we review the evidence for defective TLR signalling in normal ageing. Gene transcription, protein expression and cell surface expression of members of the TLR family of receptors and co-effector molecules do not show a consistent age-dependent change across model systems. However, there is evidence for impaired downstream signalling events, including inhibition of positive and activation of negative modulators of TLR induced signalling events. In this paper we hypothesize that despite a poor inflammatory response via TLR activation, the ineffective clearance of pathogens by macrophages increases the duration of their activation and contributes to perpetuation of inflammatory responses and ageing.