em Aston University Research Archive


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A variety of methods have been reviewed for obtaining parallel or perpendicular alignment in liquid-crystal cells. Some of these methods have been selected and developed and were used in polarised spectroscopy, dielectric and electro-optic studies. Also, novel dielectric and electro-optic cells were constructed for use over a range of temperature. Dielectric response of thin layers of E7 and E8 (eutectic mixture liquid-crystals) have been measured in the frequency range (12 Hz-100 kHz) and over a range of temperature (183-337K). Dielectric spectra were also obtained for supercooled E7 and E8 in the Hz and kHz range. When the measuring electric field was parallel to the nematic director, one loss peak (low-frequency relaxation process) was observed for E7 and for E8, that exhibits a Debye-type behaviour in the supercooled systems. When the measuring electric field was perpendicular to the nematic director, two resolved dielectric processes have been observed. The phase transitions, effective molecular polarisabilities, anisotropy of polarisabilities and order parameters of three liquid crystal homologs (5CB, 6CB, and 7CB), 60CB and three eutectic nematic mixtures E7, E8, and E607 were calculated using optical and density data measured at several temperatures. The order parameters calculated using the different methods of Vuks, Neugebauer, Saupe-Maier, and Palffy-Muhoray are nearly the same for the liquid crystals considered in the present study. Also, the interrelationship between density and refractive index and the molecular structure of these liquid crystals were established. Accurate dielectric and dipole results of a range of liquid-crystal forming molecules at several temperatures have reported. The role of the cyano-end group, biphenyl core, and flexible tail in molecular association, were investigated using the dielectric method for some molecules which have a structural relationship to the nematogens. Analysis of the dielectric data for solution of the liquid-crystals indicated a high molecular association, comparable to that observed in the nematic or isotropic phases. Electro-optic Kerr effect were investigated for some alkyl cyanobiphenyls, their nematic mixtures and the eutectic mixture liquid-crystals E7 and E8 in the isotropic phase and solution. The Kerr constant of these liquid crystals found to be very high at the nematic-isotropic transition temperatures as the molecules are expected to be highly ordered close to phase transition temperatures. Dynamic Kerr effect behaviour and transient molecular reorientation were also observed in thin layers of some alkyl cyanobiphenyls. Dichroic ratio R and order parameters of solutions containing some azo and anthraquinone dyes in the nematic solvent (E7 and E8), were investigated by the measurement of the intensity of the absorption bands in the visible region of parallel aligned samples. The effective factors on the dichroic ratio of the dyes dissolved in the nematic solvents were determined and discussed.


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ßElucidating some molecular mechanisms and biochemistry of brain tumours is an important step towards the development of adjuvant medical therapies. The present study concentrates on cholecystokinin (CCK), a gut-brain peptide that has been described to be able to induce mitosis of rat gliomas as well as hormone secretion by the anterior pituitary, via the CCK-B receptor. The significance of a polymorphism in the growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) receptor (GHRH-R) gene was also determined. Finally, defects in the ß-catenin gene, an important component of the developmental pathway, in a sub-set of craniopharyngiomas were investigated. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), restriction digestion analysis and direct sequencing demonstrated expression of CCK peptide itself and its A and B receptors by human gliomas, meningiomas and pituitary tumours. CCK peptides stimulated growth of cultured gliomas and meningiomas as well as in vitro hormone secretion [growth hormone (GH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)] by human pituitary tumours. These biological effects were reduced or abolished by CCK antagonists. In addition, an antibody to CCK reduced mitosis by gliomas and meningiomas, and the same antibody inhibited hormone secretion by cultured human pituitary tumours. CCK peptides stimulated phosphatidylinositol (PI) hydrolysis, indicating coupling of the CCK receptors to phopsholipase C. Cyclic AMP was unaffected. In addition, caspase-3 activity was significantly and markedly increased, whilst proteasome activity was decreased. Taken together, these results may indicate an autocrine/paracrine role of CCK in the control of growth and/or functioning of gliomas, meningiomas and pituitary tumours. Primer induced restriction analysis (PIRA) of a rarer and alternative polymorphism in the GHRH-R receptor, in which Thr replaces Ala at codon 57, in human GH-secreting pituitary tumours was investigated. Whilst the rarer form correlated with an increased response of the pituitary cells to GHRH in vitro, allele distribution studies revealed that it is unlikely that the polymorphism contributes to increased risk of developing GH-secreting tumours and therefore acromegaly. Further findings of this study, using PCR and direct sequencing, were the demonstration of an association between b-catenin gene alterations and craniopharyngiomas of the adamantinomatous type. Since this gene product is involved with development, these results suggest that p-catenin mutations may contribute to the initiation and subsequent growth of congenital adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas.


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Context: Genetic, neuroimaging, and molecular neurobiological evidence support the hypothesis that the disconnectivity syndrome in schizophrenia (SZ) could arise from failures of saltatory conduction and abnormalities at the nodes of Ranvier (NOR) interface where myelin and axons interact. Objective: To identify abnormalities in the expression of oligodendroglial genes and proteins that participate in the formation, maintenance, and integrity of the NOR in SZ. Design: The messenger RNA (mRNA) expression levels of multiple NOR genes were quantified in 2 independent postmortem brain cohorts of individuals with SZ, and generalizability to protein expression was confirmed. The effect of the ANK3 genotype on the mRNA expression level was tested in postmortem human brain. Case-control analysis tested the association of the ANK3 genotype with SZ. The ANK3 genotype's influence on cognitive task performance and functional magnetic resonance imaging activation was tested in 2 independent cohorts of healthy individuals. Setting: Research hospital. Patients: Postmortem samples from patients with SZ and healthy controls were used for the brain expression study (n=46) and the case-control analysis (n=272). Healthy white men and women participated in the cognitive (n=513) and neuroimaging (n=52) studies. Main Outcome Measures: The mRNA and protein levels in postmortem brain samples, genetic association with schizophrenia, cognitive performance, and blood oxygenation level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging. Results: The mRNA expression of multiple NOR genes was decreased in schizophrenia. The ANK3 rs9804190 C allele was associated with lower ANK3 mRNA expression levels, higher risk for SZ in the case-control cohort, and poorer working memory and executive function performance and increased prefrontal activation during a working memory task in healthy individuals. Conclusions: These results point to abnormalities in the expression of genes and protein associated with the integrity of the NOR and suggest them as substrates for the disconnectivity syndrome in SZ. The association of ANK3 with lower brain mRNA expression levels implicates a molecular mechanism for its genetic, clinical, and cognitive associations with SZ. ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.


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The work investigates the adhesive/cohesive molecular and physical interactions together with nanoscopic features of commonly used orally disintegrating tablet (ODT) excipients microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and D-mannitol. This helps to elucidate the underlying physico-chemical and mechanical mechanisms responsible for powder densification and optimum product functionality. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) contact mode analysis was performed to measure nano-adhesion forces and surface energies between excipient-drug particles (6-10 different particles per each pair). Moreover, surface topography images (100 nm2-10 μm2) and roughness data were acquired from AFM tapping mode. AFM data were related to ODT macro/microscopic properties obtained from SEM, FTIR, XRD, thermal analysis using DSC and TGA, disintegration testing, Heckel and tabletability profiles. The study results showed a good association between the adhesive molecular and physical forces of paired particles and the resultant densification mechanisms responsible for mechanical strength of tablets. MCC micro roughness was 3 times that of D-mannitol which explains the high hardness of MCC ODTs due to mechanical interlocking. Hydrogen bonding between MCC particles could not be established from both AFM and FTIR solid state investigation. On the contrary, D-mannitol produced fragile ODTs due to fragmentation of surface crystallites during compression attained from its weak crystal structure. Furthermore, AFM analysis has shown the presence of extensive micro fibril structures inhabiting nano pores which further supports the use of MCC as a disintegrant. Overall, excipients (and model drugs) showed mechanistic behaviour on the nano/micro scale that could be related to the functionality of materials on the macro scale. © 2014 Al-khattawi et al.


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Background: HLA-DPs are class II MHC proteins mediating immune responses to many diseases. Peptides bind MHC class II proteins in the acidic environment within endosomes. Acidic pH markedly elevates association rate constants but dissociation rates are almost unchanged in the pH range 5.0 - 7.0. This pH-driven effect can be explained by the protonation/deprotonation states of Histidine, whose imidazole has a pKa of 6.0. At pH 5.0, imidazole ring is protonated, making Histidine positively charged and very hydrophilic, while at pH 7.0 imidazole is unprotonated, making Histidine less hydrophilic. We develop here a method to predict peptide binding to the four most frequent HLA-DP proteins: DP1, DP41, DP42 and DP5, using a molecular docking protocol. Dockings to virtual combinatorial peptide libraries were performed at pH 5.0 and pH 7.0. Results: The X-ray structure of the peptide - HLA-DP2 protein complex was used as a starting template to model by homology the structure of the four DP proteins. The resulting models were used to produce virtual combinatorial peptide libraries constructed using the single amino acid substitution (SAAS) principle. Peptides were docked into the DP binding site using AutoDock at pH 5.0 and pH 7.0. The resulting scores were normalized and used to generate Docking Score-based Quantitative Matrices (DS-QMs). The predictive ability of these QMs was tested using an external test set of 484 known DP binders. They were also compared to existing servers for DP binding prediction. The models derived at pH 5.0 predict better than those derived at pH 7.0 and showed significantly improved predictions for three of the four DP proteins, when compared to the existing servers. They are able to recognize 50% of the known binders in the top 5% of predicted peptides. Conclusions: The higher predictive ability of DS-QMs derived at pH 5.0 may be rationalised by the additional hydrogen bond formed between the backbone carbonyl oxygen belonging to the peptide position before p1 (p-1) and the protonated ε-nitrogen of His 79β. Additionally, protonated His residues are well accepted at most of the peptide binding core positions which is in a good agreement with the overall negatively charged peptide binding site of most MHC proteins. © 2012 Patronov et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Hypercoiling poly(styrene-ALT-maleic anhydride) (PSMA) is known to undergo conformational transition in response to environmental stimuli. This behavior allows it to associate with the phospholipid, 2-dilauryl-SN-glycero-3- phosphocholine (DLPC) to produce nanostructures analogous to lipoproteins. The complex represents a new bio-mimetic delivery vehicle with applications in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. This study investigates, for the first time, the association behavior of PSMA and DLPC through the combination of different analytical techniques. The results indicate that the association is primarily driven by hydrophobic interactions and depends on various factors including the polymer/lipid ratio, the polymer molecular weight and the pH of the aqueous environment. The conformational transition of PSMA leads to the formation of discrete micellar complexes involving anisotropic-to-isotropic lipid phase transformation. As the number of hydrophobic moieties in the polymer is increased, the pH-dependent conformational transition of the polymer plays less important part in achieving this phase transition of the lipid. © (2012) Trans Tech Publications.