em Aston University Research Archive


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'Tissue' transglutaminase (tTG) selectively accumulates in cells undergoing apoptosis both in vivo and in vitro. Considering the central role played by mitochondria in apoptosis, we investigated the relationships existing amongst tTG expression, apoptosis and mitochondrial function. To this aim we studied the mechanisms of apoptosis in a neuronal cell line (SK-N-BE (2)) in which the tTG-expression was driven by a constitutive promoter. Furthermore, a tet-off inducible promoter was also used in 3T3 fibroblastic cells used as control. Both cell lines, when expressing tTG, appeared 'sensitized' to apoptosis. Strikingly, we found major differences in the morphological features of mitochondria among cell lines in the absence of apoptotic stimuli. In addition, these ultrastructural characteristics were associated with specific functional features: (i) constitutively hyperpolarized mitochondria and (ii) increased reactive oxygen intermediates production. Importantly, after mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis by staurosporine, a rapid loss of mitochondrial membrane potential was found in tTG cells only. Taken together, these results seem to suggest that, via hyperpolarization, tTG might act as a 'sensitizer' towards apoptotic stimuli specifically targeted to mitochondria. These results could also be of pathogenetic relevance for those diseases that are characterized by increased tTG and apoptotic rate together with impaired mitochondrial function, e.g. in some neurodegenerative disease.


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Adiponectin is an abundantly circulating adipokine, orchestrating its effects through two 7-transmembrane receptors (AdipoR1 and AdipoR2). Steroidogenesis is regulated by a variety of neuropeptides and adipokines. Earlier studies have reported adipokine mediated steroid production. A key rate-limiting step in steroidogenesis is cholesterol transportation across the mitochondrial membrane by steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR). Several signalling pathways regulate StAR expression. The actions of adiponectin and its role in human adrenocortical steroid biosynthesis are not fully understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of adiponectin on StAR protein expression, steroidogenic genes, and cortisol production and to dissect the signalling cascades involved in the activation of StAR expression. Using qRT-PCR, Western blot analysis and ELISA, we have demonstrated that stimulation of human adrenocortical H295R cells with adiponectin results in increased cortisol secretion. This effect is accompanied by increased expression of key steroidogenic pathway genes including StAR protein expression via ERK1/2 and AMPK-dependent pathways. This has implications for our understanding of adiponectin receptor activation and peripheral steroidogenesis. Finally, our study aims to emphasise the key role of adipokines in the integration of metabolic activity and energy balance partly via the regulation of adrenal steroid production.


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Reliable, high throughput, in vitro preliminary screening batteries have the potential to greatly accelerate the rate at which regulatory neurotoxicity data is generated. This study evaluated the importance of astrocytes when predicting acute toxic potential using a neuronal screening battery of pure neuronal (NT2.N) and astrocytic (NT2.A) and integrated neuronal/astrocytic (NT2.N/A) cell systems derived from the human NT2.D1 cell line, using biochemical endpoints (mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) depolarisation and ATP and GSH depletion). Following exposure for 72 h, the known acute human neurotoxicants trimethyltin-chloride, chloroquine and 6-hydroxydopamine were frequently capable of disrupting biochemical processes in all of the cell systems at non-cytotoxic concentrations. Astrocytes provide key metabolic and protective support to neurons during toxic challenge in vivo and generally the astrocyte containing cell systems showed increased tolerance to toxicant insult compared with the NT2.N mono-culture in vitro. Whilst there was no consistent relationship between MMP, ATP and GSH log IC(50) values for the NT2.N/A and NT2.A cell systems, these data did provide preliminary evidence of modulation of the acute neuronal toxic response by astrocytes. In conclusion, the suitability of NT2 neurons and astrocytes as cell systems for acute toxicity screening deserves further investigation.


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Many pesticides are used increasingly in combinations during crop protection and their stability ensures the presence of such combinations in foodstuffs. The effects of three fungicides, pyrimethanil, cyprodinil and fludioxonil, were investigated together and separately on U251 and SH-SY5Y cells, which can be representative of human CNS glial and neuronal cells respectively. Over 48h, all three agents showed significant reductions in cellular ATP, at concentrations that were more than tenfold lower than those which significantly impaired cellular viability. The effects on energy metabolism were reflected in their marked toxic effects on mitochondrial membrane potential. In addition, evidence of oxidative stress was seen in terms of a fall in cellular thiols coupled with increases in the expression of enzymes associated with reactive species formation, such as GSH peroxidase and superoxide dismutase. The glial cell line showed significant responsiveness to the toxin challenge in terms of changes in antioxidant gene expression, although the neuronal SH-SY5Y line exhibited greater vulnerability to toxicity, which was reflected in significant increases in caspase-3 expression, which is indicative of the initiation of apoptosis. Cyprodinil was the most toxic agent individually, although oxidative stress-related enzyme gene expression increases appeared to demonstrate some degree of synergy in the presence of the combination of agents. This report suggests that the impact of some pesticides, both individually and in combinations, merits further study in terms of their impact on human cellular health.


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Mixtures of pesticides in foodstuffs and the environment are ubiquitous in the developed world and although agents are usually exhaustively tested individually, the toxicological implications of pesticide mixtures are underreported. In this study, the effects of two fungicides, fenhexamid and myclobutanil were investigated individually and in combination on two human cell lines, SH-SY5Y neuronal cells and U-251 MG glial cells. After 48. h of incubation with increasing concentrations of pesticides ranging from 1 to 1000. μM, gene expression profiles were studied in addition to toxicity end points, including cell viability, mitochondrial depolarisation as well as cellular glutathione maintenance. There were no significant differences between the susceptibility of the two cell lines in terms of cell viability assessment or mitochondrial membrane potential, when agents were administered either individually or in combination. By contrast, in the presence of the fungicides, the SH-SY5Y cells showed significantly greater susceptibility to oxidative stress in terms of total thiol depletion in comparison with the astrocytic cells. Treatment with the two pesticides led to significant changes in the cell lines' expression of several genes which regulate cell cycle control and growth (RB1, TIMP1) as well as responses to DNA attrition (ATM and CDA25A) and control of apoptosis (FAS). There was no evidence in this study that the combination of fenhexamid and myclobutanil was significantly more toxic than individual exposure, although gene expression changes suggested there may be differences in the sub-lethal response of both cell lines to both individual and combined exposure.


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Background Yeast is an important and versatile organism for studying membrane proteins. It is easy to cultivate and can perform higher eukaryote-like post-translational modifications. S. cerevisiae has a fully-sequenced genome and there are several collections of deletion strains available, whilst P. pastoris can produce very high cell densities (230 g/l). Results We have used both S. cerevisiae and P. pastoris to over-produce the following His6 and His10 carboxyl terminal fused membrane proteins. CD81 – 26 kDa tetraspanin protein (TAPA-1) that may play an important role in the regulation of lymphoma cell growth and may also act as the viral receptor for Hepatitis C-Virus. CD82 – 30 kDa tetraspanin protein that associates with CD4 or CD8 cells and delivers co-stimulatory signals for the TCR/CD3 pathway. MC4R – 37 kDa seven transmembrane G-protein coupled receptor, present on neurons in the hypothalamus region of the brain and predicted to have a role in the feast or fast signalling pathway. Adt2p – 34 kDa six transmembrane protein that catalyses the exchange of ADP and ATP across the yeast mitochondrial inner membrane. Conclusion We show that yeasts are flexible production organisms for a range of different membrane proteins. The yields are such that future structure-activity relationship studies can be initiated via reconstitution, crystallization for X-ray diffraction or NMR experiments.