17 resultados para Lundqvist, Björn
em Aston University Research Archive
360-degree feedback from a variety of rater sources yields important information about leaders' styles, strengths and weaknesses for development. Results where observer ratings are discrepant (i.e., different) from self-ratings are often seen as indicators of problematic leadership relationships, skills, or lack of self-awareness. Yet research into the antecedents of such self-observer rating discrepancy suggests the presence of systematic influences, such as cultural values. The present study investigates the variation of rating discrepancies on three leadership skills (decision making, leading employees, and composure) in dependence of one exemplary culture dimension (power distance) on data from 31 countries using multilevel structural equation modelling. Results show that cultural values indeed predict self-observer rating discrepancies. Thus, systemic and contextual influences such as culture need to be taken into consideration when interpreting the importance and meaning of self-observer rating discrepancies in 360-degree instruments.
This thesis presents research within empirical financial economics with focus on liquidity and portfolio optimisation in the stock market. The discussion on liquidity is focused on measurement issues, including TAQ data processing and measurement of systematic liquidity factors (FSO). Furthermore, a framework for treatment of the two topics in combination is provided. The liquidity part of the thesis gives a conceptual background to liquidity and discusses several different approaches to liquidity measurement. It contributes to liquidity measurement by providing detailed guidelines on the data processing needed for applying TAQ data to liquidity research. The main focus, however, is the derivation of systematic liquidity factors. The principal component approach to systematic liquidity measurement is refined by the introduction of moving and expanding estimation windows, allowing for time-varying liquidity co-variances between stocks. Under several liability specifications, this improves the ability to explain stock liquidity and returns, as compared to static window PCA and market average approximations of systematic liquidity. The highest ability to explain stock returns is obtained when using inventory cost as a liquidity measure and a moving window PCA as the systematic liquidity derivation technique. Systematic factors of this setting also have a strong ability in explaining a cross-sectional liquidity variation. Portfolio optimisation in the FSO framework is tested in two empirical studies. These contribute to the assessment of FSO by expanding the applicability to stock indexes and individual stocks, by considering a wide selection of utility function specifications, and by showing explicitly how the full-scale optimum can be identified using either grid search or the heuristic search algorithm of differential evolution. The studies show that relative to mean-variance portfolios, FSO performs well in these settings and that the computational expense can be mitigated dramatically by application of differential evolution.
This article investigates the performance of a model called Full-Scale Optimisation, which was presented recently and is used for financial investment advice. The investor’s preferences of expected risk and return are entered into the model, and a recommended portfolio is produced. This model is theoretically more accurate than the mainstream investment advice model, called Mean-Variance Optimization, as there are fewer assumptions made. Our investigation of the model’s performance is broader when it comes to investor preferences, and more general when it comes to investment type, as compared to previous studies. Our investigation shows that Full-Scale Optimisation is more widely applicable than earlier known.
Economic media inform on prices of three well established crude oil benchmarks: Brent, WTI and Dubai Fateh. The relevance of these is however declining with their low output - motivating investigation of the pricing dynamics. We apply Granger causality tests to study the price dependencies of 32 crude oils. The aim is to establish what crudes are setting the prices and what crudes are just following the general market trends. The investigation is performed globally as well as for different quality, geographical and organisational segments. The results indicate that crude oil price analysts should follow at least four different crudes that are good price indicators. WTI and Brent still lead the market, but they are not the only crude prices worth paying attention to. In particular, Russian Urals drives global prices in a significant way, and Iran Seri Kerir is a significant price setter within OPEC. Dubai Fateh does not display any significant influence as a price setter, which confirms the lack of dominant benchmark within the segment of medium quality crudes.
When composing stock portfolios, managers frequently choose among hundreds of stocks. The stocks' risk properties are analyzed with statistical tools, and managers try to combine these to meet the investors' risk profiles. A recently developed tool for performing such optimization is called full-scale optimization (FSO). This methodology is very flexible for investor preferences, but because of computational limitations it has until now been infeasible to use when many stocks are considered. We apply the artificial intelligence technique of differential evolution to solve FSO-type stock selection problems of 97 assets. Differential evolution finds the optimal solutions by self-learning from randomly drawn candidate solutions. We show that this search technique makes large scale problem computationally feasible and that the solutions retrieved are stable. The study also gives further merit to the FSO technique, as it shows that the solutions suit investor risk profiles better than portfolios retrieved from traditional methods.
We develop a principal component approach to systematic liquidity measurement by introducing moving and expanding estimation windows. We evaluate these methods along with traditional estimation techniques (full sample PCA and market average) in terms of ability to explain (1) cross sectional stock liquidity and cross sectional stock returns. For several traditional liquidity measures our results suggest an expanding window specification for systematic liquidity estimation. The market average proxy of systematic liquidity produces the same degree of commonality, but does not have the same ability to explain stock returns as the PCA-estimates.
Several roads in Iceland with bio-oil modified surface dressings exhibited severe distresses such as bleeding, binder drain down, and eventually as surface dressing sticking to tires. Samples from six road sections were evaluated in the laboratory to determine the causes of the failure. Binders with and without bio-oil, rapeseed oil and fish oil, were evaluated through a comprehensive rheological and chemical characterization. Both oils, exhibited solubility issues with the bitumen; consequently, the oils covered the aggregates, preventing bonding between binder and stones. It appears that fish oil worked a little better than rapeseed oil for binder modification.
We present an algorithm and the associated single-view capture methodology to acquire the detailed 3D shape, bends, and wrinkles of deforming surfaces. Moving 3D data has been difficult to obtain by methods that rely on known surface features, structured light, or silhouettes. Multispectral photometric stereo is an attractive alternative because it can recover a dense normal field from an untextured surface. We show how to capture such data, which in turn allows us to demonstrate the strengths and limitations of our simple frame-to-frame registration over time. Experiments were performed on monocular video sequences of untextured cloth and faces with and without white makeup. Subjects were filmed under spatially separated red, green, and blue lights. Our first finding is that the color photometric stereo setup is able to produce smoothly varying per-frame reconstructions with high detail. Second, when these 3D reconstructions are augmented with 2D tracking results, one can register both the surfaces and relax the homogenous-color restriction of the single-hue subject. Quantitative and qualitative experiments explore both the practicality and limitations of this simple multispectral capture system.
From a theoretical point of view, it is traditionally assumed that foreign firms possess a centrally accumulated firm-specific technological advantage over domestic firms (see, for example, Findlay, 1978; Dunning, 1979). Given a sufficient level of absorptive capacity and human capital, domestic firms in host economies are able to benefit from various externalities stimulated by the presence of foreign firms.
We present a video-based system which interactively captures the geometry of a 3D object in the form of a point cloud, then recognizes and registers known objects in this point cloud in a matter of seconds (fig. 1). In order to achieve interactive speed, we exploit both efficient inference algorithms and parallel computation, often on a GPU. The system can be broken down into two distinct phases: geometry capture, and object inference. We now discuss these in further detail. © 2011 IEEE.
The purpose of this investigation was to interpret the bitumen-aggregate adhesion based on the dielectric spectroscopic response of individual material components utilizing their dielectric constants, refractive indices and average tangent of the dielectric loss angle (average loss tangent). Dielectric spectroscopy of bitumen binders at room temperature was performed in the frequency range of 0.01–1000 Hz. Dielectric spectroscopy is an experimental method for characterizing the dielectric permittivity of a material as a function of frequency. Adhesion data has been determined using the Rolling bottle method. The results show that the magnitude of the average tangent of the dielectric loss angle (average loss tangent) depends on bitumen type. The average loss tangent in the frequency range 0.01–1 Hz is introduced as a potential indicator for predicting polarizability and, thereby, adhesion potential of bitumen binders to quartz aggregates when using Portland cement. In order to obtain acceptable adhesion of 70/100 penetration grade bitumen binders and quartz aggregates when using Portland cement, it is suggested that the binder have an average tan δ > 0.035 in the frequency range 0.01–1 Hz.
A framework based on the continuum damage mechanics and thermodynamics of irreversible processes using internal state variables is used to characterize the distributed damage in viscoelastic asphalt materials in the form of micro-crack initiation and accumulation. At low temperatures and high deformation rates, micro-cracking is considered as the source of nonlinearity and thus the cause of deviation from linear viscoelastic response. Using a non-associated damage evolution law, the proposed model shows the ability to describe the temperature-dependent processes of micro-crack initiation, evolution and macro-crack formation with good comparison to the material response in the Superpave indirect tensile (IDT) strength test.
The morphology of asphalt mixture can be defined as a set of parameters describing the geometrical characteristics of its constituent materials, their relative proportions as well as spatial arrangement in the mixture. The present study is carried out to investigate the effect of the morphology on its meso- and macro-mechanical response. An analysis approach is used for the meso-structural characterisation based on the X-ray computed tomography (CT) data. Image processing techniques are used to systematically vary the internal structure to obtain different morphology structures. A morphology framework is used to characterise the average mastic coating thickness around the main load carrying structure in the structures. The uniaxial tension simulation shows that the mixtures with the lowest coating thickness exhibit better inter-particle interaction with more continuous load distribution chains between adjacent aggregate particles, less stress concentrations and less strain localisation in the mastic phase.
Crude oil markets witness growing disparity between the quality of crudes supplied and demanded in the market. The market share of low-quality crudes is increasing due to the depletion of old fields and increasing demand. This is unnerving the practitioners and affecting the relevance of the traditional benchmark crudes due to the lack of lower quality benchmarks (Montepeque, 2005). In this article, we apply Granger causality tests to study the price dependence of 32 crudes in order to establish which crudes drive other prices and which ones simply follow general market trends. Our results indicate that some of the old benchmarks are still relevant while others can be disregarded. Our results also interestingly show that the low-quality Mediterranean Russian Urals crude, introduced in the late 1990s, has emerged recently as a significant driver of global prices. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.
The conventional, geometrically lumped description of the physical processes inside a high shear granulator is not reliable for process design and scale-up. In this study, a compartmental Population Balance Model (PBM) with spatial dependence is developed and validated in two lab-scale high shear granulation processes using a 1.9L MiPro granulator and 4L DIOSNA granulator. The compartmental structure is built using a heuristic approach based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis, which includes the overall flow pattern, velocity and solids concentration. The constant volume Monte Carlo approach is implemented to solve the multi-compartment population balance equations. Different spatial dependent mechanisms are included in the compartmental PBM to describe granule growth. It is concluded that for both cases (low and high liquid content), the adjustment of parameters (e.g. layering, coalescence and breakage rate) can provide a quantitative prediction of the granulation process.