63 resultados para Lichen taxonomy

em Aston University Research Archive


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The centres of thalli of Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.) Ach. were removed, the major lobes were separated from each other and from the substratum, and then the lobes were glued back together in their original configuration. The mean radial growth, the pattern of seasonal growth, and the degree of variation in growth between lobes of the reconstructed thalli, were similar to those of control thalli. When lobes were removed from thalli and glued apart from one another, the pattern of seasonal growth and the degree of variation in lobe growth were unaffected, but annual growth rates were reduced compared with lobes reconstructed into a thallus. Glueing the lobes together in a different configuration and constructing thalli in which each lobe came from a different ‘donor’ thallus did not influence the mean radial growth of the lobes or the degree of variation in lobe growth. These results suggest that although major lobes of P. conspersa are influenced by the proximity of their neighbours there is little chemical exchange between them. In addition, some thalli may form as a result of the fusion of lobes or propagules derived from different individuals. Copyright © 1984, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reserved


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Ontologies have become widely accepted as the main method for representing knowledge in Knowledge Management (KM) applica-tions. Given the continuous and rapid change and dynamic nature of knowledge in all fields, automated methods for construct-ing ontologies are of great importance. All ontologies or taxonomies currently in use have been hand built and require consider-able manpower to keep up to date. Taxono-mies are less logically rigorous than ontolo-gies, and in this paper we consider the re-quirements for a system which automatically constructed taxonomies. There are a number of potentially useful methods for construct-ing hierarchically organised concepts from a collection of texts and there are a number of automatic methods which permit one to as-sociate one word with another. The impor-tant issue for the successful development of this research area is to identify techniques for labelling the relation between two candi-date terms, if one exists. We consider a number of possible approaches and argue that the majority are unsuitable for our re-quirements.


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Competition between four foliose lichen species, common on slate rock surfaces in South Gwynedd, Wales, UK, was studied in experimental plots with and without nutrient enrichment by bird droppings. Fragments of the four lichens were glued to pieces of slate on horizontal boards in monoculture and in two-, three- and four-species mixtures in a factorial experimental design. In monoculture, nutrient enrichment increased thallus area of Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex. Ach.) Ach., decreased thallus areas of Parmelia saxatilis (L.) Ach. and Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa (Fr. ex. Duby) Laundon, and did not affect thallus area of Phaeophyscia orbicularis (Necker) Moberg compared with untreated thalli. In the mixtures, P. conspersa and Ph. orbicularis were equally effective competitors in plots with and without nutrient enrichment. Addition of bird droppings, however, altered the ability of P. saxatilis and P. glabratula ssp. fuliginosa, to compete with the other species, the competitive ability of both species being reduced in some mixtures but increased in others. The results suggest that nutrient enrichment may alter the competitive balance between the four lichen species and this may be a factor determining their relative abundance on rock surfaces in South Gwynedd.


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Lichens are symbiotic organisms that often dominate stressful environments such as the surfaces of rock and tree bark. Whether or not competition occurs between lichens in these environments, however, is controversial. This review considers various aspects of the competitive interactions between lichens including the observational studies that suggest competitive effects may be important, the methods that have been used to study lichen competition in the field, the result of marginal contacts between lichen thalli, the attributes that may give a species a competitive advantage, and the role of competition in structuring lichen communities. These studies suggest that competition for space and light does occur in lichen communities and that individual lichen species can be excluded from a substratum as a result of competition. Moreover, competitive interactions in multi-species communities can also lead to stable assemblages of species. Future research should consider those aspects of the lichen symbiosis that may confer a competitive advantage and the factors that may promote stability in multi-species communities. Studies of competition in lichen communities may have implications for other stressful environments in which symbiotic organisms play a significant role. ©2007 Balaban.


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This study determined whether the radial growth of lobes of the foliose lichen Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.)Ach. was influenced by the radial growth and morphology of their closest neighbours and whether such interactions influence thallus symmetry. The radial growth and morphology of a sample of adjacent lobes from six thalli was measured. Positive correlations were observed between radial growth and lobe width in three thalli and with the degree of bifurcation of the lobe in two thalli. Negative correlations between the radial growth of adjacent lobes were observed in four thalli suggesting that faster growing lobes may inhibit the growth of their neighbours.Lobes glued next to individual lobes had no signifiacnt effect on the radial growth of wide or narrow lobes. Lobes glued 1-2 mm in front of their neighbours exhibited an intital phase of increased radial growth and then a phase of slower growth. Radial growth decreased when the lobes were glued 2 mm behind their neighbours and these lobes were essentially eliminated by the growth of the adjacent lobes. The data suggest that lobe interactions may incresae lobe growth variation within a thallus. However, the decrease in radial growth of lobes which protrude from the margin and the elimination of slower growing lobes may help to maintain thallus symmetry.


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The aim of this study was to determine how thallus symmetry could be maintained in foliose lichens when variation in the growth of individual lobes may be high. Hence, the radial growth of a sample of lobes was studied monthly, over 22 months, in 7 thalli of Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.) Ach. And 5 thalli of P. glabratula ssp fuliginosa (fr. ex Duby) Laund. The degree of variation in the total radial growth of different lobes within a thallus over 22 months varied between thalli. Individual lobes showed a fluctuating pattern of radial growth from month to month with alternating periods of fast and slow growth. Monthly variations in radial growth of different lobes were synchronized in some but not in all thalli. Few significant correlations were found between the radial growth of individual lobes and total monthly rainfall or shortwave radiation. The levels of ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were measured in individual lobes. All three polyols varied significantly between lobes within a thallus suggesting that variations in algal phostosynthesis and in the partitioning of fungal polyols may contribute to lobe growth variation. The effect on thallus symmetry of lobes which grew radially either consistently faster or slower than average was studied. Slow growing lobes were overgrown, and gaps in the perimeter were eliminated by the growth of neighbouring lobes, in approximately 7 to 9 months. However, a rapidly growing lobe, with its neighbours removed on either side, continued to grow radially at the same rate as rapidly growing control lobes. The results suggested that lobe growth variation results from a combination of factors which may include the origin of the lobes, lobe morphology and the patterns of algal cell division and hyphal elongation in different lobes. No convincing evidence was found to suggest that exchange of carbohydrate occurred between lobes which would tend to equalize their radial growth. Hence, the fluctuating pattern of lobe growth observed may be sufficient to maintain a degree of symmetry in most thalli. In addition, slow growing lobes would tend to be overgrown by faster growing neighbours thus preventing the formation of indentations in the thallus perimeter.


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The radial growth (RG) of 120 lobes from 35 thalli of the foliose lichen Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.) Ach. was studied monthly over 22 months in south Gwynedd, Wales, UK. Autocorrelation analysis of each lobe identified three patterns of fluctuation: 1) random fluctuations (58% of lobes), 2) a cyclic pattern of growth (23% of lobes), and 3) fluctuating growth interrupted by longer periods of very low or zero growth (19% of lobes). In 80% of thalli, two or three patterns of fluctuation were present within the same thallus. Growth fluctuations were correlated with climatic variables in 31% of lobes, most commonly with either total rainfall or number of rain days per month. Lobes correlated with climate were not associated with a particular type of growth fluctuation. RG of a lobe was positively correlated with the degree of bifurcation of the lobe tip. It is hypothesised that lobes of P. conspersa exhibit a cyclic pattern of growth due in part to lobe division. The effects of climate, periods of zero growth, and microvariations in the environment of a lobe are superimposed on this cyclic pattern resulting in the random growth of many lobes. Random growth fluctuations may contribute to the maintenance of thallus symmetry in P. conspersa.


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Seasonal growth was studied in the slow-growing crustose lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC. in an area of South Gwynedd, Wales. Radial growth rate (RGR) of a sample of 20 thalli was measured in situ at three-month intervals over 51 months on a southeast-facing rock surface. There were five periods of significant growth: July-September of 1993, 1994 and 1995, in January-March of 1996, and in April-June of 1997. In four of these periods, growth coincided with a mean temperature maximum (Tmax) over a three-month period exceeding 15°C and three of the maxima with greater than 450 sunshine hours. Two of the growth maxima coincided with periods of total rainfall exceeding 300 mm and one with greater than 50 rain days in a three-month period. There were no significant linear correlations between RGR and the climatic variables measured. However, there were significant non-linear relationships between RGR and Tmax, the mean temperature minimum (Tmin), the total number of air and ground frosts and the number of rain days in a growth period, the relationship with Tmax being the most significant. Hence, in south Gwynedd, maximum growth of R. geographicum occurs in any season although the period July-September appears to be the most favourable. Relationships between growth and climatic variables were non-linear, temperature having the most significant influence on seasonal growth. ©2006 Balaban.


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This article describes a 6-yr study of the radial growth rates (RGR, mm yr-1) of Rhizocarpon section Rhizocarpon thalli on a talus slope at Snoqualmie Pass in the Cascade Range, Washington State, United States (47°27'N; 121°26'W). At the end of the growth period, 32 of a total of 39 thalli had exhibited a positive RGR, and 7 of a total of 39 thalli showed no measurable growth. Mean RGR of all thalli was 0.07 mm yr-1 (range, 0-0.19 mm, SD = 0.06). Analysis of variance suggested no significant variation in RGR in successive growth periods, but significant differences were present both within and between thalli. The slope of a boulder facet did not influence RGR, but growth was affected by aspect, the least growth being observed on north-northwest facets. A plot of RGR against thallus diameter revealed a wide scatter of data points with little evidence for a significant change in growth with thallus size. Hence, the study showed that the RGR of Rhizocarpon thalli at Snoqualmie is extremely slow and highly variable and significantly less than estimates based on lichenometry. To determine the growth curve of a yellow-green Rhizocarpon by direct measurement at such a site would require a large sample of thalli and careful standardization of the species studied, the aspect conditions under which the thalli were measured, and the initial hypothallus width of the thalli. © 2005 Regents of the University of Colorado.


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The association between lobe connections and the degree of lobe crowding and radial growth was studied in thalli of the foliose lichen Xanthoparmelia conspersa. In 35 thalli, 15% of the lobes were not physically connected to either of their neighbours before the lobes merged into the centre of the thallus. Twenty-five percent of the lobes were connected in pairs and 29% in groups of three. Approximately 5% of the lobes were interconnected in larger groups of six or more. The mean number of lobes per group in a thallus was positively correlated with thallus diameter and with the degree of lobe growth variation but was unrelated to annual radial growth rate (RGR). The degree of crowding of the lobes in a thallus was defined as a 'crowding index', viz., the product of lobe density and mean lobe width. Crowding index increased rapidly with size in smaller thalli but changed less with size in larger thalli. Crowding index was positively correlated with RGR but was unrelated to lobe growth variation. Lobes removed from large thalli and glued in various configurations to simulate different degrees of crowding did not demonstrate an association between lobe crowding and RGR over one year. These results suggest that the pattern of lobe connectivity of a thallus is associated with lobe growth variation in X. conspersa. The degree of lobe crowding is associated with the increase in RGR with thallus size in smaller thalli and by restricting lobe width, could also be a factor associated with the more constant growth of larger thalli.


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Rhizocarpon geographicum is a crustose lichen found frequently on rock surfaces of southern aspect and less frequently on rock surfaces of northern aspect in Gwynedd, North Wales. This study tested the hypothesis that the radial growth of R. geographicum thalli predicts aspect distribution. Thalli of all sizes, however, exhibited significantly greater radial growth over 18 months on northwest compared with southeast facing surfaces. The hypothesis that a more intense competitive environment on northwest facing surfaces may explain the aspect distribution of R. geographicum was then tested. The size frequency distributions of thalli revealed a higher proportion of thalli in the smallest size class and a more restricted thallus size range on the northwest facing surfaces. In addition, thallus mortality appeared to be greater on northwest facing surfaces. Significantly more associated lichen species were present on rock surfaces of northern aspect at sites where R. geographicum was present. The mean frequency of the associated lichen species, however, was significantly lower on surfaces of northern aspect where R. geographicum was present. In addition, two common foliose species at these sites were demonstrated experimentally to overgrow thalli of R. geographicum. It is concluded that the growth of R. geographicum over the study period did not predict aspect distribution and that differences in the competitive environments on northwest and southeast surfaces may be an important factor determining aspect distribution. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Variations in hypothallus width were studied in relation to radial growth in the lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC. in South Gwynedd, Wales, UK. Variations were present both within and between thalli and in successive three-month growth periods, but there was no significant variation associated with thallus size. In individual thalli, there were increases and reductions in hypothallus width in successive three-month growth periods attributable to hypothallus growth and changes at the margin of the areolae. Total radial growth over 18 months was positively correlated with initial hypothallus width. These results suggest: 1) individual thalli of similar size vary considerably in hypothallus width, 2) fluctuations in the location of the margin of the areolae in successive three month periods is an important factor determining this variability, 3) hypothallus width predicts subsequent radial growth over 18 months, and 4) variation in hypothallus; width is a factor determining between thallus variability in radial growth rates in yellow-green species of Rhizocarpon.


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Soredial dispersal from individual soralia of Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. was studied in the field under natural conditions and by exposing the soralia to an electric fan. Individual soralia were placed on the adhesive surface of dust particle collectors which were pinned to vertical boards in the field. The majority of soredia that were deposited on the adhesive strips during the experiments were found within 1 cm of the source soralium. Deposition was studied over 6 successive days under natural conditions. Significantly fewer soredia were deposited from soralia after removal of mature accumulations and from soralia taken from moist thalli compared with soralia from air dry thalli. In addition, there was a decline in soredial deposition over the 6 days. The influence of wind speed and initial thallus moisture content on soredial deposition over short intervals of time was studied using an electric fan. More soredia and larger soredial clusters were deposited from air dry than moist soralia at all wind speeds. Variation in wind speed between 4 and 9 m/sec had little effect on soredial deposition. Deposition of soredia was also studied using the fan over successive 5-min intervals. Large numbers of soredia were deposited during the first 5-min period. Deposition then declined but recovered after about four 5-min periods. In all experiments there were differences between individual soralia in total numbers of soredia deposited and in the pattern of deposition over time. These results suggest (1) soredia accumulate on soralia and these deposits may be gradually or rapidly depleted in the field, (2) that after the release of soredial accumulations some newly exposed soredia may be rapidly dispersed, (3) a high initial thallus moisture content inhibits soredial release and (4) variation in wind speed is less important than moisture in influencing soredial deposition. The results may help to explain the intermittent pattern of soredial deposition and the poor correlations between deposition and climatic factors observed previously in the field. © 1992.


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The radial growth of individual lobes of the foliose lichen, Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.) Ach. was studied to determine whether (1) adjacent lobes exchange carbohydrate and (2) marginal competition between lobes influences radial growth. In a survey of thalli of different size, the number of marginal lobes was linearly related to thallus circumference. However, the relationship between mean lobe width and thallus circumference was fitted by a second order polynomial. Hence, mean lobe width may reach a maximum in thalli approx. 3 cm in diameter. The interactions between marginal lobes were studied by either painting single lobes with acrylic paint or by removing lobes from the thallus. Painting the whole lobe virtually stopped its radial growth while partially painted lobes grew less than control lobes. The radial growth of a lobe was unaffected by either completely painting or removing its neighbour. Removal of both neighbouring lobes did not influence the radial growth of a lobe but severing the lobe from the thallus reduced its radial growth. In addition, lobe width increased significantly when both neighbouring lobes were removed. These results suggest that adjacent lobes have a considerable degree of independence and that there is little exchange of carbohydrate between them. In addition, marginal competition between adjacent lobes may restrict the lateral extension of the lobe and this may maintain a more constant mean lobe width in larger thalli. It is possible that the intensity of marginal competition between adjacent lobes may vary with thallus size and this could be a factor determining the growth curve of a foliose lichen throughout its life.