6 resultados para Kendall, Elizabeth
em Aston University Research Archive
BACKGROUND: Earlier work established an evidence practice gap during provision of nonprescription salbutamol (albuterol). Pharmacist interns are hypothesized to be in a position to improve professional practice in the community pharmacy setting. OBJECTIVE: To explore the potential of intern pharmacists to improve the professional practice of community pharmacy staff in the provision of nonprescription salbutamol. METHODS: Intern pharmacists (n = 157) delivered an asthma intervention in 136 pharmacies consisting of an educational activity to pharmacy staff and a health promotion campaign to consumers. Post-intervention, simulated patients presented to 100 intervention and 100 control community pharmacies with a request for salbutamol. The appropriate outcome was medical referral for poor asthma control and correction of poor inhaler technique. Incidence and quantity of patient assessment and counseling provided during the visit were also assessed. Logistic regression was used to determine the predictors of medical referral. RESULTS: A doubling in the rate of medical referral was seen in the intervention group (19% vs 40%; p = 0.001). Assessment of reliever use frequency was the main predictor of medical referral (OR = 22.7; 95% CI 9.06 to 56.9). Correction of poor inhaler technique did not improve; however, a reduction in salbutamol supplied without patient assessment (23% vs 8%; p = 0.009) or counseling (75% vs 48%; p < 0.001) was noted. CONCLUSIONS: A doubling in the rate of medical referral showed a clear improvement in professional practice during the provision of nonprescription salbutamol. The improved patient outcome in the intervention group was due to increased assessment of reliever use frequency. Identification of poor inhaler technique remained near zero in both groups, which suggests that intern pharmacists were able to improve the current practice of community pharmacies yet were unable to establish a new practice behavior. This study provides evidence that intern pharmacists can act as change agents to improve pharmacy practice.
BACKGROUND: Over one quarter of asthma reliever medications are provided without prescription by community pharmacies in Australia. Evidence that community pharmacies provide these medications with sufficient patient assessment and medication counseling to ensure compliance with the government's Quality Use of Medicines principles is currently lacking. OBJECTIVE: To assess current practice when asthma reliever medication is provided in the community pharmacy setting and to identify factors that correlate with assessment of asthma control. METHODS: Researchers posing as patients visited a sample of Perth metropolitan community pharmacies in May 2007. During the visit, the simulated patient enacted a standardized scenario of someone with moderately controlled asthma who wished to purchase a salbutamol (albuterol) inhaler without prescription. Results of the encounter were recorded immediately after the visit. Regression analysis was performed, with medication use frequency (a marker of asthma control) as the dependent variable. RESULTS: One hundred sixty community pharmacies in the Perth metropolitan area were visited in May 2007. Pharmacists and/or pharmacy assistants provided some form of assessment in 84% of the visits. Counseling was provided to the simulated patients in 24% of the visits. Only 4 pharmacy staff members asked whether the simulated patient knew how to use the inhaler. Significant correlation was found between assessment and/or counseling of reliever use frequency and 3 independent variables: visit length (p < 0.001), number of assessment questions asked (p < 0.001), and the simulated patient who conducted the visit (p < 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Both patient assessment and medication counseling were suboptimal compared with recommended practice when nonprescription asthma reliever medication was supplied in the community pharmacy setting. Pharmacy and pharmacist demographic variables do not appear to affect assessment of asthma control. This research indicates the need for substantial improvements in practice in order to provide reliever medication in line with Quality Use of Medication principles of ensuring safe and effective use of medication.
BACKGROUND: Community pharmacies are at the forefront of primary care providers and have an important role in the referral of patients to a medical practitioner for review when necessary. Chronic cough is a common disorder in the community and requires medical assessment. The proficiency of community pharmacy staff to refer patients with chronic cough is currently unknown. OBJECTIVE: To assess the ability of community pharmacy staff to recognize and medically refer patients with a chronic nonproductive cough. METHODS: Following ethics approval, a simulated patient study of 156 community pharmacies in Perth, Western Australia, was conducted over a 3-month period. Simulated patients presented to the pharmacy requesting treatment for a cough. The simulated patient required a referral based on a designated scenario. Demographic details, assessment questions, and advice provided were recorded by the simulated patient immediately postvisit. A logistic regression analysis was performed, with referral for medical assessment as the dependent variable. RESULTS: Of the 155 community pharmacies included in the analysis, 38% provided appropriate medical referral. Cough suppressants were provided as therapy in 72% of all visits. Predictors of medical referral were assessment of symptom duration, medical history, current medications being taken, frequency of reliever use, and the position of the pharmacy staff member conducting the consultation. A third of community pharmacies provided appropriate primary care by recommending medical referral advice to patients with chronic cough. The majority of pharmacy staff members acquired information from the patient that suggested a need for medical referral, yet did not provide referral advice. CONCLUSIONS: Appropriate medical referral is more likely when adequate assessment is undertaken and when a pharmacist is directly involved in the consultation. This highlights the need for pharmacies to ensure that processes are in place for patients to access the pharmacist.
Background: The Respiratory Health Network in Western Australia developed the Asthma Model of Care in 2010 which incorporates best practice guidelines. At the same time short-acting beta agonist guidelines (SABA) were developed by stakeholder consensus at University of Western Australia (UWA) and incorporated the use of an Asthma Action Plan Card. Objective: To report on the implementation of a key component of the WA Asthma Model of Care, the SABA guidelines that incorporate the Asthma Action Plan card. Methods: Implementation strategies included lectures, direct pharmacy detailing, media releases, and information packs (postal and electronic). Groups targeted included pharmacists, consumers and medical practitioners. Results: State-based (n=18) and national (n=6) professional organisations were informed about the launch of the guidelines into practice in WA. In the four-month implementation period more than 47,000 Asthma Action Plan Cards were distributed, primarily to community pharmacies. More than 500 pharmacies were provided with information packs or individual detailing. More than 10,000 consumers were provided with information about the guidelines. Conclusions and implications: The collaboration of stakeholders in this project allowed for widespread access to various portals which, in turn, resulted in a multifaceted approach in disseminating information. Ongoing maintenance programs are required to sustain and build on the momentum of the implementation program and to ultimately address patient outcomes and practice change, which would be the longer-term goals of such a project. Future research will seek to ascertain the impact of the card on patient outcomes in WA.
Book review: John Clarke, Janet E. Newman, Nick Smith, Elizabeth Vidler and Louise Westmarland. Sage, 2007, 192 pp., £21.99 (pb), ISBN: 9781412921343
Background and Objective: Medication non-compliance is a considerable obstacle in achievinga therapeutic goal, whichcan result in poorerhealthcare outcomes, increased expenditure, wastage and potential for medication resistance. The UK Government’s Audit Commission’s publication ‘A Spoonful of Sugar’1 addresses these issues and promotes self-medication systems as a possible solution. The self-medication system within the Liver Transplant Unit (LTU) was implemented to induct patients onto new post- transplantation medication regimes ready for discharge. The system involves initial consultations with both the Liver Transplant Pharmacist and Trans- plant Co-ordinator, supported with additional advice as and when necessary. Design: Following ethical approval, evaluation of the self-medication sys- tem for liver transplant patients was conducted between January and March 2004 via two methods: audit and structured post-transplantation interview. The audit enabled any discrepancies between current Hospital guidelines and Liver Transplant Unit (LTU) practices to be highlighted. Patient interviews generated a retrospective insight into patient acceptance of the self-medication system. Setting: LTU, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, England. Main Outcome Measures: LTU compliance with Hospital self-medication guidelines and patient insight into self-medication system. Results: A total of seven patients were audited. Findings illustrated that self- medication by transplant patients is a complex process which was not fully addressed by current Hospital self-medication guidelines. Twenty-three patients were interviewed, showing an overwhelming positive attitude to- wards participating in their own care and a high level of understanding towards their individual medication regimes. Following a drugs counselling session, 100% of patients understood why they were taking their medica- tion, and their doses, 95% understood how to take their medication and 85% were aware of potential side effects. Conclusions: From this pilot evaluation it can be stated that the LTU self-medication system is appreciated by patients and assists them in fully understanding their medication regimes. There appear to be no major defects in the system. However areas such as communication barriers and on-going internet education were illustrated as areas for possible future investigation. References: 1. Audit Commission. A spoonful of sugar – medicines management in NHS hospitals. London: Audit Commission; 2001.