11 resultados para Joan, of Arc, Saint, 1412-1431.

em Aston University Research Archive


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Reported are experimental results from investigations of the sensing properties of long-period gratings (LPGs) recorded in two different geometries of photonic crystal fibre (PCF): a large-mode area PCF and an endlessly single mode PCF. The LPGs have been characterised for their sensitivity to temperature, bending, surrounding index and strain. The LPGs in both fibres have been found to have negligible temperature sensitivity whilst exhibiting useful strain sensitivities. Strong directional bend sensitivity is shown by one PCF whilst the other shows good non-directional bend sensitivity. The fibres exhibit differing sensitivities to surrounding refractive index.


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Reported are experimental results from investigations of the sensing properties of long-period gratings (LPGs) recorded in two different geometries of photonic crystal fibre (PCF): a large-mode area PCF and an endlessly single mode PCF. The LPGs have been characterised for their sensitivity to temperature, bending, surrounding index and strain. The LPGs in both fibres have been found to have negligible temperature sensitivity whilst exhibiting useful strain sensitivities. Strong directional bend sensitivity is shown by one PCF whilst the other shows good non-directional bend sensitivity. The fibres exhibit differing sensitivities to surrounding refractive index. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The accuracy of altimetrically derived oceanographic and geophysical information is limited by the precision of the radial component of the satellite ephemeris. A non-dynamic technique is proposed as a method of reducing the global radial orbit error of altimetric satellites. This involves the recovery of each coefficient of an analytically derived radial error correction through a refinement of crossover difference residuals. The crossover data is supplemented by absolute height measurements to permit the retrieval of otherwise unobservable geographically correlated and linearly combined parameters. The feasibility of the radial reduction procedure is established upon application to the three day repeat orbit of SEASAT. The concept of arc aggregates is devised as a means of extending the method to incorporate longer durations, such as the 35 day repeat period of ERS-1. A continuous orbit is effectively created by including the radial misclosure between consecutive long arcs as an infallible observation. The arc aggregate procedure is validated using a combination of three successive SEASAT ephemerides. A complete simulation of the 501 revolution per 35 day repeat orbit of ERS-1 is derived and the recovery of the global radial orbit error over the full repeat period is successfully accomplished. The radial reduction is dependent upon the geographical locations of the supplementary direct height data. Investigations into the respective influences of various sites proposed for the tracking of ERS-1 by ground-based transponders are carried out. The potential effectiveness on the radial orbital accuracy of locating future tracking sites in regions of high latitudinal magnitude is demonstrated.


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After a brief review of the various forms of thermal spraying equipment and processes, descriptions of the basic principles involved and the general functions for which thermally sprayed coatings are used are given. The background of the collaborating company, Metallisation, is described and their position in the overall market discussed, providing a backdrop against which the appropriateness of various project options might be judged. Current arc-spraying equipment is then examined, firstly in terms of the workings of their constituent parts and subsequently by examining the effects of changes in design and in operating parameters both upon equipment operation and the coatings produced. Published literature relating to these matters is reviewed. Literature relating to the production, comminution and propulsion of the particles which form the spray is discussed as are the mechanisms involved at impact with the substrate. Literature on the use of rockets for thermal spraying and induction heating as a process for feedstock melting are also reviewed. Three distinct options for further study are derived and preliminary tests and costings made to allow one option alone, the use of rocket acceleration, to go forward to the experimental phase. A suitable rocket burner was developed, tested and incorporated into an arc-spray system so that the sprayability of the whole could be assessed. Coatings were made using various parameters and these are compared with coatings produced by a standard system. Coatings were examined for macro and micro hardness, cohesive strength, porosity and by microstructural examination. The results indicate a high degree of similarity between the coatings produced by the standard system and the high velocity system. This was surprising in view of the very different atomising media and velocities. Possible causes for this similarity and the general behaviour of this new system and the standard system are discussed before the study reaches its conclusions in not proving the hypothesis that an increase in particle velocity would improve the mechanical properties of arc-sprayed steel coatings. KEY WORDS: Sprayed metal coatings, Electric arc spraying, High velocity flame spraying, Sprayed coating properties


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We studied the visual mechanisms that encode edge blur in images. Our previous work suggested that the visual system spatially differentiates the luminance profile twice to create the `signature' of the edge, and then evaluates the spatial scale of this signature profile by applying Gaussian derivative templates of different sizes. The scale of the best-fitting template indicates the blur of the edge. In blur-matching experiments, a staircase procedure was used to adjust the blur of a comparison edge (40% contrast, 0.3 s duration) until it appeared to match the blur of test edges at different contrasts (5% - 40%) and blurs (6 - 32 min of arc). Results showed that lower-contrast edges looked progressively sharper. We also added a linear luminance gradient to blurred test edges. When the added gradient was of opposite polarity to the edge gradient, it made the edge look progressively sharper. Both effects can be explained quantitatively by the action of a half-wave rectifying nonlinearity that sits between the first and second (linear) differentiating stages. This rectifier was introduced to account for a range of other effects on perceived blur (Barbieri-Hesse and Georgeson, 2002 Perception 31 Supplement, 54), but it readily predicts the influence of the negative ramp. The effect of contrast arises because the rectifier has a threshold: it not only suppresses negative values but also small positive values. At low contrasts, more of the gradient profile falls below threshold and its effective spatial scale shrinks in size, leading to perceived sharpening.


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We studied the visual mechanisms that encode edge blur in images. Our previous work suggested that the visual system spatially differentiates the luminance profile twice to create the 'signature' of the edge, and then evaluates the spatial scale of this signature profile by applying Gaussian derivative templates of different sizes. The scale of the best-fitting template indicates the blur of the edge. In blur-matching experiments, a staircase procedure was used to adjust the blur of a comparison edge (40% contrast, 0.3 s duration) until it appeared to match the blur of test edges at different contrasts (5% - 40%) and blurs (6 - 32 min of arc). Results showed that lower-contrast edges looked progressively sharper.We also added a linear luminance gradient to blurred test edges. When the added gradient was of opposite polarity to the edge gradient, it made the edge look progressively sharper. Both effects can be explained quantitatively by the action of a half-wave rectifying nonlinearity that sits between the first and second (linear) differentiating stages. This rectifier was introduced to account for a range of other effects on perceived blur (Barbieri-Hesse and Georgeson, 2002 Perception 31 Supplement, 54), but it readily predicts the influence of the negative ramp. The effect of contrast arises because the rectifier has a threshold: it not only suppresses negative values but also small positive values. At low contrasts, more of the gradient profile falls below threshold and its effective spatial scale shrinks in size, leading to perceived sharpening.


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Edge blur is an important perceptual cue, but how does the visual system encode the degree of blur at edges? Blur could be measured by the width of the luminance gradient profile, peak ^ trough separation in the 2nd derivative profile, or the ratio of 1st-to-3rd derivative magnitudes. In template models, the system would store a set of templates of different sizes and find which one best fits the `signature' of the edge. The signature could be the luminance profile itself, or one of its spatial derivatives. I tested these possibilities in blur-matching experiments. In a 2AFC staircase procedure, observers adjusted the blur of Gaussian edges (30% contrast) to match the perceived blur of various non-Gaussian test edges. In experiment 1, test stimuli were mixtures of 2 Gaussian edges (eg 10 and 30 min of arc blur) at the same location, while in experiment 2, test stimuli were formed from a blurred edge sharpened to different extents by a compressive transformation. Predictions of the various models were tested against the blur-matching data, but only one model was strongly supported. This was the template model, in which the input signature is the 2nd derivative of the luminance profile, and the templates are applied to this signature at the zero-crossings. The templates are Gaussian derivative receptive fields that covary in width and length to form a self-similar set (ie same shape, different sizes). This naturally predicts that shorter edges should look sharper. As edge length gets shorter, responses of longer templates drop more than shorter ones, and so the response distribution shifts towards shorter (smaller) templates, signalling a sharper edge. The data confirmed this, including the scale-invariance implied by self-similarity, and a good fit was obtained from templates with a length-to-width ratio of about 1. The simultaneous analysis of edge blur and edge location may offer a new solution to the multiscale problem in edge detection.


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The connectivity of the Internet at the Autonomous System level is influenced by the network operator policies implemented. These in turn impose a direction to the announcement of address advertisements and, consequently, to the paths that can be used to reach back such destinations. We propose to use directed graphs to properly represent how destinations propagate through the Internet and the number of arc-disjoint paths to quantify this network's path diversity. Moreover, in order to understand the effects that policies have on the connectivity of the Internet, numerical analyses of the resulting directed graphs were conducted. Results demonstrate that, even after policies have been applied, there is still path diversity which the Border Gateway Protocol cannot currently exploit.


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Purpose: Although significant amounts of vertical misalignment could have a noticeable effect on visual performance, there is no conclusive evidence about the effect of very small amount of vertical disparity on stereopsis and binocular vision. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of induced vertical disparity on local and global stereopsis at near. Materials and Methods: Ninety participants wearing best-corrected refraction had local and global stereopsis tested with 0.5 and 1.0 prism diopter (Δ) vertical prism in front of their dominant and non-dominant eye in turn. This was compared to local and global stereopsis in the same subjects without vertical prism. Data were analyzed in SPSS.17 software using the independent samples T and the repeated measures ANOVA tests. Results: Induced vertical disparity decreases local and global stereopsis. This reduction is greater when vertical disparity is induced in front of the non-dominant eye and affects global more than local stereopsis. Repeated measures ANOVA showed differences in the mean stereopsis between the different measured states for local and global values. Local stereopsis thresholds were reduced by 10s of arc or less on average with 1.0Δ of induced vertical prism in front of either eye. However, global stereopsis thresholds were reduced by over 100s of arc by the same 1.0Δ of induced vertical prism. Conclusion: Induced vertical disparity affects global stereopsis thresholds by an order of magnitude (or a factor of 10) more than local stereopsis. Hence, using a test that measures global stereopsis such as the TNO is more sensitive to vertical misalignment than a test such as the Stereofly that measures local stereopsis. © 2014 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted.


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The activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated (Arc) protein controls synaptic strength by facilitating AMPA receptor (AMPAR) endocytosis. Here we demonstrate that Arc targets AMPAR to be internalized through a direct interaction with the clathrin-adaptor protein 2 (AP-2). We show that Arc overexpression in dissociated hippocampal neurons obtained from C57BL/6 mouse reduces the density of AMPAR GluA1 subunits at the cell surface and reduces the amplitude and rectification of AMPAR-mediated miniature-EPSCs (mEPSCs). Mutations of Arc, that prevent the AP-2 interaction reduce Arc-mediated endocytosis of GluA1 and abolish the reduction in AMPAR-mediated mEPSC amplitude and rectification. Depletion of the AP-2 subunit µ2 blocks the Arc-mediated reduction in mEPSC amplitude, an effect that is restored by reintroducing µ2. The Arc-AP-2 interaction plays an important role in homeostatic synaptic scaling as the Arc-dependent decrease in mEPSC amplitude, induced by a chronic increase in neuronal activity, is inhibited by AP-2 depletion. These data provide a mechanism to explain how activity-dependent expression of Arc decisively controls the fate of AMPAR at the cell surface and modulates synaptic strength, via the direct interaction with the endocytic clathrin adaptor AP-2.