10 resultados para Isolamento sismico alla base, Seismic isolation, Spectral response, Analisi sismica dinamica lineare con spettro di risposta, Isolatori, HDRB, Isolatori a pendolo scorrevole, Isolatori in gomma, Analisi modale.

em Aston University Research Archive


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The microwave photonic responses of superstructured fiber Bragg gratings in combination with dispersive fiber are investigated theoretically and experimentally. The superstructured gratings are optimized, taking account of the spectral response of the broad-band source, Erbium-doped fiber amplifier, and optical tunable filter to achieve a filter response with sidelobe suppression of more than 60 dB. © 2004 IEEE.


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The microwave photonic responses of superstructured fiber Bragg gratings in combination with dispersive fiber are investigated theoretically and experimentally. The superstructured gratings are optimized, taking account of the spectral response of the broad-band source, erbium-doped fiber amplifier, and optical tunable filter to achieve a filter response with sidelobe suppression of more than 60 dB.


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Using a cavity mode model we study numerically the impact of bandwidth and spectral response profile of fibre Bragg gratings on four-wave-mixing-induced spectral broadening of radiation generated in 6 km and 22 km SMF-based Raman fibre lasers.


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This study used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to examine the dynamic patterns of neural activity underlying the auditory steady-state response. We examined the continuous time-series of responses to a 32-Hz amplitude modulation. Fluctuations in the amplitude of the evoked response were found to be mediated by non-linear interactions with oscillatory processes both at the same source, in the alpha and beta frequency bands, and in the opposite hemisphere. © 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The curvature- or bend-sensing response of long-period gratings (LPGs) UV inscribed in D-shaped fiber has been investigated experimentally. Strong fiber-orientation dependence of the spectral response when such LPGs are subjected to bending at different directions has been observed and is shown to form the basis for a new class of single-device sensor with vector-sensing capability. Potential applications utilizing the linear response and unique bend-orientation characteristics of the devices are discussed.


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The fabrication and characterization of long-period gratings (LPGs) in fiber tapers is presented alongside supporting theory. The devices possess a high sensitivity to the index of aqueous solutions due to an observed spectral bifurcation effect, yielding a limiting index resolution of ±8.5×10-5 for solutions with an index in the range 1.330-1.335.


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This thesis describes a detailed study of advanced fibre grating devices using Bragg (FBG) and long-period (LPG) structures and their applications in optical communications and sensing. The major contributions presented in this thesis are summarised below. One of the most important contributions from the research work presented in this thesis is a systematic theoretical study of many distinguishing structures of fibre gratings. Starting from the Maxwell equations, the coupled-mode equations for both FBG and LPG were derived and the mode-overlap factor was analytically discussed. Computing simulation programmes utilising matrix transform method based on the models built upon the coupled-mode equations were developed, enabling simulations of spectral response in terms of reflectivity, bandwidth, sidelobes and dispersion of gratings of different structures including uniform and chirped, phase-shifted, Moiré, sampled Bragg gratings, phase-shifted and cascaded long-period gratings. Although the majority of these structures were modelled numerically, analytical expressions for some complex structures were developed with a clear physical picture. Several apodisation functions were proposed to improve sidelobe suppression, which guided effective production of practical devices for demanding applications. Fibre grating fabrication is the other major part involved in the Ph.D. programme. Both the holographic and scan-phase-mask methods were employed to fabricate Bragg and long-period gratings of standard and novel structures. Significant improvements were particularly made in the scan-phase-mask method to enable the arbitrarily tailoring of the spectral response of grating devices. Two specific techniques - slow-shifting and fast-dithering the phase-mask implemented by a computer controlled piezo - were developed to write high quality phase-shifted, sampled and apodised gratings. A large number of LabVIEW programmes were constructed to implement standard and novel fabrication techniques. In addition, some fundamental studies of grating growth in relating to the UV exposure and hydrogenation induced index were carried out. In particular, Type IIa gratings in non-hydrogenated B/Ge co-doped fibres and a re-generated grating in hydrogenated B/Ge fibre were investigated, showing a significant observation of thermal coefficient reduction. Optical sensing applications utilising fibre grating devices form the third major part of the research work presented in this thesis. Several experiments of novel sensing and sensing-demodulating were implemented. For the first time, an intensity and wavelength dual-coding interrogation technique was demonstrated showing significantly enhanced capacity of grating sensor multiplexing. Based on the mode-splitting measurement, instead of using conventional wavelength-shifting detection technique, successful demonstrations were also made for optical load and bend sensing of ultra-high sensitivity employing LPG structures. In addition, edge-filters and low-loss high-rejection bandpass filters of 50nm stop-band were fabricated for application in optical sensing and high-speed telecommunication systems


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The visual evoked magnetic response CIIm component to a pattern onset stimulus presented half field produced a consistent scalp topography in 15 normal subjects. The major response was seen over the contralateral hemisphere, suggesting a dipole with current flowing away from the medial surface of the brain. Full field responses were more unpredictable. The reponses of five subjects were studied to the onset of a full, left half and right half checkerboard stimuli of 38 x 27 min arc checks appearing for 200 ms. In two subjects the full field CIIm topography was consistent with that of the mathematical summation of their relevant half field distribution. The remaining subjects had unpredictable full field topographies, showing little or no relationship to their half or summated half fields. In each of these subjects, a distribution matching that of the summated half field CIIm distribution appears at an earlier latency than that of the predominant full field waveform peak. By examining the topography of the full and half field responses at 5 ms intervals along the waveform for one such subject, the CIIm topography of the right hemisphere develops 10 ms before that of the left hemisphere, and is replaced by the following CIIIm component 20 ms earlier. Hence, the large peak seen in full field results from a combination of the CIIm component of the left hemisphere plus that of the CIIIm from the right. The earlier peak results from the CIIm generated in both hemispheres, at a latency where both show similar amplitudes. As the relative amplitudes of these two peaks alter with check and field size, topographic studies would be required for accurate CIIm identification. In addition. the CIIm-CIIIm complex lasts for 80 ms in the right hemisphere and 135 ms in the left, suggesting hemispherical apecialization in the visual processing of the pattern onset response.