17 resultados para Investigator

em Aston University Research Archive


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Purpose: To examine the objective clinical performance of ‘comfort-enhanced’ daily disposable contact lenses over a 16-h day. Methods: Four contact lenses (Hilafilcon B, Etafilcon A Plus, Nelfilcon A and Nelfilcon A Plus) were evaluated in an investigator masked, open label trial at the end of a week’s bilateral wear. Pre-lens noninvasive tear break-up time (PL-NITBUT), tear prism height, bulbar hyperaemia and ocular surface temperature (OST) were measured with the lens in situ at 8, 12 and 16 h of wear. Results: There was no difference between how many hours the lenses types were worn each day (F = 0.90, p = 0.44). The PL-NITBUT decreased with the duration of daily lens wear (F = 32.0, p < 0.001) and was more stable with Nelfilcon A Plus (F = 6.00, p = 0.002) than with the other lenses evaluated. Bulbar blood vessels increased in coverage (F = 11.5, p < 0.001) but not overall redness (F = 0.0, p = 0.99) with the duration of daily lens wear, but there was no difference between the lenses (p > 0.05). The tear prism height decreased with the duration of daily wear (F = 27.0, p < 0.001) and differed between lenses (F = 2.9, p = 0.04). The OST decreased with the duration of lens wear (F = 119.7, p < 0.001) and was reduced by daily disposable lens wear (F = 7.88, p < 0.001), but did not differ between lenses (F = 0.88, p = 0.45). Conclusions: Objective measures of tear film indicated a difference between the lenses evaluated for PLNITBUT and tear prism height, but not for wearing time or bulbar conjunctival hyperaemia. Therefore clinical benefits of daily disposable ‘comfort enhancing’ contact lenses can be measured, but challenges remain in producing contact lenses that do not compromise anterior eye physiology over the whole day. 2010 British Contact Lens Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This is a review of studies that have investigated the proposed rehabilitative benefit of tinted lenses and filters for people with low vision. Currently, eye care practitioners have to rely on marketing literature and anecdotal reports from users when making recommendations for tinted lens or filter use in low vision. Our main aim was to locate a prescribing protocol that was scientifically based and could assist low vision specialists with tinted lens prescribing decisions. We also wanted to determine if previous work had found any tinted lens/task or tinted lens/ocular condition relationships, i.e. were certain tints or filters of use for specific tasks or for specific eye conditions. Another aim was to provide a review of previous research in order to stimulate new work using modern experimental designs. Past studies of tinted lenses and low vision have assessed effects on visual acuity (VA), grating acuity, contrast sensitivity (CS), visual field, adaptation time, glare, photophobia and TV viewing. Objective and subjective outcome measures have been used. However, very little objective evidence has been provided to support anecdotal reports of improvements in visual performance. Many studies are flawed in that they lack controls for investigator bias, and placebo, learning and fatigue effects. Therefore, the use of tinted lenses in low vision remains controversial and eye care practitioners will have to continue to rely on anecdotal evidence to assist them in their prescribing decisions. Suggestions for future research, avoiding some of these experimental shortcomings, are made. © 2002 The College of Optometrists.


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This is the first published edition of John Sinclair, Susan Jones and Robert Daley's research on collocation undertaken in 1970. The unpublished report was circulated amongst a small group of academics and was enormously influential, sparking a growth of interest in collocation amongst researchers in linguistics. Collocation was first viewed as important in computational linguistics in the work of Harold Palmer in Japan. Later M.A.K. Halliday and John Sinclair published on collocation in the 1960s. English Collocation Studies is a report on empirical research into collocation, devised by Halliday with Sinclair acting as the Principal Investigator and editor of the resultant OSTI report. The present edition contains an introduction by Professor Wolfgang Teubert based on his interview with John Sinclair. The introduction assesses the extent to which the findings of the original research have developed in the intervening years, and how some of the techniques mentioned in the report were implemented in the COBUILD project at Birmingham University in the 1980s.


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When testing the difference between two groups, if previous data indicate non-normality, then either transform the data if they comprise percentages, integers or scores or use a non-parametric test. If there is uncertainty whether the data are normally distributed, then deviations from normality are likely to be small if the data are measurements to three significant figures. Unless there is clear evidence that the distribution is non-normal, it is more efficient to use the conventional t-tests. It is poor statistical practice to carry out both the parametric and non-parametric tests on a set of data and then choose the result that is most convenient to the investigator!


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In many circumstances, it may be of interest to discover whether two or more regression lines are the same. Regression lines may differ in three properties, viz., in residual variance, in slope, and in elevation; all of which can be tested using analysis of covariance. If there are no significant differences between regression lines, an investigator may which to combine the data from different studies and fit a single regression line to the whole of the data.


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Non-linear relationships are common in microbiological research and often necessitate the use of the statistical techniques of non-linear regression or curve fitting. In some circumstances, the investigator may wish to fit an exponential model to the data, i.e., to test the hypothesis that a quantity Y either increases or decays exponentially with increasing X. This type of model is straight forward to fit as taking logarithms of the Y variable linearises the relationship which can then be treated by the methods of linear regression.


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In some studies, the data are not measurements but comprise counts or frequencies of particular events. In such cases, an investigator may be interested in whether one specific event happens more frequently than another or whether an event occurs with a frequency predicted by a scientific model.


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In any investigation in optometry involving more that two treatment or patient groups, an investigator should be using ANOVA to analyse the results assuming that the data conform reasonably well to the assumptions of the analysis. Ideally, specific null hypotheses should be built into the experiment from the start so that the treatments variation can be partitioned to test these effects directly. If 'post-hoc' tests are used, then an experimenter should examine the degree of protection offered by the test against the possibilities of making either a type 1 or a type 2 error. All experimenters should be aware of the complexity of ANOVA. The present article describes only one common form of the analysis, viz., that which applies to a single classification of the treatments in a randomised design. There are many different forms of the analysis each of which is appropriate to the analysis of a specific experimental design. The uses of some of the most common forms of ANOVA in optometry have been described in a further article. If in any doubt, an investigator should consult a statistician with experience of the analysis of experiments in optometry since once embarked upon an experiment with an unsuitable design, there may be little that a statistician can do to help.


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Multiple regression analysis is a complex statistical method with many potential uses. It has also become one of the most abused of all statistical procedures since anyone with a data base and suitable software can carry it out. An investigator should always have a clear hypothesis in mind before carrying out such a procedure and knowledge of the limitations of each aspect of the analysis. In addition, multiple regression is probably best used in an exploratory context, identifying variables that might profitably be examined by more detailed studies. Where there are many variables potentially influencing Y, they are likely to be intercorrelated and to account for relatively small amounts of the variance. Any analysis in which R squared is less than 50% should be suspect as probably not indicating the presence of significant variables. A further problem relates to sample size. It is often stated that the number of subjects or patients must be at least 5-10 times the number of variables included in the study.5 This advice should be taken only as a rough guide but it does indicate that the variables included should be selected with great care as inclusion of an obviously unimportant variable may have a significant impact on the sample size required.


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1. The techniques associated with regression, whether linear or non-linear, are some of the most useful statistical procedures that can be applied in clinical studies in optometry. 2. In some cases, there may be no scientific model of the relationship between X and Y that can be specified in advance and the objective may be to provide a ‘curve of best fit’ for predictive purposes. In such cases, the fitting of a general polynomial type curve may be the best approach. 3. An investigator may have a specific model in mind that relates Y to X and the data may provide a test of this hypothesis. Some of these curves can be reduced to a linear regression by transformation, e.g., the exponential and negative exponential decay curves. 4. In some circumstances, e.g., the asymptotic curve or logistic growth law, a more complex process of curve fitting involving non-linear estimation will be required.


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This book is aimed primarily at microbiologists who are undertaking research and who require a basic knowledge of statistics to analyse their experimental data. Computer software employing a wide range of data analysis methods is widely available to experimental scientists. The availability of this software, however, makes it essential that investigators understand the basic principles of statistics. Statistical analysis of data can be complex with many different methods of approach, each of which applies in a particular experimental circumstance. Hence, it is possible to apply an incorrect statistical method to data and to draw the wrong conclusions from an experiment. The purpose of this book, which has its origin in a series of articles published in the Society for Applied Microbiology journal ‘The Microbiologist’, is an attempt to present the basic logic of statistics as clearly as possible and therefore, to dispel some of the myths that often surround the subject. The 28 ‘Statnotes’ deal with various topics that are likely to be encountered, including the nature of variables, the comparison of means of two or more groups, non-parametric statistics, analysis of variance, correlating variables, and more complex methods such as multiple linear regression and principal components analysis. In each case, the relevant statistical method is illustrated with examples drawn from experiments in microbiological research. The text incorporates a glossary of the most commonly used statistical terms and there are two appendices designed to aid the investigator in the selection of the most appropriate test.


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An investigator may also wish to select a small subset of the X variables which give the best prediction of the Y variable. In this case, the question is how many variables should the regression equation include? One method would be to calculate the regression of Y on every subset of the X variables and choose the subset that gives the smallest mean square deviation from the regression. Most investigators, however, prefer to use a ‘stepwise multiple regression’ procedure. There are two forms of this analysis called the ‘step-up’ (or ‘forward’) method and the ‘step-down’ (or ‘backward’) method. This Statnote illustrates the use of stepwise multiple regression with reference to the scenario introduced in Statnote 24, viz., the influence of climatic variables on the growth of the crustose lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.)DC.


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Objective - To evaluate long-term safety of intravitreal ranibizumab 0.5-mg injections in neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD). Design - Twenty-four–month, open-label, multicenter, phase IV extension study. Participants - Two hundred thirty-four patients previously treated with ranibizumab for 12 months in the EXCITE/SUSTAIN study. Methods - Ranibizumab 0.5 mg administered at the investigator's discretion as per the European summary of product characteristics 2007 (SmPC, i.e., ranibizumab was administered if a patient experienced a best-corrected visual acuity [BCVA] loss of >5 Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study letters measured against the highest visual acuity [VA] value obtained in SECURE or previous studies [EXCITE and SUSTAIN], attributable to the presence or progression of active nAMD in the investigator's opinion). Main Outcome Measures - Incidence of ocular or nonocular adverse events (AEs) and serious AEs, mean change in BCVA from baseline over time, and the number of injections. Results - Of 234 enrolled patients, 210 (89.7%) completed the study. Patients received 6.1 (mean) ranibizumab injections over 24 months. Approximately 42% of patients had 7 or more visits at which ranibizumab was not administered, although they had experienced a VA loss of more than 5 letters, indicating either an undertreatment or that factors other than VA loss were considered for retreatment decision by the investigator. The most frequent ocular AEs (study eye) were retinal hemorrhage (12.8%; 1 event related to study drug), cataract (11.5%; 1 event related to treatment procedure), and increased intraocular pressure (6.4%; 1 event related to study drug). Cataract reported as serious due to hospitalization for cataract surgery occurred in 2.6% of patients; none was suspected to be related to study drug or procedure. Main nonocular AEs were hypertension and nasopharyngitis (9.0% each). Arterial thromboembolic events were reported in 5.6% of the patients. Five (2.1%) deaths occurred during the study, none related to the study drug or procedure. At month 24, mean BCVA declined by 4.3 letters from the SECURE baseline. Conclusions - The SECURE study showed that ranibizumab administered as per a VA-guided flexible dosing regimen recommended in the European ranibizumab SmPC at the investigator's discretion was well tolerated over 2 years. No new safety signals were identified in patients who received ranibizumab for a total of 3 years. On average, patients lost BCVA from the SECURE study baseline, which may be the result of disease progression or possible undertreatment.


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Background: Poor diet is thought to be a risk factor for many diseases, including age-related macular disease (ARMD), which is the leading cause of blind registration in those aged over 60 years in the developed world. The aims of this study were 1) to evaluate the dietary food intake of three subject groups: participants under the age of 50 years without ARMD (U50), participants over the age of 50 years without ARMD (O50), and participants with ARMD (AMD), and 2) to obtain information on nutritional supplement usage. Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study designed in a clinical practice setting. Seventy-four participants were divided into three groups: U50; 20 participants aged < 50 years, from 21 to 40 (mean ± SD, 37.7 ± 10.1 years), O50; 27 participants aged > 50 years, from 52 to 77 (62.7 ± 6.8 years), and ARMD; 27 participants aged > 50 years with ARMD, from 55 to 79 (66.0 ± 5.8 years). Participants were issued with a three-day food diary, and were also asked to provide details of any daily nutritional supplements. The diaries were analysed using FoodBase 2000 software. Data were input by one investigator and statistically analysed using Microsoft Excel for Microsoft Windows XP software, employing unpaired t-tests. Results: Group O50 consumed significantly more vitamin C (t = 3.049, p = 0.005) and significantly more fibre (t = 2.107, p = 0.041) than group U50. Group ARMD consumed significantly more protein (t = 3.487, p = 0.001) and zinc (t = 2.252, p = 0.029) than group O50. The ARMD group consumed the highest percentage of specific ocular health supplements and the U50 group consumed the most multivitamins. Conclusions: We did not detect a deficiency of any specific nutrient in the diets of those with ARMD compared with age- and gender-matched controls. ARMD patients may be aware of research into use of nutritional supplementation to prevent progression of their condition.


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Purpose: Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is a successful tear film stabiliser and is widely used in comfort drops and some soft contact lens materials. A PVA-containing lens, nelfilcon A has been modified to include additional (non-functional) PVA in order to provide improved comfort. This study aims to examine the clinical performance of this nelfilcon A lens with AquaRelease™ (AquaRelease). Methods: Two contralateral, investigator masked, open label, subjective and objective evaluations were conducted. The first examined the effect of adding increased molecular weight PVA to nelfilcon A (n = 5), and the second compared this AquaRelease lens to ocufilcon B (n = 34). The principal measures were non-invasive break-up time (NIBUT) and subjective comfort, which were assessed at the beginning and end of a week of daily wear, and three times throughout 1 day at 8, 12 and 16 h. Results: All subjects successfully completed the daily wearing schedule of 16 h. On initial insertion, subjective comfort and NIBUT improved for AquaRelease than original nelfilcon A lenses (p < 0.05). Initial comfort was better for AquaRelease compared to ocufilcon B lenses (p = 0.01); however, NIBUT was not statistically different (11.7 ± 15.6 s versus 8.4 ± 6.8 s; p = 0.26). Subjective comfort decreased with time (p < 0.001), but there was no significant difference between AquaRelease and ocufilcon B lenses (p = 0.16). NIBUT was not significantly affected by time (p = 0.56) or between lenses (p = 0.33). At the end of a weeks' wear, subjective initial, end-of-day, overall comfort and vision were rated significantly better with AquaRelease than ocufilcon B (p < 0.01). Conclusions: Release of additional non-functionalised PVA from the nelfilcon A lenses appears to enhance comfortable contact lens wear. © 2006 British Contact Lens Association.