7 resultados para Intercalation

em Aston University Research Archive


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Two key issues defined the focus of this research in manufacturing plasmid DNA for use In human gene therapy. First, the processing of E.coli bacterial cells to effect the separation of therapeutic plasmid DNA from cellular debris and adventitious material. Second, the affinity purification of the plasmid DNA in a Simple one-stage process. The need arises when considering the concerns that have been recently voiced by the FDA concerning the scalability and reproducibility of the current manufacturing processes in meeting the quality criteria of purity, potency, efficacy, and safety for a recombinant drug substance for use in humans. To develop a preliminary purification procedure, an EFD cross-flow micro-filtration module was assessed for its ability to effect the 20-fold concentration, 6-time diafiltration, and final clarification of the plasmid DNA from the subsequent cell lysate that is derived from a 1 liter E.coli bacterial cell culture. Historically, the employment of cross-flow filtration modules within procedures for harvesting cells from bacterial cultures have failed to reach the required standards dictated by existing continuous centrifuge technologies, frequently resulting in the rapid blinding of the membrane with bacterial cells that substantially reduces the permeate flux. By challenging the EFD module, containing six helical wound tubular membranes promoting centrifugal instabilities known as Dean vortices, with distilled water between the Dean number's of 187Dn and 818Dn,and the transmembrane pressures (TMP) of 0 to 5 psi. The data demonstrated that the fluid dynamics significantly influenced the permeation rate, displaying a maximum at 227Dn (312 Imh) and minimum at 818Dn (130 Imh) for a transmembrane pressure of 1 psi. Numerical studies indicated that the initial increase and subsequent decrease resulted from a competition between the centrifugal and viscous forces that create the Dean vortices. At Dean numbers between 187Dn and 227Dn , the forces combine constructively to increase the apparent strength and influence of the Dean vortices. However, as the Dean number in increases above 227 On the centrifugal force dominates the viscous forces, compressing the Dean vortices into the membrane walls and reducing their influence on the radial transmembrane pressure i.e. the permeate flux reduced. When investigating the action of the Dean vortices in controlling tile fouling rate of E.coli bacterial cells, it was demonstrated that the optimum cross-flow rate at which to effect the concentration of a bacterial cell culture was 579Dn and 3 psi TMP, processing in excess of 400 Imh for 20 minutes (i.e., concentrating a 1L culture to 50 ml in 10 minutes at an average of 450 Imh). The data demonstrated that there was a conflict between the Dean number at which the shear rate could control the cell fouling, and the Dean number at which tile optimum flux enhancement was found. Hence, the internal geometry of the EFD module was shown to sub-optimal for this application. At 579Dn and 3 psi TMP, the 6-fold diafiltration was shown to occupy 3.6 minutes of process time, processing at an average flux of 400 Imh. Again, at 579Dn and 3 psi TMP the clarification of the plasmid from tile resulting freeze-thaw cell lysate was achieved at 120 Iml1, passing 83% (2,5 mg) of the plasmid DNA (6,3 ng μ-1 10.8 mg of genomic DNA (∼23,00 Obp, 36 ng μ-1 ), and 7.2 mg of cellular proteins (5-100 kDa, 21.4 ngμ-1 ) into the post-EFD process stream. Hence the EFD module was shown to be effective, achieving the desired objectives in approximately 25 minutes. On the basis of its ability to intercalate into low molecular weight dsDNA present in dilute cell lysates, and be electrophoresed through agarose, the fluorophore PicoGreen was selected for the development of a suitable dsDNA assay. It was assesseel for its accuracy, and reliability, In determining the concentration and identity of DNA present in samples that were eleclrophoresed through agarose gels. The signal emitted by intercalated PicoGreen was shown to be constant and linear, and that the mobility of the PicaGreen-DNA complex was not affected by the intercalation. Concerning the secondary purification procedure, various anion-exchange membranes were assessed for their ability to capture plasmid DNA from the post-EFD process stream. For a commercially available Sartorius Sartobind Q15 membrane, the reduction in the equilibriumbinding capacity for  ctDNA in buffer of increasing ionic demonstrated that DNA was being.adsorbed by electrostatic  interactions only. However, the problems associated with fluid distribution across the membrane demonstrated that the membrane housing was the predominant cause of the .erratic breakthrough curves. Consequently, this would need to be rectified before such a membrane could be integrated into the current system, or indeed be scaled beyond laboratory scale. However, when challenged with the process material, the data showed that considerable quantities of protein (1150 μg) were adsorbed preferentially to the plasmid DNA (44 μg). This was also shown for derived Pall Gelman UltraBind US450 membranes that had been functionalised by varying molecular weight poly-L~lysine and polyethyleneimine ligands. Hence the anion-exchange membranes were shown to be ineffective in capturing plasmid DNA from the process stream. Finally, work was performed to integrate a sequence-specific DNA·binding protein into a single-stage DNA chromatography, isolating plasmid DNA from E.coli cells whilst minimising the contamination from genomic DNA and cellular protein. Preliminary work demonstrated that the fusion protein was capable of isolating pUC19 DNA into which the recognition sequence for the fusion-protein had been inserted (pTS DNA) when in the presence of the conditioned process material. Althougth the pTS recognition sequence differs from native pUC19 sequences by only 2 bp, the fusion protein was shown to act as a highly selective affinity ligand for pTS DNA alone. Subsequently, the scale of the process was scaled 25-fold and positioned directly following the EFD system. In conclusion, the integration of the EFD micro-filtration system and zinc-finger affinity purification technique resulted in the capture of approximately 1 mg of plasmid DNA was purified from 1L of E.coli  culture in a simple two stage process, resulting in the complete removal of genomic DNA and 96.7% of cellular protein in less than 1 hour of process time.


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A range of chromia pillared montmorillonite and tin oxide pillared laponite clay catalysts, as well as new pillared clay materials such as cerium and europium oxide pillared montmorillonites were synthesised. Methods included both conventional ion exchange techniques and microwave enhanced methods to improve performance and/or reduce preparation time. These catalytic materials were characterised in detail both before and after use in order to study the effect of the preparation parameters (starting material, preparation method, pillaring species, hydroxyl to metal ratio etc.) and the hydro cracking procedure on their properties. This led to a better understanding of the nature of their structure and catalytic operation. These catalysts were evaluated with regards to their performance in hydrocracking coal derived liquids in a conventional microbomb reactor (carried out at Imperial College). Nearly all catalysts displayed better conversions when reused. The chromia pillared montmorillonite CM3 and the tin oxide pillared laponite SL2a showed the best "conversions". The intercalation of chromium in the form of chromia (Cr203) in the interlayer clearly increased conversion. This was attributed to the redox activity of the chromia pillar. However, this increase was not proportional to the increase in chromium content or basal spacing. In the case of tin oxide pillared laponite, the catalytic activity might have been a result of better access to the acid sites due to the delaminated nature of laponite, whose activity was promoted by the presence of tin oxide. The manipulation of the structural properties of the catalysts via pillaring did not seem to have any effect on the catalysts' activity. This was probably due to the collapse of the pillars under hydrocracking conditions as indicated by the similar basal spacing of the catalysts after use. However, the type of the pillaring species had a significant effect on conversion. Whereas pillaring with chromium and tin oxides increased the conversion exhibited by the parent clays, pillaring with cerium and europium oxides appeared to have a detrimental effect. The relatively good performance of the parent clays was attributed to their acid sites, coupled with their macropores which are able to accommodate the very high molecular mass of coal derived liquids. A microwave reactor operating at moderate conditions was modified for hydro cracking coal derived liquids and tested with the conventional catalyst NiMo on alumina. It was thought that microwave irradiation could enable conversion to occur at milder conditions than those conventionally used, coupled with a more effective use of hydrogen. The latter could lead to lower operating costs making the process cost effective. However, in practice excessive coke deposition took place leading to negative total conversion. This was probably due to a very low hydrogen pressure, unable to have any hydro cracking effect even under microwave irradiation. The decomposition of bio-oil under microwave irradiation was studied, aiming to identify the extent to which the properties of bio-oil change as a function of time, temperature, mode of heating, presence of char and catalyst. This information would be helpful not only for upgrading bio-oil to transport fuels, but also for any potential fuel application. During this study the rate constants of bio-oil's decomposition were calculated assuming first order kinetics.


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A study of clay chemistry has been approached with three aims: - to modify the conducting properties by intercalation of tetrathiafulvalene, - to study the electrochemistry of redox-active coordination compounds immobilised on clay coated electrodes, and - to study the role of clays as reagents in inorganic glass forming reactions using mainly solid-state magic-angle-spinning NMR. TTF was intercalated by smectites containing different interlayer and lattice cations. Evidence from ESR and 57Fe Mossbauer indicated charge-transfer from TTF to structural iron in natural montmorillonite, and to interlayer Cu2+ in Cu2+ exchanged laponite. No charge transfer was observed for laponite (Na+ form) itself. Ion exchange of TTF3(BF4)2 with laponite was found to proceed quantitatively. The intercalated species were believed to be (TTF)2+ dimers. Conductivity data showed an order of magnitude increase for the intercalated clays. The mechanism is thought to be ionic rather than CT as Na+ laponite showed a similar enhancement in conductivity. Mechanically robust colloidal clay films were prepared on platinum electrodes. After immersion in solutions containing redox active complexes [Co(bpy)3]3+ and [Cr(bpy)3]3+, the films became electroactive when a potential was applied. Cyclic voltammograms obtained for both complexes were found to be of the diffusion controlled type. For [Co(bpy)3]3+ immobilised on clay coated electrodes, a one-step oxidation and four-step reduction wave was observed corresponding to a one electron stepwise reversible reduction of Co(III), through Co(II), Co(I), Co(O) to Co(I) oxidation state. For [Cr(bpy)3]3+ the electrochemistry was complicated by the presence of additional waves corresponding to the dissociation of [Cr(bpy)3]3+ into the diaquo complex. ESR and diffuse reflectance data supported such a mechanism. 29Si, 27Al and 23Na MAS NMR spectroscopy, supported by powder XRD and FTIR, was used to probe the role of clays as reagents in glass forming reactions. 29Si MAS NMR was found to be a very sensitive technique for identifying the presence and relative abundance of crystalline and non-crystalline phases. In thermal reactions of laponite formation of new mineral phases such as forsterite, akermanite, sillimanite and diopside were detected. The relative abundance of each phase was dependent on thermal history, chemical nature and concentration of the modifier oxide present. In continuing work, the effect of selected oxides on the glass forming reactions of a model feldspar composition was investigated using solid state NMR alone. Addition of network modifying oxides generally produced less negative 29Si chemical shifts and larger linewidths corresponding to a wider distribution of Si-O-Si bond angles and lengths, and a dominant aluminosilicate phase with a less polymerised structure than the starting material. 29Si linewidths and 27Al chemical shifts were respectively correlated with cationic potential and Lewis acidity of the oxide cations. Anomalous Al(4) chemical shifts were thought to be due to precipitation of aluminate phases rather than a breakdown in Lowenstein's aluminium avoidance principle.


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The synthetic hectorite, laponite has been used within the paper industry to produce mildly conducting paper for use in electrographic printing. The aim of this research was to modify laponite in order to improve the electrical conductivity. In a continuation of a previous investigation involving organotin intercalation of laponite, the organotin precursor (p-CH3,OC6H4)4Sn was synthesised and characterised using Mass Spectroscopy, Infrared Spectroscopy and elemental analysis. Results of intercalation with this compound and a range of organobismuth and organoantimony compounds suggested that a halide content within the precursor was necessary for improvement in conductivity to be observed. Organometallic intercalation of a range of organotellurium compounds with laponite provided evidence that a hydrolysis reaction on the clay surface followed by the release of hydrochloric acid was an important first step if a reaction was to occur with the clay. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy studies have shown that the acid protons underwent exchange with the interlayer sodium ions in the clay to varying degrees. Gas-liquid Chromatography and Infrared Spectroscopy revealed that the carbon-tellurium bond remained intact. Powder X-ray diffraction revealed that there had been no increase in the basal spacing. The a.c. conductivity of the modified clays in the form of pressed discs was studied over a frequency range of 12Hz - 100kHz using two electrode systems, silver paste and stainless steel. The a.c. conductivity consists of two components, ionic and reactive. The conductivity of laponite was increased by intercalation with organometallic compounds. The most impressive increase was gained using the organotellurium precursor (p-CH3OC6H4)2TeCl2. Conductivity investigations using the stainless steel electrode where measurements are made under pressure showed that in the case of laponite, where poor particle-particle contact exists at ambient pressure, there is a two order of magnitude increase in the measured a.c. conductivity. This significant increase was not seen in modified laponites where the particle-particle contact had already been improved upon. Investigations of the clay surface using Scanning Electron Microscopy suggested that the improvement in particle-particle contact is the largest factor in the determination of the conductivity. The other important factor is the nature and the concentration of the interlayer cations. A range of clays were synthesised in order to increase the concentration of sodium interlayer cations. A sol-gel method was employed to carry out these syntheses. A conductivity evaluation showed that increasing the concentration of the sodium cations within the clay led to an increase in the conductivity.


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This research primarily focused on identifying the formulation parameters which control the efficacy of liposomes as delivery systems to enhance the delivery of poorly soluble drugs. Preliminary studies focused on the drug loading of ibuprofen within vesicle systems. Initially both liposomal and niosomal formulations were screened for their drug-loading capacity: liposomal systems were shown to offer significantly higher ibuprofen loading and thereafter lipid based systems were further investigated. Given the key role cholesterol is known to play within the stability of bilayer vesicles. the optimum cholesterol content in terms of drug loading and release of poorly soluble drugs was then investigated. From these studies a concentration of 11 total molar % of cholesterol was used as a benchmark for all further formulations. Investigating the effect of liposomc composition on several low solubility drugs, drug loading was shown to be enhanced by adopting longer chain length lipids. cationic lipids and. decreasing drug molecular weight. Drug release was increased by using cationic lipids and lower molecular weight of drug; conversely, a reduction was noted when employing longer chain lipids thus supporting the rational of longer chain lipids producing more stable liposomes, a theory also supported by results obtained via Langmuir studies· although it was revealed that stability is also dependent on geometric features associated with the lipid chain moiety. Interestingly, reduction in drug loading appeared to be induced when symmetrical phospholipids were substituted for lipids constituting asymmetrical alkyl chain groups thus further highlighting the importance of lipid geometry. Combining a symmetrical lipid with an asymmetrical derivative enhanced encapsulation of a hydrophobic drug while reducing that of another suggesting the importance of drug characteristics. Phosphatidylcholine liposornes could successfully be prepared (and visualised using transmission electron microscopy) from fatty alcohols therefore offering an alternative liposomal stabiliser to cholesterol. Results obtained revealed that liposomes containing tetradecanol within their formulation shares similar vesicle size, drug encapsulation, surface charge. and toxicity profiles as liposomes formulated with cholesterol, however the tetradecanol preparation appeared to release considerably more drug during stability studies. Langmuir monolayer studies revealed that the condensing influence by tetradecanol is less than compared with cholesterol suggesting that this reduced intercalation by the former could explain why the tetradecanol formulation released more drug compared with cholesterol formulations. Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) was used to analyse the morphology and stability of liposomes. These investigations indicated that the presence of drugs within the liposomal bilayer were able to enhance the stability of the bilayers against collapse under reduced hydration conditions. In addition the presence of charged lipids within the formulation under reduced hydration conditions compared with its neutral counterpart. However the applicability of using ESEM as a new method to investigate liposome stability appears less valid than first hoped since the results are often open to varied interpretation and do not provide a robust set of data to support conclusions in some cases.


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The aim of this research was to investigate the molecular interactions occurring in the formulation of non-ionic surfactant based vesicles composed monopalmitoyl glycerol (MPG), cholesterol (Chol) and dicetyl phosphate (DCP). In the formulation of these vesicles, the thermodynamic attributes and surfactant interactions based on molecular dynamics, Langmuir monolayer studies, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), hot stage microscopy and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were investigated. Initially the melting points of the components individually, and combined at a 5:4:1 MPG:Chol:DCP weight ratio, were investigated; the results show that lower (90 C) than previously reported (120-140 C) temperatures could be adopted to produce molten surfactants for the production of niosomes. This was advantageous for surfactant stability; whilst TGA studies show that the individual components were stable to above 200 C, the 5:4:1 MPG:Chol:DCP mixture show ∼2% surfactant degradation at 140 C, compared to 0.01% was measured at 90 C. Niosomes formed at this lower temperature offered comparable characteristics to vesicles prepared using higher temperatures commonly reported in literature. In the formation of niosome vesicles, cholesterol also played a key role. Langmuir monolayer studies demonstrated that intercalation of cholesterol in the monolayer did not occur in the MPG:Chol:DCP (5:4:1 weight ratio) mixture. This suggests cholesterol may support bilayer assembly, with molecular simulation studies also demonstrating that vesicles cannot be built without the addition of cholesterol, with higher concentrations of cholesterol (5:4:1 vs 5:2:1, MPG:Chol:DCP) decreasing the time required for niosome assembly. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Intercalation of an in situ prepared [Rh(OH)6]3- complex into an anion exchangeable Ni-Zn layered hydroxy double salt (Rh/NiZn) was demonstrated. The resulting Rh/NiZn effectively catalyzed the 1,4-addition of diverse enones and phenylboronic acids to their corresponding β-substituted carbonyl compounds. In the case of 2-cyclohexen-1-one and phenylboronic acid, a turnover frequency (TOF) of 920 h-1 based on Rh was achieved. The [Rh(OH)6]3- complex maintained its original monomeric trivalent state within the NiZn interlayer following catalysis, attributable to a strong electrostatic interaction between the NiZn host and anionic Rh(III) complex.