15 resultados para Interaction Energy

em Aston University Research Archive


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The diffusion and convection of a solute suspended in a fluid across porous membranes are known to be reduced compared to those in a bulk solution, owing to the fluid mechanical interaction between the solute and the pore wall as well as steric restriction. If the solute and the pore wall are electrically charged, the electrostatic interaction between them could affect the hindrance to diffusion and convection. In this study, the transport of charged spherical solutes through charged circular cylindrical pores filled with an electrolyte solution containing small ions was studied numerically by using a fluid mechanical and electrostatic model. Based on a mean field theory, the electrostatic interaction energy between the solute and the pore wall was estimated from the Poisson-Boltzmann equation, and the charge effect on the solute transport was examined for the solute and pore wall of like charge. The results were compared with those obtained from the linearized form of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation, i.e.the Debye-Hückel equation. © 2012 The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics and IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The transport of a spherical solute through a long circular cylindrical pore filled with an electrolyte solution is studied numerically, in the presence of constant surface charge on the solute and the pore wall. Fluid dynamic analyses were carried out to calculate the flow field around the solute in the pore to evaluate the drag coefficients exerted on the solute. Electrical potentials around the solute in the electrolyte solution were computed based on a mean-field theory to provide the interaction energy between the charged solute and the pore wall. Combining the results of the fluid dynamic and electrostatic analyses, we estimated the rate of the diffusive and convective transport of the solute across the pore. Although the present estimates of the drag coefficients on the solute suggest more than 10% difference from existing studies, depending on the radius ratio of the solute relative to the pore and the radial position of the solute center in the pore, this difference leads to a minor effect on the hindrance factors. It was found that even at rather large ion concentrations, the repulsive electrostatic interaction between the charged solute and the pore wall of like charge could significantly reduce the transport rate of the solute.


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When two solutions differing in solute concentration are separated by a porous membrane, the osmotic pressure will generate a net volume flux of the suspending fluid across the membrane; this is termed osmotic flow. We consider the osmotic flow across a membrane with circular cylindrical pores when the solute and the pore walls are electrically charged, and the suspending fluid is an electrolytic solution containing small cations and anions. Under the condition in which the radius of the pores and that of the solute molecules greatly exceed those of the solvent as well as the ions, a fluid mechanical and electrostatic theory is introduced to describe the osmotic flow in the presence of electric charge. The interaction energy, including the electrostatic interaction between the solute and the pore wall, plays a key role in determining the osmotic flow. We examine the electrostatic effect on the osmotic flow and discuss the difference in the interaction energy determined from the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation and from its linearized equation (the Debye-Hückel equation).


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An electrostatic model for osmotic flow through circular cylindrical pores is developed to describe the reflection coefficient for the membrane transport in the presence of surface charges on the pore wall and the solute. For a spherical solute placed at an arbitrary radial position in the pore, the electrical potential was computed by a spectral element method applied to the Poisson-Boltzmann equation together with the condition of electrical neutrality. The interaction energy between the surface charges was used to estimate the osmotic reflection coefficient. The proposed model predicts that even for a small Debye length compared to the pore radius, the repulsive electrostatic interaction between the surface charges could significantly increase the osmotic flow through the pore.


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We argue that the physics of interacting Kelvin Waves (KWs) is highly nontrivial and cannot be understood on the basis of pure dimensional reasoning. A consistent theory of KW turbulence in superfluids should be based upon explicit knowledge of their interactions. To achieve this, we present a detailed calculation and comprehensive analysis of the interaction coefficients for KW turbuelence, thereby, resolving previous mistakes stemming from unaccounted contributions. As a first application of this analysis, we derive a local nonlinear (partial differential) equation. This equation is much simpler for analysis and numerical simulations of KWs than the Biot-Savart equation, and in contrast to the completely integrable local induction approximation (in which the energy exchange between KWs is absent), describes the nonlinear dynamics of KWs. Second, we show that the previously suggested Kozik-Svistunov energy spectrum for KWs, which has often been used in the analysis of experimental and numerical data in superfluid turbulence, is irrelevant, because it is based upon an erroneous assumption of the locality of the energy transfer through scales. Moreover, we demonstrate the weak nonlocality of the inverse cascade spectrum with a constant particle-number flux and find resulting logarithmic corrections to this spectrum.


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The following thesis describes the computer modelling of radio frequency capacitively coupled methane/hydrogen plasmas and the consequences for the reactive ion etching of (100) GaAs surfaces. In addition a range of etching experiments was undertaken over a matrix of pressure, power and methane concentration. The resulting surfaces were investigated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and the results were discussed in terms of physical and chemical models of particle/surface interactions in addition to the predictions for energies, angles and relative fluxes to the substrate of the various plasma species. The model consisted of a Monte Carlo code which followed electrons and ions through the plasma and sheath potentials whilst taking account of collisions with background neutral gas molecules. The ionisation profile output from the electron module was used as input for the ionic module. Momentum scattering interactions of ions with gas molecules were investigated via different models and compared against results given by quantum mechanical code. The interactions were treated as central potential scattering events and the resulting neutral cascades were followed. The resulting predictions for ion energies at the cathode compared well to experimental ion energy distributions and this verified the particular form of the electrical potentials used and their applicability in the particular geometry plasma cell used in the etching experiments. The final code was used to investigate the effect of external plasma parameters on the mass distribution, energy and angles of all species impingent on the electrodes. Comparisons of electron energies in the plasma also agreed favourably with measurements made using a Langmuir electric probe. The surface analysis showed the surfaces all to be depleted in arsenic due to its preferential removal and the resultant Ga:As ratio in the surface was found to be directly linked to the etch rate. The etch rate was determined by the methane flux which was predicted by the code.


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Humic substances are the major organic constituents of soils and sediments. They are heterogeneous, polyfunctional, polydisperse, macromolecular and have no accurately known chemical structure. Their interactions with radionuclides are particularly important since they provide leaching mechanisms from disposal sites. The central theme to this research is the interaction of heavy metal actinide analogues with humic materials. Studies described focus on selected aspects of the characteristics and properties of humic substances. Some novel approaches to experiments and data analysis are pursued. Several humic substances are studied; all but one are humic acids, and those used most extensively were obtained commercially. Some routine characterisation techniques are applied to samples in the first instance. Humic substances are coloured, but their ultra-violet and visible absorption spectra are featureless. Yet, they fluoresce over a wide range of wavelengths. Enhanced fluorescence in the presence of luminescent europium(III) ions is explained by energy transfer from irradiated humic acid to the metal ion in a photophysical model. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is applied to the study of humic acids and their complexes with heavy metals. Proton and carbon-13 NMR provides some structural and functionality information; Paramagnetic lanthanide ions affect these spectra. Some heavy metals are studied as NMR nuclei, but measurements are restricted by their sensitivity. A humic acid is fractionated yielding a broad molecular weight distribution. Electrophoretic mobilities and particle radii determined by Laser Doppler Electrophoretic Light Scattering are sensitive to the conditions of the supporting media, and the concentration and particle size distribution of humic substances. In potentiometric titrations of humate dispersions, the organic matter responds slowly and the mineral acid addition is buffered. Proton concentration data is modelled and a mechanism is proposed involving two key stages, both resulting in proton release after some conformational changes.


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In the present work the neutron emission spectra from a graphite cube, and from natural uranium, lithium fluoride, graphite, lead and steel slabs bombarded with 14.1 MeV neutrons were measured to test nuclear data and calculational methods for D - T fusion reactor neutronics. The neutron spectra measured were performed by an organic scintillator using a pulse shape discrimination technique based on a charge comparison method to reject the gamma rays counts. A computer programme was used to analyse the experimental data by the differentiation unfolding method. The 14.1 MeV neutron source was obtained from T(d,n)4He reaction by the bombardment of T - Ti target with a deuteron beam of energy 130 KeV. The total neutron yield was monitored by the associated particle method using a silicon surface barrier detector. The numerical calculations were performed using the one-dimensional discrete-ordinate neutron transport code ANISN with the ZZ-FEWG 1/ 31-1F cross section library. A computer programme based on Gaussian smoothing function was used to smooth the calculated data and to match the experimental data. There was general agreement between measured and calculated spectra for the range of materials studied. The ANISN calculations carried out with P3 - S8 calculations together with representation of the slab assemblies by a hollow sphere with no reflection at the internal boundary were adequate to model the experimental data and hence it appears that the cross section set is satisfactory and for the materials tested needs no modification in the range 14.1 MeV to 2 MeV. Also it would be possible to carry out a study on fusion reactor blankets, using cylindrical geometry and including a series of concentric cylindrical shells to represent the torus wall, possible neutron converter and breeder regions, and reflector and shielding regions.


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An uptake system was developed using Caco-2 cell monolayers and the dipeptide, glycyl-[3H]L-proline, as a probe compound. Glycyl-[3H]L-proline uptake was via the di-/tripeptide transport system (DTS) and, exhibited concentration-, pH- and temperature-dependency. Dipeptides inhibited uptake of the probe, and the design of the system allowed competitors to be ranked against one another with respect to affinity for the transporter. The structural features required to ensure or increase interaction with the DTS were defined by studying the effect of a series of glycyl-L-proline and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitor (SQ-29852) analogues on the uptake of the probe. The SQ-29852 structure was divided into six domains (A-F) and competitors were grouped into series depending on structural variations within specific regions. Domain A was found to prefer a hydrophobic function, such as a phenyl group, and was intolerant to positive charges and H+ -acceptors and donors. SQ-29852 analogues were more tolerant of substitutions in the C domain, compared to glycyl-L-proline analogues, suggesting that interactions along the length of the SQ-29852 molecule may override the effects of substitutions in the C domain. SQ-29852 analogues showed a preference for a positive function, such as an amine group in this region, but dipeptide structures favoured an uncharged substitution. Lipophilic substituents in domain D increased affinity of SQ-29852 analogues with the DTS. A similar effect was observed for ACE-NEP inhibitor analogues. Domain E, corresponding to the carboxyl group was found to be tolerant of esterification for SQ-29852 analogues but not for dipeptides. Structural features which may increase interaction for one series of compounds, may not have the same effect for another series, indicating that the presence of multiple recognition sites on a molecule may override the deleterious effect of anyone change. Modifying current, poorly absorbed peptidomimetic structures to fit the proposed hypothetical model may improve oral bioavailability by increasing affinity for the DTS. The stereochemical preference of the transporter was explored using four series of compounds (SQ-29852, lysylproline, alanylproline and alanylalanine enantiomers). The L, L stereochemistry was the preferred conformation for all four series, agreeing with previous studies. However, D, D enantiomers were shown in some cases to be substrates for the DTS, although exhibiting a lower affinity than their L, L counterparts. All the ACE-inhibitors and β-lactam antibiotics investigated, produced a degree of inhibition of the probe, and thus show some affinity for the DTS. This contrasts with previous reports that found several ACE inhibitors to be absorbed via a passive process, thus suggesting that compounds are capable of binding to the transporter site and inhibiting the probe without being translocated into the cell. This was also shown to be the case for oligodeoxynucleotide conjugated to a lipophilic group (vitamin E), and highlights the possibility that other orally administered drug candidates may exert non-specific effects on the DTS and possibly have a nutritional impact. Molecular modelling of selected ACE-NEP inhibitors revealed that the three carbonyl functions can be oriented in a similar direction, and this conformation was found to exist in a local energy-minimised state, indicating that the carbonyls may possibly be involved in hydrogen-bond formation with the binding site of the DTS.


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The dielectric properties of pure low to medium molecular weight poly(ethylene glycol) and poly(propylene glycol) and a variety of their salt complexes have been studied through the measurement of the dielectric permittivity and dielectric loss over a range of frequency and temperature. The major proportion of this study has been concerned with the examination of the nature of the interaction between mercuric chloride and poly(propylene glycol) (PPG). Other salt-poly-ether combinations have also been considered such as cobalt chloride-PPG cadmium chloride-PPG zinc chloride-PPG and ferric chloride-PEG (polyethylene glycol). Some of this work was also supported by chemical shift and spin-lattice Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (N.M.R.) spectroscopy. The dielectric permittivity data were analysed using the Onsager relation to calculate the mean dipole moment per dipolar unit. This approach was employed in the discussion of various models proposed for the structure of salt-polyether complexes. The effect of mercuric chloride on the statistical conformations of poly(propylene-glycol) was studied in a quantitative manner using the relationships of marchal-Benoit. The dielectric relaxation activation energy and mean energy difference between gauche and trans conformations of poly(propylene glycol) in the presence of mercuric chloride, both showed a distinct minimum when the concentration of mercuric chloride was close to 5 mole %. Opposite behaviour was observed for the Cole-Cole parameter. It was concluded that the majority of the dielectric data could be rationalised in terms of a 5-membered cyclic complex formed between mercuric chloride and PPG in which the complexed segment of the polyether-(OMeCH2CH2O)- adopted either gauche or cis conformations.


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Antigenic peptide is presented to a T-cell receptor (TCR) through the formation of a stable complex with a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule. Various predictive algorithms have been developed to estimate a peptide's capacity to form a stable complex with a given MHC class II allele, a technique integral to the strategy of vaccine design. These have previously incorporated such computational techniques as quantitative matrices and neural networks. A novel predictive technique is described, which uses molecular modeling of predetermined crystal structures to estimate the stability of an MHC class II-peptide complex. The structures are remodeled, energy minimized, and annealed before the energetic interaction is calculated.


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A three-dimensional model of human ABCB1 nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) was developed by homology modelling using the high-resolution human TAP1 transporter structure as template. Interactions between NBD and flavonoids were investigated using in silico docking studies. Ring-A of unmodified flavonoid was located within the NBD P-loop with the 5-hydroxyl group involved in hydrogen bonding with Lys1076. Ring-B was stabilised by hydrophobic stacking interactions with Tyr1044. The 3-hydroxyl group and carbonyl oxygen were extensively involved in hydrogen bonding interactions with amino acids within the NBD. Addition of prenyl, benzyl or geranyl moieties to ring-A (position-6) and hydrocarbon substituents (O-n-butyl to O-n-decyl) to ring-B (position-4) resulted in a size-dependent decrease in predicted docking energy which reflected the increased binding affinities reported in vitro.


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Two of the greatest crises that civilisation faces in the 21st century are the predicted rapid increases in the ageing population and levels of metabolic disorders such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. A growing amount of evidence now supports the notion that energy balance is a key determinant not only in metabolism but also in the process of cellular ageing. Much of genetic evidence for a metabolic activity-driven ageing process has come from model organisms such as worms and flies where inactivation of the insulin receptor signalling cascade prolongs lifespan. At its most simplistic, this poses a conundrum for ageing in humans – can reduced insulin receptor signalling really promote lifespan and does this relate to insulin resistance seen in ageing? In higher animals, caloric restriction studies have confirmed a longer lifespan when daily calorie intake is reduced to 60% of normal energy requirement. This suggests that for humans, it is energy excess which is a likely driver of metabolic ageing. Interventions that interfere with the metabolic fate of nutrients offer a potentially important target for delaying biological ageing.


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Energy dissipation and fatigue properties of nano-layered thin films are less well studied than bulk properties. Existing experimental methods for studying energy dissipation properties, typically using magnetic interaction as a driving force at different frequencies and a laser-based deformation measurement system, are difficult to apply to two-dimensional materials. We propose a novel experimental method to perform dynamic testing on thin-film materials by driving a cantilever specimen at its fixed end with a bimorph piezoelectric actuator and monitoring the displacements of the specimen and the actuator with a fibre-optic system. Upon vibration, the specimen is greatly affected by its inertia, and behaves as a cantilever beam under base excitation in translation. At resonance, this method resembles the vibrating reed method conventionally used in the viscoelasticity community. The loss tangent is obtained from both the width of a resonance peak and a free-decay process. As for fatigue measurement, we implement a control algorithm into LabView to maintain maximum displacement of the specimen during the course of the experiment. The fatigue S-N curves are obtained.


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We demonstrate an all-fiber passively Q-switched erbiumdoped fiber laser (EDFL) using a gold-nanosphere (GNS) based saturable absorber (SA) with evanescent field interaction. Using the interaction of evanescent field for fabricating SAs, long nonlinear interaction length of evanescent wave and GNSs can be achieved. The GNSs are synthesized from mixing solution of chloroauricacid (HAuCl4) and sodium citrate by the heating effects of the microfiber's evanescent field radiation. The proposed passively Q-switched EDFL could give output pulses at 1562 nm with pulse width of 1.78 μs, a repetition rate of 58.1 kHz, a pulse energy of 133 nJ and a output power of 7.7 mWwhen pumped by a 980 nm laser diode of 237 mW. © 2014 Optical Society of America.