19 resultados para Induced Current Densities
em Aston University Research Archive
1. During osmotic swelling, cultured osteoblastic cells (ROS 17/2.8) exhibited activation of large amplitude Cl- currents in the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. Effects of hypotonic shock on cell volume and membrane conductance were rapidly reversed on return to isotonic conditions. 2. Voltage command pulses in the range -80 to +50 mV produce instantaneous activation of Cl- currents. At potentials more positive than +50 mV the current exhibited time-dependent inactivation. The instantaneous current-voltage relationship was outwardly rectifying. 3. The anion permeability sequence of the induced current was SCN- (2.2) > I- (1.9) > Br- (1.5) > Cl- (1.0) > F- (0.8) > gluconate- (0.2). This corresponds to Eisenman's sequence I. 4. The volume-sensitive Cl- current was effectively inhibited by the Cl- channel blockers 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2-disulphonic acid (DIDS) and 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino) benzoic acid (NPPB). Outward currents were more effectively suppressed by DIDS than inward currents. The concentrations for 50% inhibition (IC50) of outward and inward currents were 81 and 298 μM, respectively. NPPB was equally effective at inhibiting outward and inward currents (IC50 of 64 μM). The current was relatively insensitive to diphenylamine-2-carboxylate (DPC), 500 μM producing only 22.5 ± 4.0% inhibition. 5. Inhibitors of protein kinase A (H-89, 1 μM) and tyrosine kinase (tyrphostin A25, 200 μM) were without effect upon activation of Cl- currents in response to hypotonic shock. Under isotonic conditions, elevation of intracellular Ca2+ by ionomycin (1 μM) or activation of protein kinase C by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA, 0.1 μM) failed to evoke increases in basal Cl- conductance levels. 6. It is concluded that an outwardly rectifying Cl- conductance is activated upon osmotic swelling and may be involved in cell volume regulation of ROS 17/2.8 cells.
The effect of low energy nitrogen molecular ion beam bombardment on metals and compound semiconductors has been studied, with the aim to investigate at the effects of ion and target properties. For this purpose, nitrogen ion implantation in aluminium, iron, copper, gold, GaAs and AIGaAs is studied using XPS and Angle Resolve XPS. A series of experimental studies on N+2 bombardment induced compositional changes, especially the amount of nitrogen retained in the target, were accomplished. Both monoenergetic implantation and non-monoenergetic ion implantation were investigated, using the VG Scientific ESCALAB 200D system and a d. c. plasma cell, respectively. When the samples, with the exception of gold, are exposed to air, native oxide layers are formed on the surfaces. In the case of monoenergetic implantation, the surfaces were cleaned using Ar+ beam bombardment prior to implantation. The materials were then bombarded with N2+ beam and eight sets of successful experiments were performed on each sample, using a rastered N2+ ion beam of energy of 2, 3, 4 and 5 keV with current densities of 1 μA/cm2 and 5 μA/cm22 for each energy. The bombarded samples were examined by ARXPS. After each complete implantation, XPS depth profiles were created using Ar+ beam at energy 2 ke V and current density 2 μA/cm2 . As the current density was chosen as one of the parameters, accurate determination of current density was very important. In the case of glow discharge, two sets of successful experiments were performed in each case, by exposing the samples to nitrogen plasma for the two conditions: at low pressure and high voltage and high pressure and low voltage. These samples were then examined by ARXPS. On the theoretical side, the major problem was prediction of the number of ions of an element that can be implanted in a given matrix. Although the programme is essentially on experimental study, but an attempt is being made to understand the current theoretical models, such as SATVAL, SUSPRE and TRIM. The experimental results were compared with theoretical predictions, in order to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms responsible. From the experimental results, considering possible experimental uncertainties, there is no evidence of significant variation in nitrogen saturation concentration with ion energy or ion current density in the range of 2-5 ke V, however, the retention characteristics of implantant seem to strongly depend on the chemical reactivity between ion species and target material. The experimental data suggests the presence of at least one thermal process. The discrepancy between the theoretical and experimental results could be the inability of the codes to account for molecular ion impact and thermal processes.
This research was concerned with the effects of pulsed current on the electrodeposition of chromium and copper. In the case of the latter metal, a novel application has been studied and a theory proposed for the ability to improve throwing power by the joint use of organic additives and pulsed reverse current. During the course of the research, several improvements were made to the pulse plating unit.Chromium. A study was made of the effect of square wave pulsed current on various physical properties of deposits from three hard chromium plating electrolytes. The effect of varying frequency at a duty cycle of 50% on the mean bulk internal stress, visual appearance, hardness, crack characteristics and surface topography of the electrodeposits was determined. X-ray diffraction techniques were used to study the phases present in the deposits. The effect of varying frequency on the cathodic efficiencies of the electrolytes was also determined. It was found that pulsed current reduced the internal stress of deposits from the sulphate catalysed electrolyte. It also reduced or eliminated cracking of deposits and reduced deposit brightness. Under certain conditions, pulsed current was found to induce the co-deposition of hydrides of chromium. Deposit hardness was found to be reduced by the use of pulsed current. Cathodic efficiencies of the high efficiency electrolytes were reduced by use of pulsed current although this effect was minimised at high frequencies. The sulphate catalysed electrolyte showed an increase in efficiency over the frequency range where hydrides were co-deposited.Copper. The polarisation behaviour of acid copper solutions containing polyethers, sulphopropyl sulphides and chloride ions was studied using both direct and pulse reverse current. The effect of these additives on the rest potentials of copper deposits immersed in the electrolyte was also studied. Hole Throwing Power on printed circuit boards was determined using a specially designed test cell. The effect of pulsed reverse current on the hole throwing power of commercially produced printed circuit boards was also studied. Polyethers were found to have an inhibiting effect on the deposition of copper whereas the sulphopropyl sulphides produced a stimulating (i.e. depolarising) effect. Studies of rest potentials made when both additives were present indicated that the sulphopropyl sulphide was preferentially adsorbed. The use of pulsed reverse current in solutions containing both polyether and sulphopropyl sulphide was found to cause desorption of the sulphopropyl sulphide at the cathode surface. Thus, at higher current densities, the inhibiting effect of the polyether produced an increase in the cathodic polarisation potential. At lower current densities, the depolarisation effect of the sulphopropyl sulphide could still occur. On printed circuit boards, this effect was found to produce an increase in the `hole throwing power' due to depolarisation of the holes relative to the surface of the boards. Typically, using direct current, hole/surface thickness ratios of 40% were obtained when plating 0.6 mm holes in a 3.2 mm thick board at a current density of 3 A/dm2 whereas using pulsed reverse current, ratios of 80% could be obtained at an equivalent rate of deposition. This was observed both in laboratory tests and on commercially plated boards.
The effects of extracellular application of arginine vasopressin (AVP) upon membrane currents in L6 skeletal myocytes was investigated using the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. At O mV AVP produced large amplitude, transient outward currents that reversed when the clamping potential was changed to -100 mV (negative to EK) The effects of alterations in the extracellular K+ concentration upon the current reversal potential suggested that the current elicited by AVP was carried mainly by K+ ions. Intracellular dialysis with 10 μM inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) elicited similar currents but only in 6/14 cells. Inclusion of 5 mg ml-1 heparin in the intracellular solutions was ineffective at inhibiting the current responses to AVP. The AVP-induced current was totally abolished when the intracellular EGTA concentration was increased from 0.05 mM to 10 mM or Ca2+ was removed from the extracellular perfusing solution. These results suggest that AVP produces activation of a Ca2+-sensitive K+ conductance in L6 skeletal myocytes by a process dependent upon extracellular Ca2+ and not intracellular Ca2+ release. © 1995 Academic Press. All rights reserved.
In the last few years, there has been considerable interest in using saturated magnetic objective lenses in high resolution electron microscopes. Such lenses, in present commercial electron microscopes, are energized either by conventional or superconducting coils. Very little work, however, has been reported on the use of conventional coils in saturated magnetic electron lenses. The present investigation has been concerned with the design of high flux density saturated objective lenses of both single and double polepiece types which may be energized by conventional coils and in some cases by superconducting coils. Such coils have the advantage of being small and capable of carrying high current densities. The present work has been carried out with the aid of several computer programs based on the finite element method. The effect of the shape and position of the energizing coil on the electron optical parameter has been investigated. Electron optical properties such as chromatic and spherical aberration have been studies in detail for saturated single and double polepiece lenses. Several high flux density coils of different shapes have been investigated. The choice of the most favourable coil shape and position subject to the operational requirements, has been studied in some detail. The focal properties of such optimised lenses have been computed and compared.
The nature and kinetics of electrode reactions and processes occurring for four lightweight anode systems which have been utilised in reinforced concrete cathodic protection systems have been studied. The anodes investigated were flame sprayed zinc, conductive paint and two activated titanium meshes. The electrochemical properties of each material were investigated in rapidly stirred de-oxygenated electrolytes using anodic potentiodynamic polarisation. Conductive coating electrodes were formed on glass microscope slides, whilst mesh strands were immersed directly. Oxygen evolution occurred preferentially for both mesh anodes in saturated Ca (OH)2/CaC12 solutions but was severely inhibited in less alkaline solutions and significant current only passed in chloride solutions. The main reactions for conductive paint was based on oxygen evolution in all electrolytes, although chlorides increased the electrical activity. Self-corrosion of zinc was controlled by electrolyte composition and the experimental set-up, chlorides increasing the electrical activity. Impressed current cathodic protection was applied to 25 externally exposed concrete slabs over a period of 18 months to investigate anode degradation mechanisms at normal and high current densities. Specimen chloride content, curing and reinforcement depth were also variables. Several destructive and non-destructive methods for assessing the performance of anodes were evaluated including a site instrument for quantitative "instant-off- potential measurements. The impact of cathodic protection on the concrete substrate was determined for a number of specimens using appropriate methods. Anodic degradation rates were primarily influenced by current density, followed by cemendtious alkalinity, chloride levels and by current distribution. Degradation of cementitious overlays and conductive paint substrates proceeded by sequential neutralisation of cement phases, with some evidence of paint binder oxidation. Sprayed zinc progressively formed an insulating layer of hydroxide complexes, which underwent pitting_ attack in the presence of sufficient chlorides, whilst substrate degradation was minimal. Adhesion of all anode systems decreased with increasing current density. The influence of anode material on the ionic gradients which can develop during cathodic protection was investigated. A constant current was passed through saturated cement paste prisms containing calcium chloride to central cathodes via anodes applied or embedded at each end. Pore solution was obtained from successive cut paste slices for anion and cation analyses. Various experimental errors reduced the value of the results. Characteristic S-shaped profiles were not observed and chloride ion profiles were ambiguous. Mesh anode specimens were significantly more durable than the conductive coatings in the high humidity environment. Limited results suggested zinc ion migration to the cathode region. Electrical data from each investigation clearly indicated a decreasing order of anode efficiency by specific anode material.
Porous tin films as anode for lithium-ion batteries are electrodeposited on graphite paper. Homogeneous tin films with significant void space accommodate the volume change during tin lithiation/delithiation. Through adjusting the electrodeposition currents and time, the morphologies and void space of tin films on graphite paper are controllable. At fixed electrodeposition current densities, the prolonged electrodeposition time plays the role in growing big tin particles and resulting the disappearance of void space among tin particles. The increased electrodeposition current plays the role to increase the quantity of tin seeds in thickness of tin film, and the void space among tin particles remains but the thick film limits its electrochemical performance. The tin films electrodeposited at an optimized current densities and for an optimized electrodeposition time, present the best electrochemical performance, because the tin nanoparticles are well dispersed on graphite substrate including void space. The tin film electrodeposited at 0.2 A cm-2 for 2 min shows the capacity of 1.0 mAh cm-2 after 50 charge/discharge cycles. The void space of tin film is very important for the best capacity and cyclic ability. The metallic tin film produced at 0.4 A cm-2 for 3 min remains the uniform and microporous structure after charge/discharge for 50 cycles.
Potentiostatically induced current transients obtained on a range of reinforced concrete specimens were analysed to give estimates of the polarisation resistance and interfacial capacitance. The polarisation resistance was compared with the values obtained using more conventional DC methods of analysis and, while it was consistently lower, it was within the error normally attributed to the polarisation resistance method of corrosion rate determination. The interfacial capacitance values determined increased from 0.44 F m -2 for passive steel (polarisation resistance of 132 Ω m 2) to 26.5 F m -2 for active steel (polarisation resistance of 0.34 Ω m 2). This has a dominant effect on the time required for potentiostatically induced current transients to reach a steady state with a longer time being required by actively corroding steel. By contrast the potential decay time constants describing galvanostatically or coulostatically induced potential transients decrease with an increase in corrosion rate and values less than 25 s for active specimens and greater than 40 s for passive specimens were determined in this work. © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
The effects of a 15-mer antisense c-myc phosphorothioate modified oligodeoxynucleotide (OdN) upon the volume-sensitive Cl- current in ROS 17/2.8 cells were investigated using the whole-cell configuration of the patch clamp technique. At 5 microM, the OdN reversibly inhibited the current in a voltage- and time-dependent fashion. This was evident from the reduction in the peak current as assessed at the termination of each voltage pulse and an acceleration of the time-dependent inactivation present at strongly depolarised potentials. The kinetic modifications induced by the OdN suggest it may act by blocking the pore of open channels when the cell membrane potential is depolarised.
The present work describes the development of a proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) analysis system, especially designed and builtfor routine quantitative multi-elemental analysis of a large number of samples. The historical and general developments of the analytical technique and the physical processes involved are discussed. The philosophy, design, constructional details and evaluation of a versatile vacuum chamber, an automatic multi-sample changer, an on-demand beam pulsing system and ion beam current monitoring facility are described.The system calibration using thin standard foils of Si, P, S,Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Fe, Cu, Ga, Ge, Rb, Y and Mo was undertaken at proton beam energies of 1 to 3 MeV in steps of 0.5 MeV energy and compared with theoretical calculations. An independent calibration check using bovine liver Standard Reference Material was performed. The minimum detectable limits have been experimentally determined at detector positions of 90° and 135° with respect to the incident beam for the above range of proton energies as a function of atomic number Z. The system has detection limits of typically 10- 7 to 10- 9 g for elements 14
Surface compositional change of GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs, InSb, GeSi and CdSe single crystals due to low keV noble gas ion beam bombardment has been investigated by combining X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Low Energy Ion Scattering Spectroscopy (LEISS). The purpose of using this complementary analytical method is to obtain more complete experimental evidence of ion beam modification in surfaces of compound semiconductors and GeSi alloy to improve the understanding of the mechanisms responsible for these effects. Before ion bombardment the sample surfaces were analysed nondestructively by Angular Resolved XPS (ARXPS) and LEISS to get the initial distribution of surface composition. Ion bombardment experiments were carried out using 3keV argon ions with beam current of 1μA for a period of 50 minutes, compositional changes in the surfaces of compound semiconductors and GeSi alloy were monitored with normal XPS. After ion bombardment the surfaces were re-examined with ARXPS and LEISS. Both XPS and LEISS results showed clearly that ion bombardment will change the compositional distribution in the compound semiconductor and GeSi surfaces. In order to explain the observed experimental results, two major theories in this field, Sigmund linear collision cascade theory and the thermodynamic models based on bombardment induced Gibbsian surface segregation and diffusion, were investigated. Computer simulation using TRIM code was also carried out for assistance to the theoretical analysis. Combined the results obtained from XPS and LEISS analyses, ion bombardment induced compositional changes in compound semiconductor and GeSi surfaces are explained in terms of the bombardment induced Gibbsian surface segregation and diffusion.
Cancer is caused by defects in the signalling mechanisms that govern cell proliferation and apoptosis. It is well known that calcium-dependent signalling pathways play a critical role in cell regulation. A tight control of calcium homeostasis by transporters and channel proteins is required to assure a proper functioning of the calcium-sensitive signal transduction pathways that regulate cell growth and apoptosis. The Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPase 2 (PMCA2) has been recently identified as a negative regulator of apoptosis that can play a significant role in cancer progression by conferring cells resistance to apoptosis. We have previously reported an inhibitory interaction between PMCA2 and the calcium-activated signalling molecule calcineurin in breast cancer cells. Here we demonstrate that disruption of the PMCA2/calcineurin interaction in a variety of human breast cancer cells results in activation of the calcineurin/NFAT pathway, up-regulation in the expression of the pro-apoptotic protein Fas Ligand, and in a concomitant loss of cell viability. Reduction in cell viability is the consequence of an increase in cell apoptosis. Impairment of the PMCA2/calcineurin interaction enhances paclitaxel-mediated cytotoxicity of breast tumoral cells. Our results suggest that therapeutic modulation of the PMCA2/calcineurin interaction might have important clinical applications to improve current treatments for breast cancer patients.
Approximately half of current contact lens wearers suffer from dryness and discomfort, particularly towards the end of the day. Contact lens practitioners have a number of dry eye tests available to help them to predict which of their patients may be at risk of contact lens drop out and advise them accordingly. This thesis set out to rationalize them to see if any are of more diagnostic significance than others. This doctorate has found: (1) The Keratograph, a device which permits an automated, examiner independent technique for measuring non invasive tear break up time (NITBUT) measured NITBUT consistently shorter than measurements recorded with the Tearscope. When measuring central corneal curvature the spherical equivalent power of the cornea was measured as being significantly flatter than with a validated automated keratometer. (2) Non-invasive and invasive tear break-up times significantly correlated to each other, but not the other tear metrics. Symptomology, assessed using the OSDI questionnaire, correlated more with those tests indicating possible damage to the ocular surface (including LWE, LIPCOF and conjunctival staining) than with tests of either tear volume or stability. Cluster analysis showed some statistically significant groups of patients with different sign and symptom profiles. The largest cluster demonstrated poor tear quality with both non-invasive and invasive tests, low tear volume and more symptoms. (3) Care should be taken in fitting patients new to contact lenses if they have a NITBUT less than 10s or an OSDI comfort rating greater than 4.2 as they are more likely to drop-out within the first 6 months. Cluster analysis was not found to be beneficial in predicting which patients will succeed with lenses and which will not. A combination of the OSDI questionnaire and a NITBUT measurement was most useful both in diagnosing dry eye and in predicting contact lens drop out.
Purpose: Although significant amounts of vertical misalignment could have a noticeable effect on visual performance, there is no conclusive evidence about the effect of very small amount of vertical disparity on stereopsis and binocular vision. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of induced vertical disparity on local and global stereopsis at near. Materials and Methods: Ninety participants wearing best-corrected refraction had local and global stereopsis tested with 0.5 and 1.0 prism diopter (Δ) vertical prism in front of their dominant and non-dominant eye in turn. This was compared to local and global stereopsis in the same subjects without vertical prism. Data were analyzed in SPSS.17 software using the independent samples T and the repeated measures ANOVA tests. Results: Induced vertical disparity decreases local and global stereopsis. This reduction is greater when vertical disparity is induced in front of the non-dominant eye and affects global more than local stereopsis. Repeated measures ANOVA showed differences in the mean stereopsis between the different measured states for local and global values. Local stereopsis thresholds were reduced by 10s of arc or less on average with 1.0Δ of induced vertical prism in front of either eye. However, global stereopsis thresholds were reduced by over 100s of arc by the same 1.0Δ of induced vertical prism. Conclusion: Induced vertical disparity affects global stereopsis thresholds by an order of magnitude (or a factor of 10) more than local stereopsis. Hence, using a test that measures global stereopsis such as the TNO is more sensitive to vertical misalignment than a test such as the Stereofly that measures local stereopsis. © 2014 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted.
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia currently affecting more than 35 million people worldwide. Hypometabolism is a major feature of AD and appears decades before cognitive decline and pathological lesions. This has a detrimental impact on the brain which has a high energy demand. Current models of AD fail to mimic all the features of the disease, which has an impact on the development of new therapies. Human stem cell derived models of the brain have attracted a lot of attention in recent years as a tool to study neurodegenerative diseases. In this thesis, neurons and astrocytes derived from the human embryonal carcinoma cell line (NT2/D1) were utilised to determine the metabolic coupling between neurons and astrocytes with regards to responses to hypoglycaemia, neuromodulators and increase in neuronal activity. This model was then used to investigate the effects of Aß(1-42) on the metabolism of these NT2-derived co-cultures as well as pure astrocytes. Additionally primary cortical mixed neuronal and glial cultures were utilised to compare this model to a widely accepted in vitro model used in Alzheimer’s disease research. Co-cultures were found to respond to Aß(1-42) in similar way to human and in vivo models. Hypometabolism was characterised by changes in glucose metabolism, as well as lactate, pyruvate and glycogen. This led to a significant decrease in ATP and the ratio of NAD+/NADH. These results together with an increase in calcium oscillations and a decrease in GSH/GSSG ratio, suggests Aß-induces metabolic and oxidative stress. This situation could have detrimental effects in the brain which has a high energy demand, especially in terms of memory formation and antioxidant capacity.