37 resultados para In phase

em Aston University Research Archive


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For intelligent DC distributed power systems, data communication plays a vital role in system control and device monitoring. To achieve communication in a cost effective way, power/signal dual modulation (PSDM), a method that integrates data transmission with power conversion, can be utilized. In this paper, an improved PSDM method using phase shift full bridge (PSFB) converter is proposed. This method introduces a phase control based freedom in the conventional PSFB control loop to realize communication using the same power conversion circuit. In this way, decoupled data modulation and power conversion are realized without extra wiring and coupling units, and thus the system structure is simplified. More importantly, the signal intensity can be regulated by the proposed perturbation depth, and so this method can adapt to different operating conditions. Application of the proposed method to a DC distributed power system composed of several PSFB converters is discussed. A 2kW prototype system with an embedded 5kbps communication link has been implemented, and the effectiveness of the method is verified by experimental results.


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Molecular transport in phase space is crucial for chemical reactions because it defines how pre-reactive molecular configurations are found during the time evolution of the system. Using Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulated atomistic trajectories we test the assumption of the normal diffusion in the phase space for bulk water at ambient conditions by checking the equivalence of the transport to the random walk model. Contrary to common expectations we have found that some statistical features of the transport in the phase space differ from those of the normal diffusion models. This implies a non-random character of the path search process by the reacting complexes in water solutions. Our further numerical experiments show that a significant long period of non-stationarity in the transition probabilities of the segments of molecular trajectories can account for the observed non-uniform filling of the phase space. Surprisingly, the characteristic periods in the model non-stationarity constitute hundreds of nanoseconds, that is much longer time scales compared to typical lifetime of known liquid water molecular structures (several picoseconds).


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When the source of a tone moves with respect to a listener's ears, dichotic (or interaural) phase and amplitude modulations (PM and AM) are produced. Two experiments investigated the psychophysical characteristics of dichotic linear ramp modulations in phase and amplitude, and compared them with the psychophysics of diotic PM and AM. In experiment 1, subjects were substantially more sensitive to dichotic PM than diotic PM, but AM sensitivity was equivalent in the dichotic and diotic conditions. Thresholds for discriminating modulation direction were smaller than detection thresholds for dichotic AM, and both diotic AM and PM. Dichotic PM discrimination thresholds were similar to detection thresholds. In experiment 2, the effects of ramp duration were examined. Sensitivity to dichotic AM and PM, and diotic AM increased as duration was increased from 20 ms to 200 ms. The functions relating sensitivity to ramp duration differed across the stimuli; sensitivity to dichotic PM increased more rapidly than sensitivity to dichotic or diotic AM. This was also reflected in shorter time-constants and minimum integration times for dichotic PM detection. These findings support the hypothesis that the analysis of dichotic PM and AM rely on separate mechanisms. © 2003 Acoustical Society of America.


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The human visual system combines contrast information from the two eyes to produce a single cyclopean representation of the external world. This task requires both summation of congruent images and inhibition of incongruent images across the eyes. These processes were explored psychophysically using narrowband sinusoidal grating stimuli. Initial experiments focussed on binocular interactions within a single detecting mechanism, using contrast discrimination and contrast matching tasks. Consistent with previous findings, dichoptic presentation produced greater masking than monocular or binocular presentation. Four computational models were compared, two of which performed well on all data sets. Suppression between mechanisms was then investigated, using orthogonal and oblique stimuli. Two distinct suppressive pathways were identified, corresponding to monocular and dichoptic presentation. Both pathways impact prior to binocular summation of signals, and differ in their strengths, tuning, and response to adaptation, consistent with recent single-cell findings in cat. Strikingly, the magnitude of dichoptic masking was found to be spatiotemporally scale invariant, whereas monocular masking was dependent on stimulus speed. Interocular suppression was further explored using a novel manipulation, whereby stimuli were presented in dichoptic antiphase. Consistent with the predictions of a computational model, this produced weaker masking than in-phase presentation. This allowed the bandwidths of suppression to be measured without the complicating factor of additive combination of mask and test. Finally, contrast vision in strabismic amblyopia was investigated. Although amblyopes are generally believed to have impaired binocular vision, binocular summation was shown to be intact when stimuli were normalized for interocular sensitivity differences. An alternative account of amblyopia was developed, in which signals in the affected eye are subject to attenuation and additive noise prior to binocular combination.


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In Alzheimer's disease (AD), neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) occur within neurons in both the upper and lower cortical laminae. Using a statistical method that estimates the size and spacing of NFT clusters along the cortex parallel to the pia mater, two hypotheses were tested: 1) that the cluster size and distribution of the NFT in gyri of the temporal lobe reflect degeneration of the feedforward (FF) and feedback (FB) cortico-cortical pathways, and 2) that there is a spatial relationship between the clusters of NFT in the upper and lower laminae. In 16 temporal lobe gyri from 10 cases of sporadic AD, NFT were present in both the upper and lower laminae in 11/16 (69%) gyri and in either the upper or lower laminae in 5/16 (31%) gyri. Clustering of the NFT was observed in all gyri. A significant peak-to-peak distance was observed in the upper laminae in 13/15 (87%) gyri and in the lower laminae in 8/ 12 (67%) gyri, suggesting a regularly repeating pattern of NFT clusters along the cortex. The regularly distributed clusters of NFT were between 500 and 800 μm in size, the estimated size of the cells of origin of the FF and FB cortico-cortical projections, in the upper laminae of 6/13 (46%) gyri and in the lower laminae of 2/8 (25%) gyri. Clusters of NFT in the upper laminae were spatially correlated (in phase) with those in the lower laminae in 5/16 (31%) gyri. The clustering patterns of the NFT are consistent with their formation in relation to the FF and FB cortico-cortical pathways. In most gyri, NFT clusters appeared to develop independently in the upper and lower laminae.


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How does the brain combine spatio-temporal signals from the two eyes? We quantified binocular summation as the improvement in 2AFC contrast sensitivity for flickering gratings seen by two eyes compared with one. Binocular gratings in-phase showed sensitivity up to 1.8 times higher, suggesting nearly linear summation of contrasts. The binocular advantage decreased to 1.4 at lower spatial and higher temporal frequencies (0.25 cycle deg-1, 30 Hz). Dichoptic, antiphase gratings showed only a small binocular advantage, by a factor of 1.1 to 1.2, but no evidence of cancellation. We present a signal-processing model to account for the contrast-sensitivity functions and the pattern of binocular summation. It has linear sustained and transient temporal filters, nonlinear transduction, and half-wave rectification that creates ON and OFF channels. Binocular summation occurs separately within ON and OFF channels, thus explaining the phase-specific binocular advantage. The model also accounts for earlier findings on detection of brief antiphase flashes and the surprising finding that dichoptic antiphase flicker is seen as frequency-doubled (Cavonius et al, 1992 Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 12 153 - 156). [Supported by EPSRC project GR/S74515/01].


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Luminance changes within a scene are ambiguous; they can indicate reflectance changes, shadows, or shading due to surface undulations. How does vision distinguish between these possibilities? When a surface painted with an albedo texture is shaded, the change in local mean luminance (LM) is accompanied by a similar modulation of the local luminance amplitude (AM) of the texture. This relationship does not necessarily hold for reflectance changes or for shading of a relief texture. Here we concentrate on the role of AM in shape-from-shading. Observers were presented with a noise texture onto which sinusoidal LM and AM signals were superimposed, and were asked to indicate which of two marked locations was closer to them. Shape-from-shading was enhanced when LM and AM co-varied (in-phase), and was disrupted when they were out-of-phase. The perceptual differences between cue types (in-phase vs out-of-phase) were enhanced when the two cues were present at different orientations within a single image. Similar results were found with a haptic matching task. We conclude that vision can use AM to disambiguate luminance changes. LM and AM have a positive relationship for rendered, undulating, albedo textures, and we assess the degree to which this relationship holds in natural images. [Supported by EPSRC grants to AJS and MAG].


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The pattern of illumination on an undulating surface can be used to infer its 3-D form (shape-from-shading). But the recovery of shape would be invalid if the luminance changes actually arose from changes in reflectance. So how does vision distinguish variation in illumination from variation in reflectance to avoid illusory depth? When a corrugated surface is painted with an albedo texture, the variation in local mean luminance (LM) due to shading is accompanied by a similar modulation in local luminance amplitude (AM). This is not so for reflectance variation, nor for roughly textured surfaces. We used depth mapping and paired comparison methods to show that modulations of local luminance amplitude play a role in the interpretation of shape-from-shading. The shape-from-shading percept was enhanced when LM and AM co-varied (in-phase) and was disrupted when they were out of phase or (to a lesser degree) when AM was absent. The perceptual differences between cue types (in-phase vs out-of-phase) were enhanced when the two cues were present at different orientations within a single image. Our results suggest that when LM and AM co-vary (in-phase) this indicates that the source of variation is illumination (caused by undulations of the surface), rather than surface reflectance. Hence, the congruence of LM and AM is a cue that supports a shape-from-shading interpretation. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The pattern of illumination on an undulating surface can be used to infer its 3-D form (shape from shading). But the recovery of shape would be invalid if the shading actually arose from reflectance variation. When a corrugated surface is painted with an albedo texture, the variation in local mean luminance (LM) due to shading is accompanied by a similar modulation in texture amplitude (AM). This is not so for reflectance variation, nor for roughly textured surfaces. We used a haptic matching technique to show that modulations of texture amplitude play a role in the interpretation of shape from shading. Observers were shown plaid stimuli comprising LM and AM combined in-phase (LM+AM) on one oblique and in anti-phase (LM-AM) on the other. Stimuli were presented via a modified ReachIN workstation allowing the co-registration of visual and haptic stimuli. In the first experiment, observers were asked to adjust the phase of a haptic surface, which had the same orientation as the LM+AM combination, until its peak in depth aligned with the visually perceived peak. The resulting alignments were consistent with the use of a lighting-from-above prior. In the second experiment, observers were asked to adjust the amplitude of the haptic surface to match that of the visually perceived surface. Observers chose relatively large amplitude settings when the haptic surface was oriented and phase-aligned with the LM+AM cue. When the haptic surface was aligned with the LM-AM cue, amplitude settings were close to zero. Thus the LM/AM phase relation is a significant visual depth cue, and is used to discriminate between shading and reflectance variations. [Supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, EPSRC].


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When a textured surface is modulated in depth and illuminated, the level of illumination varies across the surface, producing coarse-scale luminance modulations (LM) and amplitude modulation (AM) of the fine-scale texture. If the surface has an albedo texture (reflectance variation) then the LM and AM components are always in-phase, but if the surface has a relief texture the phase relation between LM and AM varies with the direction and nature of the illuminant. We showed observers sinusoidal luminance and amplitude modulations of a binary noise texture, in various phase relationships, in a paired-comparisons design. In the first experiment, the combinations under test were presented in different temporal intervals. Observers indicated which interval contained the more depthy stimulus. LM and AM in-phase were seen as more depthy than LM alone which was in turn more depthy than LM and AM in anti-phase, but the differences were weak. In the second experiment the combinations under test were presented in a single interval on opposite obliques of a plaid pattern. Observers were asked to indicate the more depthy oblique. Observers produced the same depth rankings as before, but now the effects were more robust and significant. Intermediate LM/AM phase relationships were also tested: phase differences less than 90 deg were seen as more depthy than LM-only, while those greater than 90 deg were seen as less depthy. We conjecture that the visual system construes phase offsets between LM and AM as indicating relief texture and thus perceives these combinations as depthy even when their phase relationship is other than zero. However, when different LM/AM pairs are combined in a plaid, the signals on the obliques are unlikely to indicate corrugations of the same texture, and in this case the out-of-phase pairing is seen as flat. [Supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)].


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When a textured surface is modulated in depth and illuminated, parts of the surface receive different levels of illumination; the resulting variations in luminance can be used to infer the shape of the depth modulations-shape from shading. The changes in illumination also produce changes in the amplitude of the texture, although local contrast remains constant. We investigated the role of texture amplitude in supporting shape from shading. If a luminance plaid is added to a binary noise texture (LM), shape from shading produces perception of corrugations in two directions. If the amplitude of the noise is also modulated (AM) such that it is in-phase with one of the luminance sinusoids and out-of-phase with the other, the resulting surface is seen as corrugated in only one directionöthat supported by the in-phase pairing. We confirmed this subjective report experimentally, using a depth-mapping technique. Further, we asked naïve observers to indicate the direction of corrugations in plaids made up of various combinations of LM and AM. LM+AM was seen as having most depth, then LM-only, then LM-AM, and then AM-only. Our results suggest that while LM is required to see depth from shading, its phase relative to any AM component is also important.


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Previous studies have suggested separate channels for detection of first-order luminance modulations (LM) and second-order modulations of the local amplitude (AM) of a texture. Mixtures of LM and AM with different phase relationships appear very different: in-phase compounds (LM + AM) look like 3-D corrugated surfaces, while out-of-phase compounds (LM - AM) appear flat and/or transparent. This difference may arise because the in-phase compounds are consistent with multiplicative shading, while the out-of-phase compounds are not. We investigated the role of these modulation components in surface depth perception. We used a textured background with thin bars formed by local changes in luminance and/or texture amplitude. These stimuli appear as embossed surfaces with wide and narrow regions. Keeping the AM modulation depth fixed at a suprathreshold level, we determined the amount of luminance contrast required for observers to correctly indicate the width (narrow or wide) of 'raised' regions in the display. Performance (compared to the LM-only case) was facilitated by the presence of AM, but, unexpectedly, performance for LM - AM was as good as for LM + AM. Thus, these results suggest that there is an interaction between first-order and second-order mechanisms during depth perception based on shading cues, but the phase dependence is not yet understood.


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Previous studies have suggested separate channels for the detection of first-order luminance (LM) and second-order modulations of the local amplitude (AM) of a texture (Schofield and Georgeson, 1999 Vision Research 39 2697 - 2716; Georgeson and Schofield, 2002 Spatial Vision 16 59). It has also been shown that LM and AM mixtures with different phase relationships are easily separated in identification tasks, and (informally) appear very different with the in-phase compound (LM + AM), producing the most realistic depth percept. We investigated the role of these LM and AM components in depth perception. Stimuli consisted of a noise texture background with thin bars formed as local increments or decrements in luminance and/or noise amplitude. These stimuli appear as embossed surfaces with wide and narrow regions. When luminance and amplitude changes have the same sign and magnitude (LM + AM) the overall modulation is consistent with multiplicative shading, but this is not so when the two modulations have opposite sign (LM - AM). Keeping the AM modulation depth fixed at a suprathreshold level, we determined the amount of luminance contrast required for observers to correctly indicate the width (narrow or wide) of raised regions in the display. Performance (compared to the LM-only case) was facilitated by the presence of AM, but, unexpectedly, performance for LM - AM was even better than for LM + AM. Further tests suggested that this improvement in performance is not due to an increase in the detectability of luminance in the compound stimuli. Thus, contrary to previous findings, these results suggest the possibility of interaction between first-order and second-order mechanisms in depth perception.


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Most subunit vaccines require adjuvants in order to induce protective immune responses to the targeted pathogen. However, many of the potent immunogenic adjuvants display unacceptable local or systemic reactogenicity. Liposomes are spherical vesicles consisting of single (unilamellar) or multiple (multilamellar) phospholipid bi-layers. The lipid membranes are interleaved with an aqueous buffer, which can be utilised to deliver hydrophilic vaccine components, such as protein antigens or ligands for immune receptors. Liposomes, in particular cationic DDA:TDB vesicles, have been shown in animal models to induce strong humoral responses to the associated antigen without increased reactogenicity, and are currently being tested in Phase I human clinical trials. We explored several modifications of DDA:TDB liposomes--including size, antigen association and addition of TLR agonists--to assess their immunogenic capacity as vaccine adjuvants, using Ovalbumin (OVA) protein as a model protein vaccine. Following triple homologous immunisation, small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) with no TLR agonists showed a significantly higher capacity for inducing spleen CD8 IFN? responses against OVA in comparison with the larger multilamellar vesicles (MLVs). Antigen-specific antibody reponses were also higher with SUVs. Addition of the TLR3 and TLR9 agonists significantly increased the adjuvanting capacity of MLVs and OVA-encapsulating dehydration-rehydration vesicles (DRVs), but not of SUVs. Our findings lend further support to the use of liposomes as protein vaccine adjuvants. Importantly, the ability of DDA:TDB SUVs to induce potent CD8 T cell responses without the need for adding immunostimulators would avoid the potential safety risks associated with the clinical use of TLR agonists in vaccines adjuvanted with liposomes.