em Aston University Research Archive


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The presence of chronic inflammation is associated with increased nutrient availability during obesity or type 2 diabetes which contributes to the development of complications such as atherosclerosis, stroke and myocardial infarction. The link between increased nutrient availability and inflammatory response remains poorly understood. The functioning of monocytes, the primary instigators of the inflammatory response was assessed in response to obesity and increased glucose availability. Monocyte microRNA expression was assessed in obese individuals prior to and up to one year after bariatric surgery. A number of microRNAs were identified to be dysregulated in obesity, some of which have previously been linked to the regulation of monocyte inflammatory responses including the microRNAs 146a-5p and 424-5p. Weight loss in response to bariatric surgery lead to the reversal of microRNA changes towards control values. In vitro treatments of THP-1 monocytes with high concentrations of D-glucose resulted in decreased intracellular NAD+:NADH ratio, decreased SIRT1 deacetylase activity and increased P65 acetylation. However the increased osmotic concentration inhibited LPS induced inflammatory response and TNFα mRNA expression. In vitro treatment of primary human monocytes with increased concentrations of D-glucose resulted in increased secretion of a number of inflammatory cytokines and increased expression of TNFα mRNA. Treatment also resulted in decreased intracellular NAD+:NADH ratio and increased binding of acetylated P65 to the TNFα promoter region. In vitro treatments of primary monocytes also replicated the altered expression of the microRNAs 146a-5p and miR-424-5p, as seen in obese individuals. In conclusion a number of changes in monocyte function were observed in response to obesity and treatment with high concentrations of D-glucose. These may lead to the dysregulation of inflammatory responses contributing to the development of co-morbidities.


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Staphylococcus epidermidis causes infections associated with medical devices including central venous catheters, orthopaedic prosthetic joints and artificial heart valves. This coagulase-negative Staphylococcus produces a conventional cellular lipoteichoic acid (LTA) and also releases a short-glycerophosphate-chain-length form of LTA (previously termed lipid S) into the medium during growth. The relative pro-inflammatory activities of cellular and short-chain-length exocellular LTA were investigated in comparison with peptidoglycan and wall teichoic acid from S. epidermidis and LPS from Escherichia coli O111. The ability of these components to stimulate the production of proinflammatory cytokines [interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α] and nitric oxide was investigated in a murine macrophage-like cell line (J774.2), and in peritoneal and splenic macrophages. On a weight-for-weight basis the short-chain-length exocellular LTA was the most active of the S. epidermidis products, stimulating significant amounts of each of the inflammatory cytokines and nitric oxide, although it was approximately 100-fold less active than LPS from E. coli. By comparison the full-chain-length cellular LTA and peptidoglycan were less active and the wall teichoic acid had no activity. As an exocellular product potentially released from S. epidermidis biofilms, the short-chain-length exocellular LTA may act as the prime mediator of the host inflammatory response to device-related infection by this organism and act as the Gram-positive equivalent of LPS in Gram-negative sepsis. The understanding of the role of short-chain-length exocellular LTA in Gram-positive sepsis may lead to improved treatment strategies. © 2005 SGM.


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Gram-positive bacterial cell wall components including PGN (peptidoglycan) elicit a potent pro-inflammatory response in diverse cell types, including endothelial cells, by activating TLR2 (Toll-like receptor 2) signalling. The functional integrity of the endothelium is under the influence of a network of gap junction intercellular communication channels composed of Cxs (connexins) that also form hemichannels, signalling conduits that are implicated in ATP release and purinergic signalling. PGN modulates Cx expression in a variety of cell types, yet effects in endothelial cells remain unresolved. Using the endothelial cell line b.End5, a 6 h challenge with PGN induced IL-6 (interleukin 6), TLR2 and Cx43 mRNA expression that was associated with enhanced Cx43 protein expression and gap junction coupling. Cx43 hemichannel activity, measured by ATP release from the cells, was induced following 15 min of exposure to PGN. Inhibition of hemichannel activity with carbenoxolone or apyrase prevented induction of IL-6 and TLR2 mRNA expression by PGN, but had no effect on Cx43 mRNA expression levels. In contrast, knockdown of TLR2 expression had no effect on PGN-induced hemichannel activity, but reduced the level of TLR2 and Cx43 mRNA expression following 6 h of PGN challenge. PGN also acutely induced hemichannel activity in HeLa cells transfected to express Cx43, but had no effect in Cx43-deficient HeLa OHIO cells. All ATP responses were blocked with Cx-specific channel blockers. We conclude that acute Cx43 hemichannel signalling plays a role in the initiation of early innate immune responses in the endothelium.


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Hypoxia is a prominent feature of chronically inflamed tissues. Oxygen-sensing hydroxylases control transcriptional adaptation to hypoxia through the regulation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) and nuclear factor ?B (NF-?B), both of which can regulate the inflammatory response. Furthermore, pharmacologic hydroxylase inhibitors reduce inflammation in multiple animal models. However, the underlying mechanism(s) linking hydroxylase activity to inflammatory signaling remains unclear. IL-1ß, a major proinflammatory cytokine that regulates NF-?B, is associated with multiple inflammatory pathologies. We demonstrate that a combination of prolyl hydroxylase 1 and factor inhibiting HIF hydroxylase isoforms regulates IL-1ß-induced NF-?B at the level of (or downstream of) the tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6 complex. Multiple proteins of the distal IL-1ß-signaling pathway are subject to hydroxylation and form complexes with either prolyl hydroxylase 1 or factor inhibiting HIF. Thus, we hypothesize that hydroxylases regulate IL-1ß signaling and subsequent inflammatory gene expression. Furthermore, hydroxylase inhibition represents a unique approach to the inhibition of IL-1ß-dependent inflammatory signaling.


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Background: Mouse models of cystic fibrosis (CF) fail to truly represent the respiratory pathology. We have consequently developed human airways cell culture models to address this. The impact of cigarette smoke within the CF population is well documented, with exposure being known to worsen lung function. As nicotine is often perceived to be a less harmful component of tobacco smoke, this research aimed to identify its effects upon viability and inflammatory responses of CF (IB3-1) and CF phenotype corrected (C38) bronchial epithelial cells. Methods: IB3-1 and C38 cell lines were exposed to increasing concentrations of nicotine (0.55-75μM) for 24 hours. Cell viability was assessed via Cell Titre Blue and the inflammatory response with IL-6 and IL-8 ELISA. Results: CF cells were more sensitive; nicotine significantly (P<0.05) reduced cell viability at all concentrations tested, but failed to have a marked effect on C38 viability. Whilst nicotine induced anti-inflammatory effects in CF cells with a significant reduction in IL-6 and IL-8 release, it had no effect on chemokine release by C38 cells. Conclusion: CF cells may be more vulnerable to inhaled toxicants than non-CF cells. As mice lack a number of human nicotinic receptor subunits and fail to mimic the characteristic pathology of CF, these data emphasise the importance of employing relevant human cell lines to study a human-specific disease.