13 resultados para IN-VITRO RELEASE

em Aston University Research Archive


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This study identifies and investigates the potential use of in-eye trigger mechanisms to supplement the widely available information on release of ophthalmic drugs from contact lenses under passive release conditions. Ophthalmic dyes and surrogates have been successfully employed to investigate how these factors can be drawn together to make a successful system. The storage of a drug-containing lens in a pH lower than that of the ocular environment can be used to establish an equilibrium that favours retention of the drug in the lens prior to ocular insertion. Although release under passive conditions does not result in complete dye elution, the use of mechanical agitation techniques which mimic the eyelid blink action in conjunction with ocular tear chemistry promotes further release. In this way differentiation between passive and triggered in vitro release characteristics can be established. Investigation of the role of individual tear proteins revealed significant differences in their ability to alter the equilibrium between matrix-held and eluate-held dye or drug. These individual experiments were then investigated in vivo using ophthalmic dyes. Complete elution was found to be achievable in-eye; this demonstrated the importance of that fraction of the drug retained under passive conditions and the triggering effect of in-eye conditions on the release process. Understanding both the structure-property relationship between drug and material and in-eye trigger mechanisms, using ophthalmic dyes as a surrogate, provides the basis of knowledge necessary to design ocular drug delivery vehicles for in-eye release in a controllable manner.


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Formulation of solid dispersions is one of the effective methods to increase the rate of solubilization and dissolution of poorly soluble drugs. Solid dispersions of chloramphenicol (CP) and sulphamethoxazole (SX) as model drugs were prepared by melt fusion method using polyethylene glycol 8000 (PEG 8000) as an inert carrier. The dissolution rate of CP and SX were rapid from solid dispersions with low drug and high polymer content. Characterization was performed using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). FTIR analysis for the solid dispersions of CP and SX showed that there was no interaction between PEG 8000 and the drugs. Hyper-DSC studies revealed that CP and SX were converted into an amorphous form when formulated as solid dispersion in PEG 8000. Mathematical analysis of the release kinetics demonstrated that drug release from the various formulations followed different mechanisms. Permeability studies demonstrated that both CP and SX when formulated as solid dispersions showed enhanced permeability across Caco-2 cells and CP can be classified as well-absorbed compound when formulated as solid dispersions. © 2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.


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Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy caused by abnormal placental function, partly because of chronic hypoxia at the utero-placental junction. The increase in levels of soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1, an antiangiogenic agent known to inhibit placental vascularization, is an important cellular factor implicated in the onset of preeclampsia. We investigated the ligand urotensin II (U-II), a potent endogenous vasoconstrictor and proangiogenic agent, for which levels have been reported to increase in patients with preeclampsia. We hypothesized that an increased sensitivity to U-II in preeclampsia might be achieved by upregulation of placental U-II receptors. We further investigated the role of U-II receptor stimulation on soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 release in placental explants from diseased and normal patients. Immunohistochemistry, real-time PCR, and Western blotting analysis revealed that U-II receptor expression was significantly upregulated in preeclampsia placentas compared with controls (P<0.01). Cellular models of syncytiotrophoblast and vascular endothelial cells subjected to hypoxic conditions revealed an increase in U-II receptor levels in the syncytiotrophoblast model. This induction is regulated by the transcriptional activator hypoxia-inducible factor 1a. U-II treatment is associated with increased secretion of soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 only in preeclamptic placental explants under hypoxia but not in control conditions. Interestingly, normal placental explants did not respond to U-II stimulation.


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The objective of this study was to compare the in vitro dissolution profile of a new rapidly absorbed paracetamol tablet containing sodium bicarbonate (PS) with that of a conventional paracetamol tablet (P), and to relate these by deconvolution and mapping to in vivo release. The dissolution methods used include the standard procedure described in the USP monograph for paracetamol tablets, employing buffer at pH5.8 or 0.05 M HCl at stirrer speeds between 10 and 50 rpm. The mapping process was developed and implemented in Microsoft Excel® worksheets that iteratively calculated the optimal values of scale and shape factors which linked in vivo time to in vitro time. The in vitro-in vivo correlation (IVIVC) was carried out simultaneously for both formulations to produce common mapping factors. The USP method, using buffer at pH5.8, demonstrated no difference between the two products. However, using an acidic medium the rate of dissolution of P but not of PS decreased with decreasing stirrer speed. A significant correlation (r=0.773; p<.00001) was established between in vivo release and in vitro dissolution using the profiles obtained with 0.05 M HCl and a stirrer speed of 30 rpm. The scale factor for optimal simultaneous IVIVC in the fasting state was 2.54 and the shape factor was 0.16; corresponding values for mapping in the fed state were 3.37 and 0.13 (implying a larger in vitro-in vivo time difference but reduced shape difference in the fed state). The current IVIVC explains, in part, the observed in vivo variability of the two products. The approach to mapping may also be extended to different batches of these products, to predict the impact of any changes of in vitro dissolution on in vivo release and plasma drug concentration-time profiles.


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As a central integrator of basal ganglia function, the external segment of the globus pallidus (GP) plays a critical role in the control of voluntary movement. Driven by intrinsic mechanisms and excitatory glutamatergic inputs from the subthalamic nucleus, GP neurons receive GABAergic inhibitory input from the striatum (Str-GP) and from local collaterals of neighbouring pallidal neurons (GP-GP). Here we provide electrophysiological evidence for functional differences between these two inhibitory inputs. The basic synaptic characteristics of GP-GP and Str-GP GABAergic synapses were studied using whole-cell recordings with paired-pulse and train stimulation protocols and variance-mean (VM) analysis. We found (i) IPSC kinetics are consistent with local collaterals innervating the soma and proximal dendrites of GP neurons whereas striatal inputs innervate more distal regions. (ii) Compared to GP-GP synapses Str-GP synapses have a greater paired-pulse ratio, indicative of a lower probability of release. This was confirmed using VM analysis. (iii) In response to 20 and 50 Hz train stimulation, GP-GP synapses are weakly facilitatory in 1 mm external calcium and depressant in 2.4 mm calcium. This is in contrast to Str-GP synapses which display facilitation under both conditions. This is the first quantitative study comparing the properties of GP-GP and Str-GP synapses. The results are consistent with the differential location of these inhibitory synapses and subtle differences in their release probability which underpin stable GP-GP responses and robust short-term facilitation of Str-GP responses. These fundamental differences may provide the physiological basis for functional specialization.


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It is becoming clear that the detection and integration of synaptic input and its conversion into an output signal in cortical neurons are strongly influenced by background synaptic activity or "noise." The majority of this noise results from the spontaneous release of synaptic transmitters, interacting with ligand-gated ion channels in the postsynaptic neuron [Berretta N, Jones RSG (1996); A comparison of spontaneous synaptic EPSCs in layer V and layer II neurones in the rat entorhinal cortex in vitro. J Neurophysiol 76:1089-1110; Jones RSG, Woodhall GL (2005) Background synaptic activity in rat entorhinal cortical neurons: differential control of transmitter release by presynaptic receptors. J Physiol 562:107-120; LoTurco JJ, Mody I, Kriegstein AR (1990) Differential activation of glutamate receptors by spontaneously released transmitter in slices of neocortex. Neurosci Lett 114:265-271; Otis TS, Staley KJ, Mody I (1991) Perpetual inhibitory activity in mammalian brain slices generated by spontaneous GABA release. Brain Res 545:142-150; Ropert N, Miles R, Korn H (1990) Characteristics of miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents in CA1 pyramidal neurones of rat hippocampus. J Physiol 428:707-722; Salin PA, Prince DA (1996) Spontaneous GABAA receptor-mediated inhibitory currents in adult rat somatosensory cortex. J Neurophysiol 75:1573-1588; Staley KJ (1999) Quantal GABA release: noise or not? Nat Neurosci 2:494-495; Woodhall GL, Bailey SJ, Thompson SE, Evans DIP, Stacey AE, Jones RSG (2005) Fundamental differences in spontaneous synaptic inhibition between deep and superficial layers of the rat entorhinal cortex. Hippocampus 15:232-245]. The function of synaptic noise has been the subject of debate for some years, but there is increasing evidence that it modifies or controls neuronal excitability and, thus, the integrative properties of cortical neurons. In the present study we have investigated a novel approach [Rudolph M, Piwkowska Z, Badoual M, Bal T, Destexhe A (2004) A method to estimate synaptic conductances from membrane potential fluctuations. J Neurophysiol 91:2884-2896] to simultaneously quantify synaptic inhibitory and excitatory synaptic noise, together with postsynaptic excitability, in rat entorhinal cortical neurons in vitro. The results suggest that this is a viable and useful approach to the study of the function of synaptic noise in cortical networks. © 2007 IBRO.


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Increasingly complicated medication regimens associated with the necessity of the repeated dosing of multiple agents used in treating pulmonary disease has been shown to compromise both disease management and patient convenience. In this study the viability of spray drying to introduce controlled release vectors into dry powders for inhalation was investigated. The first experimental section highlights the use of leucine in producing highly respirable spray dried powders, with in vitro respirable fractions (Fine particle fraction, FPF: F < 5µm) exceeding 80% of the total dose. The second experimental chapter introduces the biocompatible polymer chitosan (mw 190 – 310 kDa) to formulations containing leucine with findings of increased FPF with increasing leucine concentration (up to 82%) and the prolonged release of the active markers terbulataline sulfate (up to 2 hours) and beclometasone dipropionate (BDP: up to 12 hours) with increasing chitosan molecular weight. Next, the thesis details the use of a double emulsion format in delivering the active markers salbutamol sulfate and BDP at differing rates; using the polymers poly-lactide co-glycolide (PLGA 50:50 and PLGA 75:25) and/or chitosan incorporating leucine as an aerosolisation enhancer the duration of in vitro release of both agents reaching 19 days with FPF exceeding 60%. The final experimental chapter involves dual aqueous and organic closed loop spray drying to create controlled release dry powders for inhalation with in vitro sustained release exceeding 28 days and FPF surpassing 55% of total loaded dose. In conclusion, potentially highly respirable sustained release dry powders for inhalation have been produced by this research using the polymers chitosan and/or PLGA as drug release modifiers and leucine as an aerosolisation enhancer.


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Ethosuximide is the drug of choice for treating generalized absence seizures, but its mechanism of action is still a matter of debate. It has long been thought to act by disrupting a thalamic focus via blockade of T-type channels and, thus, generation of spike-wave activity in thalamocortical pathways. However, there is now good evidence that generalized absence seizures may be initiated at a cortical focus and that ethosuximide may target this focus. In the present study we have looked at the effect ethosuximide on glutamate and GABA release at synapses in the rat entorhinal cortex in vitro, using two experimental approaches. Whole-cell patch-clamp studies revealed an increase in spontaneous GABA release by ethosuximide concurrent with no change in glutamate release. This was reflected in studies that estimated global background inhibition and excitation from intracellularly recorded membrane potential fluctuations, where there was a substantial rise in the ratio of network inhibition to excitation, and a concurrent decrease in excitability of neurones embedded in this network. These studies suggest that, in addition to well-characterised effects on ion channels, ethosuximide may directly elevate synaptic inhibition in the cortex and that this could contribute to its anti-absence effects. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled 'Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder'.


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Loss of adipose tissue in cancer cachexia has been associated with tumour production of a lipid-mobilizing factor (LMF) which has been shown to be homologous with the plasma protein zinc-a2-glycoprotein (ZAG). The aim of this study was to compare the ability of human ZAG with LMF to stimulate lipolysis in vitro and induce loss of body fat in vivo, and to determine the mechanisms involved. ZAG was purified from human plasma using a combination of Q Sepharose and Superdex 75 chromatography, and was shown to stimulate glycerol release from isolated murine epididymal adipocytes in a dose-dependent manner. The effect was enhanced by the cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase inhibitor Ro20-1724, and attenuated by freeze/thawing and the specific ß3-adrenoreceptor antagonist SR59230A. In vivo ZAG caused highly significant, time-dependent, decreases in body weight without a reduction in food and water intake. Body composition analysis showed that loss of body weight could be attributed entirely to the loss of body fat. Loss of adipose tissue may have been due to the lipolytic effect of ZAG coupled with an increase in energy expenditure, since there was a dose-dependent increase in expression of uncoupling protein-1 (UCP-1) in brown adipose tissue. These results suggest that ZAG may be effective in the treatment of obesity.


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Three human astroglioma lines U251-MG, U373-MG and CCF-STTG1 have been evaluated further as possible models for astrocytotoxicity (GFAP and IL-6 release). The effects of bacterial lipopolysaccharide, chloroquine diphosphate and acrylamide were studied on GFAP expression and LPS, chloroquine diphosphate, ethanol, trimethyltin chloride (TMTC) and acrylamide were examined on interleukin-6 (IL-6) release in the U373-MG line only. At 4-h LIPS elevated GFAP (17.0±5.0% P < 0.05) above control in the U251-MG cell line only. Chloroquine diphosphate over 4 h in the U251-MG line resulted in an increase in GFAP-IR to 20.3 ±4.2% and 21.1 ± 4.1 % above control levels 0.1 µM (P< 0.05) and 1 µM (P< 0.05) respectively. CQD was associated with decreases in MTT turnover, particularly after 24 h incubation. With the U373-MG line, LPS (0.5 µg/ml) increased IL-6 expression 640% above control (P < 0.001), whilst chloroquine diphosphate (100 µM), ethanol (10mM) and TMTC chloride (1 µM) also increased IL-6. It is possible that batteries of astrocytic human glioma cell lines may be applicable to the sensitive evaluation of toxicants on astrogliotic expression markers such as GFAP and IL-6.


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Although the incretin hormone glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a potent stimulator of insulin release, its rapid degradation in vivo by the enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) greatly limits its potential for treatment of type 2 diabetes. Here, we report two novel Ala8-substituted analogues of GLP-1, (Abu8)GLP-1 and (Val8)GLP-1 which were completely resistant to inactivation by DPP IV or human plasma. (Abu8)GLP-1 and (Val8)GLP-1 exhibited moderate affinities (IC50: 4.76 and 81.1 nM, respectively) for the human GLP-1 receptor compared with native GLP-1 (IC50: 0.37 nM). (Abu8)GLP-1 and (Val8)GLP-1 dose-dependently stimulated cAMP in insulin-secreting BRIN BD11 cells with reduced potency compared with native GLP-1 (1.5- and 3.5-fold, respectively). Consistent with other mechanisms of action, the analogues showed similar, or in the case of (Val8)GLP-1 slightly impaired insulin releasing activity in BRIN BD11 cells. Using adult obese (ob/ob) mice, (Abu8 )GLP-1 had similar glucose-lowering potency to native GLP-1 whereas the action of (Val8)GLP-1 was enhanced by 37%. The in vivo insulin-releasing activities were similar. These data indicate that substitution of Ala8 in GLP-1 with Abu or Val confers resistance to DPP IV inactivation and that (Val8)GLP-1 is a particularly potent N-terminally modified GLP-1 analogue of possible use in type 2 diabetes.


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Although most anti-epileptic drugs are considered to have a primary molecular target, it is clear that their actions are unlikely to be limited to effects on a single aspect of inhibitory synaptic transmission, excitatory transmission or voltage-gated ion channels. Systemically administered drugs can obviously simultaneously access all possible targets, so we have attempted to determine the overall effect of diverse agents on the balance between GABAergic inhibition, glutamatergic excitation and cellular excitability in neurones of the rat entorhinal cortex in vitro. We used an approach developed for estimating global background synaptic excitation and inhibition from fluctuations in membrane potential obtained by intracellular recordings. We have previously validated this approach in entorhinal cortical neurones [. Greenhill and Jones (2007a) Neuroscience 147:884-892]. Using this approach, we found that, despite their differing pharmacology, the drugs tested (phenytoin, lamotrigine, valproate, gabapentin, felbamate, tiagabine) were unified in their ability to increase the ratio of background GABAergic inhibition to glutamatergic excitation. This could occur as a result of decreased excitation concurrent with increased inhibition (phenytoin, lamotrigine, valproate), a decrease in excitation alone (gabapentin, felbamate), or even with a differential increase in both (tiagabine). Additionally, we found that the effects on global synaptic conductances agreed well with whole cell patch recordings of spontaneous glutamate and GABA release (our previous studies and further data presented here). The consistency with which the synaptic inhibition:excitation ratio was increased by the antiepileptic drugs tested was matched by an ability of all drugs to concurrently reduce intrinsic neuronal excitability. Thus, it seems possible that specific molecular targets among antiepileptic drugs are less important than the ability to increase the inhibition:excitation ratio and reduce overall neuronal and network excitability. © 2010 IBRO.


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Aim. To compare the incorporation, growth, and chondrogenic potential of bone marrow (BM) and adipose tissue (AT) mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in scaffolds used for cartilage repair. Methods. Human BM and AT MSCs were isolated, culture expanded, and characterised using standard protocols, then seeded into 2 different scaffolds, Chondro-Gide or Alpha Chondro Shield. Cell adhesion, incorporation, and viable cell growth were assessed microscopically and following calcein AM/ethidium homodimer (Live/Dead) staining. Cell-seeded scaffolds were treated with chondrogenic inducers for 28 days. Extracellular matrix deposition and soluble glycosaminoglycan (GAG) release into the culture medium was measured at day 28 by histology/immunohistochemistry and dimethylmethylene blue assay, respectively. Results. A greater number of viable MSCs from either source adhered and incorporated into Chondro-Gide than into Alpha Chondro Shield. In both cell scaffolds, this incorporation represented less than 2% of the cells that were seeded. There was a marked proliferation of BM MSCs, but not AT MSCs, in Chondro-Gide. MSCs from both sources underwent chondrogenic differentiation following induction. However, cartilaginous extracellular matrix deposition was most marked in Chondro- Gide seeded with BM MSCs. Soluble GAG secretion increased in chondrogenic versus control conditions. There was no marked difference in GAG secretion by MSCs from either cell source. Conclusion. Chondro-Gide and Alpha Chondro Shield were permissive to the incorporation and chondrogenic differentiation of human BM and AT MSCs. Chondro-Gide seeded with BM MSCs demonstrated the greatest increase in MSC number and deposition of a cartilaginous tissue.