18 resultados para IMMUNOGLOBULIN

em Aston University Research Archive


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In coeliac disease, the intake of dietary gluten induces small-bowel mucosal damage and the production of immunoglobulin (Ig)A class autoantibodies against transglutaminase 2 (TG2). We examined the effect of coeliac patient IgA on the apical-to-basal passage of gluten-derived gliadin peptides p31-43 and p57-68 in intestinal epithelial cells. We demonstrate that coeliac IgA enhances the passage of gliadin peptides, which could be abolished by inhibition of TG2 enzymatic activity. Moreover, we also found that both the apical and the basal cell culture media containing the immunogenic gliadin peptides were able to induce the proliferation of deamidation-dependent coeliac patient-derived T cells even in the absence of exogenous TG2. Our results suggest that coeliac patient IgA could play a role in the transepithelial passage of gliadin peptides, a process during which they might be deamidated.


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A large body of evidence supports a role of oxidative stress in Alzheimer disease (AD) and in cerebrovascular disease. A vascular component might be critical in the pathophysiology of AD, but there is a substantial lack of data regarding the simultaneous behavior of peripheral antioxidants and biomarkers of oxidative stress in AD and vascular dementia (VaD). Sixty-three AD patients, 23 VaD patients and 55 controls were included in the study. We measured plasma levels of water-soluble (vitamin C and uric acid) and lipophilic (vitamin E, vitamin A, carotenoids including lutein, zeaxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, α- and β-carotene) antioxidant micronutrients as well as levels of biomarkers of lipid peroxidation [malondialdehyde (MDA)] and of protein oxidation [immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels of protein carbonyls and dityrosine] in patients and controls. With the exception of β-carotene, all antioxidants were lower in demented patients as compared to controls. Furthermore, AD patients showed a significantly higher IgG dityrosine content as compared to controls. AD and VaD patients showed similar plasma levels of plasma antioxidants and MDA as well as a similar IgG content of protein carbonyls and dityrosine. We conclude that, independent of its nature - vascular or degenerative - dementia is associated with the depletion of a large spectrum of antioxidant micronutrients and with increased protein oxidative modification. This might be relevant to the pathophysiology of dementing disorders, particularly in light of the recently suggested importance of the vascular component in AD development. Copyright © 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: The transferrin receptor (CD71) is up-regulated in duodenal biopsy samples from patients with active celiac disease and promotes retrotransport of secretory immunolglobulin A (SIgA)-gliadin complexes. We studied intestinal epithelial cell lines that overexpress CD71 to determine how interactions between SIgA and CD71 promote transepithelial transport of gliadin peptides. METHODS: We analyzed duodenal biopsy specimens from 8 adults and 1 child with active celiac disease. Caco-2 and HT29-19A epithelial cell lines were transfected with fluorescence-labeled small interfering RNAs against CD71. Interactions among IgA, CD71, and transglutaminase 2 (Tgase2) were analyzed by flow cytometry, immunoprecipitation, and confocal microscopy. Transcytosis of SIgACD71 complexes and intestinal permeability to the gliadin 3H-p3149 peptide were analyzed in polarized monolayers of Caco-2 cells. RESULTS: Using fluorescence resonance energy transfer and in situ proximity ligation assays, we observed physical interactions between SIgA and CD71 or CD71 and Tgase2 at the apical surface of enterocytes in biopsy samples and monolayers of Caco-2 cells. CD71 and Tgase2 were co-precipitated with SIgA, bound to the surface of Caco-2 cells. SIgACD71 complexes were internalized and localized in early endosomes and recycling compartments but not in lysosomes. In the presence of celiac IgA or SIgA against p3149, transport of intact 3H-p3149 increased significantly across Caco-2 monolayers; this transport was inhibited by soluble CD71 or Tgase2 inhibitors. CONCLUSIONS: Upon binding to apical CD71, SIgA (with or without gliadin peptides) enters a recycling pathway and avoids lysosomal degradation; this process allows apicalbasal transcytosis of bound peptides. This mechanism is facilitated by Tgase2 and might be involved in the pathogenesis of celiac disease.


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We have investigated vitamin C supplementation effects on immunoglobulin oxidation (carbonyls) and total plasma protein sulfhydryls in healthy human volunteers. After receiving placebo, plasma ascorbate and oxidation markers were unchanged. Following 5 weeks supplementation with vitamin C (400 mg/day), plasma ascorbate increased but no significant effect on protein oxidation was observed. At 10 and 15 weeks supplementation, carbonyl levels were significantly reduced (P < 0.01) in subjects with low baseline ascorbate (29.51 ± 5.3 μM) but not in those with normal baseline ascorbate (51.81 ± 2.3 μM). To eliminate any effect from seasonal variation in dietary antioxidant intake, a second phase was undertaken. Subjects on vitamin C for 15 weeks were randomly assigned to receive either placebo or vitamin C. No difference in plasma sulfhydryl content was observed. Subjects withdrawn from supplementation showed an increase in immunoglobulin carbonyl content (P < 0.01). This demonstrates that dietary vitamin C supplementation can reduce certain types of oxidative protein damage in subjects with low basal antioxidant. (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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Immunoglobulin G from rheumatoid patients is denatured around the hinge region. This has been proposed as an explanation for the presence of circulating autoantibodies to IgG in these patients. It has previously been suggested that oxygen radicals (OR) derived from activated polymorphs may play a role in denaturation in vivo. Using sera from rheumatoid patients and age-matched controls in a modified ELISA technique, we have investigated the potential for polyclonal rheumatoid factors (RF) to bind to OR denatured IgG. Three model systems were used to generate OR in vitro: (a) purified PMN s activated by the cell surface stimulant PMA, (b) radiolysis of IgG in solution to generate specifically the superoxide radical and, in a separate system, the hydroxyl radical, (OH.), (c) purified myeloperoxide in the presence of H2O2 and halide ions. Results: 1. The binding of both IgA and IgM RF s to PMN denatured IgG increased dose dependently for seropositive sera only. 2. The OH. radical but not the superoxide radical significantly increased the binding of IgA and M RF, again only for seropositive sera. 3. The myeloperoxidase enzyme system did not increase RF binding. 4. IgG incubated with elastase was not found to be a better antigen than native IgG. These results indicate that IgG is denatured by OR released from activated PMN, thereby producing an antigen for polyclonal RF s.


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Apoptosis is a highly controlled cell death programme that culminates in the exposure of molecular ‘flags’ at the dying cell surface that permit recognition and removal by viable phagocytes. Failure to efficiently remove dying cells can lead to devastating inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. The molecular mechanisms underlying apoptotic cell surface changes are poorly understood. Our previous work has shown an apoptosis-associated functional change in ICAM-3 (a heavily glycosylated, leukocyte-restricted Immunoglobulin Super-Family member) resulting in a molecular ‘flag’ to mediate corpse removal. Here we detail apoptosis-associated changes in ICAM-3 and define their role in ICAM-3’s novel function in apoptotic cell clearance. We show ICAM-3 functions to tether apoptotic leukocytes to macrophages via an undefined receptor. Though CD14 has been suggested as a possible receptor for apoptotic cell-associated ICAM-3, we demonstrate ICAM-3 functions for apoptotic cell clearance in the absence of CD14. Furthermore, we demonstrate leukocytes display early changes in cell surface glycosylation and a marked reduction in ICAM-3, a change that correlates reduced cell volume throughout apoptosis. This loss of ICAM-3 occurs via shedding of ICAM-3 in microparticles (‘apoptotic bodies’). Such microparticles are potent chemoattractants for macrophages. Notably, microparticles from ICAM-3-deficient leukocytes are significantly less chemoattractive than microparticles from their ICAM-3-replete counterparts. These data support the hypothesis that ICAM-3 acts as an apoptotic cell-associated ligand to tether dying cells to phagocytes in a CD14-independent manner. Furthermore our data suggest that released ICAM-3 may promote the recruitment of phagocytes to sites of apoptosis.


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Compared to naked DNA immunisation, entrapment of plasmid-based DNA vaccines into liposomes by the dehydration-rehydration method has shown to enhance both humoural and cell-mediated immune responses to encoded antigens administered by a variety of routes. In this paper, we have investigated the application of liposome-entrapped DNA and their cationic lipid composition on such potency after subcutaneous immunisation. Plasmid pI.18Sfi/NP containing the nucleoprotein (NP) gene of A/Sichuan/2/87 (H3N2) influenza virus in the pI.18 expression vector was incorporated by the dehydration-rehydration method into liposomes composed of 16 μmol egg phosphatidylcholine (PC), 8 μmoles dioleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) or cholesterol (Chol) and either the cationic lipid 1,2-diodeoyl-3-(trimethylammonium) propane (DOTAP) or cholesteryl 3-N-(dimethyl amino ethyl) carbamate (DC-Chol). This method, entailing mixing of small unilamellar vesicles (SUV) with DNA, followed by dehydration and rehydration, yielded incorporation values of 90-94% of the DNA used. Mixing or rehydration of preformed cationic liposomes with 100 μg plasmid DNA also led to similarly high complexation values (92-94%). In an attempt to establish differences in the nature of DNA association with these various liposome preparations their physico-chemical characteristics were investigated. Studies on vesicle size, zeta potential and gel electrophoresis in the presence of the anion sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) indicate that, under the conditions employed, formulation of liposomal DNA by the dehydration-rehydration generated submicron size liposomes incorporating most of the DNA in a manner that prevents DNA displacement through anion competition. The bilayer composition of these dehydration-rehydration vesicles (DRV(DNA)) can also further influence these physicochemical characteristics with the presence of DOPE within the liposome bilayer resulting in a reduced vesicle zeta potential. Subcutaneous liposome-mediated DNA immunisation employing two DRV(DNA) formulations as well as naked DNA revealed that humoural responses (immunoglobulin total IgG, and subclasses IgG1 and 1gG2a) engendered by the plasmid encoded NP were substantially higher after dosing twice, 28 days apart with 10 μg liposome-entrapped DNA compared to naked DNA. At all time points measured, mice immunised with naked DNA showed no greater immune response compared to the control, non-immunised group. In contrast, as early as day 49, responses were significantly higher in mice injected with DNA entrapped in DRV liposomes containing DOTAP compared to the control group and mice immunised with naked DNA. By day 56, all total IgG responses from mice immunised with both DRV formulations were significantly higher. Comparison between the DRV formulations revealed no significant difference in immune responses elicited except at day 114, where the humoural responses of the group injected with liposomal formulation containing DC-Chol dropped to significantly lower levels that those measured in mice which received the DOTAP formulation. Similar results were found when the IgG1 and IgG2a subclass responses were determined. These results suggest that, not only can DNA be effectively entrapped within liposomes using the DRV method but that such DRV liposomes containing DNA may be a useful system for subcutaneous delivery of DNA vaccines. © 2003 Taylor & Francis Ltd.


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Damaged, aged or unwanted cells are removed from the body by an active process known as apoptosis. This highly orchestrated programme results in cell disassembly and the exposure of ‘flags’ at the dying cell surface that permit recognition and removal by viable cells (phagocytes). Efficient phagocytic removal of dying cells is essential to prevent inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. Relatively little is known of the molecular mechanisms underlying changes at the apoptotic cell surface. We have previously shown that ICAM-3 (a heavily glycosylated, leukocyte-restricted Immunoglobulin Super-Family member) undergoes a change of function as cells die so that it acts as a molecular ‘flag’ to mediate corpse removal. Our work seeks to characterise apoptosis-associated changes in ICAM-3 and define their role in ICAM-3’s novel function in apoptotic cell clearance. Here we extend earlier studies to show that apoptotic cell-associated ICAM-3 functions, at least minimally, to tether apoptotic leukocytes to macrophages via an undefined receptor. Whilst CD14 has been suggested as a possible innate immune receptor for apoptotic cell-associated ICAM-3, we demonstrate ICAM-3 functions for apoptotic cell clearance in the absence of CD14. Our data additionally indicate, that during apoptosis, leukocytes display early changes in cell surface glycosylation and a marked reduction in ICAM-3, a change that correlates with a reduction in cell volume. This reduction in ICAM-3 is explained by cell surface shedding of microparticles (‘apoptotic bodies’) that contain ICAM-3. Such microparticles, released from apoptotic leukocytes, are strongly chemoattractive for macrophages. In addition, microparticles from ICAM-3-deficient leukocytes are significantly less chemoattractive than microparticles from their ICAM-3-replete counterparts. Taken together these data support the hypothesis that ICAM-3 acts as an apoptotic cell-associated ligand to tether dying cells to phagocytes in a CD14-independent manner. Furthermore our data suggest that released ICAM-3 may promote the recruitment of phagocytes to sites of leukocyte apoptosis.


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Damaged, aged or unwanted cells are removed from the body by an active process known as apoptosis. This highly orchestrated programme results in cell disassembly and the exposure of ‘flags’ at the dying cell surface that permit recognition and removal by viable cells (phagocytes). Efficient phagocytic removal of dying cells is essential to prevent inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. Relatively little is known of the molecular mechanisms underlying changes at the apoptotic cell surface. We have previously shown that ICAM-3 (a heavily glycosylated, leukocyte-restricted Immunoglobulin Super-Family member) undergoes a change of function as cells die so that it acts as a molecular ‘flag’ to mediate corpse removal. Our work seeks to characterise apoptosis-associated changes in ICAM-3 and define their role in ICAM-3’s novel function in apoptotic cell clearance. Here we extend earlier studies to show that apoptotic cell-associated ICAM-3 functions, at least minimally, to tether apoptotic leukocytes to macrophages via an undefined receptor. Whilst CD14 has been suggested as a possible innate immune receptor for apoptotic cell-associated ICAM-3, we demonstrate ICAM-3 functions for apoptotic cell clearance in the absence of CD14. Our data additionally indicate, that during apoptosis, leukocytes display early changes in cell surface glycosylation and a marked reduction in ICAM-3, a change that correlates with a reduction in cell volume. This reduction in ICAM-3 is explained by cell surface shedding of microparticles (‘apoptotic bodies’) that contain ICAM-3. Such microparticles, released from apoptotic leukocytes, are strongly chemoattractive for macrophages. In addition, microparticles from ICAM-3-deficient leukocytes are significantly less chemoattractive than microparticles from their ICAM-3-replete counterparts. Taken together these data support the hypothesis that ICAM-3 acts as an apoptotic cell-associated ligand to tether dying cells to phagocytes in a CD14-independent manner. Furthermore our data suggest that released ICAM-3 may promote the recruitment of phagocytes to sites of leukocyte apoptosis.


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A wide range of molecules acting as apoptotic cell-associated ligands, phagocyte-associated receptors or soluble bridging molecules have been implicated within the complex sequential processes that result in phagocytosis and degradation of apoptotic cells. Intercellular adhesion molecule 3 (ICAM-3, also known as CD50), a human leukocyte-restricted immunoglobulin super-family (IgSF) member, has previously been implicated in apoptotic cell clearance, although its precise role in the clearance process is ill defined. The main objective of this work is to further characterise the function of ICAM-3 in the removal of apoptotic cells. Using a range of novel anti-ICAM-3 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), including one (MA4) that blocks apoptotic cell clearance by macrophages, alongside apoptotic human leukocytes that are normal or deficient for ICAM-3, we demonstrate that ICAM-3 promotes a domain 1-2-dependent tethering interaction with phagocytes. Furthermore, we demonstrate an apoptosis-associated reduction in ICAM-3 that results from release of ICAM-3 within microparticles that potently attract macrophages to apoptotic cells. Taken together, these data suggest that apoptotic cell-derived microparticles bearing ICAM-3 promote macrophage chemoattraction to sites of leukocyte cell death and that ICAM-3 mediates subsequent cell corpse tethering to macrophages. The defined function of ICAM-3 in these processes and profound defect in chemotaxis noted to ICAM-3-deficient microparticles suggest that ICAM-3 may be an important adhesion molecule involved in chemotaxis to apoptotic human leukocytes. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved.


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Monoclonal and polyclonaI antibodies have been produced for use in immunological assays for the detection of Burkholderia pseudomallei and Burkholderia mallei. Monoclonal antibodies recognising a high molecular weight polysaccharide material found in some strains of both species have been shown to be effective in recognising B. pseudomallei and B. mallei and distinguishing them from other organisms. The high molecular weight polysaccharide material is thought to be the capsule of B. pseudomallei and B. mallei and may have important links with virulence. B. pseudomallei and B. mallei are known to be closely related, sharing many epitopes, but antigenic variation has been demonstrated within both the species. The lipopolysaccharide from strains of B. pseudomal/ei and B. mallei has been isolated and the silver stain profiles found to be visually very similar. A monoclonal antibody raised to B. mallei LPS has been found to recognise both B. mallei and B. pseudomallei strains. However, in a small number of B. pseudomallei strains a visually atypical LPS profile has been demonstrated. A monoclonal ant ibody rai sed against this atypical LPS showed no recognition of the typical LPS profile of either B. mallei or B. pseudomallei. This atypical LPS structure has not been reported and may be immunologically distinct from the typical LPS. Molecular biology and antibody engineering techniques have been used in an attempt to produce single-chain antibody fragments reactive to B. pseudomallei. Sequencing of one of the single-chain antibody fragments produced showed high homology with murine immunoglobulin genes, but none of the single-chain antibody fragments were found to be specific to B. pselldomallei.


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Gram-positive microorganisms, specifically coagulase-negative staphylococci are the most common species recovered from clinical culture specimens of patients with end-stage renal disease. The propensity of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) to cause infection in this patient group has been widely debated. However, it is still unclear how this usually avirulent commensal microorganism produces infection that contributes to high rates of morbidity and mortality in patients with end-stage renal disease. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the rate, geographical distribution, molecular and phenotypic mechanisms of Gram-positive microorganisms associated with infection in renal dialysis patients. In addition, it sought to assess the value of early serological diagnosis of dialysis catheter-associated infection and the effect of antimicrobial treatment regimens on the faecal carriage of enteric microorganisms. In this study, the incidence of haemodialysis catheter-associated infection was established with the Meditrend audit tool. This tool was used to assess the infection outcomes of catheter insertion and management procedures until the catheter was explanted. Introduction of a catheter management protocol decreased the incidence of catheter-related infection. Staphylococcal species recovered from episodes of haemodialysis catheter-associated infection and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)-associated peritonitis were genotyped by determination of macrorestriction profiles with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. This highlighted horizontal transfer of microorganisms between different patients and the environment. The phenotypic characteristics of these strains were also investigated to determine characteristics that could be used as markers for dialysis catheter-associated infection. The expression of elastase, lipase and esterase by CNS was significantly associated with infection. A rapid enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay incorporating a novel staphylococcal antigen (lipid S) was used to evaluate the early detection of anti-staphylococcal immunoglobulin gamma in patient sera. The comparison of culture positive and culture negative patients demonstrated a steady state of immune activation in both groups. However anti-lipid S serum antibody titres > 1000 were found to be a predictor of infection. The effect on faecal carriage of vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) and Clostridium difficile toxins in patients treated with CAPD when empiric cephalosporin therapy was substituted for piperacillin/tazobactam was investigated. The introduction of piperacillin/tazobactam demonstrated a decrease in the faecal carriage of VRE.


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Compared to naked DNA immunisation, entrapment of plasmid-based DNA vaccines into liposomes by the dehydration-rehydration method has shown to enhance both humoural and cell-mediated immune responses to encoded antigens administered by a variety of routes. In this paper we have compared the potency of lipid-based and non-ionic surfactant based vesicle carrier systems for DNA vaccines after subcutaneous immunisation. Plasmid pI.18Sfi/NP containing the nucleoprotein (NP) gene of A/Sichuan/2/87 (H3N2) influenza virus in the pI.18 expression vector was incorporated by the dehydration-rehydration method into various vesicle formulations. The DRV method, entailing mixing of small unilamellar vesicles (SUV) with DNA, followed by dehydration and rehydration, yielded high DNA vaccine incorporation values (85-97% of the DNA used) in all formulations. Studies on vesicle size revealed lipid-based systems formed cationic submicron size vesicles whilst constructs containing a non-ionic surfactant had significantly large z-average diameters (>1500 nm). Subcutaneous vesicle-mediated DNA immunisation employing two DRV(DNA) formulations as well as naked DNA revealed that humoural responses (immunoglobulin total IgG, and subclasses IgG 1 and 1gG 2a) engendered by the plasmid encoded nucleoprotein were substantially higher after dosing twice, 28 days apart with 10 μg DRV-entrapped DNA compared to naked DNA. Comparison between the lipid and non-ionic based vesicle formulations revealed no significant difference in stimulated antibody production. These results suggest that, not only can DNA be effectively entrapped within a range of lipid and non-ionic based vesicle formulations using the DRV method but that such DRV vesicles containing DNA may be a useful system for subcutaneous delivery of DNA vaccines. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.