15 resultados para Humidity.

em Aston University Research Archive


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An optical fibre sensor system for humidity and temperature, comprising two Bragg gratings recorded in silica and polymer fibre, has been characterised. The response of this system is very well conditioned (2-norm condition number = 8.8) and consequently uncertainties in wavelength measurement do not lead to large errors in the recovered humidity and temperature.


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In this work we experimentally investigate the response time of humidity sensors based on polymer optical fibre (POF) Bragg gratings. By the use of etching with acetone we can control the diameter of POF based on poly (methyl methacrylate) in order to reduce the diffusion time of water into the polymer and hence speed up the relative wavelength change caused by humidity variations. A much improved response time of 11 minutes has been achieved by using a POF FBG with a reduced diameter of 135 microns.


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In this work we experimentally investigate the response time of humidity sensors based on polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings. By the use of etching with acetone we can control the poly (methyl methacrylate) based fiber in order to reduce the diffusion time of water into the polymer and hence speed up the relative wavelength change caused by humidity variations. A much improved response time of 12 minutes for humidity decrease and 7 minutes for humidity increase, has been achieved by using a polymer optical fiber Bragg grating with a reduced diameter of 135 microns.


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The humidity sensors constructed from polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings (POFBG) respond to the water content change in the fiber induced by varying environmental condition. The water content change is a diffusion process. Therefore the response time of the POFBG sensor strongly depends on the geometry and size of the fiber. In this work we investigate the use of laser micromachining of D-shaped and slotted structures to improve the response time of polymer fiber grating based humidity sensors. A significant improvement in the response time has been achieved in laser micromachined D-shaped POFBG humidity sensors. The slotted geometry allows water rapid access to the core region but this does not of itself improve response time due to the slow expansion of the bulk of the cladding. We show that by straining the slotted sensor, the expansion component can be removed resulting in the response time being determined only by the more rapid, water induced change in core refractive index. In this way the response time is reduced by a factor of 2.5.


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Many passengers experience discomfort during flight because of the effect of low humidity on the skin, eyes, throat, and nose. In this physiological study, we have investigated whether flight and low humidity also affect the tympanic membrane. From previous studies, a decrease in admittance of the tympanic membrane through drying might be expected to affect the buffering capacity of the middle ear and to disrupt automatic pressure regulation. This investigation involved an observational study onboard an aircraft combined with experiments in an environmental chamber, where the humidity could be controlled but could not be made to be as low as during flight. For the flight study, there was a linear relationship between the peak compensated static admittance of the tympanic membrane and relative humidity with a constant of proportionality of 0.00315 mmho/% relative humidity. The low humidity at cruise altitude (minimum 22.7 %) was associated with a mean decrease in admittance of about 20 % compared with measures in the airport. From the chamber study, we further found that a mean decrease in relative humidity of 23.4 % led to a significant decrease in mean admittance by 0.11 mmho [F(1,8) = 18.95, P = 0.002], a decrease of 9.4 %. The order of magnitude for the effect of humidity was similar for the flight and environmental chamber studies. We conclude that admittance changes during flight were likely to have been caused by the low humidity in the aircraft cabin and that these changes may affect the automatic pressure regulation of the middle ear during descent. © 2013 Association for Research in Otolaryngology.


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We report the first experimental demonstration of a humidity insensitive polymer optical fiber Bragg grating (FBG), as well as the first FBG recorded in a TOPAS polymer optical fiber in the important low loss 850nm spectral region. For the demonstration we have fabricated FBGs with resonance wavelength around 850 nm and 1550 nm in single-mode microstructured polymer optical fibers made of TOPAS and the conventional poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). Characterization of the FBGs shows that the TOPAS FBG is more than 50 times less sensitive to humidity than the conventional PMMA FBG in both wavelength regimes. This makes the TOPAS FBG very appealing for sensing applications as it appears to solve the humidity sensitivity problem suffered by the PMMA FBG. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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A simple, low cost and fast response time intrinsic relative humidity sensor system based on an etched singlemode polymer fiber Bragg (POFBG) is presented in this paper. A macro-bend linear edge filter which converts the humidity induced wavelength shift into an intensity change is used as the interrogation technique. The singlemode POFBG is etched to micro-meters in diameter to improve the response time of the humidity sensor. A response time of 4.5 s is observed for a polymer FBG with a cladding diameter of 25 μm. The overall sensor system sensitivity was 0.23 mV/%RH. The etched POFBG humidity sensor shows anexponential decrease in response time with a decrease in fiber diameter. The developed sensor might have potential applications in a wide range of applications where fast and accurate real time humidity control is required. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The humidity response of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)-based optical fiber Bragg gratings (POFBGs) has been studied. The characteristic wavelength of the grating is modulated by water absorption-induced swelling and refractive index change in the fiber. This work indicates that anisotropic expansion may exist in PMMA optical fiber, reducing the humidity responsivity of the grating and introducing uncertainty in the responsivity from fiber to fiber. By pre-straining a grating, one can get rid of this uncertainty and simultaneously improve the POFBG response time. © 2014 Optical Society of America.


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This review offers new perspectives on the subject and highlights an area in need of further research. It includes an analysis of current scientific literature mainly covering the last decade and examines the trends in the development of electronic, acoustic and optical-fiber humidity sensors over this period. The major findings indicate that a new generation of sensor technology based on optical fibers is emerging. The current trends suggest that electronic humidity sensors could soon be replaced by sensors that are based on photonic structures. Recent scientific advances are expected to allow dedicated systems to avoid the relatively high price of interrogation modules that is currently a major disadvantage of fiber-based sensors.


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We report the first experimental demonstration of a humidity insensitive polymer optical fiber Bragg grating (FBG), as well as the first FBG recorded in a TOPAS polymer optical fiber in the important low loss 850nm spectral region. For the demonstration we have fabricated FBGs with resonance wavelength around 850 nm and 1550 nm in single-mode microstructured polymer optical fibers made of TOPAS and the conventional poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). Characterization of the FBGs shows that the TOPAS FBG is more than 50 times less sensitive to humidity than the conventional PMMA FBG in both wavelength regimes. This makes the TOPAS FBG very appealing for sensing applications as it appears to solve the humidity sensitivity problem suffered by the PMMA FBG. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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The humidity sensor made of polymer optical fiber Bragg grating (POFBG) responds to the water content change in fiber induced by the change of environmental condition. The response time strongly depends on fiber size as the water change is a diffusion process. The ultra short laser pulses have been providing an effective micro fabrication method to achieve spatial localized modification in materials. In this work we used the excimer laser to create different microstructures (slot, D-shape) in POFBG to improve its performance. A significant improvement in the response time has been achieved in a laser etched D-shaped POFBG humidity sensor.


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The influence of low vacuum on quasistatic current-voltage (I–V) dependences and the impact of wet air pulse on dynamic bipolar I-V-loops and unipolar I-V-curves of fungal melanin thin layers have been studied for the first time. The threshold hysteresis voltages of I–V dependences are near to the standard electrode potentials of anodic water decomposition. Short wet air pulse impact leads to sharp increase of the current and appearance of “hump”-like and “knee”-like features of I-V-loops and I-V-curves, respectively. By treatment of I-V-loop allowing for I-V-curve shape the maxima of displacement current are revealed. The peculiarities of I-V-characteristics were modelled by series-parallel RC-circuit with Zener diodes as nonlinear elements. As a reason of appearance of temporal polar media with reversible ferroelectric-like polarization and ionic space charge transfer is considered the water-assisted dissociation of some ionic groups of melanin monomers that significantly influences electrophysical parameters of melanin nanostructures.


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Fibre Bragg gratings at 1568nm have been inscribed in single mode TOPAS microstructured polymer optical fibre to characterise thermal and humidity sensitivity of the fibres in the 1550nm spectral region. Results demonstrate a temperature sensitivity of approximately -36 pm/°C and a humidity sensitivity of no more than - 0.59 pm/%RH. The fibre material appears to be very attractive for long term monitoring of high strains because of its insensitivity to humidity.