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Purpose: To compare vision-related quality-of-life measures between children wearing orthokeratology (OK) contact lenses and distance single-vision (SV) spectacles. Methods: Subjects 6 to 12 years of age and with myopia of -0.75 to -4.00 diopters and astigmatism less than or equal to 1.00 diopters were prospectively assigned OK contact lens or SV spectacle correction. A pediatric refractive error profile questionnaire was administered at 12- and 24-month intervals to evaluate children's perceptions in terms of overall vision, near vision, far distance vision, symptoms, appearance, satisfaction, activities, academic performance, handling, and peer perceptions. The mean score of all items was calculated as the overall score. Additionally, parents/guardians were asked to rate their child's mode of visual correction and their intention to continue treatment after study completion. Results: Thirty-one children were fitted with OK contact lenses and 30 with SV spectacles. Children wearing OK contact lenses rated overall vision, far distance vision, symptoms, appearance, satisfaction, activities, academic performance, handling, peer perceptions, and the overall score significantly better than children wearing SV spectacles (all P<0.05). Near vision and handling were, respectively, rated better (P<0.001) and similar (P=0.44) for SV spectacles in comparison to OK contact lenses. No significant differences were found between 12 and 24 months for any of the subjective ratings assessed (all P>0.05). Parents/guardians of children wearing OK contact lenses rated visual correction method and intention to continue treatment higher than parents of children wearing SV spectacles (P=0.01). Conclusion: The results indicate that the significant improvement in vision-related quality of life and acceptability with OK contact lenses is an incentive to engage in its use for the control of myopia in children.
We investigated order encoding in developmental dyslexia using a task that presented nonalphanumeric visual characters either simultaneously or sequentially—to tap spatial and temporal order encoding, respectively—and asked participants to reproduce their order. Dyslexic participants performed poorly in the sequential condition, but normally in the simultaneous condition, except for positions most susceptible to interference. These results are novel in demonstrating a selective difficulty with temporal order encoding in a dyslexic group. We also tested the associations between our order reconstruction tasks and: (a) lexical learning and phonological tasks; and (b) different reading and spelling tasks. Correlations were extensive when the whole group of participants was considered together. When dyslexics and controls were considered separately, different patterns of association emerged between orthographic tasks on the one side and tasks tapping order encoding, phonological processing, and written learning on the other. These results indicate that different skills support different aspects of orthographic processing and are impaired to different degrees in individuals with dyslexia. Therefore, developmental dyslexia is not caused by a single impairment, but by a family of deficits loosely related to difficulties with order. Understanding the contribution of these different deficits will be crucial to deepen our understanding of this disorder.
RAMPs (receptor activity-modifying proteins) are single-pass transmembrane proteins that associate with certain family-B GPCRs (G-protein-coupled receptors). Specifically for the CT (calcitonin) receptor-like receptor and the CT receptor, this results in profound changes in ligand binding and receptor pharmacology, allowing the generation of six distinct receptors with preferences for CGRP (CT gene-related peptide) adrenomedullin, amylin and CT. There are three RAMPs: RAMP1-RAMP3. The N-terminus appears to be the main determinant of receptor pharmacology whereas the transmembrane domain contributes to association of the RAMP with the GPCR. The N-terminus of all members of the RAMP family probably contains two disulphide bonds; a potential third disulphide is found in RAMP1 and RAMP3. The N-terminus appears to be in close proximity to the ligand and plays a key role in its binding, either directly or indirectly. BIBN4096BS, a CGRP antagonist, targets RAMP1 and this gives the compound very high selectivity for the human CGRP(1) receptor.
We report the formation and structural properties of co-crystals containing gemfibrozil and hydroxy derivatives of t-butylamine H2NC(CH3)3-n(CH2OH)n, with n=0, 1, 2 and 3. In each case, a 1:1 co-crystal is formed, with transfer of a proton from the carboxylic acid group of gemfibrozil to the amino group of the t-butylamine derivative. All of the co-crystal materials prepared are polycrystalline powders, and do not contain single crystals of suitable size and/or quality for single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Structure determination of these materials has been carried out directly from powder X-ray diffraction data, using the direct-space Genetic Algorithm technique for structure solution followed by Rietveld refinement. The structural chemistry of this series of co-crystal materials reveals well-defined structural trends within the first three members of the family (n=0, 1, 2), but significantly contrasting structural properties for the member with n=3. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The Registered Social Landlord (an independent housing association in the UK) examined here was widely recognized as providing an example of good governance. The organization was using extensive internal reporting, both corporate and quasi-governmental in language, to try to accurately capture different aspects of performance. This article reveals that reporting sustainable development has boundaries to be overcome, particularly in measuring performance of environmental and community activities. © 2008 The Authors.
Organisational relocation directly affects the family. It is thus often assumed that relocation is more difficult for individuals with families; however, few studies actually examine this premise. This paper investigates whether family status plays a role in relocation by comparing single individuals to married individuals. The paper uses qualitative and quantitative indicators to uncover subtle nuances between the groups and, on the basis of these, develops proposition for future research to test. Quantitative indicators highlight several important differences: Individuals with families report a greater number of moving tasks and difficulties; family relocation is viewed as more complex because of the impact of non-relocation related factors; and employees with families experience more negative and positive consequences of relocation. Qualitative techniques help to uncover subtle differences between groups and suggest that although relocation for families is different from individual relocation, it is not necessarily worse. RP0721.
Acanthamoeba polyphaga trophozoites bind yeast cells of Candida albicans isolates within a few hours, leaving few cells in suspension or still attached to trophozoite surfaces. The nature of yeast cell recognition, mediated by an acanthamoebal trophozoite mannose binding protein is confirmed by experiments utilizing concentration dependent mannose hapten blocking. Similarly, acapsulate cells of Cryptococcus neoformans are also bound within a relatively short timescale. However, even after protracted incubation many capsulate cells of Cryptococcus remain in suspension, suggesting that the capsulate cell form of this species is not predated by acanthamoebal trophozoites. Further aspects of the association of Acanthamoeba and fungi are apparent when studying their interaction with conidia of the biocontrol agent Coniothyrium minitans. Conidia which readily bind with increasing maturity of up to 42 days, were little endocytosed and even released. Cell and conidial surface mannose as determined by FITC-lectin binding, flow cytometry with associated ligand binding analysis and hapten blocking studies demonstrates the following phenomena. Candida isolates and acapsulate Cryptococcus expose most mannose, while capsulate Cryptococcus cells exhibit least exposure commensurate with yeast cellular binding or lack of trophozoites. Conidia of Coniothyrium, albeit in a localized fashion, also manifest surface mannose exposure but as shown by Bmax values, in decreasing amounts with increasing maturity. Contrastingly such conidia experience greater trophozoite binding with maturation, thereby questioning the primacy of a trophozoite mannose-binding-protein recognition model.
This survey collected information on aspects of health amongst an employed population, employees in 14 different organisations in the West Midlands Regional Health Authority; and was a stratified sample of senior managers, middle managers and operatives. Nine hundred and sixty questionnaires were distributed asking for both quantitative and qualitative information on 58 questions covering health, work, family, leisure activities and life-style. A response rate of 48% (459 returned questionnaires) came from 290 men (63%), 165 women (36%) and four people (1%) who did not answer the gender question. The initial findings from this study are unique in that there has not been a specific review of the health of people at work. In answer to the main research questions, 92% felt they were healthy. Compared to others of a similar age, 34% felt their health was `above average', 58% `average', and 7&37 `below average'. Thirty two percent of respondents had visited their GP in the past 1-2 months; the highest reason given was disorders of the respiratory system, 20%. People's perceptions on the effects of work on their health were: good effect, 13% fair effect, 20% no effect, 27% poor effect, 27% and bad effect, 7%. The effects of leisure activities on health were thought to be more positive: good effect, 46% fair effect, 20% no effect, 21% poor effect, 3% and bad effect, 2%. The perceptions of effects of life-style on health were considered to be: good effect, 32% fair effect, 32% no effect, 20% poor effect, 9% and bad effect, 1%. In this survey, leisure and life-style were seen by employees to have more beneficial effects on health than work. Future implications include a review of occupational health as a major policy development area within primary care. There is a need to influence the education and training of health care practitioners in order to affect their ability to practise effectively in this new and challenging area of work.
Tic-like movements in rodents bear close similarities to those observed in humans both pharmacologically and morphologically. Pharmacologically, tics are modulated by serotonergic and dopaminergic systems and abnormalities of these systems have been reported in Tourette's Syndrome (TS). Therefore, serotonergic and dopaminergic modulation of tics induced by a thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH) analogue were studied as possible models for TS. The TRH analogue MK771 induced a variety of tic like movements in mice; blinking fore-paw-licking and fore-paw-tremor were quantified and serotonergic and dopaminergic modulation was investigated. The selective dopamine D1 receptor antagonists SCH23390 and SCH39166 and dopamine D2 antagonists raclopride and sulpiride had no effect on MK771 induced blinking. The D1 antagonists attenuated fore-paw-tremor and -licking while the D2 antagonists were generally without effect on these behaviours. Ketanserin (5-HT2A/ alpha-1 antagonist) and ritanserin (5-HT2A/2C antagonist) were able to attenuate MK771-induced blinking and ketanserin, mianserin (5-HT2A/2C antagonist) and prazosin (alpha-1 adrenoceptor antagonist) were able to attenuate MK771-induced fore-paw-tremor and -licking. The 5-HT2C/2B antagonist SB200646A was without effect on blinking and fore-paw-licking but dose-dependently potentiated fore-paw-tremor. The 5-HT1A agonists 8-OH DPAT and buspirone attenuated blinking at the lower doses tested but were ineffective at the higher doses; the converse was found for fore-paw-licking and -tremor behaviours.The effects of these ligands appeared to be at a postsynaptic 5-HTlA site since para-chlorophenylalanine was without effect on the manipulation of these behaviours. (S)-W A Y100135 was without effect on MK771-induced behaviours, spontaneous and DOl-induced head shakes. Because kynurenine potentiates head shakes and plasma concentrations are raised in TS patients the effects of kynurenine on the 5-HT2A/2C agonist DOl mediated head shake were established. Kynurenine potentiated the DOl head shake. Attempts were made to correlate serotonergic unit activity with tic like behaviour in cats but this proved unsuccessful. However, the pharmacological understanding of 5-HTlA receptor function has been hampered because of the lack of selective antagonists for this site. For this reason the effects of the novel 5-HTlA antagonists (S)-WA Y- 100135 and WAY -100635 were tested on 5-HT single-unit activity recorded from the dorsal-raphe-nucleus in the behaving cat. Both drugs antagonised the suppression of unit activity caused by 8-0H DPAT. (S)-WA Y-100135 reduced unit activity whereas WAY-100635 increased it. This suggests that WAY-100635 is acting as an antagonist at the 5-HTlA somatodendritic autoreceptor and that (S)W A Y -100135 acts as a partial agonist at this site. Aspects of tic like behaviour and serotonergic control are discussed.
This thesis reports on the results of the analyses of certain aspects of sampling inspection plans. The investigation has been confined to attributes (as distinct from variables) plans and in this respect.the analyses have been concerned with two main aspects of single and double plans. These are:- (i) the Average Outgoing Quality Limit (AOQL) of the plan. (ii) the Average Sample Number (ASN) of the plan. In the former connection the investigation has been concerned with the evaluation of the AOQL analytically and the determination of the fraction defective of the incoming material to give the AOQL. The analyses have been applied to both single and double sampling plans, In the latter connection the investigation has been concerned with the evaluation of the maximum ASN analytically and the determination of the fraction defective of the incoming material to give the maximum value of ASN. The analyses have been confined only to double sampling plans because in the case of single sampling the ASN is constant and is equal to n, the sample size.
PURPOSE. To compare axial length growth between white children with myopia wearing orthokeratology contact lenses (OK) and distance single-vision spectacles (SV) over a 2-year period. METHODS. Subjects 6 to 12 years of age with myopia -0.75 to -4.00 diopters of sphere (DS) and astigmatism ≤1.00 diopters of cylinder (DC) were prospectively allocated OK or SV correction. Measurements of axial length (Zeiss IOLMaster), corneal topography, and cycloplegic refraction were taken at 6-month intervals. RESULTS. Thirty-one children were fitted with OK and 30 with SV. Following 24 months, axial length increased significantly over time for both the OK group (0.47 mm) and SV group (0.69 mm; P < 0.001), with a significant interaction between time and group (P = 0.05) reflecting a greater increase in the SV group. Significant differences in refraction were found over time, between groups and for the interaction between time and group for spherical (all P < 0.001) but not cylindrical components of refraction (all P > 0.05). Significantly greater corneal flattening was evident in the OK group for the flatter and steeper corneal powers and for corneal shape factor (all P ≤0.05). CONCLUSIONS. Orthokeratology contact lens wear reduces axial elongation in comparison to distance single-vision spectacles in children. © 2012 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.
In this review paper, we bring together a number of aspects of family firms that are ubiquitous in a number of institutional contexts, often as part of larger business groups. We pay particular attention to the mechanisms by which families retain control over firms, and the incentives of the families in control to expropriate other stakeholders by way of tunnelling. We examine the role of earnings management in facilitating tunnelling, and evidence about the incidence of earnings management in family firms. Our review suggests that while the literature on these aspects of family control is rich, the contexts in which the empirical exercises are undertaken are relatively few, and hence there is considerable opportunity to expand it to other contexts, in particular in the form of cross-country comparisons of the relative impact of agency conflicts and institutions on these issues.
As the existing team literature mostly excludes context and culture, little is known about how these elements affect real-life team working (Engestrom, 2008; Salas & Wildman, 2009), and how teams work in non-Western settings, such as in Chinese firms (Phan, Zhou, & Abrahamson, 2010).This research addresses this issue by investigating how new product design (NPD) teams use team working to carry out product innovation in the context of Chinese family businesses (CFBs) via an indigenous psychology perspective. Unlike mainstream teamwork literature which mostly employs an etic design, an indigenous psychology perspective adopts an emic approach which places emphasis on understanding real-life phenomena in context through a cultural-insider perspective (Kim, 2000). Compatible with this theoretical position, a multiple qualitative case study approach was used as the research methodology. Three qualitative case studies were carried out in three longstanding family-run manufacturing firms in Taiwan, where family firms have been the pillars of high economic growth in the past five decades (W.-w. Chu, 2009). Two salient findings were established across the three case studies. First, the team processes identified across the three family firms are very similar with the exception of owners’ involvement and on-the-job training. All three family firms’ NPD teams are managed in a highly hierarchical manner, with considerable emphasis placed on hierarchical ranking, cost-effectiveness, efficiency, practicability, and interpersonal harmony. Second, new products developed by CFBNPD teams are mostly incremental innovation or copycat innovation, while radical or original products are rare. In many ways, CFBNPD teams may not be the ideal incubators for innovation. This is because several aspects of their unique context can cast constraints on how they work and innovate, and thus limit the ratio of radical innovation. A multi-level review into the facilitators and inhibitors of creativity or innovation in CFBNPD teams is provided. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings and the limitations of the study are also addressed.
Testing the idea that the process of forgiveness is intrinsically different across diverse relationships, this study examined the role of forgiveness in different family relationships. In 2 laboratory sessions 1 year apart, 114 families (each including 2 parents and 1 child) completed a new measure of family forgiveness and many individual-level, relationship-level, and family-level variables that have been previously linked with forgiveness. After validating the measure of family forgiveness in cross-sectional analyses, investigators performed longitudinal analyses to examine the role of forgiveness in each family relationship over the 1-year interval. Results indicated many important positive consequences of forgiveness on individual traits, aspects of each family relationship, and general family environment. However, there were also important asymmetries in associates of forgiveness across parent-child and parent-parent relationships, demonstrating the relationship-bound nature of forgiveness.
Background: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mediates endothelial cell mitogenesis and enhances vascular permeability. The existence of single or multiple VEGF isoforms and receptors suggests that these proteins may have overlapping but distinct functions, which may be reflected in their cell expression and distribution. Methods: The localisation of VEGFs A–C and their receptors (VEGFRs 1–3, respectively) in 30 fresh human atherosclerotic arteries, 15 normal uterine arteries, and 15 saphenous veins using immunohistochemistry and western blotting. Results: Saphenous veins showed no staining for VEGF-B or VEGFR-2. Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) showed the strongest staining for VEGF-A, VEGF-B, VEGFR-1, and VEGFR-2 in all specimens. Conversely, VEGFR-3 and VEGF-C were predominately localised to the endothelial vasa vasorum in normal arteries, whereas medial SMCs showed the strongest staining in atherosclerotic arteries. Western blotting showed variations in VEGF protein localisation, with lower amounts of VEGF-B and VEGF-C in saphenous veins, compared with arterial tissue. Amounts of VEGF-C were lower than those of VEGF-A and VEGF-B in all specimens. Conclusion: This study provides direct evidence of the presence of VEGF proteins and receptors in human physiology and pathology, with variations in both the amounts of VEGF proteins expressed and their cellular distribution in normal arteries compared with atherosclerotic arteries. The presence of VEGFs A–C and their receptors in normal arterial tissue implies that VEGF functions may extend beyond endothelial cell proliferation. Reduced VEGFR-2 staining in atherosclerotic arteries may have implications for the atherosclerosis process and the development of vascular disease and its complications.