30 resultados para Hospitals, Voluntary

em Aston University Research Archive


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INTRODUCTION: Dynamic retinal vessel analysis represents a well-established method for the assessment of vascular reactivity during both normal conditions and after various provocations. We present a case where the subject showed abnormal retinal vessel reactivity after fasting voluntarily for 20 hours. CASE PRESENTATION: A healthy, 21-year-old man who fasted voluntarily for 20 hours exhibited abnormal retinal vascular reactivity (dilation and constriction) after flicker provocation as measured using the Dynamic Retinal Vessel Analyser (Imedos, Jena, Germany). CONCLUSION: The abnormal vascular reactivity induced by fasting was significant; abnormal levels of important nutrients due to fasting and dehydration could play a role through altering the concentration of vasoactive substances such as nitric oxide. This hypothesis needs further investigation.


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Developing effective health care organizations is increasingly complex as a result of demographic changes, globalization, and developments in medicine. This study examines the potential contribution of organizational behavior theory and research by investigating the relationship between systems of human resource management (HRM) practices and effectiveness of patient care in hospitals. Relatively little research has been conducted to explore these issues in health care settings. In a sample of 52 hospitals in England, we examine the relationship between the HRM system and health care outcome. Specifically, we study the association between high performance HRM policies and practices and standardized patient mortality rates. The research reveals that, after controlling for prior mortality and other potentially confounding factors such as the ratio of doctors to patients, greater use of a complementary set of HRM practices has a statistically and practically significant relationship with patient mortality. The findings suggest that managers and policy makers should focus sharply on improving the functioning of relevant HR management systems in health care organizations as one important means by which to improve patient care. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) being one of those vital areas of a hospital providing clinical care, the quality of service rendered must be monitored and measured quantitatively. It is, therefore, essential to know the performance of an ICU, in order to identify any deficits and enable the service providers to improve the quality of service. Although there have been many attempts to do this with the help of illness severity scoring systems, the relative lack of success using these methods has led to the search for a form of measurement, which would encompass all the different aspects of an ICU in a holistic manner. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a multiple-attribute, decision-making technique is utilised in this study to evolve a system to measure the performance of ICU services reliably. This tool has been applied to a surgical ICU in Barbados; we recommend AHP as a valuable tool to quantify the performance of an ICU. Copyright © 2004 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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There is an increasing need of a model for the process-based performance measurement of multispecialty tertiary care hospitals for quality improvement. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is utilized in this study to evolve such a model. Each step in the model was derived by group-discussions and brainstorming sessions among experienced clinicians and managers. This tool was applied to two tertiary care teaching hospitals in Barbados and India. The model enabled identification of specific areas where neither hospital performed very well, and helped to suggest recommendations to improve those areas. AHP is recommended as a valuable tool to measure the process-based performance of multispecialty tertiary care hospitals. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Over 60% of the recurrent budget of the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Angola is spent on the operations of the fixed health care facilities (health centres plus hospitals). However, to date, no study has been attempted to investigate how efficiently those resources are used to produce health services. Therefore the objectives of this study were to assess the technical efficiency of public municipal hospitals in Angola; assess changes in productivity over time with a view to analyzing changes in efficiency and technology; and demonstrate how the results can be used in the pursuit of the public health objective of promoting efficiency in the use of health resources. The analysis was based on a 3-year panel data from all the 28 public municipal hospitals in Angola. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), a non-parametric linear programming approach, was employed to assess the technical and scale efficiency and productivity change over time using Malmquist index.The results show that on average, productivity of municipal hospitals in Angola increased by 4.5% over the period 2000-2002; that growth was due to improvements in efficiency rather than innovation. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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This paper reports on a recent pilot project by the English government aimed at introducing 'single pot' funding for local voluntary and community groups. It finds that implementation difficulties undermined the success of the scheme. Moreover, whilst local voluntary and community groups were initially enthusiastic about the scheme, this was eroded both by the shortfall in funding for the initiative and by conflicting priorities for it from its national and regional flinders and from local groups.


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The relationship between human resource management practices and organizational performance (including quality of care in health-care organizations) is an important topic in the organizational sciences but little research has been conducted examining this relationship in hospital settings. Human resource (HR) directors from sixty-one acute hospitals in England (Hospital Trusts) completed questionnaires or interviews exploring HR practices and procedures. The interviews probed for information about the extensiveness and sophistication of appraisal for employees, the extent and sophistication of training for employees and the percentage of staff working in teams. Data on patient mortality were also gathered. The findings revealed strong associations between HR practices and patient mortality generally. The extent and sophistication of appraisal in the hospitals was particularly strongly related, but there were links too with the sophistication of training for staff, and also with the percentages of staff working in teams.


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In recent years, researchers have paid increasing attention to the idea of “climate strength”—the level of agreement about climate within a work group or organization. However, at present the literature is unclear about the extent to which climate strength is a positive attribute, and is concerned predominantly with small teams or organizational units. This article considers three theoretical perspectives of climate strength, and extends these to the organizational level. These three roles of climate strength were tested in 56 hospitals in the United Kingdom. Positive relationships were discovered between two of three climate dimensions (Quality and Integration) and expert ratings of organizational performance, and a curvilinear effect between Integration climate strength and performance was also found. Very high or very low Integration climate strength was less beneficial than a moderate level of climate strength. However, there were no interaction effects discovered between climate and climate strength. Implications for future climate strength research are discussed.


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The use of Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) as a mechanism for hospital financing is a currently debated topic in Portugal. The DRG system was scheduled to be initiated by the Health Ministry of Portugal on January 1, 1990 as an instrument for the allocation of public hospital budgets funded by the National Health Service (NHS), and as a method of payment for other third party payers (e.g., Public Employees (ADSE), private insurers, etc.). Based on experience from other countries such as the United States, it was expected that implementation of this system would result in more efficient hospital resource utilisation and a more equitable distribution of hospital budgets. However, in order to minimise the potentially adverse financial impact on hospitals, the Portuguese Health Ministry decided to gradually phase in the use of the DRG system for budget allocation by using blended hospitalspecific and national DRG casemix rates. Since implementation in 1990, the percentage of each hospitals budget based on hospital specific costs was to decrease, while the percentage based on DRG casemix was to increase. This was scheduled to continue until 1995 when the plan called for allocating yearly budgets on a 50% national and 50% hospitalspecific cost basis. While all other nonNHS third party payers are currently paying based on DRGs, the adoption of DRG casemix as a National Health Service budget setting tool has been slower than anticipated. There is now some argument in both the political and academic communities as to the appropriateness of DRGs as a budget setting criterion as well as to their impact on hospital efficiency in Portugal. This paper uses a twostage procedure to assess the impact of actual DRG payment on the productivity (through its components, i.e., technological change and technical efficiency change) of diagnostic technology in Portuguese hospitals during the years 1992–1994, using both parametric and nonparametric frontier models. We find evidence that the DRG payment system does appear to have had a positive impact on productivity and technical efficiency of some commonly employed diagnostic technologies in Portugal during this time span.


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Objectives: To identify the types, prevalence and nature of antibiotic prescribing control documents within NHS hospitals in the UK. Methods: A self-completion postal questionnaire was sent to each Chief Pharmacist at 465 NHS hospitals in 2001/2002. This contained questions covering hospital demographics, and hospital antibiotic prescribing control documentation, including format, dissemination, approval and review processes. Results: In total, 253 (54%) completed questionnaires were returned. Of these, 168 respondents' hospitals had an antibiotic formulary, 107 had a policy for antibiotic prescribing and 216 had guidelines on antibiotic use. All three types of antibiotic prescribing documents were used by 82 hospitals but 18 did not have any documents; 44% of formularies, 45% of policies and 35% of guidelines were available electronically. The Drug and Therapeutics Committee was the most frequently cited body for document approval and approximately one-third of documents had been approved during the current year of the questionnaire. Only about one-half of responding hospitals had an annual review of documents. Conclusions: Despite publication of high-profile national guidance in response to growing concerns regarding antimicrobial resistance, there has been little increase in the use of antibiotic prescribing control documents in NHS hospitals over the past decade. It is clear that appropriate controls for antibiotic prescribing are not yet universally applied in the UK and recommendations for action have been proposed. © The British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2004; all rights reserved.


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Objectives: To develop an objective measure to enable hospital Trusts to compare their use of antibiotics. Design: Self-completion, postal questionnaire with telephone follow up. Sample: 4 hospital trusts in the English Midlands. Results: The survey showed that it was possible to collect data concerning the number of Defined Daily Doses (DDD's) of quinolone antibiotic dispensed per Finished Consultant Episode (FCE) in each Trust.. In the 4 trusts studied the mean DDD/FCE was 0.197 (range 0.117 to 0.258). This indicates that based on a typical course length of 5 days, 3.9% of patient episodes resulted in the prescription of a quinolone antibiotic. Antibiotic prescribing control measures in each Trust were found to be comparable. Conclusion: The measure will enable Trusts to objectively compare their usage of quinolone antibiotics and use this information to carry out clinical audit should differences be recorded. This is likely to be applicable to other groups of antibiotics.


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This thesis will report details of two studies conducted within the National Health Service in the UK that examined the association between HRM practices related to training and appraisal with health outcomes within NHS Trusts. Study one represents the organisational analysis of 61 NHS Trusts, and will report training and appraisal practices were significantly associated with lower patient mortality. Specifically, the research will show significantly lower patient mortality within NHS Trusts that: a) had achieved Investors in People accreditation; b) had a formal strategy document relating to training; c) had tailored training policy documents across occupational groups; d) had integrated training and appraisal practices; e) had a high percentage of staff receiving either an appraisal or updated personal development plan. There was also evidence of an additive effect where NHS Trusts that displayed more of these characteristics had significantly lower patient mortality. Study one in this thesis will also report significantly lower patient mortality within the NHS Trusts where there was broad level representation for the HR function. Study two will report details of a study conducted to examine the potential reasons why HR practices may be related to hospital performance. Details are given of the results of a staff attitudinal survey within five NHS Trusts. This study examined will show that a range of developmental activity, the favourability of the immediate work environment (in relation to social support and role stressors) and motivational outcomes are important antecedents to citizenship behaviours. Furthermore, the thesis will report that principles of the demand-control model were adopted to examine the relationship between workplace support and role stressors, and workplace support, influence, and an understanding of role expectation help mitigate against the negative effects of work demands upon motivational outcomes.


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This thesis explores the innovative capacity of voluntary organizations in the field of the personal social services. It commences with a full literature review, which concludes that the wealth of research upon innovation in the organization studies field has not addressed this topic, whilst the specialist literatures upon voluntary organizations and upon the personal social services have neglected the study of innovation. The research contained in this thesis is intended to right this neglect and to integrate lessons from both fields. It combines a survey of the innovative activity of voluntary organizations in three localities with cross-sectional case studies of innovative, developmental and traditional organizations. The research concludes that innovation is an important, but not integral, characteristic of voluntary organizations. It develops a contingent model of this innovative capacity of voluntary organizations, which stresses the role of external environmental and institutional forces in shaping and releasing this capacity. It concludes by considering the contribution of this model both to organization studies and to the study of voluntary organizations.


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This thesis explores the strategic positioning [SP] activities of charitable organizations [COs] within the wider sector of voluntary and non-profit organizations [VNPOs] in the UK. Despite the growing interest in SP for British COs in an increasingly competitive operating environment and changing policy context, there is lack of research in mainstream marketing/strategic management studies on this topic for charities, whilst the specialist literature on VNPOs has neglected the study of SP. The thesis begins with an extended literature review of the concept of positioning in both commercial [for-profit] and charitable organizations. It concludes that the majority of theoretical underpinnings of SP that are prescribed for COs have been derived from the commercial strategy/marketing literature. There is currently a lack of theoretical and conceptual models that can accommodate the particular context of COs and guide strategic positioning practice in them. The research contained in this thesis is intended to fill some of these research gaps. It combines an exploratory postal survey and four cross-sectional case studies to describe the SP activities of a sample of general welfare and social care charities and identifies the key factors that influence their choice of positioning strategies [PSs]. It concludes that charitable organizations have begun to undertake SP to differentiate their organizations from other charities that provide similar services. Their PSs have both generic features, and other characteristics that are unique to them. A combination of external environmental and organizational factors influences their choice of PSs. A theoretical model, which depicts these factors, is developed in this research. It highlights the role of governmental influence, other external environmental forces, the charity’s mission, organizational resources, and influential stakeholders in shaping the charity’s PS. This study concludes by considering the theoretical and managerial implications of the findings on the study of charitable and non-profit organizations.