11 resultados para Horizontal wavy surface

em Aston University Research Archive


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A combination of experimental methods was applied at a clogged, horizontal subsurface flow (HSSF) municipal wastewater tertiary treatment wetland (TW) in the UK, to quantify the extent of surface and subsurface clogging which had resulted in undesirable surface flow. The three dimensional hydraulic conductivity profile was determined, using a purpose made device which recreates the constant head permeameter test in-situ. The hydrodynamic pathways were investigated by performing dye tracing tests with Rhodamine WT and a novel multi-channel, data-logging, flow through Fluorimeter which allows synchronous measurements to be taken from a matrix of sampling points. Hydraulic conductivity varied in all planes, with the lowest measurement of 0.1 md1 corresponding to the surface layer at the inlet, and the maximum measurement of 1550 md1 located at a 0.4m depth at the outlet. According to dye tracing results, the region where the overland flow ceased received five times the average flow, which then vertically short-circuited below the rhizosphere. The tracer break-through curve obtained from the outlet showed that this preferential flow-path accounted for approximately 80% of the flow overall and arrived 8 h before a distinctly separate secondary flow-path. The overall volumetric efficiencyof the clogged system was 71% and the hydrology was simulated using a dual-path, dead-zone storage model. It is concluded that uneven inlet distribution, continuous surface loading and high rhizosphere resistance is responsible for the clog formation observed in this system. The average inlet hydraulic conductivity was 2 md1, suggesting that current European design guidelines, which predict that the system will reach an equilibrium hydraulic conductivity of 86 md1, do not adequately describe the hydrology of mature systems.


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Summary: Renewable energy is one of the main pillars of sustainable development, especially in developing economies. Increasing energy demand and the limitation of fossil fuel reserves make the use of renewable energy essential for sustainable development. Wind energy is considered to be one of the most important resources of renewable energy. In North African countries, such as Egypt, wind energy has an enormous potential; however, it faces quite a number of technical challenges related to the performance of wind turbines in the Saharan environment. Seasonal sand storms affect the performance of wind turbines in many ways, one of which is increasing the wind turbine aerodynamic resistance through the increase of blade surface roughness. The power loss because of blade surface deterioration is significant in wind turbines. The surface roughness of wind turbine blades deteriorates because of several environmental conditions such as ice or sand. This paper is the first review on the topic of surface roughness effects on the performance of horizontal-axis wind turbines. The review covers the numerical simulation and experimental studies as well as discussing the present research trends to develop a roadmap for better understanding and improvement of wind turbine performance in deleterious environments.


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Phakometric measurements of corneal and crystalline lens surface alignment are influenced by corneal asymmetry in which the corneal apex does not coincide with the limbal centre. The purpose of this study was to determine the horizontal separation (e) between these corneal landmarks. Measurements were made in 60 normal eyes (30 subjects) using the Orbscan Ilz corneal analysis workstation. Our results show that both corneal landmarks typically coincide, so that e = 0, but that inter-subject variations of about ±1 mm can be expected (so that the corneal apex may fall nasal or temporal to the visual axis). This suggests that no correction for corneal asymmetry is required when estimating average amounts of ocular alignment from samples of eyes but that the measurement of e is strongly recommended for measurements in individual eyes. © 2004 The College of Optometrists.


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Measurements (autokeratometry, A-scan ultrasonography and video ophthalmophakometry) of ocular surface radii, axial separations and alignment were made in the horizontal meridian of nine emmetropes (aged 20-38 years) with relaxed (cycloplegia) and active accommodation (mean ± 95% confidence interval: 3.7 ± 1.1 D). The anterior chamber depth (-1.5 ± 0.3 D) and both crystalline lens surfaces (front 3.1 ± 0.8 D; rear 2.1 ± 0.6 D) contributed to dioptric vergence changes that accompany accommodation. Accommodation did not alter ocular surface alignment. Ocular misalignment in relaxed eyes is mainly because of eye rotation (5.7 ± 1.6° temporally) with small amounts of lens tilt (0.2 ± 0.8° temporally) and decentration (0.1 ± 0.1 mm nasally) but these results must be viewed with caution as we did not account for corneal asymmetry. Comparison of calculated and empirically derived coefficients (upon which ocular surface alignment calculations depend) revealed that negligible inherent errors arose from neglect of ocular surface asphericity, lens gradient refractive index properties, surface astigmatism, effects of pupil size and centration, assumed eye rotation axis position and use of linear equations for analysing Purkinje image shifts. © 2004 The College of Optometrists.


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In stereo vision, regions with ambiguous or unspecified disparity can acquire perceived depth from unambiguous regions. This has been called stereo capture, depth interpolation or surface completion. We studied some striking induced depth effects suggesting that depth interpolation and surface completion are distinct stages of visual processing. An inducing texture (2-D Gaussian noise) had sinusoidal modulation of disparity, creating a smooth horizontal corrugation. The central region of this surface was replaced by various test patterns whose perceived corrugation was measured. When the test image was horizontal 1-D noise, shown to one eye or to both eyes without disparity, it appeared corrugated in much the same way as the disparity-modulated (DM) flanking regions. But when the test image was 2-D noise, or vertical 1-D noise, little or no depth was induced. This suggests that horizontal orientation was a key factor. For a horizontal sine-wave luminance grating, strong depth was induced, but for a square-wave grating, depth was induced only when its edges were aligned with the peaks and troughs of the DM flanking surface. These and related results suggest that disparity (or local depth) propagates along horizontal 1-D features, and then a 3-D surface is constructed from the depth samples acquired. The shape of the constructed surface can be different from the inducer, and so surface construction appears to operate on the results of a more local depth propagation process.


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Motion discontinuities can signal object boundaries where few or no other cues, such as luminance, colour, or texture, are available. Hence, motion-defined contours are an ecologically important counterpart to luminance contours. We developed a novel motion-defined Gabor stimulus to investigate the nature of neural operators analysing visual motion fields in order to draw parallels with known luminance operators. Luminance-defined Gabors have been successfully used to discern the spatial-extent and spatial-frequency specificity of possible visual contour detectors. We now extend these studies into the motion domain. We define a stimulus using limited-lifetime moving dots whose velocity is described over 2-D space by a Gabor pattern surrounded by randomly moving dots. Participants were asked to determine whether the orientation of the Gabor pattern (and hence of the motion contours) was vertical or horizontal in a 2AFC task, and the proportion of correct responses was recorded. We found that with practice participants became highly proficient at this task, able in certain cases to reach 90% accuracy with only 12 limited-lifetime dots. However, for both practised and novice participants we found that the ability to detect a single boundary saturates with the size of the Gaussian envelope of the Gabor at approximately 5 deg full-width at half-height. At this optimal size we then varied spatial frequency and found the optimum was at the lowest measured spatial frequency (0.1 cycle deg-1 ) and then steadily decreased with higher spatial frequencies, suggesting that motion contour detectors may be specifically tuned to a single, isolated edge.


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A sample of run-off water from a vertical, slate rock surface in Wales, U.K. contained abundant fragments of the lichen Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa from about 0.6 to 8.0 mm in diameter, a few fragments of Parmelia conspersa from 0.6 to 4.0 mm in diameter and a large number of unidentified propagules from 0.2 to 0.5 mm in diameter. The colonization of permanent plots on the rock surface was studied over six years. At the end of the experiment relatively few thalli of Parmelia conspersa, Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa and Buellia aethalea had established in plots on undisturbed and newly-exposed slate. Fragments (2 mm in diameter) of Parmelia conspersa placed on horizontal pieces of slate survived up to 120 days in cracks, 20 days on a thin smear of bird droppings but only 2-3 days on smooth slate, against small joints in the rock or in small holes. Isidia of Parmelia conspersa placed on horizontal pieces of slate established equally in plots on smooth undisturbed slate and in plots on the surface exposed after the removal of large Parmelia conspersa thalli, but less well on newly-exposed slate. These results suggest that lichen propagules are abundant in run-off water but establishment is a hazardous process. This may be attributable to a shortage of suitable sites on the substratum for attachment of propagules.


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It has often been found that corneal astigmatism exceeds the amount exhibited by the eye as a whole. This difference is usually referred to as residual astigmatism. Scrutiny of the studies of corneal astigmatismreveal that what has actually been measured is the astigmatic contributionof the anterior corneal surface alone. This anterior surface is easily measured whereas measurement of the posterior corneal surface is much more difficult. A method was therefore developed to measure the radius and toricity of the posterior corneal surface. The method relies upon photography of the first and second Purkinje images in three fixed meridians. Keratometry, comparison of anterior and posterior corneal Purkinje images and pachometricdata were applied to three meridional analysis equations, allowing the posterior corneal surface to be described in sphero-cylindrical form. Measurements were taken from 80 healthy subjects from two distinct age groups. The first consisted of 60 young subjects, mean age 22.04 years and the second consisted of 20 old subjects, mean age 74.64 years. The young group consisted of 28 myopes, 24 emmetropes and 8 hyperopes. The old group consisted of 6 myopes and 14 hyperopes. There was an equal number of males and females in each group. These groupings allowed the study of the effects of age, ametropia and gender on the posterior corneal toricity. The effect of the posterior corneal surface on residual astigmatism was assessed and was found to cause an overall reduction. This reduction was due primarily to the posterior corneal surface being consistently steeper relative to the anterior surface in the vertical meridian compared to the horizontal meridian.


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Over the full visual field, contrast sensitivity is fairly well described by a linear decline in log sensitivity as a function of eccentricity (expressed in grating cycles). However, many psychophysical studies of spatial visual function concentrate on the central ±4.5 deg (or so) of the visual field. As the details of the variation in sensitivity have not been well documented in this region we did so for small patches of target contrast at several spatial frequencies (0.7–4 c/deg), meridians (horizontal, vertical, and oblique), orientations (horizontal, vertical, and oblique), and eccentricities (0–18 cycles). To reduce the potential effects of stimulus uncertainty, circular markers surrounded the targets. Our analysis shows that the decline in binocular log sensitivity within the central visual field is bilinear: The initial decline is steep, whereas the later decline is shallow and much closer to the classical results. The bilinear decline was approximately symmetrical in the horizontal meridian and declined most steeply in the superior visual field. Further analyses showed our results to be scale-invariant and that this property could not be predicted from cone densities. We used the results from the cardinal meridians to radially interpolate an attenuation surface with the shape of a witch's hat that provided good predictions for the results from the oblique meridians. The witch's hat provides a convenient starting point from which to build models of contrast sensitivity, including those designed to investigate signal summation and neuronal convergence of the image contrast signal. Finally, we provide Matlab code for constructing the witch's hat.


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Horizontal Subsurface Flow Treatment Wetlands (HSSF TWs) are used by Severn Trent Water as a low-cost tertiary wastewater treatment for rural locations. Experience has shown that clogging is a major operational problem that reduces HSSF TW lifetime. Clogging is caused by an accumulation of secondary wastewater solids from upstream processes and decomposing leaf litter. Clogging occurs as a sludge layer where wastewater is loaded on the surface of the bed at the inlet. Severn Trent systems receive relatively high hydraulic loading rates, which causes overland flow and reduces the ability to mineralise surface sludge accumulations. A novel apparatus and method, the Aston Permeameter, was created to measure hydraulic conductivity in situ. Accuracy is ±30 %, which was considered adequate given that conductivity in clogged systems varies by several orders of magnitude. The Aston Permeameter was used to perform 20 separate tests on 13 different HSSF TWs in the UK and the US. The minimum conductivity measured was 0.03 m/d at Fenny Compton (compared with 5,000 m/d clean conductivity), which was caused by an accumulation of construction fines in one part of the bed. Most systems displayed a 2 to 3 order of magnitude variation in conductivity in each dimension. Statistically significant transverse variations in conductivity were found in 70% of the systems. Clogging at the inlet and outlet was generally highest where flow enters the influent distribution and exits the effluent collection system, respectively. Surface conductivity was lower in systems with dense vegetation because plant canopies reduce surface evapotranspiration and decelerate sludge mineralisation. An equation was derived to describe how the water table profile is influenced by overland flow, spatial variations in conductivity and clogging. The equation is calibrated using a single parameter, the Clog Factor (CF), which represents the equivalent loss of porosity that would reproduce measured conductivity according to the Kozeny-Carman Equation. The CF varies from 0 for ideal conditions to 1 for completely clogged conditions. Minimum CF was 0.54 for a system that had recently been refurbished, which represents the deviation from ideal conditions due to characteristics of non-ideal media such as particle size distribution and morphology. Maximum CF was 0.90 for a 15 year old system that exhibited sludge accumulation and overland flow across the majority of the bed. A Finite Element Model of a 15 m long HSSF TW was used to indicate how hydraulics and hydrodynamics vary as CF increases. It was found that as CF increases from 0.55 to 0.65 the subsurface wetted area increases, which causes mean hydraulic residence time to increase from 0.16 days to 0.18 days. As CF increases from 0.65 to 0.90, the extent of overland flow increases from 1.8 m to 13.1 m, which reduces hydraulic efficiency from 37 % to 12 % and reduces mean residence time to 0.08 days.


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A Finite Element Analysis (FEA) model is used to explore the relationship between clogging and hydraulics that occurs in Horizontal Subsurface Flow Treatment Wetlands (HSSF TWs) in the United Kingdom (UK). Clogging is assumed to be caused by particle transport and an existing single collector efficiency model is implemented to describe this behaviour. The flow model was validated against HSSF TW survey results obtained from the literature. The model successfully simulated the influence of overland flow on hydrodynamics, and the interaction between vertical flow through the low permeability surface layer and the horizontal flow of the saturated water table. The clogging model described the development of clogging within the system but under-predicted the extent of clogging which occurred over 15 years. This is because important clogging mechanisms were not considered by the model, such as biomass growth and vegetation establishment. The model showed the usefulness of FEA for linking hydraulic and clogging phenomenon in HSSF TWs and could be extended to include treatment processes. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.