em Aston University Research Archive


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Supercontinuum generation in a multi-fiber ultra-long Raman fiber laser cavity is experimentally investigated for the first time. We demonstrate significantly enhanced spectral flatness and supercontinuum generation efficiency using only conventional single mode silica fiber. With a pump power of only 1.63W a ~15dB bandwidth >260 nm wide (from 1440 to >1700nm) supercontinuum source is reported with a flatness of <1dB over 180nm using an optimised hybrid TW/HNLF cavity. We address the dependence of the supercontinuum spectrum on the input pump power and ultra-long Raman cavity.


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A proposal to increase the existing residential LV grid voltage from 230 V has been made in order to increase existing network capacity. A power-electronic AC-AC converter is then used to provide 230 V at each property. Several constraints such as temperature rise at the converter location lead to a converter design requiring very high efficiency. In this paper results from a recent feasibility study in terms of LV network capacity increase are presented along with the design and testing of a SiC based 1 kW, AC/AC prototype module, which forms the basis of a much larger 15 kW multi-module converter.


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We demonstrate a high-efficiency random lasing in a 850 m span of a phosphosilicate fiber. Random distributed feedback owing to the Rayleigh backscattering in the fiber enables narrowband generation with output power of up to 7.3 W at the Stokes wavelength λS = 1308 nm from 11 Wof the pump power at λP = 1115 nm. The laser demonstrates unique generation efficiency. Near the generation threshold, more than 2 W of output power is generated from only 0.5 W of pump power excess over the generation threshold. At high pump power, the quantum conversion efficiency defined as a ratio of generated and pump photons at the laser output exceeds 100%. Itis explained by the fact that every pump photon is converted into the Stokes photon far from the output fiber end, while the Stokes photons have lower attenuation than the pump photons. © 2014 Astro Ltd.


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Though the principle of the solar Rankine cycle is well known, with several examples reported in the literature, there is yet a scarcity of engines that could be efficiently applied in small-scale (<100 KW) applications. Hence, this paper presents a variant of the engine that uses an isothermal expansion to achieve a theoretical efficiency close to the Carnot limit. Generation of steam inside the power cylinder obviates the need for an external boiler. The device is suitable for slow-moving applications and is of particular interest for driving a batch-desalination process. Preliminary experiments have shown cycle efficiency of 16%, and a high work ratio of 0.997. ©The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.


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Systematically investigated the waveguide dispersion characteristics of LPFGs. It has been revealed that the coupled cladding modes resonating in the dispersion-turning-point region are intrinsically sensitive to the external perturbation. Thus, LPFG-based application devices requiring good stability should avoid this region. On the other hand, this mode ultra-sensitive-zone can be explored to realise sensors and tuneable filters of high efficiency.


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Long period fiber grating (LPFG) can be used as active gain controlling device in EDFA. However, LPFGs fabricated in the standard telecom fiber only have a typical temperature sensitivity of 3-10nm/100°C, which may not be sufficient for implementing tuneable filters capable of wide tuning range and high tuning efficiency. In this paper, we report a theoretical and experimental investigation of thermal properties of LPFGs fabricated in B/Ge co-doped optical fiber. We have found that the temperature sensitivity of the LPFGs in the B/Ge fiber is considerably increased compared with those produced in the standard fiber. The LPFGs written in the B/Ge fiber have achieved, on average, one order of magnitude higher sensitivity than that of the LPFGs produced in the standard telecom fiber. We have also identified that the thermal response of LPFG is strongly dependent on the order of the coupled resonant cladding mode. The maximum sensitivity of 1.75nm/°C achieved by the 10th cladding mode of the 240μm LPFG is nearly 24 times that of the minimum value (0.075nm/C) exhibited by the 30th mode of the 34μm LPFG. Such devices may lead to high-efficiency and low-cost thermal/electrical tunable loss filters or sensors with extremely high temperature resolution.


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We report an investigation of thermal properties of long-period fiber gratings (LPFGs) of various periods fabricated in the conventional B-Ge codoped fiber. It has been found that the temperature sensitivity of the LPFGs produced in the B-Ge fiber can be significantly enhanced as compared with the standard telecom fiber. A total of 27.5-nm spectral shift was achieved from only 10 °C change in temperature for an LPFG with 240-μm period, demonstrating a first ever reported high sensitivity of 2.75 nm/°C. Such an LPFG may lead to high-efficiency and low-cost thermal/electrical tunable loss filters or sensors with extremely high-temperature resolution. The nonlinear thermal response of the supersensitive LPG was also reported and first explained.


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Tunable Raman fiber lasers have attracted great interest owing to their high efficiency and reliability important for applications, such as optical fiber communications and sensing, spectroscopy, and instrument testing. Their tuning range is defined by the Raman gain bandwidth amounting to about 40 nm in telecom spectral range (∼1550 nm) for conventional silica single mode fibers (SMF). To increase the range, highly nonlinear fibers which broaden pump spectrum may be incorporated in the cavity of Raman fiber lasers, see e.g. [1]. Another approach is to involve Rayleigh scattering forming random distributed feedback in a relatively long fiber resulting in prominent flattening of the tuning curve [2]. In this paper we report on combination of these two techniques in tunable Raman fiber lasers thus providing great improvement of their output characteristics. © 2013 IEEE.


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This paper discusses the possible contributions from modularity and industrial condominiums towards enhancing environmental performance in the automotive industry. The research described in this study is underpinned by a review of journal articles and books on the topics of: modularity of production systems; green operations practices, and the automotive industry and sustainability. The methodology is based on theoretical analysis of the contribution of the modular production system characteristics used in the automotive industry for Green Operations Practices (GOP). The following GOPs were considered: green buildings, eco-design, green supply chains, greener manufacturing, and reverse logistics. The results are theoretical in nature; however, due to the small number of studies that investigate the relationship between modularity and sustainability, this work is relevant to increase knowledge in academic circles and among practitioners in order to understand the possible environmental benefits from modular production systems. For instance, based upon our analysis, we could deduce that the existing modular production systems in the automotive industry may contribute in different ways to the implementation of GOPs. In all types of modularity, product simplification through the use of modules can enhance environmental performance and facilitate further activities such as maintenance and repair contributing to a longer life of cars on the road. Moreover, modules will make automobiles easier to disassembly, so increasing the chances of reuse of valuable components and a better final disposal of scrap. Regarding the potential benefits of each type of modularity, it is expected that modular consortia will have a better integration of environmental practices with suppliers and seize on high efficiency during manufacturing and logistics compared with conventional production systems.


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Open-loop operatlon of the stepping motor exploits the inherent advantages of the machine. For near optimum operation: in this mode, however, an accurate system model is required to facilitate controller design. Such a model must be comprehensive and take account of the non-linearities inherent in the system. The result is a complex formulation which can be made manageable with a computational aid. A digital simulation of a hybrid type stepping motor and its associated drive circuit is proposed. The simulation is based upon a block diagram model which includes reasonable approximations to the major non-linearities. The simulation is shown to yield accurate performance predictions. The determination of the transfer functions is based upon the consideration of the physical processes involved rather than upon direct input-outout measurements. The effects of eddy currents, saturation, hysteresis, drive circuit characteristics and non-linear torque displacement characteristics are considered and methods of determining transfer functions, which take account of these effects, are offered. The static torque displacement characteristic is considered in detail and a model is proposed which predicts static torque for any combination of phase currents and shaft position. Methods of predicting the characteristic directly from machine geometry are investigated. Drive circuit design for high efficiency operation is considered and a model of a bipolar, bilevel circuit is proposed. The transfers between stator voltage and stator current and between stator current and air gap flux are complicated by the effects of eddy currents, saturation and hysteresis. Frequency response methods, combined with average inductance measurements, are shown to yield reasonable transfer functions. The modelling procedure and subsequent digital simulation is concluded to be a powerful method of non-linear analysis.


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The objective of this work was to design, construct and commission a new ablative pyrolysis reactor and a high efficiency product collection system. The reactor was to have a nominal throughput of 10 kg/11r of dry biomass and be inherently scalable up to an industrial scale application of 10 tones/hr. The whole process consists of a bladed ablative pyrolysis reactor, two high efficiency cyclones for char removal and a disk and doughnut quench column combined with a wet walled electrostatic precipitator, which is directly mounted on top, for liquids collection. In order to aid design and scale-up calculations, detailed mathematical modelling was undertaken of the reaction system enabling sizes, efficiencies and operating conditions to be determined. Specifically, a modular approach was taken due to the iterative nature of some of the design methodologies, with the output from one module being the input to the next. Separate modules were developed for the determination of the biomass ablation rate, specification of the reactor capacity, cyclone design, quench column design and electrostatic precipitator design. These models enabled a rigorous design protocol to be developed capable of specifying the required reactor and product collection system size for specified biomass throughputs, operating conditions and collection efficiencies. The reactor proved capable of generating an ablation rate of 0.63 mm/s for pine wood at a temperature of 525 'DC with a relative velocity between the heated surface and reacting biomass particle of 12.1 m/s. The reactor achieved a maximum throughput of 2.3 kg/hr, which was the maximum the biomass feeder could supply. The reactor is capable of being operated at a far higher throughput but this would require a new feeder and drive motor to be purchased. Modelling showed that the reactor is capable of achieving a reactor throughput of approximately 30 kg/hr. This is an area that should be considered for the future as the reactor is currently operating well below its theoretical maximum. Calculations show that the current product collection system could operate efficiently up to a maximum feed rate of 10 kg/Fir, provided the inert gas supply was adjusted accordingly to keep the vapour residence time in the electrostatic precipitator above one second. Operation above 10 kg/hr would require some modifications to the product collection system. Eight experimental runs were documented and considered successful, more were attempted but due to equipment failure had to be abandoned. This does not detract from the fact that the reactor and product collection system design was extremely efficient. The maximum total liquid yield was 64.9 % liquid yields on a dry wood fed basis. It is considered that the liquid yield would have been higher had there been sufficient development time to overcome certain operational difficulties and if longer operating runs had been attempted to offset product losses occurring due to the difficulties in collecting all available product from a large scale collection unit. The liquids collection system was highly efficient and modeling determined a liquid collection efficiency of above 99% on a mass basis. This was validated due to the fact that a dry ice/acetone condenser and a cotton wool filter downstream of the collection unit enabled mass measurements of the amount of condensable product exiting the product collection unit. This showed that the collection efficiency was in excess of 99% on a mass basis.


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This research was concerned with the effects of pulsed current on the electrodeposition of chromium and copper. In the case of the latter metal, a novel application has been studied and a theory proposed for the ability to improve throwing power by the joint use of organic additives and pulsed reverse current. During the course of the research, several improvements were made to the pulse plating unit.Chromium. A study was made of the effect of square wave pulsed current on various physical properties of deposits from three hard chromium plating electrolytes. The effect of varying frequency at a duty cycle of 50% on the mean bulk internal stress, visual appearance, hardness, crack characteristics and surface topography of the electrodeposits was determined. X-ray diffraction techniques were used to study the phases present in the deposits. The effect of varying frequency on the cathodic efficiencies of the electrolytes was also determined. It was found that pulsed current reduced the internal stress of deposits from the sulphate catalysed electrolyte. It also reduced or eliminated cracking of deposits and reduced deposit brightness. Under certain conditions, pulsed current was found to induce the co-deposition of hydrides of chromium. Deposit hardness was found to be reduced by the use of pulsed current. Cathodic efficiencies of the high efficiency electrolytes were reduced by use of pulsed current although this effect was minimised at high frequencies. The sulphate catalysed electrolyte showed an increase in efficiency over the frequency range where hydrides were co-deposited.Copper. The polarisation behaviour of acid copper solutions containing polyethers, sulphopropyl sulphides and chloride ions was studied using both direct and pulse reverse current. The effect of these additives on the rest potentials of copper deposits immersed in the electrolyte was also studied. Hole Throwing Power on printed circuit boards was determined using a specially designed test cell. The effect of pulsed reverse current on the hole throwing power of commercially produced printed circuit boards was also studied. Polyethers were found to have an inhibiting effect on the deposition of copper whereas the sulphopropyl sulphides produced a stimulating (i.e. depolarising) effect. Studies of rest potentials made when both additives were present indicated that the sulphopropyl sulphide was preferentially adsorbed. The use of pulsed reverse current in solutions containing both polyether and sulphopropyl sulphide was found to cause desorption of the sulphopropyl sulphide at the cathode surface. Thus, at higher current densities, the inhibiting effect of the polyether produced an increase in the cathodic polarisation potential. At lower current densities, the depolarisation effect of the sulphopropyl sulphide could still occur. On printed circuit boards, this effect was found to produce an increase in the `hole throwing power' due to depolarisation of the holes relative to the surface of the boards. Typically, using direct current, hole/surface thickness ratios of 40% were obtained when plating 0.6 mm holes in a 3.2 mm thick board at a current density of 3 A/dm2 whereas using pulsed reverse current, ratios of 80% could be obtained at an equivalent rate of deposition. This was observed both in laboratory tests and on commercially plated boards.


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The main aim of this work was two fold, firstly to investigate the effect of a highly reactive comonomer, divinylbenzene (DVB), on the extent of melt grafting of glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) on ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR) using 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-bis-(tert-butyl peroxy) hexane (Trigon ox 101, Tl 01) as a free radical initiator, and to compare the results with a conventional grafting of the same monomer on EPR. To achieve this, the effect of processing conditions and chemical composition including the concentration of peroxide, GMA and DVB on the extent of grafting was investigated. The presence of the comonomer (DVB) in the grafting process resulted in a significant increase in the extent of the grafting using only a small concentration of peroxide. It was also found that the extent of grafting increased drastically with increasing the DVB concentration. Interestingly, in the comonomer system, the extent of the undesired side reaction, normally the homopolymerisation of GMA (polyGMA) was shown to have reduced tremendously and in most cases the level of polyGMA was immeasurable in the samples. Compared to a conventional EPR-g-GMACONV (in the absence of a comonomer), the presence of the comonomer DVB in the grafting system was shown to result in more branching and crosslinking (shown from an increase in melt flow index (MFI) and torque values) and this was paralleled by an increase in DVB concentration. In contrast, the extent of grafting in conventional system increased with increasing the peroxide concentration but the level of grafting was much lower than in the case of DVB. Homopolymerisation of GMA and excessive crosslinking of EPR became dominant at high peroxide concentration and this. reflects that the side reactions were favorable in the conventional grafting system. The second aim was to examine the effect of the in-situ functionalised EPR when used as a compatibiliser for binary blends. It was found that blending PET with functionalised EPR (ƒ-EPR) gave a significant improvement in terms of blend morphology as well as mechanical properties. The results showed clearly that, blending PET with ƒ-EPRDVB (prepared with DVB) was much more effective compared to the corresponding PET/ƒ-EPRCONV (without DVB) blends in which ƒ-EPRDVB having optimum grafting level of 2.1 wt% gave the most pronounced effect on the morphology and mechanical properties. On the other hand, blends of PET/ƒ-EPRDVB containing high GMA/DVB ratio was found to be unfavorable hence exhibited lower tensile properties and showed unfavorable morphology. The presence of high polyGMA concentration in ƒ-EPRCONV was found to create damaging effect on its morphology, hence resulting in reduced tensile properties (e.g. low elongation at break). However, the use of commercial terpolymers based on ethylene-methacrylate-glycidyl methacrylate (EM-GMA)or a copolymer of ethylene-glycidyl methacrylate (E-GMA) containing various GMA levels as compatibilisers in PET/EPR blends was found to be more efficient compared to PET/EPR/ƒ-EPR blends with the former blends showing finer morphology and high elongation at break. The high efficiency of the terpolymers or copolymers in compatibilising the PET/EPR blends is suggested to be partly, higher GMA content compared to the amount in ƒ-EPR and due to its low viscosity.


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Microporous, poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) matrices were loaded with progesterone by precipitation casting using co-solutions of PCL and progesterone in acetone. Progesterone loadings up to 32% w/w were readily achieved by increasing the drug content of the starting PCL solution. The kinetics of steroid release in PBS at 37°C over 10 days could be described effectively by a diffusional release model although the Korsmeyer-Peppas model indicated the involvement of multiple release phenomena. The diffusion rate constant (D) increased from 8 to 24 μg/mg matrix/day0.5 as the drug loading increased from 3.6 to 12.4% w/w. A total cumulative release of 75%-95% indicates the high efficiency of steroid delivery. Increasing the matrix density from 0.22 to 0.39 g/cm3, by increasing the starting PCL solution concentration, was less effective in changing drug release kinetics. Retention of anti-proliferative activity of released steroid was confirmed using cultures of breast cancer epithelial (MCF-7) cells. Progesterone released from PCL matrices into PBS at 37°C over 14 days retarded the growth of MCF-7 cells by a factor of at least 3.5 compared with progesterone-free controls. These findings recommend further investigation of precipitation-cast PCL matrices for delivery of bioactive molecules such as anti-proliferative agents from implanted, inserted or topical devices.


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To date, more than 16 million citations of published articles in biomedical domain are available in the MEDLINE database. These articles describe the new discoveries which accompany a tremendous development in biomedicine during the last decade. It is crucial for biomedical researchers to retrieve and mine some specific knowledge from the huge quantity of published articles with high efficiency. Researchers have been engaged in the development of text mining tools to find knowledge such as protein-protein interactions, which are most relevant and useful for specific analysis tasks. This chapter provides a road map to the various information extraction methods in biomedical domain, such as protein name recognition and discovery of protein-protein interactions. Disciplines involved in analyzing and processing unstructured-text are summarized. Current work in biomedical information extracting is categorized. Challenges in the field are also presented and possible solutions are discussed.