14 resultados para Functional electric stimulation

em Aston University Research Archive


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Background: Recent morpho-functional evidence pointed out that abnormalities in the thalamus could play a major role in the expression of migraine neurophysiological and clinical correlates. Whether this phenomenon is primary or secondary to its functional disconnection from the brainstem remains to be determined. We used a Functional Source Separation algorithm of EEG signal to extract the activity of the different neuronal pools recruited at different latencies along the somatosensory pathway in interictal migraine without aura (MO) patients. Methods: Twenty MO patients and 20 healthy volunteers (HV) underwent EEG recording. Four ad-hoc functional constraints, two sub-cortical (FS14 at brainstem and FS16 at thalamic level) and two cortical (FS20 radial and FS22 tangential parietal sources), were used to extract the activity of successive stages of somatosensory information processing in response to the separate left and right median nerve electric stimulation. A band-pass digital filter (450-750 Hz) was applied offline in order to extract high-frequency oscillatory (HFO) activity from the broadband EEG signal. Results: In both stimulated sides, significant reduced sub-cortical brainstem (FS14) and thalamic (FS16) HFO activations characterized MO patients when compared with HV. No difference emerged in the two cortical HFO activations between the two groups. Conclusions: Present results are the first neurophysiological evidence supporting the hypothesis that a functional disconnection of the thalamus from the subcortical monoaminergic system may underline the interictal cortical abnormal information processing in migraine. Further studies are needed to investigate the precise directional connectivity across the entire primary subcortical and cortical somatosensory pathway in interictal MO. Written informed consent to publication was obtained from the patient(s).


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Naturally-occurring, endogenous electric fields (EFs) have been detected at skin wounds, damaged tissue sites and vasculature. Applied EFs guide migration of many types of cells, including endothelial cells to migrate directionally. Homing of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) to an injury site is important for repair of vasculature and also for angiogenesis. However, it has not been reported whether EPCs respond to applied EFs. Aiming to explore the possibility to use electric stimulation to regulate the progenitor cells and angiogenesis, we tested the effects of direct-current (DC) EFs on EPCs. We first used immunofluorescence to confirm the expression of endothelial progenitor markers in three lines of EPCs. We then cultured the progenitor cells in EFs. Using time-lapse video microscopy, we demonstrated that an applied DC EF directs migration of the EPCs toward the cathode. The progenitor cells also align and elongate in an EF. Inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor signaling completely abolished the EF-induced directional migration of the progenitor cells. We conclude that EFs are an effective signal that guides EPC migration through VEGF receptor signaling in vitro. Applied EFs may be used to control behaviors of EPCs in tissue engineering, in homing of EPCs to wounds and to an injury site in the vasculature.


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Background: Recent morpho-functional evidences pointed out that abnormalities in the thalamus could play a major role in the expression of migraine neurophysiological and clinical correlates. Whether this phenomenon is primary or secondary to its functional disconnection from the brain stem remains to be determined.Aim: We used a Functional Source Separation algorithmof EEG signal to extract the activity of the different neuronal pools recruited at different latencies along the somatosensory pathway in interictal migraine without aura(MO) patients. Method: Twenty MO patients and 20 healthy volunteers(HV) underwent EEG recording. Four ad-hoc functional constraints, two sub-cortical (FS14 at brain stem andFS16 at thalamic level) and two cortical (FS20 radial andFS22 tangential parietal sources), were used to extract the activity of successive stages of somatosensory information processing in response to the separate left and right median nerve electric stimulation. A band-pass digital filter (450–750 Hz) was applied offline in order to extract high-frequency oscillatory (HFO) activity from the broadband EEG signal. Results: In both stimulated sides, significant reduced subcortical brain stem (FS14) and thalamic (FS16) HFO activations characterized MO patients when compared with HV. No difference emerged in the two cortical HFO activations between two groups. Conclusion: Present results are the first neurophysiological evidence supporting the hypothesis that a functional disconnection of the thalamus from the subcortical monoaminergicsystem may underline the interictal cortical abnormal information processing in migraine. Further studiesare needed to investigate the precise directional connectivity across the entire primary subcortical and cortical somatosensory pathway in interictal MO.


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In accordance with its central role in basal ganglia circuitry, changes in the rate of action potential firing and pattern of activity in the globus pallidus (GP)-subthalamic nucleus (STN) network are apparent in movement disorders. In this study we have developed a mouse brain slice preparation that maintains the functional connectivity between the GP and STN in order to assess its role in shaping and modulating bursting activity promoted by pharmacological manipulations. Fibre-tract tracing studies indicated that a parasagittal slice cut 20 deg to the midline best preserved connectivity between the GP and the STN. IPSCs and EPSCs elicited by electrical stimulation confirmed connectivity from GP to STN in 44/59 slices and from STN to GP in 22/33 slices, respectively. In control slices, 74/76 (97%) of STN cells fired tonically at a rate of 10.3 ± 1.3 Hz. This rate and pattern of single spiking activity was unaffected by bath application of the GABAA antagonist picrotoxin (50 μM, n = 9) or the glutamate receptor antagonist (6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2, 3-dione (CNQX) 10 μM, n = 8). Bursting activity in STN neurones could be induced pharmacologically by application of NMDA alone (20 μM, 3/18 cells, 17%) but was more robust if NMDA was applied in conjunction with apamin (20-100 nM, 34/77 cells, 44%). Once again, neither picrotoxin (50 μM, n = 5) nor CNQX (10 μM, n = 5) had any effect on the frequency or pattern of the STN neurone activity while paired STN and GP recordings of tonic and bursting activity show no evidence of coherent activity. Thus, in a mouse brain slice preparation where functional GP-STN connectivity is preserved, no regenerative synaptically mediated activity indicative of a dynamic network is evident, either in the resting state or when neuronal bursting in both the GP and STN is generated by application of NMDA/apamin. This difference from the brain in Parkinson's disease may be attributed either to insufficient preservation of cortico-striato-pallidal or cortico-subthalamic circuitry, and/or an essential requirement for adaptive changes resulting from dopamine depletion for the expression of network activity within this tissue complex. © The Physiological Society 2005.


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Advances in functional brain imaging have allowed the development of new investigative techniques with clinical application—ranging from presurgical mapping of eloquent cortex to identifying cortical regions involved in religious experiences. Similarly a variety of methods are available to referring physicians, ranging from metabolic measures such as functional magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography to measurements based on electrical activity such as electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography. However, there are no universal benchmarks by which to judge between these methods. In this study we attempt to develop a standard for functional localisation, based on the known functional organisation of somatosensory cortex. Studies have shown spatially distinct sites of brain activity in response to stimulation of various body parts. Generally these studies have focused on areas with large cortical representations, such as the index finger and face. We tested the limits of magnetoencephalography source localisation by stimulation of body parts, namely the clunis and the cubitus, that map to proximal and relatively poorly represented regions of somatosensory cortex.


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As a central integrator of basal ganglia function, the external segment of the globus pallidus (GP) plays a critical role in the control of voluntary movement. Driven by intrinsic mechanisms and excitatory glutamatergic inputs from the subthalamic nucleus, GP neurons receive GABAergic inhibitory input from the striatum (Str-GP) and from local collaterals of neighbouring pallidal neurons (GP-GP). Here we provide electrophysiological evidence for functional differences between these two inhibitory inputs. The basic synaptic characteristics of GP-GP and Str-GP GABAergic synapses were studied using whole-cell recordings with paired-pulse and train stimulation protocols and variance-mean (VM) analysis. We found (i) IPSC kinetics are consistent with local collaterals innervating the soma and proximal dendrites of GP neurons whereas striatal inputs innervate more distal regions. (ii) Compared to GP-GP synapses Str-GP synapses have a greater paired-pulse ratio, indicative of a lower probability of release. This was confirmed using VM analysis. (iii) In response to 20 and 50 Hz train stimulation, GP-GP synapses are weakly facilitatory in 1 mm external calcium and depressant in 2.4 mm calcium. This is in contrast to Str-GP synapses which display facilitation under both conditions. This is the first quantitative study comparing the properties of GP-GP and Str-GP synapses. The results are consistent with the differential location of these inhibitory synapses and subtle differences in their release probability which underpin stable GP-GP responses and robust short-term facilitation of Str-GP responses. These fundamental differences may provide the physiological basis for functional specialization.


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The 19 channel Neuromagnetometer system in the Clinical Neurophysiology Unit at Aston University is a multi-channel system, unique in the United Kingdom. A bite bar head localisation and MRI co-registration strategy which enabled accurate and reproducible localisation of MEG data into cortical space was developed. This afforded the opportunity to study magnetic fields of the human cortex generated by stimulation of peripheral nerve, by stimulation of visceral sensory receptors and by those evoked through voluntary finger movement. Initially, a study of sensory-motor evoked data was performed in a healthy control population. The techniques developed were then applied to patients who were to undergo neurosurgical intervention for the treatment of epilepsy and I or space occupying lesions. This enabled both validation of the effective accuracy of source localisation using MEG as well as to determine the clinical value of MEG in presurgical assessment of functional localisation in human cortex. The studies in this thesis have demonstrated that MEG can repeatedly and reliably locate sources contained within a single gyrus and thus potentially differentiate between disparate gyral activation. This ability is critical in the clinical application of any functional imaging technique; which is yet to be fully validated by any other 'non-invasive' functional imaging methodology. The technique was also applied to the study of visceral sensory representation in the cortex which yielded important data about the multiple cortical representation of visceral sensory function.


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We propose a novel electroencephalographic application of a recently developed cerebral source extraction method (Functional Source Separation, FSS), which starts from extracranial signals and adds a functional constraint to the cost function of a basic independent component analysis model without requiring solutions to be independent. Five ad-hoc functional constraints were used to extract the activity reflecting the temporal sequence of sensory information processing along the somatosensory pathway in response to the separate left and right median nerve galvanic stimulation. Constraints required only the maximization of the responsiveness at specific latencies following sensory stimulation, without taking into account that any frequency or spatial information. After source extraction, the reliability of identified FS was assessed based on the position of single dipoles fitted on its retroprojected signals and on a discrepancy measure. The FS positions were consistent with previously reported data (two early subcortical sources localized in the brain stem and thalamus, the three later sources in cortical areas), leaving negligible residual activity at the corresponding latencies. The high-frequency component of the oscillatory activity (HFO) of the extracted component was analyzed. The integrity of the low amplitude HFOs was preserved for each FS. On the basis of our data, we suggest that FSS can be an effective tool to investigate the HFO behavior of the different neuronal pools, recruited at successive times after median nerve galvanic stimulation. As FSs are reconstructed along the entire experimental session, directional and dynamic HFO synchronization phenomena can be studied.


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Objective: To investigate the dynamics of communication within the primary somatosensory neuronal network. Methods: Multichannel EEG responses evoked by median nerve stimulation were recorded from six healthy participants. We investigated the directional connectivity of the evoked responses by assessing the Partial Directed Coherence (PDC) among five neuronal nodes (brainstem, thalamus and three in the primary sensorimotor cortex), which had been identified by using the Functional Source Separation (FSS) algorithm. We analyzed directional connectivity separately in the low (1-200. Hz, LF) and high (450-750. Hz, HF) frequency ranges. Results: LF forward connectivity showed peaks at 16, 20, 30 and 50. ms post-stimulus. An estimate of the strength of connectivity was modulated by feedback involving cortical and subcortical nodes. In HF, forward connectivity showed peaks at 20, 30 and 50. ms, with no apparent feedback-related strength changes. Conclusions: In this first non-invasive study in humans, we documented directional connectivity across subcortical and cortical somatosensory pathway, discriminating transmission properties within LF and HF ranges. Significance: The combined use of FSS and PDC in a simple protocol such as median nerve stimulation sheds light on how high and low frequency components of the somatosensory evoked response are functionally interrelated in sustaining somatosensory perception in healthy individuals. Thus, these components may potentially be explored as biomarkers of pathological conditions. © 2012 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology.


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Objective. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have increased concentrations of the amino acid glutamate in synovial fluid. This study was undertaken to determine whether glutamate receptors are expressed in the synovial joint, and to determine whether activation of glutamate receptors on human synoviocytes contributes to RA disease pathology. Methods. Glutamate receptor expression was examined in tissue samples from rat knee joints and in human fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS). FLS from 5 RA patients and 1 normal control were used to determine whether a range of glutamate receptor antagonists influenced expression of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6), enzymes involved in matrix degradation and cytokine processing (matrix metalloproteinase 2 [MMP-2] and MMP-9), and the inhibitors of these enzymes (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1 [TIMP-1] and TIMP-2). IL-6 concentrations were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, MMP activity was measured by gelatin zymography, and TIMP activity was determined by reverse zymography. Fluorescence imaging of intracellular calcium concentrations in live RA FLS stimulated with specific antagonists was used to reveal functional activation of glutamate receptors that modulated IL-6 or MMP-2. Results. Ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptor subunit mRNA were expressed in the patella, fat pad, and meniscus of the rat knee and in human articular cartilage. Inhibition of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in RA FLS increased proMMP-2 release, whereas non-NMDA ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonists reduced IL-6 production by these cells. Stimulation with glutamate, NMDA, or kainate (KA) increased intracellular calcium concentrations in RA FLS, demonstrating functional activation of specific ionotropic glutamate receptors. Conclusion. Our findings indicate that activation of NMDA and KA glutamate receptors on human synoviocytes may contribute to joint destruction by increasing IL-6 expression. © 2007, American College of Rheumatology.


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Background and objective: Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is believed to exert supraspinal effects; however, these mechanisms are still far from fully elucidated. This systematic review aims to assess existing neurophysiological and functional neuroimaging literature to reveal current knowledge regarding the effects of SCS for chronic neuropathic pain on brain activity, to identify gaps in knowledge, and to suggest directions for future research. Databases and data treatment: Electronic databases and hand-search of reference lists were employed to identify publications investigating brain activity associated with SCS in patients with chronic neuropathic pain, using neurophysiological and functional neuroimaging techniques (fMRI, PET, MEG, EEG). Studies investigating patients with SCS for chronic neuropathic pain and studying brain activity related to SCS were included. Demographic data (age, gender), study factors (imaging modality, patient diagnoses, pain area, duration of SCS at recording, stimulus used) and brain areas activated were extracted from the included studies. Results: Twenty-four studies were included. Thirteen studies used neuroelectrical imaging techniques, eight studies used haemodynamic imaging techniques, two studies employed both neuroelectrical and haemodynamic techniques separately, and one study investigated cerebral neurobiology. Conclusions: The limited available evidence regarding supraspinal mechanisms of SCS does not allow us to develop any conclusive theories. However, the studies included appear to show an inhibitory effect of SCS on somatosensory evoked potentials, as well as identifying the thalamus and anterior cingulate cortex as potential mediators of the pain experience. The lack of substantial evidence in this area highlights the need for large-scale controlled studies of this kind.


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There is currently great scientific and medical interest in the potential of tissue grown from stem cells. These cells present opportunities for generating model systems for drug screening and toxicological testing which would be expected to be more relevant to human outcomes than animal based tissue preparations. Newly realised astrocytic roles in the brain have fundamental implications within the context of stem cell derived neuronal networks. If the aim of stem cell neuroscience is to generate functional neuronal networks that behave as networks do in the brain, then it becomes clear that we must include and understand all the cellular components that comprise that network, and which are important to support synaptic integrity and cell to cell signalling. We have shown that stem cell derived neurons exhibit spontaneous and coordinated calcium elevations in clusters and in extended processes, indicating local and long distance signalling (1). Tetrodotoxin sensitive network activity could also be evoked by electrical stimulation. Similarly, astrocytes exhibit morphology and functional properties consistent with this glial cell type. Astrocytes also respond to neuronal activity and to exogenously applied neurotransmitters with calcium elevations, and in contrast to neurons, also exhibited spontaneous rhythmic calcium oscillations. Astroctyes also generate propagating calcium waves that are gap junction and purinergic signalling dependent. Our results show that stem cell derived astrocytes exhibit appropriate functionality and that stem cell neuronal networks interact with astrocytic networks in co-culture. Using mixed cultures of stem cell derived neurons and astrocytes, we have also shown both cell types also modulate their glucose uptake, glycogen turnover and lactate production in response to glutamate as well as increased neuronal activity (2). This finding is consistent with their neuron-astrocyte metabolic coupling thus demonstrating a tractable human model, which will facilitate the study of the metabolic coupling between neurons and astrocytes and its relationship with CNS functional issues ranging from plasticity to neurodegeneration. Indeed, cultures treated with oligomers of amyloid beta 1-42 (Aβ1-42) also display a clear hypometabolism, particularly with regard to utilization of substrates such as glucose (3). Both co-cultures of neurons and astrocytes and purified cultures of astrocytes showed a significant decrease in glucose uptake after treatment with 2 and 0.2 μmol/L Aβ at all time points investigated (p <0.01). In addition, a significant increase in the glycogen content of cells was also measured. Mixed neuron and astrocyte co-cultures as well as pure astrocyte cultures showed an initial decrease in glycogen levels at 6 hours compared with control at 0.2 μmol/L and 2 μmol/L P <0.01. These changes were accompanied by changes in NAD+/NADH (P<0.05), ATP (P<0.05), and glutathione levels (P<0.05), suggesting a disruption in the energy-redox axis within these cultures. The high energy demands associated with neuronal functions such as memory formation and protection from oxidative stress put these cells at particular risk from Aβ-induced hypometabolism. As numerous cell types interact in the brain it is important that any in vitro model developed reflects this arrangement. Our findings indicate that stem cell derived neuron and astrocyte networks can communicate, and so have the potential to interact in a tripartite manner as is seen in vivo. This study therefore lays the foundation for further development of stem cell derived neurons and astrocytes into therapeutic cell replacement and human toxicology/disease models. More recently our data provides evidence for a detrimental effect of Aβ on carbohydrate metabolism in both neurons and astrocytes. As a purely in vitro system, human stem cell models can be readily manipulated and maintained in culture for a period of months without the use of animals. In our laboratory cultures can be maintained in culture for up to 12 months months thus providing the opportunity to study the consequences of these changes over extended periods of time relevant to aspects of the disease progression time frame in vivo. In addition, their human origin provides a more realistic in vitro model as well as informing other human in vitro models such as patient-derived iPSC.


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When required to represent a perspective that conflicts with one's own, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) suggests that the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (rvlPFC) supports the inhibition of that conflicting self-perspective. The present task dissociated inhibition of self-perspective from other executive control processes by contrasting belief reasoning-a cognitive state where the presence of conflicting perspectives was manipulated-with a conative desire state wherein no systematic conflict existed. Linear modeling was used to examine the effect of continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) to rvlPFC on participants' reaction times in belief and desire reasoning. It was anticipated that cTBS applied to rvlPFC would affect belief but not desire reasoning, by modulating activity in the Ventral Attention System (VAS). We further anticipated that this effect would be mediated by functional connectivity within this network, which was identified using resting state fMRI and an unbiased model-free approach. Simple reaction-time analysis failed to detect an effect of cTBS. However, by additionally modeling individual measures from within the stimulated network, the hypothesized effect of cTBS to belief (but, importantly, not desire) reasoning was demonstrated. Structural morphology within the stimulated region, rvlPFC, and right temporoparietal junction were demonstrated to underlie this effect. These data provide evidence that inconsistencies found with cTBS can be mediated by the composition of the functional network that is being stimulated. We suggest that the common claim that this network constitutes the VAS explains the effect of cTBS to this network on false belief reasoning. Hum Brain Mapp, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Switched reluctance motors (SRMs) can provide an attractive traction drive for electric vehicle applications. To lower the investment in the off-board charging station facilities, a multi-functional switched reluctance motor topology is proposed on the basis of the traditional asymmetrical half-bridge converter. The SRM phase windings are employed as input filter inductors and centre-tapped windings are also developed to form symmetrical inductors for three-phase grid supply. Owing to the varying rotor position, phase inductors are unequal between one another. A hysteresis control scheme is therefore developed for grid-connection operation. In addition to AC supplies, the proposed topology can also supports the DC-source charging. A new current sharing strategy is employed to diminish the influence of the unequal winding inductances. The simulation and experimental tests are carried out to verify the proposed topology and control methods. Since this work eliminates the need for building charging station infrastructure, its potential economic impact on the automotive market can be significant.