101 resultados para Fs pulses

em Aston University Research Archive


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The concept of distributed Kerr-lens mode-locking and a thin-disk Yb:YAG oscillator based on this concept are presented. The described oscillator directly generates pulses with a duration of 49 fs and spectral width of 33 nm


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We report on the generation of 42 fs pulses at 1 µm in a completely fiber-integrated format, which are, to the best of our knowledge, the shortest from all-fiber-integrated Yb-doped fiber lasers to date. The ring fiber cavity incorporates anomalous-dispersion, solid-core photonic crystal fiber with low birefringence, which acts as a broadband, in-fiber Lyot filter to facilitate mode locking. The oscillator operates in the stretched-pulse regime under slight normal net cavity dispersion. The cavity generates 4.7 ps long pulses with a spectral bandwidth of 58.2 nm, which are dechirped to 42 fs via a grating pair compressor outside of the cavity. Relative intensity noise (RIN) of the laser is characterized, with the integrated RIN found to be 0.026% in the 3 Hz-250 kHz frequency range.


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We demonstrate generation of sub-100 fs pulses at 1.5 μm in a mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser using a 45°-tilted fiber grating element. The laser features a genuine all-fiber configuration. Based on the unique polarization properties of the 45°-tilted fiber grating, we managed to produce sub-100 fs laser pulses through proper dispersion management. To the best of our knowledge, this is the shortest pulse generated from modelocked lasers with fiber gratings. The output pulse has an average power of 8 mW, with a repetition rate of 47.8 MHz and pulse energy of 1.68 nJ. The performance of laser also matches well the theoretical simulations. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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Waveguides in the form of connected pearls, written with sub-30 fs pulses centered at 800 nm at a repetition rate of 10 MHz, show high changes of the refractive index and, as a consequence, simple in-coupling. The value of the refractive index modification of these waveguides is as high as 10-2, optical losses are 6 dB/cm (at 1.55 µm) and the mode field diameter is 8 µm at 670 nm.


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Carbon nanotube polycarbonate composites with controlled nanotube-bundle size are prepared by dispersion with conjugated polymers followed by blending with polycarbonate. The composite has uniform sub-micrometer nanotube bundles in high concentration, shows strong nonlinear optical absorption, and generates 193 fs pulses when used as passive mode-locker in a fiber laser.


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We report on the demonstration of an all-fiber femtosecond erbium doped fiber laser passively mode-locked using a 45º tilted fiber grating as an in-fiber polarizer in the laser cavity. The laser generates 600 fs pulses with output pulse energies ~1 nJ. Since the 45° tilted grating has a broad polarization response, the laser output has shown a tunabilty in wavelength from 1548 nm to 1562 nm by simply adjusting the polarization controllers in the cavity.


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We report on ring thulium-doped fiber laser hybrid mode-locked by single-walled carbon nanotubes and nonlinear polarization evolution generating 600-fs pulses at 1910-1980nm wavelength band with 72.5MHz repetition rate. Average output power reached 300mW in single-pulse operation regime, corresponding to 4.88kW peak power and 2.93nJ pulse energy.


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We show that self-similar evolution in a fiber laser can stabilize spectra broader than the gain bandwidth. 21-fs pulses, which are the shortest from a fiber laser to date, and 200-nm spectra are generated. © OSA 2012.


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We demonstrate an ultrabroadband mode-locked spectrum beyond the gain bandwidth from a fiber laser based on self-similar amplification. 21-fs pulses (the shortest from a fiber laser) are generated after phase correction. © 2012 OSA.


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Geometric scaling of a Kerr-lens mode-locked Yb:YAG thin-disk oscillator yields femtosecond pulses with an average output power of 270 W. The scaled system delivers femtosecond (210-330 fs) pulses with a peak power of 38 MW. These values of average and peak power surpass the performance of any previously reported femtosecond laser oscillator operated in atmospheric air.


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Dual action of quantum-dot saturable absorber and Kerr lens mode locking of a diode-pumped Yb:KGW laser was demonstrated. The laser delivered 105 fs pulses with 2.5 W of average power and >300 kW of peak power.


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The hybrid action of quantum-dot saturable absorber and Kerr-lens mode locking in a diode-pumped Yb:KGW laser was demonstrated. Using a quantum-dot saturable absorber with a 0.7% (0.5%) modulation depth, the mode-locked laser delivered 90 fs (93 fs) pulses with 3.2 W (2.9 W) of average power at the repetition rate of 77 MHz, corresponding to 462 kW (406 kW) of peak power and 41 nJ (38 nJ) of pulse energy. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the highest average and peak powers generated to date from quantum-dot saturable absorber-based mode-locked lasers.


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By conducting point-by-point inscription in a continuously moving slab of a pure fused silica at the optimal depth (170 μm depth below the surface), we have fabricated a 250-nm-period nanostructure with 30 nJ, 300 fs, 1 kHz pulses from frequency-tripled Ti:sapphire laser. This is the smallest value for the inscribed period yet reported, and has been achieved with radical improvement in the quality of the inscribed nanostructures in comparison with previous reports. The performed numerical modeling confirms the obtained experimental results.


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During the last decade, microfabrication of photonic devices by means of intense femtosecond (fs) laser pulses has emerged as a novel technology. A common requirement for the production of these devices is that the refractive index modification pitch size should be smaller than the inscribing wavelength. This can be achieved by making use of the nonlinear propagation of intense fs laser pulses. Nonlinear propagation of intense fs laser pulses is an extremely complicated phenomenon featuring complex multiscale spatiotemporal dynamics of the laser pulses. We have utilized a principal approach based on finite difference time domain (FDTD) modeling of the full set of Maxwell's equations coupled to the conventional Drude model for generated plasma. Nonlinear effects are included, such as self-phase modulation and multiphoton absorption. Such an approach resolves most problems related to the inscription of subwavelength structures, when the paraxial approximation is not applicable to correctly describe the creation of and scattering on the structures. In a representative simulation of the inscription process, the signature of degenerate four wave mixing has been found. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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We report on the first recording of a periodic structure of ∼150 nm pitch in a permanently moving sample of a pure fused silica using the tightly focused, 82 nJ, 267 nm, 300 fs, 1 kHz laser pulses. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd.